Stresemann - Ein bedeutender Politiker im Krisenjahr 1923 (German Edition)

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Sollmann ging einen Schritt weiter. Der Notwendigkeit, von der geltenden Norm der Arbeitszeit abzuweichen, entzog sich niemand im Kabinett und keine der Regierungsfraktionen. Ohne hier die verwickelte Geschichte des Krisenablaufs im einzelnen nachzeichnen zu wollen, seien die unterschiedlichen Positionen charakterisiert. Kiel, ; Dok. Die Initiative lag beim Arbeitsminister Brauns. Das Kabinett Stresemann sah sich also durch diese Terminierung mit der Frage der Arbeitszeit unausweichlich konfrontiert.

Oktober allgemeine Zustimmung In der Tat erhob sich im Ministerrat vom 1. Zugleich schockierte er durch die Doppelforderung, das Kabinett personell umzugestalten und die Deutschnationalen in die Koalition einzubeziehen. Festhalten an der Norm des Achtstundentags unter gesetzlich begrenzten Ausnahmen, hinauszugehen Die Sozialdemokraten standen unter dem Druck der Gewerkschaften, die am Achtstundentag als einer Errungenschaft der Revolution festhielten.

In der Argumentation spielte auch der Hinweis auf das von Deutschland allerdings nicht ratifizierte Arbeitszeitabkommen der internationalen Arbeitszeitkonferenz von Washington, , eine Rolle. Am Abend des 2. Stresemann versprach, den — aussichtslosen — Versuch zu unternehmen, seine Fraktion umzustimmen So Hilferding in der Kabinettssitzung vom gleichen Abend, Dok. Preller, Sozialpolitik in der Weimarer Republik, S.

Raumer demissionierte bereits am 2. Hilferding im Ministerium zu halten, machte auch seine eigene Partei keine Anstrengung So verzichtete Stresemann auf ihn Zum Wirtschaftsminister wurde der parteilose ehemalige Offizier und Demobilmachungskommissar Joseph Koeth, bekannt wegen guter Zusammenarbeit mit der SPD in der Demobilmachungszeit, berufen. Von politischer Bedeutung war der Wechsel in der Leitung der Reichskanzlei.

Rheinbaben, Viermal Deutschland, S. Zum Navigationsbaum Springe direkt zu: Geschichtskalender 64 , S. Luther, Politiker ohne Partei, S. Radbruch, Der innere Weg, S. A man who was once the president of the New York Stock Exchange. A former president of the Bank of International Settlements. A man who was a member of President Harding's Cabinet. Here are the names that go with the "happenings. The truth was never established. Jesse Livermore, the "most wondrous of the 'boy wonders' " of Wall Street, died a suicide. Schwab, chairman of Bethlehem Steel, died broke.

Samuel Insull, chairman of Commonwealth Edison Company and other utility corporations, was acquitted on embezzlement and mail-fraud charges. He died in Paris in modest surroundings. Howard Hopson, president of the Associated Gas and Electric Utility empire, had been in prison for mail-fraud charges and died in a sanitarium.

Albert Fall, secretary of the interior in Harding's Cabinet, served a prison term for accepting a bribe.

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Fraser's support of pacifist causes in the years before America's entry into World War I caused Columbia to drop him as an instructor, but when America declared war on Germany, Fraser enlisted in the Army as a private. He rose to the rank of major by the end of the war and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his efforts; after the war he held a variety of administrative positions in both government and private industry, and he served as a director, trustee, chairman, and treasurer for a number of businesses and charitable organizations.

Fraser is another anachronism in this piece: He left behind a suicide note stating that he had been "depressed mentally and [had] suffered from melancholia that gets steadily worse. Generally speaking, regardless of whether one believes in peak oil or not, the facts are that stores of natural resources are disappearing at an increasingly alarming pace. All so a few bankers and ultra-wealthy individuals don't have to recognize total losses on their balance sheets filled with trillions in toxic debt.

Massenstart begeistert Zuschauermassen He points out that without a steady tax base, no one will make loans to the city, which, like many others, is desperate for funds. Jahrhunderts tot in einem Londoner Hotel. Jimi Hendrix katapultierte sich aus einer Kindheit in bitterer Armut in die surreale Welt der Pop-Superstars - an der er dann zu Grunde ging. Von Michael Sontheimer mehr Als Gott auf den Bus warten musste http: Schlammbad mit Jimi Hendrix http: Flippern mit einem Gitarrengott http: Der Mann, der schneller spielte als sein Schatten http: In der Schweiz wird es eng http: Manche wandern paarweise, manche bergab, andere bergauf - doch niemand hat ihre Bewegungen je gesehen.

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Was treibt die Felsen an? Von Axel Bojanowski mehr Felsen-Rennbahn im Death Valley http: Schweizer Banker und RBS streiten sich heftig http: With DB already well ahead of the pack with its capital raise announcement last week, expect rumors of the Swiss banks underwriting their own equity raises to prevent them from this morning's financial euphoria.

EW will call them out, and they know it. Banken brauchen hunderte Milliarden Euro http: Regierung und Banken http: September 13th, at Und diese weitestgehend in der EU ab All those who are still not involved in the rigged casino but actually buying. According to King mutual fund cash level has declined to its lowest levels ever: This is the lowest percentage cash level ever and is near levels that accompanied the equity market peak.

The last two times we witnessed cash levels near these levels were directly before the market implosion and the market debacle. The issue most in demand by the Fed was the 3. And with this action the monetizations for the first part of the QE schedule are over. When the interest on the debt can no longer be serviced with tax receipts, they crank up the presses to cover the difference. Path of least resistance always. It slowed the fall, but ultimately the market is going to go where it should go.

After all, who said a fiat world is zero sum - it can be whatever we want it to be Madness, according to lovable Uncle Warren I see our businesses coming back almost across the board. He's a huge something Of course when the wheels fall off, Warren will say he was hedged for it. So just what is this illicit high frequency trading strategy, that incidentally is used by the bulk of low latency market quote stuffers, er, participants?

By entering the non-bona fide orders, often in substantial size relative to a stock's overall legitimate pending order volume, Trillium traders created a false appearance of buy- or sell-side pressure This trading strategy induced other market participants to enter orders to execute against limit orders previously entered by the Trillium traders. Once their orders were filled, the Trillium traders would then immediately cancel orders that had only been designed to create the false appearance of market activity They just provide liquidity damn it!

Plus, just like gold, you can't eat HFT. So Finra is telling us now that HFT has market abusive potential? Does this mean that that the Goldman announcement http: Luckily, Goldman will no longer have a HFT division as it is spinning off all of its prop trading. Correct Messers van Praag and Canaday? Better than nothing, but, for now, I'm not sure it is good I have been many times wrong in the past This means a complete bloodbath for housing prices is still just beyond the horizon, not to mention that the true state of bank and GSE balance sheets is deplorable, and if there was even an ounce of reporting or mark-to-market integrity, most banks would be completely insolvent right now.

Come see me in Detroit and I'll show you the real ugly side of this story. Deutsche Unis sollen Imame ausbilden, um die Integration junger Muslime zu verbessern. Von Andrea Brandt und Maximilian Popp mehr Professor Samantha Joye http: The fallacious conclusion dervied from this "fact" by Obama's henchmen is that the oil just went poof and disappeared, with even the president going spelunking in the GoM to prove just how safe it was. Well, we hope he didn't step on the ocean floor, because a new report by ABC discloses that "miles of oil is sitting on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

The oil is not gone," Joye said. Dieses Land macht der Klimawandel reich http: As of last check the race was in its photofinish stages, with both Kan and Ozawa having an identical number of supporters. Should Ozawa win, there is an expectation that the new PM would engage in major Yen intervention, and rescue the toothless BoJ from the peanut brittle of its utter worthlessness, and since the volumeless and robotized 2nd derivative of the AUDJPY known as the US stock market trades tick for tick with the JPY, the first indication of Ozawa taking a decisive lead should send the futures limit up at 9Gs.

Regardless, even if Kan remains in power, with so much of the fate of the free world dependent on the most irrelevant variable imaginable, here is an outlook on the Yen from Marc Chandler, head of Global FX Strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman, who however sees continued strength for the JPY in the near future, which means that even more stat arbs will explode over the next few weeks as stocks continue to correlate only with the Ambien consumption of one Phillip Hildebrand.

Short-term speculative capital flows and other flows not picked up in this sketch are difficult to ascertain, leaving it difficult to generate an estimate of the magnitude of capital that needs to be exported from Japan. Das sind die wichtigsten Aktien der Welt http: While most other banks expect no action from Phillip Hildebrand who was last heard screaming in abject futility at his FX trading desk one would think the Swiss bank has a better sense than most of what is happening in its home country.

The flight to quality is on in full mode as stocks continue to be decoupled from everything. With nobody trading equities, this is to be expected. But now comes a topper: Or so we are told. Reiche Asiaten bunkern Geld bei der Credit Suisse CME owns the New York Mercantile Exchange, where crude oil, natural gas, heating oil, gasoline, platinum and palladium trade, and the Commodity Exchange in New York, where gold, silver and copper change hands At least some think so.

