Die Rolle der Frau im Islam (German Edition)

Germany and France: Innovation for the Future of Europe

Unsere Doktorandin Heba Y. Amin stellt ihre neusten Arbeiten auf der Berlin Biennale aus. Was, wenn Afrika und Europa verschmelzen? Ein neuer Super-Kontinent namens Atlantropa Berlin Biennale findet vom 9. Zur Politisierung der Islamforschung in Europa". His nationalist discourse has largely been understood as an efficient tool to coopt pressure from below. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen Jens Heibach und Mareike Transfeld die Dynamiken innerhalb der jemenitischen Opposition zwischen den er Jahren und Although scholars increasingly become victims of repression, concise catalogues that systematize the global restrictions of academic freedom are conspicuously absent from the literature.

This recent article by our doctoral fellow Jannis Grimm for the peer-reviewed journal Interdisciplinary Political Studies intends to fill this gap by outlining the conceptual architecture of a comprehensive Academic Freedom Index AFI. The book of poems by Tugrul Tanyol Il vino dei giorni a venire The wine of the days to come, Ladolfi editore, , curated by Verderame.

The lecture, by Dr.


Nayanika Mathur University of Oxford, UK , presents an ethnography of the developmental Indian state through a methodological grounding in the everyday life of law and bureaucracy. This book is aimed at supporting researchers at all career levels who are preparing for or engaged in on-the-ground research in challenging environments. The handbook provides a guiding framework that will enable higher-education staff and students to undertake fieldwork as safely as possible.

Aleksandra Lewicki has just published a new edited journal collection with Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen that engages with the question whether and how the recent volunteering on behalf of refugees constitutes a broader social movement. Aleksandra Lewicki has just published a new article with the peer reviewed international journal Patterns of Prejudice.

The piece sets out how current discourses of citizenship and integration policy have blind spots on issues of racism and inequality, and therefore set the stage for the rise of right-wing populist parties and their anti-Muslim racist agenda. They thus enabled the success of the AfD or developments like Brexit. Deutschen Orientalistentag, der vom Like his previous four books, it was to be published by the Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt DVA , a subsidiary of Random House, but a dispute erupted between the author and the publisher "over whether the book was to be released or not," said DVA chief press officer Markus Desaga.

No agreement was reached, and now the matter has been brought before the Munich Regional Court. The resulting rift was brought to court. The enfant terrible of non-fiction German literature is back. Thilo Sarrazin's latest book examines the "big mistakes" in current German and EU politics - but his provocative statements no longer surprise anyone.


In his book "The Myth of the Muslim Tide," Doug Saunders puts theories from critics of immigration under the microscope. He talked to DW about extremism, xenophobia and successful integration. The NSU trial in Munich hopes to shed light on terrorism from a legal perspective; and there are political investigation committees.

  • Growing grapes under glass;
  • Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express.
  • Annemarie Schimmel?
  • 'Muslim infiltration is a myth'?
  • Prologue : The fruits of high school.

But many say more is needed - a whole new debate about racism in Germany. Controversial former politician Thilo Sarrazin has held on to his membership in the center-left Social Democratic Party, overcoming efforts by party leaders to get him expelled for his inflammatory remarks on race.

One of Time Magazine's most influential thinkers of the 21st century, Tariq Ramadan says Islam in Europe needs to be redefined. With Islamophobia passing the dinner-table test, his message is more urgent than ever.

Warum wird die Rolle der Frau im Islam so stark angegriffen? - Pierre Vogel

The center-left party has sought to ban the economist since his first of two critical bestsellers on Islam in Germany. But different camps view the success in different ways.

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Germany's Islam Conference brings together German Muslim groups and government officials to discuss issues such as integration and religious education. But a young Muslim writer says the Muslim groups are not representative of all German Muslims. Fringes of a taboo-breaking society, fast cars and pioneering alpine works: The exhibition "Modernist cinema" at Bonn's Bundeskunsthalle museum shines a light on one of the most fertile periods of German film.

She launched to fame with "Dragon Rider" in and has since become one of Germany's most successful authors.

Germany′s Thilo Sarrazin in court over controversial book on Islam | Books | DW |

In an interview with DW, star kids' author Cornelia Funke spoke about why words can be challenging. Signature sunglasses and platinum blond hair — Heino looks back at decades of folk and German pop music, and more recently, a foray into heavy metal. At age 80, he is a veritable music legend in the country. Sometimes you have to look at an artwork twice to really understand how surreal it actually is. These artists have specialized in the art of illusions.

Thilo Sarrazin's new book: a case of wishful thinking

Characters who aren't white, male and straight have always existed in video games.