Die Definition der Situation bei Hartmut Esser in einer kritischen Betrachtung (German Edition)

The Ultimate Guide to Dinosaurs

Heinrich Dieter "Dick" Holland, who died on 21 May , was responsible for major advances across several fields of geochemistry. He was born on 27 May and died just short of his 85th birthday. How Dick became a geochemist is an interesting story in itself. He had attended Princeton University in New Jersey and graduated in with a chemistry major. He had arrived in the United States with his family from Germany in The family was of Jewish origin, and although Dick and his relatives were not strict practitioners, their fate in Hitler's Germany, dictated by the family's ancestry, would have been undesirable.

Dick and his brother first went to England in to escape the future horrors that were sure to await them if they had remained in Germany. After their parents escaped to the Dominican Republic, Dick and his brother joined them there. With the help of friends, the family came to the United States from the Dominican Republic in it was not unusual for immigrants to first come to a landing spot in the western hemisphere prior to admission to the United States. The impact of holiday eating cues on self-regulatory bolstering for dieters and non- dieters.

Two studies examined the hypothesis that the presence vs. Study 1 evaluated snack-food consumption on a holiday vs. Dieting behaviour was measured and the main outcome measure was consumption quantity. Self-regulatory bolstering was assessed as the main outcome measure. Study 1 showed that dieters consume more of a food item on an ordinary day relative to a holiday; the consumption patterns of non- dieters did not vary based on holiday cues.

Study 2 demonstrated that dieters , but not non- dieters , bolster self-regulatory resources to a greater extent in the presence vs. Dieters are better equipped to defend their diet-related goals when facing strong holiday-related temptations than weaker, everyday temptations. Two studies examined the connection between motivation and autobiographical memories. We expected memories recalled in response to dieting-related cue words to be more central to the person's identity and life story and to contain more body and weight related elements for dieters than for non We expected no differences on memories recalled in response to neutral cue words.

We conducted repeated measures tests. The hypotheses were supported, which support Rolf- Dieter Heuer built a strong career at the leading edge of particle physics, in part by listening to advice - for example, his high-school teacher confirmed his notion that a career in anything other than physics would be a mistake. Saksa koreograaf, tantsija ja tantsupedagoog Dieter Heitkamp tantsu- ja liikumisvormist nimega kontaktimprovisatsioon, millega ta tegeleb juba rohkem kui 25 aastat.

Les Femmes, Le Jeu Et Le Vin Paul De 1793 Kock : PDF

Weight-loss strategies of South African female university students and comparison of weight management-related characteristics between dieters and non- dieters. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. Full Text Available Abstract Background Female university students are at risk for weight gain and use of inappropriate weight-loss strategies. By gaining a greater understanding of the weight-loss strategies used by and weight management related characteristics of these students, effective weight management interventions for this vulnerable group can be developed.

Methods Two hundred and fifty female students from South Africa universities, aged 18—25 years, participated in this cross-sectional study; attempted weight loss during the year preceding the study dieters and 88 were non- dieters. A self-administered questionnaire was used to record all other variables. Weight loss strategies were described for dieters and compared between BMI groups within the dieters group. Weight management related characteristics were compared between dieters and non- dieters. Statistical tests included Pearson Chi-square test, independent samples t-test or Mann-Whitney U test depending on distribution of the data.

The most commonly used weight-loss product was Herbex. Dieters were characterized by a higher BMI, overestimation of their weight especially normal weight students, dissatisfaction with weight and select body parts, higher intake of breakfast and healthy foods, lower intake of unhealthy foods, higher levels of vigorous physical activity, higher use of select informal weight-loss information sources and experiencing more pressure to lose weight from mothers, siblings and friends.

Female university students are at risk for weight gain and use of inappropriate weight-loss strategies. Two hundred and fifty female students from South Africa universities, aged years, participated in this cross-sectional study; attempted weight loss during the year preceding the study dieters and 88 were non- dieters. Dieters were characterized by a higher BMI, overestimation of their weight especially normal weight students , dissatisfaction with weight and select body parts, higher intake of breakfast and healthy foods, lower intake of unhealthy foods, higher levels of vigorous physical activity, higher use of select informal weight-loss information sources and experiencing more pressure to lose weight from mothers, siblings and friends.

Intake of a diet-congruent food reduces meal intake in active dieters. Dietary restraint is known to break down in the face of tempting foods. Previous research suggests exposure to cues associated with slimming such as images or odours act as prompts to restrict intake of a tempting snack in dieters. The effects of consuming diet-congruent foods on subsequent intake of a meal have not yet been investigated.

Thus, using a repeated measures design 26 female participants dieters or non- dieters consumed a diet-congruent kcal salad , hedonic kcal garlic bread or neutral 0 kcal water preload. A lexical decision task measured the salience of diet and hedonic thoughts and participants were then offered pizza as a main meal. Appetite sensations were measured throughout the study. Salad lowered participants desire to eat and increased fullness compared to garlic bread and water preloads. Dieters were also less hungry after the salad compared to the garlic bread and water preloads. Consuming a diet-congruent first course may prompt lower intake at a meal, in part due to facilitating resolve to refrain from overeating a tempting second course.

