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Consuming fat is essential to slimming down on Atkins. Fat also heightens the flavor of foods and enables your body to absorb certain vitamins. Always accompany a carb snack with either fat or protein. For example, have cucumber slices with a piece of cheese. Consume 3T of added fat daily. Two of these can be replaced with coffee or tea.

Another 2 cups can be replaced with beef, chicken, or vegetable broth not the low sodium kind. These symptoms disappear once you're burning primarily fat, but in the meantime, be sure to consume sufficient salt in the form of salty broth, salt, tamari, or soy sauce. Read food labels carefully, particularly on condiments. In restaurants, ask for oil and vinegar to dress your salad, request sauces on the side, and feel free to ask the server what's in a dish. If you are in Induction, you have 5 to 8 grams of net carbs to use for dairy, dressings, or Atkins products.

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You can plan accordingly. Eat nothing that isn't on the list of Phase 1 acceptable foods , unless you plan to continue on Phase 1 for longer than two weeks. If so, then it is acceptable to add nuts and seeds. Google Gary Taubes " Why we get Fat" and "good calories bad calories" listen to his lectures Ketogentic is the way no doubt. I'm type two insulin dependent. I'm going a year! Justme - 23 Jun 9: Hi there Was wondering if anyone can help. I currently take Metformin for insulin resistance.

I'd like to begin a Keto eating plan. Should I stop taking the medication before beginning? I haven't been taking it long and only on mg once a day at the moment. Colleen - 23 Oct 8: Hi, I am type 11 and was on 2x Byetta Exenatide 20 mg injections plus 3x Metformin per day. Started Keto in Feb, Sugar dropped from at fasting to I have never felt better, super energised, no aches or pains. No cravings or interest in any junk or sweet foos. I love this way of life and highly recommend it.

Tracy Aylen - 20 Jun Anecdotal reports of ketone strips for urine testing being in short supply at some pharmacies in Melbourne. Some people actually do need these for medical reasons ie; people with diabetes. Perhaps those who just want to check if their latest diet is working could simply sniff each others breath! A lot cheaper and doesn't involve using up a valuable medical resource. Brian - 04 Jun 2: I find it amusing that people think this is a fad diet. Up until 40 or 50 years ago this is how people lived since man walked the earth. Zach - 24 Jul 3: Im pretty sure people were eating bread in the bible, and the first agricultural crops were wheat.

People most likely ate all the fruit they could get too. But dont mind me. Bob - 16 Sep 8: Yes Zach your dead right. Unfortunately over the last 50 years developments in grain technology has changed the way grains are now grown. What was grown in Bible days per acre was by far a lesser yield; today wheat per acre far outstrips what the yield use to be! So what does this mean? Well a piece of bread in Bible times would take you a lot longer to eat and digest.

Unfortunately today even full grain bread is nothing more than simple carbs' that is quickly turned into sugar and makes you feel more hungry. This is true across the board for all grains wheat, barley, oats, rice. If you do the research you will see that yields per acre plus human consumption has skyrocketed in the last 50 years; along with obesity.

This is without getting into GMO debate and round up ready crops. Like German beer for example being laced with Roundup. Mel - 24 Oct Pretty sure that they made wholewheat bread not the overly processed white crap they call bread today. Nothing wrong with eating fruit either as they contain plenty of fibre , not the same as todays juicing and smoothies fad ,eating whole fruit with fibre intact is not bad for you. It works for me, off all medication, dropped 20 kilos, just love it!

Alex - 13 Apr The ketogenic diet is interesting as it is a stress on the body so when someone is hyper stressed they tend to do worse, but it has some amazing benefits. Also about the pee strips as you get deeper into ketosis your body gets more efficient at using ketones and less get flushed through urine so keep that in mind. Jerry the juicer - 06 Apr I have been using eyrthritol and not counting any carbs. I checked the package and it says in g serving Calories.

