Wah Lums Library - The Alternate World of Twisted Dreams Magazine...

If a liirfre straif,'tii is usetl iis a sm;ill straij;lii, it counts only ilif 30 points. The Yatzy category is five of a kind, and it earns a whopping 50 points. Chance, which just totals all five dice, is the last-resort category where you can use a roll that doesn't fit anywhere else.

You'll [ rol ably wish you had more than one chance to use Chance! The strategy' lies both in choosing which dice to reroll and in deciding which. The few points lost can probably be made up elsewhere. The best category in which 10 lake a zero in die lower half is, surprisingly eiunigh, Yatzy; although it brings in a fiigh store, thantes are substantia! Note that your subtotals for the up- per and lower halves of the storing area and your grand total are all updated after each score is entered.

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We ship to all points in the U. Can a small computer do two things at fxactly tlic samt; litiit? No, but sotuetimes it can seem to be doi tiff just that. Fur example, while it's waiting for input from the keyboard, it can he performing another task. That's exactly what Irappcn. When you finish typing and press the re- tmn key, these priines will speed the job of calculating the number's factors. Tliis kind ofactivity— doing two things almost at once— is called "multitasking" and actually happens all the time on your Commodore, f'or exatn[ le.

It does this through an "interrupt" routine, which stops the program you're nnining, per- forms these special tasks and then re- sumes the main job. H you tfiink about il, you'll see that your program is slowed down a little by this activity. With Factors, nothing has to be Slopped; the computer calculates prime numbers during the time it's waiting for you to type, when it would otherwise be idle. Alter you enter a number, the com- puter displays how many prime num- bers it has calculated so iiir. If you typed tjuickly, there wont be cnany, but the computer will use the ones i has.

If it uses all the values in the prime table and still hasn't found ail the factors, it continues the process using a sequence of odd iiinnbers as trial divisors. For example, if it knows that a number isn't divisible by 3, it can be sure the number By JIM BU can't be divided tiy 33 either, fhe odd- numliei- method is less elliciem, hut it still woi'ks.

Numbers contain- ing only small factors are always han- dled c uickly— the ial le of primes is hardly rreecied. Numbers coiuaining large factors are processed slowly at first, but more and more quickly as the table of primes grows. A good number to try to see this effect is the easy-to-reinember How- RUN il right: C; C ever, it will conlimie to enlarge tfie [ rime table, up to a maxinnim of tuimbers, for handling other numbers you might input for factoring.

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Don't enter a number that contains more than nine digits, because Basic can't hold numbers greater than that with precision, and the factors ihccom- ] uter generates will almost certainly l e wrong. The toughest nine-digii number won't need more than that. Program Ncxtes I'erhaps you're writing a program where the computer could do useful work while waiting for keyboard re- sponse.

On just one disk! II works hard so you itm'l have lo.

Southern Journal Magazine Nov/Dec by Southern Journal Magazine - Issuu

Which means you're more productive and efflclenl. What's more, RL'N Works and Us fully llluslraleci documeniailon booklet are ouly avail- able through this special offer. I'll pay onty S The Factors code is divided into four sections: Tlie irick to multitasking in this case is the Get statement. If the program were to ask for numbers using an Input state- ment, there would be an enlbrced wait until you pressed return.

By using Get, it can spot when the keyboard is quiet and use the time to do more calculation. Since Get obtains one keystroke at a time. Factors must string the key. This is done with concatenation in line'] The Get routine is inside a bigger looping structure that calculates the prime numbers and puts them in table P. This outer loop is set up in such a way that Get is checked fVequentiy, so you won't see any hesitation by the com- puter wiien you press a key.

When you hit the return key, factoring continues until it's complele; no more primes are caJculaied until the requested work has been done. The resulting factors are displayed in a convenient format. When the same factor appears more than once, it's shown as raised to a power variable K holds the power. Multiplication is in- dicated by an asterisk —the Basic stan- dard. If you'd rather see an X for multiplication, just make the appropri- ate change in line Speed Tricks Factors is designed with a number of features that increase program speed. For example, array P , which holds the table of prime numbers, takes up a lot of memory space— over 1 7K, in fact.

That's no problem as to memory avail- ability, but there's a sneaky speed ques- tion. If you create an array and then create new Basic variables, the array must be moved over to make room. If the array is very large, like P in this case, there'll be a pause while we move this massive chunk in memory. Of course, a DIM statement is nor- Table 1. Reached from line Reached from line , if the table of primes isn't full.

If the table of primes is full, execuuon returns here from line The program loops back here from lines and after it has detected and displayed a valid character, — Checks for a new keypress. Line scoots ahead to this point if the prompt message has already been printed, — Execution comes here if the de- lete key is detected at line Execution loops back here from line , — Does the trial division. The pro- gram skips ahead from line if it has exhausted the prime table, and it loops back from line if the factor is "operational," to see if it has been used more than once.

