Ansätze der Erfolgsmessung integrierter Kommunikation (German Edition)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfaß

Attributes are features that characterize the product or service and are divided into product-related and non-product-related attributes. Benefits are the personal value, consumers link to the product attributes, meaning the consumers' belief what the product can do for them. Benefits can either be functional, symbolic or experiential. Figure 1 provides an overview of the components that determine brand knowledge. Building customer-based brand equity entails the creation of a familiar brand that has favorable, strong, and unique brand associations.

This can be achieved through the initial choice of brand identities, developing supporting marketing programs and leveraging secondary associations. Initial choice of brand identities encompasses the choice of a brand name, brand logo or symbol.

For instance, the brand name should be easy to understand, pronounce and spell, in order to enhance successful processing at encoding and increase the brand awareness or facilitate the linkage of brand associations. Indeed, the selection of brand identities contributes to customer-based brand equity, but more important are supporting marketing programs, such as the pricing policy and marketing communication efforts.

They should as well enhance brand awareness and establish favorable, strong and unique brand associations in consumers' memory. Leveraging secondary associations involves creating favorable, strong, and unique secondary brand associations. Secondary associations occur when primary brand associations are linked to other information in consumers' memory that is not directly related to the product or service.

The indirect approach evaluates potential sources of customer-based brand equity by measuring brand knowledge.

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This requires measuring brand awareness and brand image. Brand awareness can be determined through different aided and unaided memory measures that can be utilized to test brand recall and recognition.

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The direct approach measures the effects of brand knowledge on consumer response to marketing for the brand. This can be done by experiments in which one group of consumers responds to an element of the marketing program of a fictively named version of the product or service and another group of consumers responds to same element when it is attributable to the focal brand [22] e. Another approach to directly measure customer-based brand equity is conjoint or tradeoff analysis. Professional sports have evolved as a rewarding business with many opportunities for sports marketers to prosper.

For instance, they have to create relationship management activities with their fans e. One major element within this development is the brand, which is often considered the most important asset of sport clubs. Before the discussion of factors affecting brand equity, it is important to understand the soccer market.

The primary offering of soccer teams is the sporting event and secondary products emerge from a variety of commercialization activities, resulting in four major products: Customer-based brand equity can be built by the choice of brand identities, marketing programs and secondary brand associations. Brand identities related to soccer can be the club's name, logo, symbols and slogan that should enhance the identification and recognition of the soccer brand.

The marketing program consists of factors, such as the pricing, communication, personnel and services. Secondary brand associations may arise among others from the regional origin, sponsors, renowned personalities, club friendships and events. As mentioned in section 2. Brand awareness can be measured through an enumeration of known brands in professional German soccer brand recall and through the recognition of brand names and the familiarity with these brands brand recognition. BWL - Personal und Organisation.

Soziologie - Medien, Kunst, Musik. Fordern Sie ein neues Passwort per Email an. Table of contents List of figures List of abbreviations 1. Conclusion References List of figures Figure 1: Dimensions of brand knowledge. Keller Figure 2: Soccer brand equity composition. List of abbreviations illustration not visible in this excerpt 1.

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Ansätze der Erfolgsmessung Integrierter Kommunikation (German Edition) eBook : Anne-Katrin Tauber: Kindle Store. Ansätze der Erfolgsmessung Integrierter Kommunikation (German Edition). Title: Ansätze der Erfolgsmessung Integrierter Kommunikation (German Edition).

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