Where are the carbs coming from and should I be counting them when using eyrthritol. Jerry, From what i know about Erythitol, it doesnt break down into glucose and get secreted out of your bladder pretty quickly. I hope this helps. Daniel - 01 Mar Awesome experience, thanks for sharing. Carmen - 28 Jan 2: I am day 9.

After day 4 I my strip came back darkest purple. I have stayed that color everyday. However, I was down 7 pounds yesterday, but this morning up 2. I did not cheat and my calories were under Shellybellybean - 27 Apr 4: When you do ketosis your body goes through a "freak out phase" where it thinks it is starving so it holds onto water by replacing the fat in cells with water.

You'll experience a "whoosh" effect where once it realizes it's not starving it will empty the water from the cells and you'll loose the extra 2 pounds you mysteriously gained. The body will do this sporadically even weeks into the ketosis diet. Hi there, I'm sorry to say there is no Part 2 as yet. But stay tuned all the same! Harry - 08 Apr 9: PMS Put down the chocolate, zinc is what you need young lady!

Get your hands on some: Red meat, seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables, marmite or bovril. Please don't advertise or endorse commercial products or activities or solicit business on the message board. Bianca Shambrook - 28 Oct 5: I've lost over 6. That seems to debunk your theory slightly. Percy Ferry - 20 Aug Banting was started in the 19th century, well before its use in epilepsy was understood. Most people who eat a keto lifestyle lose weight. Raichel Williamson - 09 Apr 2: OK - so I watched and listened and I tried a low carb, no sugar diet. Have Diabetes Type 2. Sugar readings went from to in one week.

This is now my 4th week on the diet and my current 7 day reading is not above 10 ever and has an average of 7. Ate pretty much everything else including pure double cream, full cream butter, olive oil, full fat cheese double Brie. Can work more, and am happier. Eva Chapman - 25 May 7: Very interested that your keto diet brought down your sugar. I have been on a low carb diet for 2 years. I would lve to know if it is possible to reverse Diabetes 2 and how long I should stay keto. Any thoughts would be welcome. RaiFai - 04 Jan 4: My understanding is that some people can reverse diabetes.

It depends if you get it in time before serious damage has been done to the pancreas. Some can't reverse it but can manage it without drugs, on the Keto eating. Vasiliki - 09 Sep The reason Ketogenic works for a Type 2 diabetic is because your disease is not of the Pancreas but of the Liver and is caused by Insulin Resistance.

The only thing that works to lower Insulin Resistance other than Intermittent Fasting is James Q - 06 Feb 9: From reading Taubes, Rosedale, Harcombe et al Aim points were ZERO carbs, NO grains of any kind or colour, moderate protein-mainly fish and beef- and unlimited saturated fat Ate lots of celery and tomatoes covered in natural salt, cinnamon, tumeric and hot spices. Jas Singh - 07 Jun 1: James Q - Hats off to you. I would love to see your diet plan as i have been clocking in high 12 and the lowest i have got to is 7.

Hi there, sorry but we can't include personal information on the post site. Rosie Hampton - 21 Feb There is a great book called Diabetic Solutions. I can't remember the author, but he is American. He developed diabetes at age 9. There is a long story but he became an endocrinologist and only treats diabetic patients.

He has always in his adult life believed in a very low carbohydrate diet, and has proven its effectiveness for thousands of diabetics. Keep up the great healthy work and I hope this is helpful. His name is Dr R. I want to know how did that go? John L - 19 Nov 3: An interesting presentation by a nice young reporter. However the two questions that I ask Emma - 20 Dec 5: It's not an extreme diet at all, it's simply eating whole foods, not processed crap such as bread, pasta and other packaged foods.

In fact, eating too many carbohydrates, sugar in particular, will upset the body's equilibrium far more than protein and good fats. You got it right girl, keto has done wonders for me, lost belly fat which was impossible on a low cal diet to even lose weight at my age.

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Menopause symptoms slowly reduced and now pretty much gone, digestive disorder improved, cystic acne dramatically improved, skin not as dry or flakey, dandruff improving still. I am over the moon. Im actually dreading going back to my old habits or introducing more carbs just in case I go back to the vicious cycle of sugar and carbs addiction. Dave - 18 Nov 3: The biggest mistake people make is eating too much protein. CAt - 22 Jul 1: L Auld - 17 Nov 7: We apologise that Catalyst - Low Carb: Fat or Fiction - was unavailable.

The issue has now been rectified and the program restored. L Auld - 17 Nov 6: I would love to know where Roslyn acquired her information in relation to gaining 4 kilograms of muscle in 6 weeks. For a bodybuilding male, with high levels of testosterone, significant genetic potential, with nutrition based on optimising muscle protein synthesis and very intense hypertrophy based muscle training, the most you are looking at gaining in a six week period is roughly 1. And this figure is based on muscle gain in your first year of training where gains are substantially higher than subsequent years which are proven to be subject to diminishing returns.

It is suggested that rather than having 'gained 4kg of muscle' and losing 3. Unless Roslyn undertook a cycle of steroids to fuel muscular hypertrophy, her information in this regard is bogus. From the perspective of a bodybuilder myself, consuming fats, protein and carbohydrates in a balanced and measured fashion has proven very successful. As calories are more dense per gram of fat than protein or carbohydrates, going crazy on the fat levels will no doubt elevate calories to above your body's total expenditure. Maintaining a desired weight is an easy calculation.

You must not exceed the calories your body requires. You can make those calories up in whatever way you like but I believe that balance is key especially bodybuilding. Of course I can not speak to the effects of a ketogenic diet on those with diabetes but I know that for an average person, looking for an extreme way to keep within healthy weight ranges is not the answer. John L - 19 Nov This is an excellent comment sir. Could you please apply for a job at the ABC and take over running this Catalyst program from the present crew who appear to prefer hype to substance?

Hopefully if you take over presenting Catalyst, the present people may then head on over to Channel 10 where they belong. This diet has its place in medicine however it is not for the average, already healthy person and should not be presented as such.

The "one size fits all" sentiment presented here smacks of the same jingoism that characterises all fad diets Darren Rogers - 26 Sep 7: Instead of talking of this way of eating as a fad diet, extreme eating etc It has seen increases of over percent in our consumption of refined carb and an estimated decrease of 50 percent in animal fat.

I would argue that perhaps food processing has not been a healthy change for humans, with obesity and other degenerative health problems on the rise. Also, a person satiated with quality nutrient does not crave, fats contain vital nutrition carbs do not. Lois - 17 Aug Thankyou mr Darren Rogerst I have a support group I would love to share it with Aussie Sutra - 19 Nov 5: You are still thinking in terms of simple mechanics and not accounting for hormones and homeostasis. L Auld - 23 Nov 7: Based upon textbook average mean changes in body composition with drugs or resistance training, your protest seems to be right on.

However within objective science, we classify anything within 2 standard deviations of the mean as 'normal'. In this context, if a woman has previously tried to limit weight gain by restricting both fat and energy, that typically translates to eating less total protein. Restricting energy and protein results in loss of lean body mass. Far from being theoretical, I published a study in Phinney et al, Metabolism.

And yes, she had previously been restricting fat and thus protein for the previous year. In this context, Ms. Lawrence's observation that she could have gained 4 kg of lean body mass in 6 weeks is wholly credible, and well within the range of a 'normal response' to this diet. Robyn - 16 Nov 8: Just wondering why I can't download the program any more.

It was only 4 days ago. I watched it at the time and it was great, and want to watch it again. Have tried iview and the Catalyst website. Fat or Fiction - was unavailable for a period of time and had some technical issues. These have now been rectified and the program restored. Glenn - 16 Nov 5: Tania - 16 Nov 9: Thank you for sharing your experience and tips Roslyn. I am three weeks into eating the ketogenic way and can really relate to your experience.

Blog: My six week ketogenic diet experiment

Unlike yourself I am overweight and like most of the population highly addicted to sugar and carbs. Eating high fat and low carb is really helping me control my appetite and cravings and kick start weight loss. It's not a diet it is a lifestyle. I'm looking forward to more postings and videos from you can't wait to try that smoothie too! Nugget - 15 Nov This program is spot on. Last year I went on a reduced carb diet and found that by increasing my fat intake I was losing weight rapidly to the point that I needed to pull back and try and plateau out as I felt that the weight was coming off too quickly.

I weighed myself every day and lost 14Kg in 2 months. I was extra motivated as I had an overseas trip coming up. Lorena - 24 Jan Interestingly, my husband and l have always battled weight and tried everything under the sun. We started Paleo almost 4 weeks ago and l lost 3 kgs first week while he lost nothing. Then l found about Keto and we transitioned to that, still no weight loss, or any other changes for that matter.

A friend of mine went Paleo on my recommendation just after we started and has lost 10kgs- literally falling off her. I am thinking that we have been doing too much protein not enough fats- frustrating, but l really want to make this work. Can l say we have been lower carbs for years due to allergies- but we're both chocolate lovers. The no sugar transition has been very easy- but surely we should have seen some weight loss.

We don't drink alcohol or soft drinks. Ketosis is a common metabolic process. Every triathalete or marathon runner who has depleted his glygogen stores gets it. The keto fog is there hitting the wall feeling. If you go without food too long its the same. Best example is tom hanks character in casterway. Its your bodys survival mechanism in dire straights. There has been no long term use by any people on earth except those in famine.

Its a common misconception that paleo is ketogenic, its not due to the higher protein as discribed by the auther. Remenber its a emergancy metabolic funtion, take care. Chris - 15 Nov 5: I have been on the ketogenic diet now for ten months. The results are striking. The psoriasis and reflux that have plagued me for decades vanished in three months. I now have a BMI of 21, down from I sprint swim for two to three kms per day.

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Bianca Shambrook - 28 Oct 5: Further, she consumes mostly coconut oil as her primary fat — for the ketones and this allows for higher intake of vegetables and some fruit. I now have a BMI of 21, down from Attention needs to be paid to food quality, types of fat intake, and micronutrient intake, just like any other diet. In desperation i immediately started the ketogenic diet and took all the chemo they would give me.

I never get nagging hunger anymore and frequently miss meals uneventfully. I sleep like a baby and have a clear mind. I am 70yo next birthday and feel like a 40yo. This is a great adventure that should not be missed by anybody. Another exciting newish revolution about low carb is that cancers require ample blood glucose to thrive.

It seems that keeping the carbs very low can prevent and ever cure cancer. Seems amazing, I know. Do some research and be amazed. John Atkins - 16 Dec 4: In desperation i immediately started the ketogenic diet and took all the chemo they would give me. Cannot be sure what was most effective but i can confirm i am now cancer free the past nine months and on a six monthly test cycle for the time being. I lost about 45lbs of weight on the diet but weight loss is usual with cancer anyway.

Since i was declared cancer free i have loosened up the diet somewhat but stll avoid added sugar and wheat as far as reasonsbly possible. My weight came back up to about 20 lbs below where i started and now holding that weight and in good health with BMI about Amy - 28 Apr 5: SO inspired by your story. Thank you for sharing! I've been on the ketogenic diet for 2 weeks now and am amazed already. I'm 41 and have been battling lethargy and obesity for 15 years and your story gives me hope that I might spend the next 40 in better health!

Susan - 15 Nov 1: I was being monitored for high blood sugar leading to diabetes - have had a weight problem since my teens - tried every diet over the last 40 years - got interested in slow carb and low fructose and have been practicing this method of eating for 2 years - even whilst traveling not easy My doctors are completely happy as all my blood results are better than normal and I've lost 23kg so it works for me and I don't crave carbs at all. Mike - 14 Nov 2: I'm eager to see the rest of your experiment with this way of eating. Merry - 14 Nov 1: Blog My 6 week keto diet Just letting you know under more info the recipe links don't work.

It goes to www which of course isn't the full address. Nicole - 14 Nov I find this whole idea very interesting, but I still haven't been able to find a list of what you can and cannot eat? This seems slightly different than the paleo diet, so I can't really refer to that. But where is the info for a keto diet? Also none of the links on the bottom of the Catalyst page for the main story work?? George - 14 Nov Nadine this comment directed to nadine below Please read the paper by Feinman at al, and also anything by Richard K. Bernstein a Dr with T1 diabetes who helped write that paper.

Very low carbohydrate intake with more fat for a type 1 diabetic means that you can lower the dose of insulin, and have fewer hypoglycaemic episodes. Dr Bernstein and his patients have lived like this for many years I think he's about 80 now. See point 11 in this paper. Geoffrey Payne - 14 Nov At about 50yrs of age I was over kls went on the Atkins Diet. My weight dropped to 84kls. Was advised not to eat that way, so stopped. I am 81 yrs down the years I have had a triple bi-pass followed by 2 strokes. In the last two weeks I decided to go back to eating a low carb diet.

Then last night I view your program. Yes I agree it's ba good way to eat whatever age we are. Sarah - 14 Nov Roslyn, Ignore all the negative comments, people love to be negative and criticise, yet they made the decision to spend their time reading your article. I think its great to hear real details about these sorts of diets as its this info no one talks about, but I'm sure plenty of people are living it.

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Keep up the great work, would love a more detailed post - weekly as suggested: Jenni Dean - 14 Nov 8: Whoo Ooh it works. Hi Jenni, please can you tell me how to go about getting the information I need to start and stay on the low carb diet. If it has worked for you for 3 years it is obviously well trialled. Danny - 20 Nov 5: Julie - 10 Jan Durianrider - 17 Nov This ABC reporter claims to have put on '4kg of muscle in only 6 weeks!

Um, not even girls on steroids can put that much muscle on. Ive been a PT since Extensive knowledge of anabolic steroid use amongst athletes. Look up 'Banana Girl' on youtube. She is pure carb focused with one incredible body and mid 30's. John L - 19 Nov 1: Pure carb this, low carb that. Suspicious muscle gain by a woman in a short amount of time and then "one incredible body" is recommended by our reader here.

The reader here may think an "incredible body" is a whole lot of fun and fair enough too but we should expect more from the ABC. Clearly the ABC is now appealing to a new demographic, a viewer base that prefers "exciting results" to a balanced approach to medical reporting. Thanks Tony, Thanks Malcolm jl. Linda - 18 Sep 5: There is a ton of new evidence that suggests that a Ketogenic lifestyle is MUCH better to a high-carb diet.

I suggest that you read some of it instead of only relying on what you were taught in and what you read or learn from mainstream literature. I do not deny that one can achieve great results on a high carb diet. But it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the best and healthiest way. She is 47 and has a body many 20 year olds can only dream of. With so many blogs and unscientific information available I do question why a national broadcaster feels the need to replicate a single person opinion piece.

If the abc don't continue to be the group that present facts rather than reporters individua lexperience and opinion who is left. Jenny - 15 Nov I agree, good show but would be vastly improved by being more scientific. The science is out there why not use it. Hype, exaggeration, extreme and shallow medical concepts and that all important eye on ratings. Di - 13 Nov This is a very interesting piece but I went looking for the rest of the blog and can't find it.

Is this the only post on the Keto diet by this reporter? I was assuming that it would be maybe a day by day or week by week blog. Thanks for your message. If there is anything specific you would like to know about my experience please just ask. Thanks for reading Roslyn. Reg - 13 Nov It's difficult as there is so much to learn and change. You identified some issues I've been having. That extra info will definitely help me. Ross - 13 Nov So what happens when you re-enter the real food world once you finish with ketogenisis and have obtained the desired goal weight?