By the time P is created with the Dl. Vl statement in line , all the variables are in place, and there's no need to waste time re- locating the array. You do this by using them early in the program.

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In Factors, the DIM state- ment in line 1 10 creates variables P3 and P4 first, since they're used often in calculating factors. Other languages— particularly ma- factors. Line sends execution here if a trial factor fails. The program leaps down here from lines and if there's nothing interesting happening on the keyboard. Whole program; P — Table of prime numbers. P9— Maximum size of the prime table. PN— Number of primes in the prime table. P8— Value to be tested as a prime. PI— Entry in prime table to try as a factor for a new prime. P2— Trial factor for a prime test.

P3— Quotient from trial division. Input section; N— Zero if prompt hasn't been sent. N— Number to be factored.

K— Power to which a factor is raised, P2 —Trial factor for factoring test. However, Fac- tors, written in Basic, is quite usable and illustrates how to write a program that emulates muldtasking. Now, any time you're writing a pro- gram that needs to wait for user input, think about using the idle time for an- other job.

Perhaps the computer could partly sort a table of names of values or calculate averages. Basic is flexible and fun, and multitasking is just one more example of what it can do for you, B Toronto resident Jim Butter field is a re- nowned programmer, writer and lecturer in the Com modore field. Get help with your subscription by calling our new toll free number: EST Monday-Friday If possible, please have your mailing label in front of you as well as your cancelled check or credit card statement if you are having problems with payment. If moving, please give both your old address and new address.

It does all Ihe calculalions for you- il will Jnctoase your spocd, make Ihe work easier, and reduce the likelihood of error You can also make lists and supporting statements by iiemtjmg a line and pnnt out all tfie forms and statements to submi! The Tax Advantage is a rrr. Bridge 5 22 Ctaa Tips ftrncks Book t7 Viii! It even includes instructions on how to load the alignment program when nothing else will load.

Save yourself the expense! Order now, keep it in your library and use the I54in Drive Alignment program regularlyl! Sketchpad 1 28 unleashes the graphics power of your C! It supports your Mouse, 64K Video Chip. What more could any real i: For every S5D ol software and accessories that you order, you earn one bonus dollar. Use your bonus dollars on future purchases. A must lor CI 28 programmers!

Take a few moments to think about what should tte incfudod! Would you like to 2ip across the screen with a mouse? Also how about storing up to 45 fonts m the Ram Disk for instant access? Also be able to use pictures and graphics created with Sketchpad 1 28 and Basic 8. How about supporting 2 text modes and 9 font sizes? Pour sequential files into columns? Adjust columns around graphics! Create fantastic animated scripts using the most powerltil C64 editor ever crvaled. Reduce and even Smooth graphics with this great graphics conversion utility. Save Time No need to spend your lime entering lengthy program listings from the magazine.

ReRUN disks are ready to load and run. ReRUN saves you money and time by increasing your computing pro- ductivity. For example, in previous issues ReRUN has helped our subscribers. To place your order immediately, call our Toil-Free number in NH, Shipmenl Kcurs after the second issue is puWished. Why shop 3t Lyco Computer? Lyco Computer is one of. We've set many industry standards, and we are setting the pace for many more in the future. Selection places Lyco at the forefront of the industry Due to our in-slocl volume, we cannot advertise all o I our products.

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We decided several years ago that a Customer Service Department was needed in the industry. Unfortunately, few of our competitors offer this service. Our product line enjoys 'name brand recognition. Many manufacturers will allow defective products to be exchanged. Before returning any item that appears to be defective, we ask that you call our Customer Service Department to assist you in determining if the product is defective.

If the product is determined defective, they will give you a special authorization number and speed processing of your order, Will you rush an item to me? Temporary shortages are normally filled wilhin 10 days. Any time prior to shipment, you may cancel or change the out of stock product by contacting our Customer Servica representatives. How do I order?

Personal and company checks require a 4 week waiting period prior to shipping. We oniy charge sales tax on items delivered in Pennsylvania. Advertised prices and availability are subject to change. Monday through Friday, 9: Art Ganery i or 2 ea. A r Diskettes 3. Romajltle Eooounlera Electronic Arta: But what about the computer's close as- sociate, the disk drive? Under the threat of voiding your warranty and the risk of damaging drive components, you may never have dared open the case. Just dive into this article lor a view of the wonders beneath tlie sur- face of your or However, the basic operadng principles are the satne in both types of , as well as in the Drive Mechanisms Inserting a disk into your drive and closing the door latch initiates a com- plex sequence of electronic and electro- mechanical events.