Translation of «Stresemann» into 25 languages

I wonder how long US equities can levitate in this environment. Probably as long as the volumes remain thin and flashers can paint the tape. If the shorts do not pile on in anticipation of a time we might see a nice dump into option expiration. Hard to say while the trade is so artificial. Mom and pop are on vacation with the Griswolds in Bonds WallyWorld.

The imbalance is striking, considering that Geithner was heavily involved in financial regulatory reform legislation, which Congress was grappling with during the period covered by the calendar Nothing to see here, move along, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. When congress summoned him to testify, he just called in because he didn't want to get his shoes wet.

And I thought congress answered to him as well. The Curse of Fiat Money http: On the contrary, it has increased since then. While nominal GDP rose 4. In a recession one would expect an unwinding of credit-financed investments that have turned sour. Economically unsuccessful firms go out of business, malinvestment is liquidated, losses reduce investor equity capital, and the cost of borrowing increases, providing incentives for reducing overall indebtedness. However, this is not what happened in the banking industry as a whole.

The Federal Reserve, in an attempt to prevent the bank system from collapsing, supplied any amount of base money that was deemed necessary to keep banks afloat. This can be illustrated by the drastic increase in banks' base money holdings since around the third quarter of However, limiting the damage done by the fiat-money curse is not a technical problem in the first place.

It is first of all a matter of overcoming the political, economic, and sociophilosophical framework of our time. It is a fake clearinghouse thingy for electronic transactions and all of them are in actuality worthless in any sense of the word. So the collapse already happened. The banking system collapsed a long time ago. We all know it. Wonder when the bankers are going to admit it. They are the ones that need to swallow the bitter pill There is a NWA song about this Yes, this is the time to short, short, short because if the now useless SNB interventions have taught is anything it is that central banks are populated by pompous morons who believe they can control the world, when the best thing they can do is hope for the last Viagra shot to result in priapism.

For those who have not taken Psych - look up learned helplessnes http: Next up - the SNB, and after that the Fed once again, and after that, the slow but sure end of fiat. The race to the currency devaluation bottom is now in the third and last lap. And incidentally, for all those who missed it, the BOJ's intervention is a symbolic capitulation, and the beginning of the end for the Keynesian system. Tempelstadt in Kambodscha Heiligtum mit Bombenkratern http: Von Michael Lenz mehr Das Schleierverbot erobert Europa http: Ein Leben fernab der Wirklichkeit http: Betroffen sind vor allem junge Frauen, sagt Soziologin Verena Maag.

Mit Verena Maag sprach Ulrike Hark http: But rather than providing firm answers for the general election ahead, the win by conservative candidate Christine O'Donnell in Delaware and the very real possibility of Attorney Ovide Lamontagne's victory in New Hampshire raises some difficult questions about the Republican Party's present and future Die Welt in Bildern http: Das reichste Volk der Erde http: Franz Meier - In the last four months it has acquired the American online retailer Buy.

Im Gaza donnert es weiter http: Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. They prefer to delay and postpone the discussions, and to maintain the status quo for as long as is possible to support their primacy in the financial markets. Control of the money supply is a huge hand on the levers of financial and political power. It will be most interesting to see where the European Union comes out on this issue, especially in light of the recent drubbing that their banks have taken via dodgy dollar assets and a vicious dollar short squeeze, alleviated by a rescue from the Federal Reserve.

It could have gone otherwise, and that provides things to think about. No one wishes to be at the mercy of a small group of unelected financial engineers who are closely aligned with an equally small set of Anglo-American banks operating with a somewhat opaque discretion. A deal being offered to Germany by the financial interests, for example, as a counterbalance to sentiment for greater latitude and independence in the EU. The lines of discussion move, and sometimes blur. Currency wars are the continuation of diplomacy, and possibly a revival of the cold war, by other means, to paraphrase Clausewitz.

And a chilling fog is rolling over the landscape. This is what the timeless metal has been telling us, as it sounds an historic warning. This is just the latest episode in a long unfolding macro change I have been calling Currency Wars http: I viewed it as the definitive spike in the theory of The End of History http: It will continue to proceed slowly, at least for now, but such events tend to accelerate and sometimes dramatically as they progress. However the longer term implications for a change to the de facto Bretton Woods arrangement in place since Nixon closed the gold window in , are enormous and yet little remarked yet by conventional economists, who too often prefer to glare at photons, gaping in the light.

It has all the hallmarks of a classic conflict yet unfolding. Rather than standing fast on an unsustainable status quo, as noted in Triffin's Dilemma http: That is to trust in the wisdom and altruism of a people and their leaders who have of late shown a greater propensity to greed, deceit, and self-destruction. And so I say we must be in God's hands, because I recoil from Caesar's deathly grasp.

Some worry about deflation and inflation. Those outcomes are both hedged easily enough. I am more concerned about the next global holocaust of human destruction, and the bonfire of the vanities yet to come. Read the rest here. Read the rest here http: Posted by Jesse at Just headline for now, will bring more asap. Goldman Chiwoong Lee provides the answer, which may not be the one those who are itching to go long the Yen again are looking to hear: Furthermore, the 35 number is a soft ceiling, and the Diet can easily raise it if seen as necessary, very much the same way the US can and will hike its debt ceiling in early And probably an even more important question to the US is whether or not the intervention will be sterlized i.

For the answer to this as well, read inside. America Is a Joke http: Astronomy took a giant step forward centuries ago when it finally realized the sun was at the center of the solar system. Geology adapted to the fact of a round earth. The continuous evolution of Physics boggles the mind. Engineering perpetually pushes into new frontiers. And how does Economics compare It occupies itself with matters of seeming archane knowledge of looming importance out of reach of simpler mortals, which are actually simply made up on the spot.

It all sounds so very important but is only intended to confuse, misdirect and enslave. They argue endlessly over how best to fit the collar around the neck of people who actually produce things of value, while themselves producing nothing by smoke and noise. In the end, they fondle you. But by then you won't even know it's wrong. If you are a working economist and you are reading this, please kill yourself at your earliest convenience. Mostly, economics is a gigantic load of rubbish. This is no accident. The group that would benefit by such policies, having such a direct interest in them, will argue for them plausibly and persistently.

It will hire the best buyable minds to devote their whole time to presenting its case. And it will finally either convince the general public that its case is sound, or so befuddle it that clear thinking on the subject becomes next to impossible. It's no coincidence that Greenspan was famously obtuse. The guy just made shit up. More like grab your ankles and just bend over a little deeper And since the cash repo rate would have effectively wiped out the carry profits on the bonds, it is now blatantly obvious that Gross was very well aware there would be a massive capital appreciation in Treasuries beginning some time in July or August cough QE Lite cough , and was actively buying all he could on margin in advance of the move.

That's right, ladies and gents - we have just discovered Bill Gross' frontrunning "tell" - months before every Fed intervention, he loads up the securuity that will benefit the most from any particular round of QE using borrowed cash. As the effective duration of the fund increased substantially in June and July it is obvious that Gross was buying up the long end of the curve, expecting a major flattening of the curve. Which, once QE Lite was announced, is precisely what happened. Incidentally, this purchasing on mega margin was repeated by Gross just once before: What a series of lucky coincidences!!!

Most people make an honest liviing, and the money in their bank didn't arrive from insider knowledge or front-running. But Bill Gross now shows us he's another ponzi whore. Wonder what this sociopath could actually do in the real world if separated from the corrupt Obama team?

I'm simply calling them as they are. Geithner, the little pric, needs a good ass-wuppin'. The constant two-faced lies coming from these psycho freaks "running" our country is truly sickening. I for one hope the whole fucking thing implodes. I know I can take care of my family no problem. And I look forward to pissing on these jerks as they beg in the streets, MF'ers.

The exposed fools are puppets to the power and as such have developed zero ability to fight back. They will be thrown as sacrifices at the first need and their backstory as bad actors is being written now. As if this story would have come to light for any other reason. It gives you all you need to know when confronted with the nattering nabobs of neanderthalism, most of whom tend to reside on CNBC. Feel free to do a side by side comparison of this presentation with that put together by Russell Napier earlier, and decide on your own, which one you believe is far more credible.

Yet its greatest value-added is the thorough discrediting of the three chief classes of permawrong prognosticators: Gewaltwelle Indien verzweifelt an der Kaschmir-Krise http: Von Hasnain Kazim, Islamabad mehr Kaschmir im Ausnahmezustand http: Warum sind diese Fische tot?

Von Simon Eppenberger http: Aktualisiert vor 36 Minuten 6 Kommentare http: Private Personen haben somit sozialbeitragsleistende Wohnungen. Sie legen unser Geld in interessante ueberteuerte Immobilien an und erhoehen Zinsen um einen besseren Ertrag zu erwirtschaften. Als Mieter zahle ich hoehere Mieten, welche ich durch mein Pensionkapital der Kasse zur Verfuegung gestellt habe.

Also zahle ich in die Pensionskasse ein, damit ich hoehere Mieten bezahlen muss. Aldo Buco - Auftraggeber wie Banken und Versicherung streben keine Gewinnmaximierung um jeden Preis an Yet applying some parallel universe principles, the bank announced that it is lowering its inflation expectations even as it boosted its GDP growth estimate to 2. This in itself was sufficient to weaken the CHF, although the dramatic move in the currency crosses have led many to believe that Phillip Hildebrand just couldn't take the pressure and decided to sell a few billion of the currency now that FX intervention is the norm.