Published by Elsevier Ltd. Full Text Available Tamara Kamenszain b. Argentina, , in her creative writing and her essays, brings together two concerns. One is her examination of concepts of woman and femininity. She specializes in mythical and archetypal representations of woman. Her texts present such figures as the great mother and forest nymphs. On many occasions, she evokes a past in which female divinities were respected, even in the Judaic tradition that is frequently Kamenszain's frame of reference. The other current that stands out in Kamenszain's writing is her interest in Jewish traditions of informal narrative.

In her texts, folk narrative displaces learned and canonical narrative. Her concern is not only with stories about magic, but also with tale-telling as a magic practice. Kamenszain's writing often makes the point that magic, and particularly feminine magic, has succumbed to modernization. Setting her own writing in opposition to this tendency, Kamenszain brings back feminine magic forces and endows biblical heroines with the talents of sorceresses, priestesses, or goddesses.

Her narratives also suggest that women have a special way of reading, learning, and storytelling. A Prospective, Population-Based Study. Objective The aims of the study were to identify the characteristics of the dieters most at risk of subsequently developing an eating disorder and to evaluate the feasibility of using a brief questionnaire to identify such dieters in advance. Method A general population cohort of 2, young women who were dieting was identified.

On four occasions over the subsequent 2 years, this cohort was sent a questionnaire concerning eating habits and attitudes. Participants whose responses suggested that they had developed an eating disorder were interviewed to establish their true case status. The baseline questionnaires of those who did and did not subsequently develop an eating disorder were compared to identify features that predicted future case status. Results One hundred four of the dieters developed an eating disorder of clinical severity during the 2 years of follow-up.

Their baseline questionnaire scores differed in many respects from those who had not developed an eating disorder. Items associated with developing an eating disorder were selected by using three different statistical methods. Conclusions Dieters who will develop an eating disorder within the next 2 years have distinctive features. It is feasible to identify them in advance with reasonable efficiency with a brief questionnaire. This questionnaire could be incorporated into routine health assessments, thereby identifying those at high risk.

Why most dieters fail but some succeed: A goal conflict model of eating behavior. Theories of eating regulation often attribute overweight to a malfunction of homeostatic regulation of body weight. With the goal conflict model of eating, we present a new perspective that attributes the difficulty of chronic dieters i. With the goal conflict model of eating, we present a new perspective that attributes the difficult of chronic dieters i.

Wulff- Dieter Heintz, Wulff Dieter Heintz, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy at Swarthmore College, passed away at his home on 10 June , following a two-year battle with lung cancer.

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He had turned seventy-six just one week earlier. Wulff was a leading authority on visual double stars and also a chess master. A prominent educator, researcher, and scholar, Wulff was noted for being both succinct and meticulous in everything he did. Naturally left-handed, his elementary school teachers forced him to learn to write "correctly" using his right hand, and so he became ambidextrous. During the s, Wulff's family saw the rise of Adolf Hitler and lived under the repressive Nazi regime. As a teenager during World War II, Wulff listened to his family radio for any news from the outside world.

He used to say that he loved the blackouts during the bombing runs because it made it much easier to see the stars. One incendiary bomb landed on the roof of his family home, but Wulff climbed up to the roof and extinguished it before the flames could spread. The next morning, he discovered with some delight that his high school had burned to the ground. As Germany continued to suffer massive losses, teenage boys as young as fifteen were inducted into the military and sent off to replenish the troops.

To avoid an uncertain fate, Wulff hid out in a farmhouse in the countryside outside of Munich. When the allied troops invaded Germany in , Wulff volunteered to be a translator between the American and British soldiers and the local villagers. In return for his valuable service, the soldiers taught Wulff how to smoke cigarettes, a habit that he continued until his final days even after having been diagnosed with lung cancer. Shortly after the war. Dieter was one of leading theorists in accelerator physics making fundamental contributions to stochastic cooling, ordered beam issues, electron cooling, polarized beams and beam stability problems.

He was very often called in for advice by the management, not only at CERN but in numerous advisory committees. His excellent human qualities are known worldwide and they are held in the highest esteem in particular Perspectives on the future of software engineering essays in honor of Dieter Rombach. The dependence on quality software in all areas of life is what makes software engineering a key discipline for today's society. Thus, over the last few decades it has been increasingly recognized that it is particularly important to demonstrate the value of software engineering methods in real-world environments, a task which is the focus of empirical software engineering.

One of the leading protagonists of this discipline worldwide is Prof. Dieter Rombach, who dedicated his entire career to empirical software engineering. For his many important contributions to the field he has. Das Fenster zum Raum: Understanding the motivations of plant-based dieters. Much recent research has explored vegetarians' dietary motivations, recurrently highlighting the significant influence they exert on how people view themselves and others.

For vegetarians and other plant-based dieters , dietary motivations have been theorized to be a central aspect of identity. Yet not all plant-based dieters are motivated to follow their diets; rather, some face aversions and constraints. In this paper, we propose that motivations, aversions, and constraints constitute three distinct reasons for consuming a plant-based diet.

After conceptually distinguishing motivations from aversions and constraints, we critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of two conceptual frameworks that exist for studying these motivations systematically: Importantly, these frameworks serve different purposes, and their suitability often depends on the research question at hand. Particularly given an increasing prevalence of plant-based dieting, cultivating a more holistic understanding of these two frameworks is necessary for advancing this discipline. Directions for future research are discussed.

Relationship of weight, body dissatisfaction, and self-esteem in African American and white female dieters. The present study examined the relationship among weight, body dissatisfaction, and self-esteem in a large group of African American and white female dieters who were generally overweight and of middle to high socioeconomic status. Subjects were participants in a survey of dieting practices undertaken by Consumer Reports magazine.

Major outcome measures included the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and an assessment of shape and weight attitudes. No significant differences between African American and white women were found for body dissatisfaction, self-esteem, discrepancies between actual and ideal weight and shape, or the relationship between self-esteem and body dissatisfaction. Body mass index contributed less to body satisfaction scores in African American than in white women.

This study provides a comparison of African American and white women in the upper social classes, and raises the possibility that previous findings of less body concern in African American women reflect class rather than race effects. The legitimating fact in the transcendental deduction of the categories: Full Text Available This article reconstructs the principal moments of Dieter Henrich's work on Immanuel Kant's theoretical philosophy. Henrich seeks to clarify and regain the fundaments of Kant's theory of knowledge - from which his followers, according to him, have distanced themselves - based on the analysis of the "transcendental deduction of the categories".

Firstly, Henrich investigates the proof structure of deduction, comparing the first and the second edition of Critique of Pure Reason. Secondly, he investigates, in the Kantian argument, the relationship between the identity principle of self-consciousness and objectivity. Finally, extending the comparison to Critique of Practical Reason, Henrich elucidates the program and methodology in deduction, showing that the idea of a legitimating fact, borrowed from the juridical notion of a deduction, becomes the fundamental element.

We analyse the problems raised by the conception of a philosophical argument based on fundamental "facts".

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Size acceptance and intuitive eating improve health for obese, female chronic dieters. Examine a model that encourages health at every size as opposed to weight loss. The health at every size concept supports homeostatic regulation and eating intuitively ie, in response to internal cues of hunger, satiety, and appetite. Six-month, randomized clinical trial; 2-year follow-up. Six months of weekly group intervention health at every size program or diet program , followed by 6 months of monthly aftercare group support. Anthropometry weight, body mass index , metabolic fitness blood pressure, blood lipids , energy expenditure, eating behavior restraint, eating disorder pathology , and psychology self-esteem, depression, body image.

Attrition, attendance, and participant evaluations of treatment helpfulness were also monitored. Cognitive restraint decreased in the health at every size group and increased in the diet group, indicating that both groups implemented their programs.

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Fifty percent of both groups returned for 2-year evaluation. Health at every size group members maintained weight, improved in all outcome variables, and sustained improvements.

Frederick Douglass: Abolitionist and Reformer Rachael Phillips : EPUB

Diet group participants lost weight and showed initial improvement in many variables at 1 year; weight was regained and little improvement was sustained. The health at every size approach enabled participants to maintain long-term behavior change; the diet approach did not. Encouraging size acceptance, reduction in dieting behavior, and heightened awareness and response to body signals resulted in improved health risk indicators for obese women.

Not merely a question of self-control: The longitudinal effects of overeating behaviors, diet quality and physical activity on dieters ' perceived diet success. Results showed that dieters restrained eaters who reported lack of success in T2 were overweight in T1, had higher levels of emotional and external eating, overeating, and ambivalence toward eating palatable food in T1, and a significantly increased body mass index BMI in the period between T1 and T2. Dieters who reported success in T2 had maintained a normal BMI between T1 and T2, had a higher diet quality in T1 and had maintained regular physical activity for at least one year before T2.

The logistic regression revealed that high levels of dispositional self-control provided the most important predictor of being a successful dieter. When controlling for dispositional self-control, high levels of emotional eating, overeating, and ambivalence in T1, together with increases in these levels between T1 and T2, were associated with a decreased likelihood of being a successful dieter in T2.

High levels of diet quality in T1 and the maintenance of regular physical activity were associated with an increased likelihood of being a successful dieter in T2. Results suggest that diet success and failure is a long-term phenomenon, partly but not fully explained by dispositional self-control.

Independent of self-control persistent patterns of overeating due to emotional eating and ambivalent feelings toward eating palatable food, also explain long-term diet failure. A high diet quality and maintenance of regular physical activity accounted for dieters ' long-term success. This is the first study that examined the long-term psychological and behavioral characteristics of successful and unsuccessful restrained eaters. Dieter Henrich, leitor de Kant: This article reconstructs the principal moments of Dieter Henrich's work on Immanuel Kant's theoretical philosophy.

Henrich tries to clarify and recover the foundations of Kant's theory of knowledge, from which his followers would have taken distance, based on the analysis of the "transcendental deduction of categories". Firstly, Henrich investigates the proof structure in the deduction, comparing the first and the second edition of the Critique of Pure Reason. Secondly, he investigates, inside Kantian argument, the relationship between the identity principle of self-consciousness and objectivity. Finally, extending the comparison to the Critique of Practical Reason, Henrich elucidates the program and methodology of deduction, showing how the legitimating fact becomes the fundamental element.

Subtle diet reminders at the point of purchase increase low-calorie food choices among both chronic and current dieters. There is a growing consensus that our food-rich living environment contributes to rising numbers of people with overweight and obesity. Low-cost, effective intervention tools are needed to facilitate healthy eating behavior, especially when eating away from home. Therefore, we present a field experiment in a restaurant that tested whether providing subtle environmental diet reminders increases low-calorie food choices among both chronic and current dieters. For half of the participants, the menu was supplemented with diet-related words, as reminders of healthy eating and dieting.

We recorded customers' choices of low-calorie or high-calorie items from the menu, and we assessed chronic and current dieting. Consistent with our hypotheses, we found that diet reminders increased choices for low-calorie foods, among both chronic and current dieters. After a diet reminder, around half of dieters made a healthy menu choice. This study demonstrates the efficacy of providing subtle diet reminders as a low-cost practical intervention to increase low-calorie food choices among weight-concerned individuals, who are motivated to regulate their eating behavior but have been found to often fail in food-rich environments.

A new approach to examining eating decisions among female college dieters and nondieters. Female college students are prone to unhealthy eating patterns that can impact long-term health. This study examined female students' healthy and unhealthy eating behaviors with three decision-making models.

This model showed that attitudes were related to intentions and willingness to eat healthy and unhealthy foods. Affect was related to willingness to eat healthy and unhealthy foods, whereas nutrition knowledge was related to intentions and willingness to eat healthy foods only.

Intentions and willingness were related to healthy and unhealthy food consumption. Dieting status played a moderating role in the model and revealed mean-level differences between dieters and nondieters. This study highlights the importance of specific factors in relation to female students' eating decisions and unveils a comprehensive model for examining health behaviors. Over the past decade, the second-to-fourth digit ratio 2D: In a series of investigations into the hand types, he reported on their anatomical bases, unsuitability for paternity testing, developmental changes, heritability, sex, side, and occupational group differences, and associations with left-handedness, manual dexterity, mental retardation, and clinodactyly.

Based on new data from male and female adults, hand type is further shown to be only a weak proxy of actual 2D: The article argues that the author rethought the streets as a place where interventions into mediated life could be waged during a post-revolutionary period characterized by political standstill. Kreuder's study specifically describes the history and development of lin El autor no era nuevo in rebus lexicograficis: A Ioanne Angelo a Sumaran, nobili cantabro. Attitudes of Dieters and Change Agents. Significant differences were found in terms of importance in weight control of diet, drugs, exercise, religion, and will power; in importance of being of normal weight;….

Closed-Circuit Video — The twenty pieces by this German artist as completed over the past nineteen years and described in the book, testify to his consistent and successful further development of his investigations begun The viewer is continually challenged to discover principles of order — in time, topology, technology and other spheres — thus confirming the artistic intention of reassessing not only these but also the relation between work and beholder; of providing that viewer The purpose of the present study was to examine the connection between motivation and autobiographical memories.

Autobiographical memories recalled in response to dieting related versus neutral cue words were compared between a dieting and non-dieting group. Memories recalled in response No differences between the two groups were found on memories recalled in response to the neutral cue words. The dieting group scored A Vision of Central Europe". Keelest kui keeleteaduse objektist, keelekasutusest ja keelenormist. Esitatakse segakeele ehk lingua franca Verkehrssprache kontseptsioon.

The concurrent validity of a classification of dieters with low versus high susceptibility toward failure of restraint. It has been experimentally shown that the population of high restrained eaters consists of two subpopulations, i. Only those who combined high restraint with high scores on the disinhibition scale of the TFEQ. Factors affecting Mathematics achievement of first-year secondary Therefore, we present a field. Pikka aega ei tunnustanud katoliku kirik Maria Wardi Omega-3 supplementation effects on body weight and depression among dieter women with co-morbidity of depression and obesity compared with the placebo: A randomized clinical trial.

We aimed to evaluate the effects of the omega-3 supplementation on body weight and depression among women with co-morbidity of depression and obesity seeking weight reduction compared with the placebo. We performed body composition assessments and Beck depression inventory at the baseline, and weeks 2, 4, 8, and 12 after the start of the study.