Chris - 15 Nov 6: Carbohydrates probably do not belong in the "real world of food" as you put it.

  • !
  • The Tantra Connection : Healing Through Cosmic Interface.
  • Thornless Roses;
  • Low Carb Diet Tips for Atkins 20®, Phase 1;
  • .
  • O Caminho de Damasco (Portuguese Edition).
  • Catalyst: Blog: My six week ketogenic diet experiment - ABC TV Science.

They are a nutritionally poor recent addition to the human diet that has ushered in the era of obesity and diobesity. Big food has enjoyed the use of sugar and refined carbs to bolster their profits and destroy public health. The pharmaceutical jackets have then moved in to reap the rewards of this nutritional catastrophe.

Mirrorgirl - 18 Nov The LCHF lifestyle is not a diet and so there is no 'returning' to eating the way you did before.

  • Melodie.
  • 10 Low Carb Diet Tips for Atkins 20®, Phase 1 | Atkins;
  • .
  • Rife.

I went LCHF 5 years ago. I have never tried to achieve Ketosis, however I did lose 35 kilos and I have not regained a single ounce. I think you are looking at this from an old paradigm. This is a change for life and one that is so easy to maintain it's almost a joke. The only people who disagree with this nutritional lifestyle are those who have not tried it. I have never been happier or healthier, after a lifetime of stupid yo-yo dieting because I followed the 'recommended' approach of Low-fat and lots of Carbs.

I will never go back. Congratulations for your fine achievement and all the best for maintaining it for the rest of your life. Once you have gained the taste for high fat then ANY sugar could be a catastrophe. The question I have is, "What is your body's natural equilibrium weight? Have your blood measurements remained at healthy levels, have these been properly monitored, do you intend to do this regularly for the rest of your life?

Are you getting proper levels of fibre and looking after long term bowel health?

Why Do You Pig Out After You Work Out?

Caleb - 18 Dec 4: I too have been on a kergogenic diet and find it very easy to maintain now that I have adapted to fat as my primary fuel source. I find it odd that you are giving advice in regard to "Once you gained the taste for high fat then ANY sugar could be a catastrophe. This provides your body a great way to burn fat while keeping muscle and keeping your metabolism high. I would suggest that you lookup Cyclical Ketogenic diet. Helen Lloyd - 18 Nov 8: From what I have found from my own personal research and experience, this way of eating is a lifestyle and you don't actually come off it.

Sure I have a slice of toast or an apple occasionally, but the insulin rush and blood sugar crash after is not really worth it. Stick to good quality proteins, higher fat and non starchy vegetables. The only fruit I can get away with now is frozen berries. So it's a permanent change and if you keep at it, it ends up just being a normal part of your life. VanD - 19 Nov 9: You don't have to change anything if you don't want to - you can stay in ketosis for years if you enjoy the food and the lifestyle - why not? If you prefer to reintroduce some foods that you previously cut out, that's up to you It's up to you to decide how strict you want to be.

If you go back to eating junk then you'll put every back on Nadine - 13 Nov Do you realise how sickening it feels to read this article when you're a mother of a 6 year old beautiful girl who has had Type1 Diabetes since she was 2 years old. All I do 24 hours a day, which includes the 8 hours she's sleeping is test her blood sugar to make sure she doesn't fall too low, become Hypoglycemic, shaking, dizzy, confused, damage her brain or fall into a hypoglycemic coma or her sugars aren't too high, which results in Hyperglycaemia, which can damage her heart, kidneys, eye sight, circulation or put her into a Ketoacidosis state - nauseous, vomiting, abdominal pain or a coma.

Then to read that you do all of this to YOUR body on purpose so you can loose a couple of kilos? It just makes my eyes well up with tears in the disbelief of what I'm reading. Not only are you doing this on purpose you are recommending it, it seems, to other young people that would like to destroy their bodies.