We are waiting to hear if the SNB confirms or denies any intervention this morning. Oddly enough the action was in the continuing claims category, where the weekly number surpassed expectations of 4,K to 4,K, and the previous number was revised from 4,K to 4,K. And the worst piece of news for the economy: Jimmy Hoffman Rex Features, Dukas. Geheimnisvoll blau schimmert der Diamant am Finger. Er erinnert an die verstorbene Grossmutter.

Die Diamantherstellung geschieht aber ausschliesslich in Chur Das Verfahren gelang es dem Physiker Erik Lundbad erstmals, synthetische Diamanten herzustellen. Es bleibt Grafit, reiner Karbon in hexagonaler Struktur. Funny Tea Party Signs.. Ken Jeong On 'Lopez' http: Welche Schweizer Marken weltweit top sind http: Das besagt das Ranking der Agentur Interbrand. Auch in Zukunft werde er von Houston aus arbeiten Das Treffen endete in einem handfesten Eklat.

Sarkozy und Barroso liefern sich Wortgefecht http: Er will innenpolitisch einfach nur punkten, weil er bei seinen eigenen Landsleuten unbeliebter als unbeliebt ist. Wenn Dir der Arsch auf Grundeis geht, dann lenke von Deinen eigentlichen Probleme ab und punkte, indem Du auf ein unbeliebte Minderheit eindrischst. I'll be damned if Greenspan didn't know what he was doing. He may go down in history as the enabler of all that is wrong, but I have the unshakable, sneaking suspision that this PoS knew exactly what he was up to.

Alan, on the off chance you read this, and you actually did these things for the reasons I, we, may suppose you did, god bless you. BUT, if you just want to ride this wave of populist agnst I hope you choke to death on your own spit in your sleep. If you're a slave to the fascist interests of the US of A, I hope you, and all of your family, die the slowest, most painful death imaginable.

Greenspan's Golden Secret http: Once you understand these concepts you will understand what is happening all around you as the world you once knew comes crumbling down to be replaced by a new and better system. As basis for the legal case, WaMu had submitted an assignment of mortgage, which however the court just found never actually belonged to WaMu, and instead was carried on the books of Fannie Mae.

Once this was uncovered is where this case gets really interesting: In point 5 of the filing we read that the "plaintiff predecessor counsel made "clerical errors" when it represented to the Court that the plaintiff was the owner and holder of the note and mortgage rather than the servicer for the owner. And here the Judge got really angry: While the Judge in this case did not also find declaratory damages against the plaintiff, and while the case of the defendants is unclear we would expect Fannie to file a foreclosure act on its own soon enough , the question of just how pervasive this form of "fraud" in the judicial system is certainly relevant.

Because if JPM takes the liberty of foreclosing on mortgages as merely servicer, when it has no legal ground for such an action, who knows how many such cases the legal system is currently clogged up with. The implications for the REO and foreclosures track for banks could be dire as a result of this ruling, as this could severely impact the ongoing attempt by banks to hide as much excess inventory in their books in the quietest way possible. It's likely that thousands of mortgages are invalid or without the proper transfer of ownership documentation Otherwise, this is something the administration, the banksters, and the Fed want to keep very quiet They are not beholden to the corporations like Washington is.

I'll bet Jamie Dimon just sharted in his custom tailored suit He is set, no matter what happens. The guy is a sociopath and has had that reputation for decades. As an up and comer in the early 90's he was ruthless and known to get what he wanted. Now he is the President's favorite banker and he gets the best deals from the Fed Bear Stearns, etc.

He has a handsome and gentle manner on the Hill which keeps his critters in his hands. But the man is a monster. But he is set so what the fuck does he care? He knows it's all going to go down in flames. But any good sociopath doesn't give a shit, do they? Es ging rasend schnell: But, didn't he do that already? Calls for Gains BusinessWeek http: Derweil brodelt es in Karachi.

Sun, sea and grit: Israeli and West Bank women risk jail for day at the beach Illegal day trips challenge laws governing the movement of Palestinia http: Palestinians need a permit to enter Israel. Esti Tsal The day starts early, at a petrol station alongside a roaring Jerusalem road. They plan to drive into the occupied West Bank, pick up Palestinian women and children and take them on a day trip to Tel Aviv But the excursion is far from ordinary. All Palestinians need permits to enter Israel http: It is also against the law for Israelis to "smuggle" Palestinians without a permit across the Green Line.

That prompted a criminal investigation against her, for violating Israel's law of entry. But it also inspired a group of women to take the same trip and then take an advertisement in the newspaper to publicise the fact. Since then, there have been hundreds of signatories to a petition of support and many women, on both sides, ready to defy the law How that human is still allowed to draft law after corrupt and worthless law, is beyond us.

And today we discover that at the end of June, Fannie and Freddie are now the proud owners of , homes double what they owned at the end of and rising with each passing day. And shockingly, the GSEs have decided to do the prudent thing and start selling this real estate, before the plunges really plunge and leave them straddled with millions of homes.

On the other hand, this action alone will likely be sufficient to force the next leg lower in home prices. Because it gets worse: Aktualisiert vor 58 Minuten Wild bis in den Tod http: While the recent ramp in the market is welcome by all bulls, the question remains just how leveraged into the latest beta rally hedge funds have been. Better hope the Fed makes good on its QE promises one day soon.

In the meantime, Bloomberg Matthew Lynn and Ecclectica's Hugh Hendry both confirm that in these days of instantaneous liquidity demands, and cheap strategy replicators in the form of ETFs which provide the same beta capture as hedge funds, at a fraction of the price, it is only going to get worse and worse for the once high flying community. Our personal view is that the target will be reached in a far shorter time frame. After the November elections. Bloomberg television is already lobbying for a Wall Street or otherwise financially connected CEO to take his place. - Das Finanzportal - Now this has to be scarynot always

Is Bernie Madoff eligible for a work-release program? Bloomberg headlines flashing that Larry Summer is dunzo in November. He follows such other economic failures as Romer and Orszag, both of whom left the economy in a far more horrendous state than they found it. We wish godspeed to Larry, and hope he managed to get thick windows in the limo that will take him to his next private sector job, presumably somewhere above the 40th floor in West. White House officials expect Lawrence Summers http: His departure would leave Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner http: Summers, 55, and the president have discussed his future plans, according to one person.

White House aides are also eager to name a woman to serve in a high-level position, two people said. The people familiar with White House discussions spoke on condition of anonymity because no decisions have been made. Obama yesterday indicated he realized that some members of his White House economic team may leave.

Whoever said destroying the economy is an easy job has obviously never tried it. If Albert Edwards, whose latest piece rhetorically asks and answers "what do devaluation, high unemployment, inequality and food prices spell? C-H-A-O-S" is correct, this could be the beginning of a rapid descent in which central banks around the world are all forced to use the nuclear option: The fact that he did not do so in the last month confirmed to us at least that the Fed was not going to engage in QE2 on September 21 which turned out to be the case.

Yet it is one thing to speculate based on indirect evidence, and something totally different to hear Mr.


Stresemann - Ein bedeutender Politiker im Krisenjahr (German Edition) [ Stefan Wehe] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Meaning of Stresemann in the German dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for Stresemann and translation of Stresemann to 25 languages. Stresemann - Ein bedeutender Politiker im Krisenjahr Ein französischer Politiker.

Gross on primetime TV essentially validating that he just may have an inside line to the Federal Reserve Board. In all the commotion over yesterday's FOMC announcement, some may have missed the following line uttered by the Newportbeachian: Gross just disclosed something which is completely non-public: We won't get that for 3 weeks Erin that's when it comes out with the minutes of this meeting. While in this country, whose corruption has reached a level that is unprecedented in history, nothing would surprise anyone anymore, perhaps the Fed would at least do the right thing and share the fact that the economy is collapsing not just with the preferred monopolistic purchaser of USTs and MBS, but with all those who naively continue to buy stocks in the hope that a rebound may be "just around the corner.

Fed's code means 'buy gold' Submitted by cpowell on Wed, Bullion for immediate delivery rose 0. The Fed's Open Market Committee said yesterday it was "prepared to provide additional accommodation if needed" to support the recovery and boost inflation. Gold, which often moves counter to the dollar, has advanced 17 percent this year and is heading for its tenth consecutive annual gain.

Or how it can constantly find use for the massive and ever-larger surplus of warehoused commodities? Simple - never stop building. Which, apparently means blowing up empty building before they are even finished and rebuilding them. After all gotta keep all those construction workers from rioting, and all those USD reserves redirected into Brazilian and OZ commodities, now that China is not really buying US debt anymore.

That amount of money turns the algorithms up, then all the algo trading hits the market. Real life investment managers are not doing this buying. They know that equities are for losers. But according to me the April high will not break Even now you should be buying bonds and not equities.