One month after stopping the capsules at the follow-up visit, weight was measured to compare weight relapse between the two groups. Forty five patients finished the study. No significant differences were seen between groups regarding demographic and clinical variables at baseline. Patients in the omega-3 group did not show significantly more side effects compared to the placebo but they were not successful in preventing weight regain one month after the end of the study.

Based on our findings omega-3 capsule as a safe over-the-counter supplement might be helpful in reducing the signs of depression and also body weight in patients with co-morbidity of depression and obesity. When Tamara learned that she and her husband were expecting a baby girl, Tamara remembers the doctor telling her "the odds were high" her daughter would inherit her bipolar disorder.


As it turned out, her daughter, Lindsay was also formally diagnosed with bipolar disorder after her 11th birthday. Tamara turned to Internet to find someone who…. Young, Black, Mathematically Gifted, and Stereotyped. In this paper, I describe the academic dilemma experienced by Tamara pseudonym , a mathematically high-achieving high school sophomore.

Raised in an economically strapped neighborhood, Tamara had the opportunity to attend a prestigious private high school, tuition free. Confronted by being viewed as an affirmative action student Tamara uses this…. IRI is being continually improved by a team of international experts as new data become available and better models are being developed. This issue chronicles the latest phase of model updates as reported during two IRI-related meetings. This work led to several improvements and additions of the model which will be included in the next version, IRIO.

The issue is divided into three sections focusing on the improvements made in the topside ionosphere, the F-peak, and the lower ionosphere, respectively. This issue would not have been possible without the reviewing efforts of many individuals. Each paper was reviewed by two referees. We thankfully acknowledge the contribution to this issue made by the following reviewers: We are grateful to Peggy Ann Shea for her final review and guidance as the editor-in-chief for special issues of Advances in Space Research. We thank the authors for their timely submission and their quick response to the reviewer comments and humbly.

Scurlock, and Stacie M. Working harder to obtain more snack foods when wanting to eat less. This study investigates individual differences in the reinforcing value of snack food. More specifically, it was investigated whether differences in restraint status are associated with differences in working for high-caloric snack food. Thirty-six unrestrained non- dieters , twenty restrained non- dieters and fifteen current dieters performed a concurrent schedules task in which they had the option to work for points for either snack food or fruit and vegetables.

By progressively increasing the "price" of the snack foods i. As hypothesized, restrained non- dieters worked harder and current dieters worked less hard to obtain snack food as compared to unrestrained non- dieters. The ID proposes, taking into account the amendments to the Popular Front program outlined above, to work up a unified democratic movement But under the law they cannot practise charity, which is professed by practically all religions. Preferences and attitudes of older adults of Bialystok, Poland toward the use of over-the-counter drugs.

The aim of the stu This study examines the prevalence and intensity of dieting behavior and the development of eating disorders in a sample of high school students from ten schools in the Greater Cleveland area. The sample includes four race-sex groups: Differences in dieting behavior between these groups are examined and, within each race-sex group, dieters and non- dieters are compared to see whether they differ in such factors as current weight and personal weight history, parental weights, socioeconomic class, religion, birth order, exercise and personality factors such as self-esteem and eating disorder measures.

Data were collected using both self-administered questionnaires and in-depth interviews with a subsample of students. The study documents a higher prevalence of dieting and purging behavior than has been reported in other research. Forty-one percent of both black and white males, 61 percent of black females, and 77 percent of white females dieted and many purged, particularly black females who tended to use laxatives and diuretics and white females and males who tended to use vomiting.

Dieters and non - dieters differed significantly in past experience with being overweight and in their current weights. At the time of the study 20 to 30 percent of the dieters were classifiable as overweight. While black and white male dieters and non- dieters were in agreement about ideal body weight, white female dieters and non- dieters wanted considerably lower weights than black female dieters and non- dieters. Ethnicity, as determined by socioeconomic class and religion, was not significantly related to dieting behavior, nor was birth order, a familial factor. It appeared that pervasive cultural pressures to attain an ideal figure affected all race-sex groups and led large percentages of the students to diet, even many who were already underweight.

Chronic dieting distorts eating behaviors and causes weight escalation. Desperation about losing weight results in pursuit of extreme weight loss measures. Instead of offering yet another diet, nutrition educators can teach chronic dieters dieting casualties to develop eating competence.

Eating Order, a week class for chronic dieters based on…. Items 1 - 50 of Identifying developmental vascular disruptor compounds using a predictive signature and alternative toxicity models. Restaurant eating in nonpurge binge-eating women. This study describes restaurant-eating behaviors for nonpurge binge-eating women in comparison to dieters.

Restaurant-eating behaviors were determined from a content analysis of day food diaries using a convenience sample of 71 women who reported binging without purging and 46 dieters without a recent binge history. Comparing bingers to dieters , there were no significant differences in frequency of eating out, dessert consumption at restaurants, or fast food eating. Bingers more often perceived restaurant eating to be uncontrolled and excessive. Both bingers and dieters consumed significantly more calories kcal and fat Extra calories consumed on restaurant-eating days may contribute to weight gain over time, especially with frequent restaurant eating.

Restaurants may present a high-risk food environment for bingers and dieters , contributing to loss of control and excess consumption. Dieting and food craving. A descriptive, quasi-prospective study. Evidence linking food restriction and food craving is equivocal.

L'\anima Nello Scaffale

This study investigated whether dieting was associated with a greater frequency of food craving. Dieting to lose weight was distinguished from watching so as not to gain weight. They completed a food craving record after every food craving, a food diary, and a daily mood assessment over 7-days. Of the craving incidents recorded, dieters experienced significantly more food cravings than non- dieters , with watchers intermediate.

Compared with non- dieters , dieters experienced stronger cravings that were more difficult to resist, and for foods they were restricting eating. Watchers showed similarities in experience both to dieters low hunger and non- dieters lower craving intensity. These results support an association between dieting and food craving, the usefulness of distinguishing dieting to lose weight and watching, and suggest a need for further experimental investigation of actual food restriction on food craving experiences.

Underlying assumptions and core beliefs in anorexia nervosa and dieting. To investigate assumptions and beliefs in anorexia nervosa and dieting. The patients scored more highly than the other two groups on assumptions about weight and shape, assumptions about eating and negative self-beliefs. The dieters scored more highly than the female controls on assumptions about weight and shape.

The cognitive content of anorexia nervosa both assumptions and negative self-beliefs differs from that found in dieting. Assumptions about weight and shape may also distinguish dieters from female controls. Dieting in bulimia nervosa is associated with increased food restriction and psychopathology but decreased binge eating. The cognitive behavioral model of bulimia nervosa BN suggests that dieting is central to the maintenance of binge eating.

However, correlational and experimental studies suggest that additional clarification is needed about the nature of this relationship. Dieting, weight, eating disorder psychopathology, and depression were assessed at admission among patients with BN presenting for residential treatment. A comparison of weight loss dieters and non- dieters found greater food restriction and eating disorder psychopathology among weight loss dieters.

However, dieters reported less frequent binge eating. There were no significant group differences in depression. Results suggest that 1 while many individuals with BN are attempting to restrict their food intake, the goal of losing weight fundamentally alters the effect of such restriction on binge eating, and 2 treatment may benefit from helping patients to establish a healthier approach to achieving long-term weight stability.

Eestist jutustas ka dokumentaalfilm " Dieter Kronzucker: Europas Neue Grenze" telekanalil N Effect of depressed mood in eating among obese and nonobese dieting and nondieting persons. This study explored the relationship among obesity, depressed mood, current dieting habits, and eating. Depressed or nondepressed mood was induced in obese are nonobese dieters and nondieters. As predicted, dieters ate more when depressed than when nondepressed, and nondieters ate less when depressed than when nondepressed.

That is, both groups reversed their typical eating patterns when depressed. Also as predicted, among depressed students, dieters ate more than nondieters; among nondepressed students, dieters at less than nondieters. The above pattern of results was found both for obese students and for nonobese students. Dieting habits were highlighted as a more salient variable than obesity in predicting eating responses to depressed mood.

These findings are discussed with respect to the psychosomatic theory of obesity, Schachter's stimulus-binding theory of obesity, previous investigations of clinical depression, and Herman and Polivy's theory of restrained eating. From Left to right: For example, food cue-elicited craving has been found to impair working memory performance. Furthermore, current dieters have been found to show lower working memory performance than non- dieters.

Recent research, however, suggests that it is crucial to consider dieting success in addition to current dieting status or restrained eating in order to reveal cognitive mechanisms that are associated with succe The effects of calorie information on food selection and intake. To examine the effects of calorie labeling on food selection and intake in dieters and non- dieters , and to explore whether expectations about food healthfulness moderate these effects.

Participants were presented with a menu containing two items, a salad and a pasta dish. The menu had a no calorie information, b information that the salad was low in calories and the pasta was high in calories, c information that the salad was high in calories and the pasta was low in calories or d information that both were high in calories study 2 only. Calorie labels influenced food selection for dieters , but not for non- dieters. Dieters were more likely to order salad when the salad was labeled as low in calories and more likely to order pasta, even high-calorie pasta, when the salad was labeled as high in calories.

Participants who chose high-calorie foods over low-calorie foods did not eat less in response to calorie information, although non- dieters reduced their intake somewhat when calorie labels were put in the context of recommended daily calories. The results suggest that the rush to provide calorie information may not prove to be the best approach to fighting the obesity epidemic. What does self-reported "dieting" mean? Evidence from a daily diary study of behavior. Dieting is often recommended as a means of weight loss, yet research consistently shows that self-reported dieting does not result in weight loss.