Closing the latch depresses a lever that secures the disk in a clamping apparatus. A pulley and belt from the disk drive's motor turn the spindle on the drive, while on the the spindle is a direct extension of the drive motor shaft. I'roper functioning of the drive depends on a constant rotational speed of rpm, which is maintained by the speed controller board, a small circuit board located near the drive mecha- nism. The speed controller board contains resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits ICs that control the mechanical parts of the drive, and a potentiometer to adjust the drive to exact speed.

Inside the , another LED and a photoreceptor on the controller board read the index hole near the center of the disk, providinga timing signal when the drive is reaciing or wriling disk for- mats other than its nauve Group Code Recording OCR format. This is encased in a spring-loaded [jlastic hous- ing, which is shaped something like two tongue depressors hinged together at the back edge. Movement is pro- vided by a stepper motor that advances under control of the electronic circuitry. I n the , two metal faces atop the liead transport wheel act as end stops for the re.

Movement of the drive head to track zero, the out- ermost position, makes the head car- riage bump against the end stops, creating the knocking sound familiar to users of the 1 54 1. The drive seeks track zero to orient itself so it can advance, in steps, to track 18 where tiie disk directory is stored. Two screws on the underside of the stepper motor are pro- vided for correcting the alignment.

In the , an electric-eye device serves the same function as tlie physical contact between transport wheel and end Slops in the , thus reducing the likelihood of alignment problems. When he head is positioned at track zero, a tab at the rear of the head car- riage prevents the light of an LED from reaching a photosensor, thus generat- ing a track-zero-detect signal that is sent to the head control unit.

In the drive, four wires bring the power from the power supply to the rear corner of the main circuit board, where rectifiers convert the ac to dc, capacitors smooth the dc and two volt- age regulators reduce the excess voltage by turning the electrical energy into beat, finger-like beat sinks around these nickcl-sixe regulators draw the re- sulting heat away.

This whole process results in 12 volts dc for the mechanical components of the drive and 5 volts dc to power most of the electronics, in the , the tranformaiions to 12 and 5 volts dc take place before the power arrives at the main circuit board. Wrapped around the circuitr ' is a ven- tilated metal shield that reduces elec- tromagnetic interference and aids in heat dissipation. The Inteixigent Drive The Commodore drive is, in its elec- tronic aspects, distinctly different from drives made for other computers.

Con- sidered an "intelligent" device, it con- tains ICs that enable it to function without using memory in the computer itself and without taking up any of the computer's processing time. It seems that the Commodore disk drive is, in fact, a computer atl of its own. Indeed, with the proper code, the drive can be programmed to function unassisted by the computer! Communication between the differ- ent components of your computer sys- tem takes place along "buses," visible as copper traces on the circuit board. The CPU calls to specific memory ad- dresses in RAM over the 1 6-line address bus; then the data in those addresses is placed on the 8-Une data tjus, where it can be read by tlie CPU.

When signals are sent from the C or C- , they come to the drive via one of the round serial coimectors at the back of the drive case. The device number 8, 9, 10 or 11 of the is established by two solder con- nections that lie in the midst of a vast field of transistors, capacitors, resistors and diodes at the front-left of the drive's main board. On the , the device number is selected with a switch that's accessible at the rear of the drive case.

Once the drive has determined that it is, in fact, the device being signaled, it checks to see whether a disk has been inserted. If so, it sets the disk spinning at the proper speed; moves the head to the track where the requested data is stored; reads, sorts and formats the data; and then sends it to the computer. This IC is the workhorse of the disk drive, interpreting the instructions sent along the serial bus from the computer. The calls on the disk operat- ing system llOS , encoded on the two 8K ROM chips that lie just behind it in the 1,, for file management instruc- tions.

The DOS is a complex software in- terface that acts as an interpreter be- tween the host computer and the drive, checking to make sure the commands sent from the computer follow the proper syntax format and keeping track of the fjle-management details necessary to create, modify and delete files. It also monitors free disk space and maintains the disk directory, to en- sure that files don't overlap. Another, smaller part of the software in the disk drive ROMs is the controller, which deals only with the physical as- pects of the disk itself and is responsible for reading from and wridng to the sectors on the disk.

If DOS requires access to the disk, it notifies the con- troller, which then reads data from the desired sectors and hands it to the DOS. The drive reads and writes in a format known as Group Code Re- cording GCR , while the can read and write in two different format. Tlie versatile interface adapter VIA ICs, cousins of the complex inter- face adapters in the C-C4 and C- 1 28, are tfie disk drive's communicators. One of the two VlAs, designated as the serial bus controller, communicates with the computer through the serial bus and with the drive electronics through the control bus.