📃 Ebookstore Library Stresemann Ein Bedeutender Politiker Im Krisenjahr 1923 By Stefan Wehe Pdb

The bubbles never burst when wiseheads in the media tell you it's a bubble that's gonna burst, they burst when they've given up on that and tell you this time it's different. The entire market is now down as a result of one stock being responsible for overall direction and momentum. The issue is that who knows how many HFTs are now underwater on their daily cost averaging in the name, which may potentially spark a material selloff. Watch for comparable action in the four horsemen of the tech apocalypse: Globe and Mail http: Lawmakers voted to refer charges against former prime minister Geir Haarde for allegedly failing to prevent Iceland's financial crash that toppled the government, brought protests and crippled the national currency.

The special court has never before been convened. The court handles cases in which the parliament, the Althingi, decides to act against ministers on their handling of duties. Haarde, former prime minister and ex-leader of Independence Party, is no longer in parliament. He did not run in the elections. Iceland, a volcanic island with a population of just ,, went from economic wunderkind to fiscal basket case almost overnight when the credit crunch took hold.

After dizzying economic growth that saw banks and companies in this tiny Nordic nation snap up assets around the world for a decade, the global financial crisis wreaked political and economic havoc in Iceland. Its banks collapsed within a week in October, Frankly we couldn't care less about Mr. We are confident he will get his just deserts. What we would like to know is when will someone finally charge his "advisor", former New York Fed, and current Columbia professor Fred Mishkin, in the Hague, for hate crimes against world leverage, and for providing precisely the advice followed by the Iceland PM, that resulted in not just the collapse of the tiny Volcano-riddled country, but was the first domino to set off the discovery that all of the European periphery is now completely and totally insolvent.

We refer of course to Mr. Mishkin's report http: For much more on Mishkin's involvement in the financial crisis, we can not recommend enough the upcoming movie Inside Job http: The clip below is from Inside Job. Fast forward to today. Whitney says underwater states will need a trillion dollar bailout. That is another thousand billion added to the taxpayer tab! That has consequences on the dollar that has consequences on just about everything. It certainly has consequences on the US recovery. She also predicts puny profits and more real estate trouble coming in fourth quarter for the banks.

The generic map is so boring we won't even show it. Luckily, courtesy of visual artist Yanko Tsvetkov http: Note for the sensitive: And yes, the level of homogeneity that makes up the "Union" is truly staggering. Subprime Road Warrior Preview http: All that remains are memories. I remember a time of cheap no doc liar loans. This hyper- insolvent wasted land. But most of all, I remember the Subprime Road Warrior. The man we called "Max".

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To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time. When the financial world was powered by the ZIRP. And the desert sprouted vast suburban cities of contaminated Chinese wall board and imported Home Depot toilet fixtures. Gone now, swept away. For reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes, Ben Shalom's Money Printers and the followers of the Austrian School, went to war and touched off a monetary apocalypse which engulfed them all.


Solar Power Your Home For Dummies by Rik DeGunther The bestselling substitute power reference booklet in North America—now in an up-to-date variation are looking to make the most of solar energy at your residence? Luther, Politiker ohne Partei, S. What has happened to,and who is the legal owner of the money paid to banks that don't own the notes and can't find them? Boy, do we believe in fairy tales! Professor Samantha Joye http:

Without cheap Chinese dinero to fuel their bottomless greed, they were nothing. They'd built a gasoline soaked subprime house of straw. The thundering McMansion construction sputtered and stopped. Their leaders talked and talked and talked But nothing could stem the inevitable financial avalanche. Their bankrupt cities exploded. A whirlwind of looting and blogging, a firestorm of fear.

In the markets it was a black box induced trading nightmare. Only those liquid enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage, would survive. The HFT gangs took over the exchanges, ready to wage war for a half bucket of liquidity rebates. And in this maelstrom of asset decay, ordinary investors were battered and smashed. In the roar of yet another Waddell crash, he lost everything.

And became a shell of a man, a burnt-out, desolate man, a man haunted by the demons of his past, a man who wandered out into the subprime wasteland. And it was here, in this blighted place, that he learned to trade again The group acknowledged that the idea of a sophisticated, flourishing society existing in Greece more than two millennia ago was a complete fiction created by a team of some two dozen historians, anthropologists, and classicists who worked nonstop between and to forge "Greek" documents and artifacts.

This is not true. What is happening is fraud to cover up fraud The banks didn't keep good records, and there is good reason to believe in many if not virtually all cases during this period, failed to transfer the notes, which is the borrower IOUs in accordance with the requirements of their own pooling and servicing agreements.

As a result, the notes may be put out of eligibility for the trust under New York law, which governs these securitizations. As a result, loan servicers and trusts simply lack standing to foreclose. The remedy has been foreclosure fraud, including the widespread fabrication of documents. There are now trillions of dollars of securitizations of these loans in the hands of investors. The trusts holding these loans are in a legal gray area, as the mortgage titles were never officially transferred to the trusts The liability here for the major banks is potentially enormous, and can lead to a systemic risk.

