La enfermedad (Narrativas hispánicas) (Spanish Edition)

Una enfermedad moral
Encuentros con la narrativa: Gabriela Ybarra

Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The Sickness by Alberto Barrera Tyszka ,. Margaret Jull Costa Translator. Miranda is faced with a tragedy: He is also faced with a dilemma: How does one tell his father he is dying? Ernesto Duran, a patient of Dr. Ever since he separated from his wife he has been presenting symptoms of an illness he believes is killing him. It becomes an obsession far exceeding hypochondria.

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Paperback , pages. Published March 6th by Tin House Books first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Sickness , please sign up. Lists with This Book. But mostly it is about sickness. Dr Miranda is a believer in telling the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth. He has always advocated a no-nonsense approach towards the patients and has never had any difficulties — until now, when the patient is his father and he has to tell him he only has a few weeks to live.

It soon metamorphoses itself from an innocent pastime into a dangerous sickness as well. While Dr Miranda is trying to find the right words to say to his father, his patient and his secretary are slowly going mad. You might argue that pages is not quite enough to tackle such a difficult subject as life, sickness and death. And he wants you to know it, so the book is peppered with clumsy interjections such as: Suspense has been sacrificed to sadness and the melancholy of things calmly burning out.

It should be a compulsory read on the subject which is becoming more and more intimidating and difficult to deal with within our society. View all 4 comments. Barrera Tyszka tiene una forma de escribir absolutamente particular. Escribe, en cierta forma, dibujando, evocando. Y cuando ese forma de escribir se junta con un tema tan fatal e ineludible como la enfermedad y la muerte, el resultado es un texto destructor a la misma vez que hermoso.

Es un libro terminal, una lectura que deja un sabor amargo de fragilidad en la boca. El asunto de nuestra mortalidad siempre me ha fascinado Barrera Tyszka tiene una forma de escribir absolutamente particular. El asunto de nuestra mortalidad siempre me ha fascinado, por las razones obvias.

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Buy La enfermedad (Narrativas hispánicas) (Spanish Edition): Read 1 Kindle Store Reviews - La enfermedad (Narrativas Hispanicas) (Spanish Edition) [Alberto Barrera Tyszka] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Ernesto Duran sabe.

Folding down corners is my method for marking significant to me passages, but it clearly wasn't working with this fiction novel because I was marking every page. I'd never read this Venezuelan author before, but I hope to find more of his work translated into English. Delicate prose, deep moral questions, and a stunning pace are what kept me ho Translated from the Spanish by Margaret Jull Costa "Tears are very unliterary: Delicate prose, deep moral questions, and a stunning pace are what kept me hooked into reading this in one sitting.

The Insufferable Gaucho

The story itself is rather simple: Their close relationship is strained as the son weighs the consequences of telling his father the details of his illness. In the meantime, another man, virtually unknown to the doctor, begins stalking him, imagining that he holds the cure for the the list of complaints he suffers from.

There's a push and pull to the narrative, as the poignant moments between father and son,nuanced with shared memories of grief, intertwine with the creepy certainty of the stalker. Because of the health issues that permeate the novel, questions about the nature of health and wellness are explored, but in a brief, compelling way. The author cites quotes of famous authors, ethicists and physicians, but he's not showing off, they are actually appropriate observations of how the human body deals with illness.

These asides never go too long or feel like a lecture, they fit the material in the most uncanny way. For example, Tyszka quotes Julio Ramon Ribeyro, who provides possibly the best explanation for the euphoria that exists after an episode of physical pain: Its presence immediately neutralizes all other desires apart from the desire for the pain to go away. This life that we reject because it seems to us boring, unfair, mediocre or absurd suddenly seems priceless: On trying to read the face of a doctor while awaiting possibly bad news: What do you dream about when you're sixty-nine?

Perhaps this is what his father dreams about: You feel empathy and disgust in altering passages, and the underlying fear is riveting.

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I did find the ending a bit confusing I still am not sure I've understood all the implications laid out. One scene confounds me: It takes place on a ferry, where an obnoxious businessman makes a production of his 'importance' and maltreats his seemingly intelligent and kind wife, all the way to the point of beating her to the ground. I'm not sure what the symbolism is, although I know it's present in that scene. Is Tyszka trying to say that people are subject to humiliation, by oppression or illness, no matter how virtuous they are?

Download PDF by Alberto Barrera Tyszka: La enfermedad (Narrativas hispánicas) (Spanish Edition)

In full, this is easily going to be in my list of favorites for the year. While the subject revolves around illness, it never quite defines which 'illness' is being addressed: The questions are posed, and only each individual reader can answer. Oct 12, Zainab Ali rated it liked it Shelves: Through these characters, the novel explores people's different ways of dealing with sickness; how sickness affects patients and those who surround them. The novel is really good in most parts, but some parts just felt awkward or unnecessary, like the literary references, and most of the doctors inner thoughts about medicine, I don't know, they just didn't feel right.

Ama hayat her zaman iki saat oturup kitap okumaya izin vermiyor. Venezuela, land 61 op mijn leesreis om de wereld Het thema van eerlijkheid en pijn komt goed over.

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La novela se divide en dos: La enfermedad congela todo: Me gusta la prosa de Barrera Tyszka, va acompasada con la historia. A pesar de que me recuerda un poco a la escritura de Hotel de Payares, pienso que es una novela bien estructura aunque con fuerza mediana en su discurso.

Apr 21, Isabelle rated it really liked it. Ever since I finished reading this novel, I have been thinking about how I might speak about it. What is it about? What point does it make? How did I experience it? Each time I do so, I answer those questions differently, which is, in and of itself, very fascinating to me.

Faculty - UCI Department of Spanish and Portuguese

So, starting with the obvious, it is a novel about sickness, real and fatal or perceived and just as crippling. It is also a novel about obsession, that of others for us, and that of ourselves turned inwardly. The E-mail Address es field is required. Please enter recipient e-mail address es. The E-mail Address es you entered is are not in a valid format.

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