Powerslam Part 2

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Podcast smart and easy with the app that refuses to compromise. Manage episode series By Chris and Lard. Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio streamed directly from their servers. We are back with Part one of the 10th Episode celebrations with a pod dedicated to two Members of the Hart family who lack a movie but deserve some pod love from us your uncouth hosts here at the Powerslam Picture House.

The Picture House reconvenes to give full treatment to a current Champion the Viper Randy Orton, or Randy Keith to us, the usual Profiling, commentary on a classic match and we discuss his movie The Condemned 2. Covering his career, the movie the Condemned and a classic Wrestlemania main event. Dolph Ziggler comes in for the full Powerslam Picture House treatment. Visit our wiki for more info.

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Want to add to the discussion? Still didn't see a bad one there, it's a great move. It's just so smooth.

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The whip is too good. I'll edit that thanks. I have never seen a powerslam so consistently fluid. Joe's against Zayn at this week's NXT was particularly good. It's part of his moveset and he does it to perfection. Randy's smooth as cream.

The one in the gif is one of my favourite spots ever. That Rolling Thunder into Scoop Powerslam was a thing of beauty! Just my two cents.

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Buy The Power Slam Interviews Volume 2: Read 2 Kindle Store Reviews I grew up with Powerslam magazine and it was an enormous part of my teenage. Listen to Powerslam Picture House episodes free, on demand. Part 2 of our Movieless 10th Episode centres on Davey Boy Smith The British Bulldog. We go for.

We need more like this. It always looks so damn smooth. I think it looks so good I would buy it as a finisher. Goldust a few years ago. I gotta say Goldust though. He puts so much energy in it, they look amazing. I find it hard to pick between the two. Clear rules that help give the subreddit a balance of content. No spoilers in titles for 24 hours after a show has aired. If you want to fix someone's post, or have a better example of what's been posted, tell us so in the comments, not by making a new post!

Obvious reposts and titles that are overly ambiguous will be deleted at the moderators' discretion. Low-effort, single image link posts , including but not limited to, screenshots, crude photoshops, and MS paint-style artwork, are subject to removal. Posts focused on sexual content will be removed. Posts or submissions about the community itself are allowed as long as they follow the general rules of Squared Circle.

To perform it, an attacking wrestler stands slightly behind and facing the side of a standing opponent. The wrestler then reaches under the near arm of the opponent, across the chest of the opponent and under their far arm, while placing their other hand on the back of the opponent to hold them in place. The wrestler then performs a backwards somersault moonsault while holding the victim, driving the opponent into the mat back-first. This move can also be performed off the top rope and is known as a moonsault side slam or solo Spanish fly in reference to the Spanish fly double team move.

This move is also known as a wind-up slam.

By The Powerslam Pod

To perform it, the wrestler faces the opponent and reaches between the opponent's legs with one arm and around the back from the same side with the other arm. The wrestler then lifts the opponent up so they are horizontal across the wrestler's body. Next, the wrestler spins in a circle while swinging the lower half of the opponent's body out and around until one arm is across the opponent's chest and under one or both arms. The wrestler then falls forward, slamming the opponent into the mat back-first.

In some variations of the move, the wrestler can hold the opponent up over their shoulder and throw the opponent round from that position, or hang the opponent across both their shoulders and throw out their legs behind them so the opponent swings back round to drop in a position. This move is also known as a sambo suplex or side suplex. To perform it, the wrestler stands face-to-face with the opponent, slightly to their side. The wrestler tucks their head under the opponent's near arm, and reaches across the opponent's chest and around their neck with their near arm.

The Judo ura-nage throw more closely resembles a saito suplex in execution. In this elevated side slam variation, the wrestler grabs a front facelock on the opponent and wraps their arm over the opponent's neck. The wrestler then lifts the opponent upside down, as in a vertical suplex.

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In the video, Animal, DiBiase and Joe all had nice ones too. Also, can I say, the timing on ducking the clothesline is impeccable. The attacking wrestler places their stronger arm between an opponent's legs, and reach over the opponent's shoulder with their weaker arm. Then, the left arm is wrapped around the opponent's neck and the right arm around the opponent's torso. Goldust's is so crisp. Player FM is scanning the web for high-quality podcast content right now.

The wrestler moves his arm from around the opponent's neck, and as the opponent falls back down they are placed into a side slam position and dropped on the mat. This was Hirooki Goto 's former finisher as Shouten. He now uses a sitout variant which he called the Shouten Kai. Also known as a side suplex. To perform this move, the wrestler stands side-to-side and slightly behind, with the opponent facing in the same direction.

The wrestler then reaches around the opponent's torso with their near arm across the opponent's chest and under both arms and the other arm under the opponent's legs.

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The wrestler then lifts the opponent, bringing their legs off the ground, and falls down to the mat in a sitting position, slamming the opponent into the mat back-first. A one-armed variation is also possible, usually performed on smaller wrestlers. The wrestler applies a front facelock , throws the opponent's near arm over the wrestler's shoulder, and then grabs the opponent's tights to lift them up straight in the air as in a standard vertical suplex. When the wrestler begins to drop the opponent to the mat, the wrestler will twist to fall face-down on top of the opponent, hooking the leg for a pin.

Another variation of the maneuver involves the wrestler applying the front facelock, and throwing the opponent's near arm over the wrestler's shoulder, and then lifting the opponent into a suplex position, before placing the opponent on one shoulder in a front powerslam position, then falling forward to slam the opponent against the mat back-first. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification.