
Non-Combatant Vessels

In refusing to kill in war, they would have to balance their official involvement in the military with the dictates of what they believed to be right. Many NCC men served in the military from through to Again caught between the position of the Army and the Absolutists, they were among the last to be demobilised and returned home. Though officially soldiers, they were not treated as such when it came to pay and leave, and were deliberately kept in the Army until the combatant soldiers - considered more worthy of an early demobilisation - had returned home.

Customary IHL - Rule 3. Definition of Combatants

Others found it a difficult balance - firmly part of the war effort, but decidedly not a soldier, they could not satisfy their conscientious objection to warfare. NCC service fulfilled only part of an objection to war, and COs who accepted it grudgingly would have to strike a difficult balance between orders and conscience. Accepting or rejecting the NCC was not a blind and instinctive choice for many men.

Several hundred Conscientious Objectors endured the conditions and compromise of the NCC for months before deciding to resist any further military orders and accepting a prison sentence.

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Non-combatant is a term of art in the law of war and international humanitarian law, describing civilians who are not taking a direct part in hostilities;. Noncombatant definition is - one that does not engage in combat: such as.

Others stayed with the NCC for the duration, uncomfortable with the requirements and expectations of non-combatant service, but unwilling to break the law or be seen to not do their duty to the country. However agreeable or disagreeable NCC men found working within the structures of the Army, they carried out their resistance to war and militarism as they believed they should, and consistently retained the right to protest.

Saba Bazargan

They could not, would not and did not kill. Thousands of men believed that, uniform or no uniform, this was the guiding moral principle of their lives, and they remained dedicated to it. The story of the NCC tends to be dominated by those men who passed through it temporarily on their way to an Absolute stand against war through imprisonment, but it deserves better than that. Tellingly, though the Absolutist story dominates our understanding of Conscientious Objectors today, NCC men would consistently protest and agitate for better conditions for their Absolutist brethren from until the end of the war - something the Absolutist side of the movement would not do until The challenge of the NCC and of other Alternativist viewpoints of Conscription is to understand that Conscience is both individual and evolving.

What is unacceptable to one person is not to another.

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The principle of non-combatant immunity protects non-combatants against intentional attacks in war. It is the most widely endorsed and deeply held moral constraint on the conduct of war. And yet it is difficult to justify.

Noncombatant Evacuation Operation Exercise

Recent developments in just war theory have undermined the canonical argument in its favour — Michael Walzer's, in Just and Unjust Wars. Some now deny that non-combatant immunity has principled foundations, arguing instead that it is entirely explained by a different principle: In war, as in ordinary life, harms to others can be justified only if they are necessary.

  • Non-Combatant Corps;
  • Non-combatant Immunity?
  • Non-combatant - Wikipedia?

Attacking non-combatants, the argument goes, is never necessary, so never justified. Although often repeated, this argument has never been explored in depth.


In this article, I evaluate the necessity-based argument for non-combatant immunity, drawing together theoretical analysis and empirical research on anti-civilian tactics in interstate warfare, counterinsurgency, and terrorism. Conduct of War in Social and Political Philosophy.

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The Orthodox and the Revisionist Views 1. Military a member of the armed forces whose duties do not include fighting, such as a chaplain or surgeon. Translation of noncombatant for Spanish Speakers. Companies of the NCC were organised by the regional home commands, and in all, 34 were raised. The Shadow of Arms. While State armed forces may be considered combatants for purposes of the principle of distinction see Rule 1 , practice is not clear as to the situation of members of armed opposition groups. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content.

Find it on Scholar. Request removal from index. A Study of Just War Theory. Lango - - Philosophia 38 3: I explicate the moral version of this view and its criticisms by reductive individualists; they argue that certain civilians on the unjust side are morally liable to be lethally targeted to forestall substantial contributions to that war.


I then argue that reductivists are mistaken in thinking that causally contributing to an unjust war is a necessary condition for moral liability. Certain noncontributing civilians—notably, war-profiteers—can be morally liable to be lethally targeted. Thus, the principle of noncombatant immunity is mistaken as a moral though not necessarily as a legal doctrine, not just because some civilians contribute substantially, but because some unjustly enriched civilians culpably fail to discharge their restitutionary duties to those whose victimization made the unjust enrichment possible.

  1. non·com·bat·ant.
  2. Edited by Seth Lazar and Helen Frowe!
  3. The non-combatant status: importance and implications for medical personnel.;
  4. The non-combatant status: importance and implications for medical personnel.;
  5. Helen Frowe.
  6. non-combatant.
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Consequently, the moral criterion for lethal liability in war is even broader than reductive individualists have argued. Access to the complete content on Oxford Handbooks Online requires a subscription or purchase. Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter without a subscription.

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