Every time the stock market is down 2 points some maniac academic with a printing press delivers a speech about how much money they are going to print, basically daring anyone to short or sell the market. No one knows, but what we all do know is that the Fed through its non-stop yapping has now set up the ultimate moral hazard in financial markets. The markets have put the Fed into the biggest box they have ever been in. They must do QE2 at this point and they probably have to do it big.

Gustav Stresemann

If you are smart you will take appropriate actions while you can and sell to someone with less of a clue believe me there are plenty out there. Foreclosure Crisis The banks admit to not reading the fine print on the crappy mortgages the American taxpayers now own. Biggest Fraud in the History of the Capital Markets http: She sounded some of the earliest warnings on the structured finance market, leading the University of Chicago to profile her as a "Structured Success http: This is the biggest fraud in the history of the capital markets.

It happened when these loans were originated, in some cases years ago. Loans have representations and warranties that have to be met. And it turned out there were loan files that were missing required documentation. And how much danger are the banks themselves in? When we had the financial crisis, the first thing the banks did was run to Congress and ask for accounting relief.

They asked to be able to avoid pricing this stuff at the price where people would buy them. So no one can tell you the size of the hole in these balance sheets. TARP was just the tip of the iceberg. But a lot of these mortgages just cannot be saved. Banks were lying and committing fraud, and our regulators were covering them and so a bad problem has become a hellacious one. My understanding is that this now pits the banks against the investors they sold these products too.

The investors are going to court to argue that the products were flawed and the banks need to take them back. Many investors now are waking up to the fact that they were defrauded. If you did your due diligence but material information was withheld, you can recover. Will credit freeze again? In order to make the financial system healthy, we need to recognize the extent of our losses and begin facing the fraud.

Then the market will be trustworthy again and people will start to participate. The system got back on its feet faster because we grappled with the problems. Instead we poured TARP money into a pit and meanwhile the banks are paying huge bonuses to some people who should be made accountable for fraud. The financial crisis was a product of our irrational reaction, which protected crony capitalism rather than capitalism. In capitalism, the shareholders who took the risk would be wiped out and the debt holders would take a discount but banking would go on.

Within a month, all foreclosures executed within the past years will be retried, and millions of existing home sales will be put in jeopardy. Currency wars are necessary if all else fails The overwhelming fact of the global currency system is that America needs a much weaker dollar to bring its economy back into kilter and avoid slow ruin, yet the rest of the world cannot easily handle the consequences of such a wrenching adjustment.

There is not enough demand to go around. One is the relentless rise of gold and silver prices. Japan, as well as U. One of these days this will become all-too-clear, for the bankers will be going up against a millennial tide of fiat money. So far so good. But what about the rest of the world? How is wealth stratified in a global perspective?

Where do the "rich" live?

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What kind of wealth is controlled by various countries? Where are the Ultra High Net Worth people? For answers to all these questions, and much more, confirming that just like in America, the wealthiest 0. Seems to me that any actual value these have is determined solely by what others will trade for them. I'd much rather be in the situation of, say, Indonesia. Having the mass of my wealth in land, property or farmland, or perhaps in gold.

After all, such concrete assets will likely prove far more widely saleable in future than some overvalued spuriously-purported "asset" consisting largely of someone else's promise to pay a stream of fiat paper currency You and me, the landless neo-peasantry, stuck in suburb-land in North America or some other "developed" economy Last muse Mayol http: During his long life Verni had done: Over Ten Million Served http: PNG Thank you for your patronage. Posted by Jesse at 9: Bergung in der Nacht Chile fiebert Rettung von Bergleuten entgegen http: Die Auffahrt durch den engen Schacht, die medizinische Betreuung - die Rettung ist bis ins kleinste Detail geplant.

Peking am Pranger http: Disappearing Stores Of Value http: Such a currency war will produce two problems. Even more important, it will leave the thrifty without an adequate source of value. After this, transatlantic payments balances were structurally out of kilter. Germany failed to solve its problem, after which its electorate chose Nazism over the apparently failed free market. Finally in France, whose currency had now become overvalued, went off the Gold Standard and devalued.

The nexus of the current problem is China. This was corruptly managed as always but on the whole sensibly directed towards infrastructure, including the Wuhan-Guangzhou rail line, begun only in and completed in December , on which trains cover miles in only 3 hours. The case for a massive revaluation of the renminbi is thus a weak one. Thus, while the Chinese consumer market is an engine of growth, domestic costs are rising rapidly and its exporters are being horribly squeezed. He thus wants only a gentle upward path for the renminbi, avoiding extra strain on exporters.

China is therefore justified in resisting U.