20 Things Ive Learned as an Entrepreneur

Clarify your target market.

What matters is that you see it and you understand it. Actions speak louder than words and rather than trying to explain to them the significance of what you see, work on it. When success comes, they will cheer you on and celebrate with you. There are periods of crushing defeat that can leave you completely exhausted and fed up with everything. And then you start to think of quitting everything. But then you realize that you've invested so much time and so much money into the startup that quitting would be ludicrous when compared to keeping at it.

One of the major reasons you decided to start your own business is the freedom to use your time as you see fit. Your time is an invaluable resource to you, and once it passes you can't get it back. There will always be ways to make more money, but there are no ways to make more time. Don't start your own business and end up working way longer than you would at a regular job. You will need to learn how to be more efficient with your time.

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It's all about working smarter and not working harder, finding more efficient ways to get things done at the end of the day. One of the beauties of entrepreneurship is the wealth of experiences that can be gained from speaking to different business owners. And while these lessons have been of great importance to me, the lessons of another entrepreneur could be different.

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Feb 05, Sam rated it really liked it. Quick read The book was written I. A simple to understand language.. The business of the book makes it simple to follow and utilize. This was a quick, easy read full of insights from a successful entrepreneur. It is a good introduction for anyone considering entering the business world as an entrepreneur. Short and nice read. Good advices in short so you can remember and use them ;. Jan 28, christian garcia rated it really liked it.

Nice book Great and quick general ideas about entrepreneurship. I can recommend it for people who wants to start in this world. Nov 13, Dawn rated it really liked it. Good information The book is a quick read, one sitting. The toys are pertinent and timely. Sit a spell and read it.

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Oct 12, Tierra Hickman rated it liked it. Good Topics Good things to keep in mind in life as well as at work. I wish I would have read this last year. Oct 10, Stephanie rated it liked it. A pretty good short list of things to remember and work on. Not only as an entrepreneur, but also in general business and in everyday life. May 22, matthew parkyn rated it it was amazing. Sep 15, Sandra Largaespada rated it it was amazing. Sweet and simple to read Very concise but had plenty of sustenance.

Key information regarding leadership and having self confidence as a business person. Aug 16, Tony Vinayak rated it really liked it. Succinct advice Pearls of wisdom, albeit too abridged. Wish there was more depth in each chapter - leaves you craving for more! Oct 16, Brittany added it.

20 Things I've Learned As An Entrepreneuer- Book Review

When running out of money becomes the potential reality, you, and by you I mean I, learn real fast! I love this article. Setting up benchmarks for a workable spreadsheet and determining an ROI that is not tied solely to the bottom line is one of the entrepreneurial calls that only comes from being in the trenches. As someone who went through a similar process, I wholeheartedly agree with every word. Tell me about it Sean, if I realized the ramifications of anything before I did anything, I would never do anything.

30 Lessons I’ve Learned Along My Entrepreneurial Journey

Great article and advice. I recognized some of the things you talk about, and need to keep in mind others. Thanks for the article! Hopefully you are never in a position where one thing is everything. All you can do is prepare like mad and trust your gut and realize there is no rule book. You write the book as you go. Everyone who just merely plays with the idea of being an entrepreneur should read this post.

Probably eye-opening to many. Thanks so much Alex, what kind words! I really appreciate it. Thanks for linking to the tools you are using. Gonna check out Insightly. You going all in like you did is an inspiration. I actually came across Insightly through Fizzle! Then as soon as I send an email I make a reminder for myself to follow up again in a certain amount of time. Being in negotiations makes me realize that I have a lot to learn.

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People are very illogical. There are many things I've come to learn as an entrepreneur. Why does one headline get people to click versus another? Being an entrepreneur is not as easy as business books portray. Tell me about it Sean, if I realized the ramifications of anything before I did anything, I would never do anything.

It hits a chord for me specifically, because I just decided to focus on creating content blogging, script writing, etc. How is that possible with all the developments happening in this industry?! Hey Bree thanks so much. Good for you as well! Finding the gaps is like finding gold. Hey Richard, thanks for writing! I recently learned point 1 after doing my taxes this year.

This next year I am putting away my estimated taxes monthly in a separate account so that I never really see that money.

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I can also vouch for point 2 in my business experience as well. As entrepreneurs, we are often overly optimistic because we want to work on cool project and make more money. Good call on putting the money in a separate account. I have resigned myself to the fact that I am never going to know enough about anything.

But it does allow you to move forward with less worry I believe. Hope more people can learn to get laid off instead of quit in order to get a nice severance as a runway to be an entrepreneur. Haha my uncle told me a long time ago that when he wanted to go back to school in his 20s he told his boss to lay him off so he could collect unemployment. So the best you can do is find the way that works for you. Ultimately your skill set, your circumstances, and your ambitious come together to form some crazy cocktail strong enough to make things happen. I could also be horribly wrong.

Love your honesty and candor. Also love your perspective on the networking you did and instead of viewing it as a disaster, you mentioned you learned a ton such as talking about your business in one sentence, interacting with others, and most importantly, about human nature in general…. Leaning into fear and discomfort, usually right about where life begins. All the best to you…. Thanks so much Mike.

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Hi Richard, I really enjoyed your post, I think is one of the most true post about startup. Have a nice day and best wishes for your company! Thanks so much Nicoletta.

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20 Things I've Learned as an Entrepreneur - Kindle edition by Alicia Morga. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. On my last day at Consorte Media I wrote an email to myself listing the twenty things I've learned as an entrepreneur. In honor of Consorte.

I tend to make a lot of mistakes before I have successes. This just happened to be the way I went. Good on you Nick! I hope it comes sooner rather than later. But also, a partial income online is a good start too! Hell, just having an income is awesome. Thank you Richard for sharing your experience and letting us to know how to face them, if we meet them…. Superb post, Its Beneficial artical. I really adore it and wish u more successful in future.

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The Sparkline — a blog for independent creatives and entrepreneurs building matterful things. Clarify your target market. Even though I technically started my business in October, the first 6 weeks were spent building a website I had no skills and no experience doing so , and the next two months were spent blindly going to networking events and slowly becoming aware that: But not nearly enough.

The Most Important Lesson I've Learned as an Entrepreneur

Every project I ever did without a contract turned into a nightmare. On the surface, it appears that networking events were a horrible investment. But I did learn a lot from them. Bonus A lot of things make no sense as an entrepreneur. Give it a share: April 22, at 6: April 22, at 9: April 22, at 7: