Capire la crisi (Scrivere il presente) (Italian Edition)

I want to know more, I want to see if the time is ripe for some serious discussion about our future there.

'Un lavoro ottimo fatto da due talenti geniali nella documentaristica’

One can get most of the information from the web, but to change the status quo , fieldwork is needed. I have been writing this article over the course of a week. But also because the unraveling of the events shows how illusive is the first set of news that pops up from the papers. I guess Gutenberg was not happy of the first sheet that came out of his press. Nowadays, instead, we read freshly-puked articles from mainstream media as if they were the Bible. Why not getting a new perspective, or just imagine there is another one? Kazakhstan has been independent from the late Soviet Union for 20 years now.

It has become the friendliest post-Soviet economy for the West and has actively participated in many international organizations. In the past couple of years, it has diversified its hydrocarbon export routes and has developed a great international reputation in the energy sector including nuclear. Power is firmly in the hands of Nursultan Nazarbayev and his extended family since and nobody questions it. There is a caste system that dates back to the pre-Imperial Russia period and only thanks to a presidential push, the Kazakh language is spreading within all sectors of society — although the diplomatic community speaks Russian.

Only the facility of filing taxes, just a touch away from your mobile phone [1], and the convenient investment environment for foreign firms have drawn attention. Later in the Nineties, TengizChevrOil was the leading force pushing for th first privately-owned pipeline project in the post-Soviet space, the Caspian Pipeline Consortium, which saw the light in , linking Tengiz with the Russian port of Novorossiisk. The crisis that hit the Russian Federation mitigated the revanchist threat on Kazakhstan. Western development programs were at pace and easily shaped the institutional friendliness of a country in much need for customers to buy its immense energy endowment.

Around the turn of the century, while Putin was rising to power in Russia, an exploration off the Kazakh Caspian coasts prospected the existence of a relevant oil basin.

Dallo scoppio della bolla dei mutui subprime a oggi, passando per la bancarotta della Lehman Brothers o il default dell'Islanda, fino ad arrivare alla crisi Greca. Institutional Investors Managing Investment Portfolios (Kindle Edition) Price: £ Capire la crisi (Scrivere il presente) (Italian Edition) (Kindle Edition).

Kashagan became the new Tengiz and foreign firms jumped on their boats and poured money in for winning the bid to administer the project. The western excitement, however, was to be countered by a novel strong stance by Kazakh authorities in terms of natural resources ownership. This move created an energy ogre that became the main interlocutor for foreign firms to secure contracts in the Kazakh territory. Moreover, in Kazakhstan scrapped the Production Sharing Agreement legislation and became more hostile to foreign intervention, especially in the energy realm.

Meanwhile, the Parliament put forward the proposition to grant Nazarbayev lifetime presidency. Socialism was superimposed in the lands of post-Tsarist Russia as a natural consequence of the Bolshevik Revolution of However, a few countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia had seized the opportunity of the fall of the Romanov dinasty and created their own independent sovereign states. Petersburg shortly after and to their administration, the Politburo often assigned native Russian cadres. While Khrushschyov was rising to power, Leonid Brezhnev, the future Party Secretary, was assigned the highest post in Kazakhstan.

How and when did Kazakh workers emancipate themselves from the alienation typical of industrial economic relations? To such a question posed by my Socialist imaginary interlocutor, I would respond in historical terms. Upon annexation to the Russian Empire, tribal politics faded away, given the little of emphasis posed on it by Russian governors. In fact, today, even without a formal legal framework, a much stronger caste system permeates the Kazakh society.

When Marx was writing about his solution of the contradictions of capitalism, he had in mind English factory workers, not nomad peasants and foreign skilled workers installed in a man-made industrial complex. The workers have had little chances to organize and to grow an understanding of their condition, especially in the oilfields. There, skilled workers earn from three to four times as much as the national average wage and are often protected by the immense structure of multinational corporations, who act as benevolent giants, as long as they can extract oil without hassle.

The difficulties in building a class conscience has brought to a imperceptible movement against the violation of human rights and liberties that this one-man regime carries out every day, not least the very right to protest. One fact is certain: There, dissent with the established power framework is causing riots and protests that are unknown to the media and of which there probably is no record.

However, the protest is acephalous: At least 14 people are reported killed in the incidents, many more were injured and over 70 were arrested. It must be noted that, during the clashes, state authorities acted with with an extraordinary firm fist against the spread of violence.

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Protests had arised in in the Caspian oilfield of Tengiz, and later in , when oil workers from Kazakh origin came to clash with Turkish workers, all employed by the TengizChevroil consortium. This ethno-international confrontation was not a single case in Kazakh-Turkish relations [5]. Western and the Russian-based media, for different reasons, aim at the same objective. The first sign of instability triggers very harsh language, acrobatic comparisons, and evergreen allegations. RIA Novosti titled that the clashes could be a product of the Arab Spring, however fortunately the article itself was a much more clever read.

Thanks to a native scholar, Adil Nurmakov , we learn who financed the organization of the protest from behind the scenes. Authorities released him after three months of prison upon the promise-obligation that Ablyazov would not be involved in politics anymore the DCK was dissolved in How impartial this source could be is for the reader to judge. Be it possible to draw a middle line between governmental news agencies and not-so-democratic opposition, we would live in a logical, almost mathematical world.

Alas, we cannot and our judgement must remain devoid of any quick resolution. Dinara Nazarbayeva or Kulibayeva, depending to the occasion , one of the most influential Central Asian women according to RFE-RL , must be very disappointed seeing her husband and future leader of the country being sacked just like two KMG board members after the Zhanaozen riots.

The president perhaps thought that by giving a clear signal of holding the bridle, the raged horses rampaging the streets of western Kazakhstan would be hindered from more action. Something holds true however. There is increasing unrest in many countries where capitalism has failed to concede enough protections to those that are being exploited. Capitalism has learned the lesson of crisis management and, due to the apt use of Cold War rhetorics, it has survived the most dire crises throughout the XX century.

Nonetheless, debates within business, academic, and political circles seem to prove that capitalism has forgotten the lesson. An unconscious class is rising up against the financial system, the great protagonist of the post-Berlin wall era. An economy alienated by itself, where money is generated by money, has provoked a mass discontent vis-a-vis political structures that are unable to sustain themselves through election and welfare. Where will this bring us to? A graphic similitude can be individuated between the protests and chickens that keep scurrying even after having had their heads cut off.

This everlasting period of crisis hinders our ability to stop and think, gather together and design a better world. When you are striving for your daily share of bread or rice, it becomes very hard to reason on of the best way to end inequalities and reach a happy life among happy people. It becomes very hard to share ideas on what to do and how to organize in order to transform will into action. Therefore, we witness confused and disconnected protests that the media is trying to tie back together but in fact have each a peculiar root.

Should we finally realize that it is not the single issue but the whole system that is rotten and needs a revolution — in the scientific definition of the term — then we could finally understand that the path to follow has always been in front of our, shortsighted eyes.

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After regaining the original Kazakh name, Nazarbayev thought it would be nicer to change the name of the prospective capital in something more pleasant than marble-for-graves. Too bad that, as it always happens in such complex, bureaucracy-ridden states, the name of the province could not be changed.

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Alessandro Barbero ‘Crisi’ Il Meccanismo

Ce ne ho messo di tempo, ma ci sono arrivato. A cominciare a scrivere. Il mio primo lavoro risale all'ormai lontano Il noir mi ha chiamato, ho risposto "presente" e ho scelto di raccontare le storie criminali del nord est attraverso gli occhi di un investigatore privato chiamato Carlo Caccia. Con lui una serie di romanzi che oggi brillano di luce propria. L'altro con un tipo strano, si chiama " L'uomo delle crisi" e ho deciso di produrlo solo in kindle con l'aiuto di un amico che mi fa da editor e coautore.

Beh, preparatevi a ridere e piangere, a viaggiare con la mente, a scordare tutto il resto. E provate a leggere i miei romanzi. Che la mia autostima ha un gran bisogno! Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography.

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