Novel Ideas

Novel Ideas and Where To Find Them

One sentence is usually enough to wake up my muse.

Character Worksheets

But I always … always have a notebook handy for these snippets where I can go back for these jewels. It may be a song, a quote, an episode title, or something else … but there is always something to catch my attention. Brian, I particularly like , which demonstrate that ideas are all around you, but you just have to tilt your head and mind to see them.

And of course, to act upon them by actually taking them out of that head and on to the paper or the screen. Thanks for your insights here. Riding a bicycle in particular seems to be the mechanical muse. Of course, then I have to try and remember what the ideas were at the end of the ride. Time for that digital recorder….

5 Ways to Come Up With Great Story Ideas

Use the first thought you have the minute you wake up, as a story starter. Depending on what kind of dreams or nightmare you wake up from — could be very interesting. Have used all of those ideas at one time or another. I also pay attention to any dreams I have. I recall events or scenes or people from dreams then add them to a story. I also think in What Ifs and ask myself all kinds of questions. I also ask people at my local library that are in my target audience whether YA or adult if they read a certain genre.

If they do I ask what they would like to see in a novel then I use their suggestions as jumping off points for plots or scenes. Hope this helps other writers out there. Thanks, these are great. Lighthearted, officious, valiant, emotional.

How to Develop Your Story Idea Into an Entire Novel

For now, hold back and watch the day-to-day interactions of the group. Read any posted guidelines and get an idea of how to do things. Take note of any recurring questions, likes and dislikes, and recommendations. If the members keep asking about the same type of story but are getting few answers pay special attention. You may have come across an unfulfilled need in the market. A Twitter poll is a handy-dandy tool that you can use to survey your audience.

At this stage, you can present some of your ideas and ask which one they like the best.

1: Explore myths and legends

Twitter polls will show up again as part of our marketing strategy giving you one more thing to look forward to. I know, I know. You hated your high school history class.

2: Investigate historical events

Bear with me here. Our world history is filled to the brim with interesting and inspiring stories:.

Keeping a journal is an essential exercise for writers. Besides helping you to process and understand your own thoughts and impressions, it helps you recollect the small anecdotes and interesting tidbits you hear throughout the day, many of which could be the germs of novel ideas.

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You hated your high school history class. Once you have your favorites listed, pick: Investigate historical events Real historical events can be fodder for more than a book idea. You are always looking forward to the next lesson like a good novel!!! Take a look at the type of content you like to consume, then ask yourself the following questions:.

Said Woolf of journaling and creative writing:. Keep a journal next to your bed and write for 10 minutes each night before lights out. Write any story ideas that occur to you in the process or as you read over earlier entries in the back of the book. You might find a map that inspires a travelogue, or an old letter written in a script that inspires the idea for a fictional character.

Hunting for wild ideas in their natural habitat.

As Stephen King and countless other authors have advised, you need to read to become an author. Many successful books were written in response to or in dialogue with previous stories.

Cunningham also describes a woman named Clarissa preparing to host a party, but she lives in contemporary New York rather than Victorian England. Yet you can borrow ideas and characters from existing classics to write a novel that is entirely your own creation. Pursue new experiences that will broaden your perspective. Go to local talks on interesting subjects in your area.

Becoming a great storyteller starts with a burning curiosity about the world around you. Starting a novel is daunting. Finishing a novel is daunting too. Both take commitment, dedication, and sustained work. Writing a short story is a good way to test out a book idea and see if it will sustain an entire novel. Many famous works of literature started out as short stories that authors used as process work.

Ideas for Novels and Stories

Find a reason to increase the length of your short story for example your character makes an important decision — what will the outcome be? This can be the guiding core idea for a book.

Honing your novel ideas:

Some are wild. Some are realistic. Others are just ludicrous. Some have been done before. The point is for you to tell the story differently. I'm Not Waiting; 2.I'll Try; Ways; Glass; 5. Lost on the Road; Blue Between Us;;

What if a cure for a major virus was found but pharmaceutical companies refused to produce it out of fear of losing profits?