Jesus Christ superstars: meet the modern-day messiahs

In this case, then, this figure coming on the clouds of Heaven is one who receives the kingdom from Yahweh, as Baal received it from El. The text goes on to say that the kingdom is given, first of all, to the holy ones of the Most High, and then to the people of the holy ones of the Most High.

The people of the holy ones of the Most High, I think, are the Jewish people. The one like a Son of Man here, then, is the leader of the angelic host: To make this more complicated, though, this figure was also interpreted from a fairly early time as the Messiah. However, in this case it is clearly not Michael, because Michael appears separately. He is also, at least in one case, called the Messiah. In the rest of the tradition the Messiah is always a human being. But here the word messiah is used for a figure who is not human at all. People were trying to combine two traditions: Increasingly, these two traditions are put together.

This figure will both restore the Jewish kingdom on earth and some kind of heavenly kingdom after the resurrection. Now, it seems clear from the gospels that Jesus did not go around referring to himself as the Messiah. Mark, Chapter 8 is a good illustration of this: The followers of Jesus became convinced at some point that he was the Messiah.

Jesus also said the kingdom of God is at hand.

Who Was Jesus, the Man?

The standard expectation of the Davidic messiah was that the Messiah was supposed to be a warrior. He was supposed to be somebody who would smash heads and drive out the Romans. The standard messianic texts were passages like Isaiah, Chapter 11, which talks about the Messiah killing: These texts about a figure who would smash heads are not the texts that are initially lifted up in the New Testament.

Instead, the gospels show Jesus working miracles, raising the dead, even telling parables. But in fact, prophets were sometimes said to be anointed. This, basically, is what got Jesus crucified: The Romans took him to be a messianic pretender, or someone who claimed to be restoring the kingdom of the Jews. That is why they nailed to the cross Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews. What they concluded was, yes, he is the Messiah, but not the kind of messiah that everybody was expecting.

Jesus is a messiah who has to die first and then come back. When Bar Kokhba, a messianic pretender years after Jesus who led a revolt against Rome, got killed, that was the end of him. People believed he was the Messiah before he was killed.

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Once he was killed, that cleared up that question. But in the case of Jesus, his followers believed he was risen from the dead. They were not looking for historical context. As far as they were concerned, all of these texts were prophecies, and they were all written for their benefit. What they do then systemically in the New Testament is apply anything that could possibly be taken as a messianic prophecy to Jesus.

The Second Coming

The glaring example was Daniel, Chapter 7, with its description of the Son of Man. For Jesus to be the Son of Man, he had to die: The Son of Man was supposed to come on the clouds of heaven, not be walking around in Galilee.

Now let me emphasize this: While the Son of Man originally meant a human figure, this term does not emphasize the humanity of Jesus. It presupposes that he was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven. In the Book of Acts, before Stephen is stoned, he says that he has a vision in which he saw the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God. This vision combines imagery from Daniel 7 and Psalm , both of which I mentioned earlier.

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The Third Search for the Jew of Nazareth. New Testament scholars face a formidable challenge when they analyze the canonical Gospels. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. University Press of America. Handbook for the Study of the Historical Jesus. Jesus was a Galilean Jew, [12] born around the beginning of the 1st century, who died in 30 or 33 AD in Judea.

This happened with other texts as well. You get the story of the flight into Egypt, which gets into only one out of four gospels. This is the way the beliefs about Jesus get formulated. An awful lot of it is based on the assumption that all Old Testament prophecy was being fulfilled. All these texts were written in a particular time and place and were meant to make sense to the people of those times and places.

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Jesus also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Christ, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure of Christianity. Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah (Christ) prophesied .. When Jesus is presented as a baby in the temple per Jewish Law, a man. These men say they're the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Their disciples agree.

But today people have forgotten the original context. They think that God wrote the Bible for our benefit, 2, years after Christ. In Isaiah, Chapter 7, there is a prophecy to the king, Ahaz, that a young woman will conceive and bear a son and will name him Emmanuel. Now, if you look at that text from the angle of historical interpretation, that was something that made sense to Ahaz and to other people of the time. When Ahaz was dead and gone, people read that text and thought of it as something that was yet to happen at some point in the future.

This is the text that gives us the prophecy that the Messiah is supposed to be born of a virgin. This article also appears in the December issue of U. View the discussion thread. Revelation chapters describe the end times prior to the Second Coming of Christ. The world will be devastated, millions of people will perish, and the most evil person in all history will be ruler of the entire world. The Second Coming of Christ puts all this to an end.

On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: The Second Coming - When is it? Perhaps no event in the history of the world has been more anticipated than the Second Coming. Every generation of believers, including believers in the New Testament, has strongly believed that Jesus would return in their lifetime.

Others doubt that it will ever occur, "They will say, 'Where is this "coming" he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation" 2 Peter 3: So, we must avoid both extremes: Many Bible teachers have made guesses as to when the Rapture and Second Coming will occur. They have all been incorrect.

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The Bible declares, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" Matthew The Bible describes several events which must occur before the Second Coming Matthew So, we are to anticipate the Second Coming, but have a biblical understanding of it. We are not to set dates and times, but live our lives as if it could happen any day, any moment.

You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness! God , the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him.

Preacher Says He Is The Messiah

Jesus , the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried , and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior , declaring, " Jesus is Lord ," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response? Is the Bible True?