Toward resolving this discrepancy, this study assessed the daily dietary intake and weight control strategies of people who self-identified as dieting. Dieters were expected to report fewer daily calories, more daily exercise, and more weight control strategies than non- dieters. At baseline, participants Dieters did not consistently endorse dieting across diaries. Nevertheless, Dieters reported fewer daily calories, and more overall weight control strategies, including more healthy weight control strategies, than Concerned Eaters.

Across groups, participants' weights did not change significantly during the study. Dieters appear to engage in weight control strategies which could result in weight loss; however, their reports of whether they are dieting vary across days, suggesting a need for more consistent behavior. These results have clinical and research implications in the area of weight loss. Foreign Cultural Policy in the Interbellum: This book considers the growing awareness in the wake of World War I that culture could play an effective political role in international relations.

Tamara van Kessel shows how the British created the British Council in support of those cultural aims, which took on particular urgency in light of the. That same year, the security company Weller-Fahy, and Tamara Yu. Greenwald, No Place to Hide: In-line instrumentation and computer-controlled process supervision in reprocessing. Measuring equipment is needed for continuous monitoring of concentration in radioactive process solutions. A review is given of existing in-line apparatus and of computer-controlled data processing.

Jernigan sips a beverage from a plastic container using a straw. She appears to be pondering what beverages she would like to have on her day flight this coming autumn. The picture shows Koszelak removing the insert from the transportation dewar. Chemical process developments in reprocessing from in the Institute for Hot Chemistry.

Work on the aqueous reprocessing of fuels is described. The following are discussed: Solutions to problems are discussed. Anu Liivak, Tamara Luuk. Kaljo, Mari Laanemets, Killu Sukmit. Sneg v bambukovoi roshtshe Dietary restraint, life satisfaction and self-discrepancy by gender in university students. Full Text Available This study aimed to characterize dieting and non-dieting university students by gender, based on their satisfaction with life and their food-related life, self-discrepancy, food behavior and health-related aspects. Socio-demographic characteristics, food behavior, and approximate weight and height were also enquired.

Chronic dieters and non- dieters were distinguished according to the median score of the Revised Restraint Scale. Women dieters reported lower life satisfaction and satisfaction with food-related life, more health problems and health-related restriction of food, while men dieters showed higher social and emotional self-discrepancy. Full Text Available In the article the great numbers of political repressions, which were exaggerated by authors: Antonov-Ovseenko in s are criticized. The author characterizes figures given in tens and even in hundreds of millions of victims as a statistical charlatanism.

In his view, the total number of political victims does not exceed 2, 6 million people. Inhibition of eating behavior: This study tested the hypothesis that dieters would score higher than nondieters in terms of food rumination. Two hundred and thirty one college undergraduates completed the Eating Obsessive-Compulsiveness Scale EOCS and responded to a questionnaire that inquired about dieting status. Subjects also completed measures that tapped neuroticism and social desirability.

Results showed that current dieters were significantly more obsessed with thoughts of eating and food than were nondieters. Neither dieting status nor EOCS scale scores were related to neuroticism or social desirability. These results are consistent with previous theory and research suggesting that inhibition of appetitive behaviors can have negative cognitive effects.

Definition Of A Situation-Skull

Moreover, they indicate a potential target for therapeutic intervention. Embodied free will beliefs: The present research suggests that people's bodily states affect their beliefs about free will. People with epilepsy and people with panic disorder, which are disorders characterized by a lack of control over one's body, reported less belief in free will compared to people without such disorders Study 1. The more intensely people felt sexual desire, physical tiredness, and the urge to urinate, the less they believed in free will Study 2. Among non- dieters , the more intensely they felt hunger, the less they believed in free will.

However, dieters showed a trend in the opposite direction Study 3. After the usual six-month overlap with the previous management, Rolf- Dieter Heuer took office on 1st January as new Director-General. His mandate will cover the early years of operation of the LHC as well as its first scientific results. As he starts his new position, Rolf Heuer gives a long interview to the Bulletin.

On the lexicographical description of equivalent open class Translation of a German paper presented at a symposium on the occasion of the 65th birth- day of Dieter Herberg, The following explanations are illustrated by means of wa7 in Fig Pleasure, pursuit of health or negotiation of identity? Personality correlates of food choice motives among young and middle-aged women.

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Die Definition der Situation bei Hartmut Esser in einer kritischen Betrachtung ( German Edition) - Kindle edition by Marian Bosse. Download it once and read it on. Die Definition Der Situation Bei Hartmut Esser in Einer Kritischen Betrachtung ( German) Paperback – Import, 17 Jun Kindle Edition Zuerst soll geklart werden, wie Esser die Definition der Situation beschreibt, und wie sein Konzept.

The clustering of four food choice motives health, weight concern, pleasure and ideological reasons and the relationship between personality and the food choice motives were analysed among young and middle-aged women in two studies. The personality variables included personal strivings, magical beliefs about food, awareness and internalization of thinness pressures, appearance and weight dissatisfaction, depression, self-esteem and symptoms of eating disorders.

Study 1 was done with young and middle-aged women. In Study 2, with data provided by senior high-school girls, one cluster of girls who did not regard any of the food choice motives as important was found, otherwise the food choice clusters were fairly similar in both studies. They were labelled as health fosterers, gourmets, ideological eaters, health dieters and distressed dieters. Only the second dieter group, distressed dieters , showed low psychological well-being and symptoms of disordered eating.

The results also indicated that ideological food choice motives i. Copyright Academic Press. Journal of Biosciences Indian Academy of Sciences. Heat stress response in plants: Five studies are reviewed which indicated the effectiveness on weight loss by mentally retarded persons of a treatment program stressing self control. The intervention included procedures which increased the dieter 's self awareness of overeating behavior patterns and body weight, reduced food cues, reduced eating rates, increased activity level….

These Daimler drivers will typically drive for no more than Video Histories, Memories, and Coincidences. Looping images allows us to notice things that we have never noticed before. Looping a small but exquisite selection of the video tapes of Marcel Odenbach, Dieter Kiessling and Matthias Neuenhofer may allow the discovering of Histories, Coincidences, and Infinitesimal Aesthetics inscribed Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

General Article Volume 17 Issue 12 December pp Click here to view fulltext PDF. Correlates of Bulimia Nervosa: Early Family Mealtime Experiences. Examined relationship of early mealtime experiences to later bulimia in female college students. Found significant group differences among bulimics, nonbulimics, and repeat dieters on early meal experience questionnaire, with bulimic group reporting most negative and unusual experiences. Found significant differences among groups on depression…. Investigating sex differences in psychological predictors of snack intake among a large representative sample.

It is often assumed that there are substantial sex differences in eating behaviour e. The present study investigates this assumption in a large representative community sample while incorporating a comprehensive set of. Die Inquisition und ihre Wahrnehmung im Alten Reich. Full Text Available Rezension von: The string theory and the search for the world formula; Quantenfische. Die Stringtheorie und die Suche nach der Weltformel. Can all physical phenomena from the smallest particles to the universe be uniquely described?

The hottest candidate for such a world formula is the string theory. The renowned physicist Dieter Luest explains by means of a story of ''quantum fishes'', intelligent fishes in a pond, the foundations and essential principles of the string theory. Oxford University Press, 01 Dieter Ernst. Festivali uue direktori Dieter Kosslicki uuenduseks on saksa filmi endisest tunduvalt suurem osakaal. Eesti filmid on esil ka festivali suurel filmiturul. Die Suche nach den Gottesteilchen. Speed By Any Other Name. This guide focuses on over-the-counter OTC stimulants sold to high school aged athletes and dieters as "herbal energizers," food supplements, and fatigue reducers.

While advertising often makes them appear healthful and harmless, all of these stimulants belong in the class "sympathomimetic amines," so called because they…. Psychologie sicheren Handelns in Risikosituationen. Springer Medizin Verlag, Heinz; Spada, Hans [Eds. Psychologie Verlags Union, Lord of the particles. Though the German physicist never expected to gain this influential position in Switzerland, it seems a natural step in his career trajectory" 1. Of 27 countries in a World Health Organization survey, American children report the most physical complaints, Portuguese children are most kind to one another, and Lithuanians watch more TV.

Northern Irish, Scottish, and Finnish youngsters love computer games. Resisting "Crash Diet" Staff Development. People often respond to the pressure of attending a high school reunion or their child's wedding by going on a crash diet to get quick results. In response, friends may marvel about how good they look on the outside. But what folks don't acknowledge is that, in the name of getting results, crash dieters have done some very unhealthy things to…. Repeated exposure to the thin ideal and implications for the self: Two weight loss program studies. Exposure to thin models results in self-esteem shifts that influence people's motivation to diet.

This research study applies a goal perspective to explain the effect of exposure to thin models on dieters ' motivation to lose weight. Two one-week weight loss program studies that included treatment. Abandoning weight-loss programmes Van Staden South African A study of unsuccessful dieters focused on a group of 50 obese subjects who had previously joined a slimming organisation, but who had dropped out. They were interviewed with emphasis on factors relating to Weight Loss at a Cost: Addresses three claims of high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets: The paper examines relevant scientific reports and notes….

Ilmunud ka ajalehes "Eesti Ekspress", , Dieting and the self-control of eating in everyday environments: An experience sampling study. Objective The literature on dieting has sparked several debates over how restrained eaters differ from unrestrained eaters in their self-regulation of healthy and unhealthy food desires and what distinguishes successful from unsuccessful dieters. We addressed these debates using a four-component. Three directors for one strategy. This week, the Bulletin interviewed the three Directors, who presented their strategies for their respective sectors as a new era begins for CERN.

Causes of emotional eating and matched treatment of obesity. Purpose of the Review: Eating in response to negative emotions EE may be an explanatory factor of the weight regain of many dieters. This narrative review presents evidence on possible causes of EE and the association of EE with depression and obesity and discusses implications of these findings. D the Center for Surgery, E.

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