The second VIA, the drive controller, synchnmiifes the drive mech- anism with the electronics, turning on the drive and nu ving the stepper motor and drive head to llie desired UKaUon on the disk. The 2K RAM chip, to the left of the 1. At the beginning of the write process, a photosensitive switch mounicti in he frame of the drive and paired with an I,P! I Fa tab covering the notch in the disk prevents the LED light from reaching the switch, the switch sends out a signal that the disk is protected and then the drive won't write to it.

If the notch is not covered, the disk is wriie-enabtcd and data may be stored on it. Coordinating It All Each operation your disk drive per- forms takes a fixed amount of time, and all the operations are controlled by a system clock acting as a metronome. Silvery metal enclo- sures shieltl the clock circuitry from ra- dio frequency RF interference. No, they don't cage the notorious Save-with- Replace bug. Then it starts the disk spinning at a controlled speed and moves the drive head to the proper track to read the directory.

Finally, it reads the data off the disk, translates it into a form for internal storage and manipulation, converts it and transmits it over the ser ,il bus to the computer. By breaking down drive opeiation into manageable parts, we've gotten a look at how it works. Original Ultimate Interface Universally applicable dual versatile interiace adapter board.

Call or write for detailed brochure. Basic, word- processor scrolling and search, spreadsheets, assemblers, graphics. Compatible witfi most software. R4, 25 Eastwood Hoad. Treat yourself to an unbelievable bundle of advanced C commands heretofore available only on top-of-the-line personal computers. Have you ever wished your C- 1 28 had some of the more advanced commands and fea- tures available on the ultra- expensive personal computers?

Per- haps more colors and faster disk access? Sound too good to be true? Well, wish no longer. Totally menu-driven and self- contained, it is so easy to use that written instructions would be superfluous and just get in the way, so I didn't even bother with them. After saving it, you will need to run "List 1" in order to create the Amazing!

The drive will run for a couple of minutes while it creates the machine code file on disk. The program works in or Column mode, but I would suggest you use Column Fast mode, if possible. Have fun and enjoy! The World of Commodore is coming to capture your imagination. It's tlif coiiiputLT show tor beginners and hackers, professionals and students, Ijusiness people and homi; users.

You will find peripherals and accessories foi" all your preseni and future equipment. Stage demonstrations and provocative seminars, preiiemed by top experts, arc included wish your admission. Three days of bargains, selection, infomiation, excitement and prizes,. See it all with your own eyes.

Try it all with your own hands,. The program incorporates many new design concepts, Target-hit delection, for ejomplc, is ertibcdded within the Stealth Mission scenery structure itself. Tills lets the software designer easily assign a different score value to each potential target, including negative scores for destroying targets that should be avoided hospitals, for eitampie. Sceneiy Disk 3 - U,S. Scenery Disk 7 - U. Noticeably absent from my printer roundup last October was any mention of tbe ever-popular and relatively in- expensive Star Micronics printers. Bet- ter late than never, bere's a look at the four variations of the 9-pin NX- As the word Rainbow implies, two of the machines are color printers.

The "C" suffix denotes those two printers as Commodore-dedicated, meaning that a 6-pin serial cable instead of the usual printer interface is used to connect the unit to your computer. At a glance, all four printers look the same, even to the experienced eye. In performance, the four NX- print- ers share identical print-speed specs and similar text-printing options. A wide range of fonts and print styles are available on all the machines. On the other hand, many variations exist be- tween the standard and Commodore- dedicated models in tbe number of Graphics options offered.

External Similarities All four printers are compact units, with dimension. Sleek, streamlined styling dis- tinguishes these four from most other printers on the market and, in partic- ular, from other printers in their price range. Despite the lact that they're located inside the printer, each machine's DIP switches are readily accessible. A removable plasuc dust cover rests over the carriage and protects the print- head, ribbon cartridge and internals. Multipart forms, various label configurations, business envelopes, stationery and continuous feed forms are just a few of the things that today's printers must be able to handle.

Star Micronics addresses the paper- handhng problem on the NX- models by using buik-hi, non-remov- able tractor feed units hidden from sight in the rear of each printer. This arrangement is great for easy printing with continuous forms, but is temper- amental at best with continuous labels. For feeding single sheets, each unit is equipped with a removable paper guide that mounts on top of the printer. An exceptional product that outshines all others.

One of the better products available in its tatejfory. A wortliy [iclitition to your hardware collectiwsj, C Aversgo. Lives up lo its billing. No major hassles, fieadaches or disappointments here. This product has some problems. There arc better on ihc market. I applaud Star Micronics for this feature. I've previously seen this only on expensive 9- and pin print- ers, so it represents a significant ad- vancement for low-end machines. Control Panels Whife there are only four buttons on each of tliese units, there's an unbeliev- ab! There's an online button that pauses printing and causes other print func- tions to be activated or deactivated.

A paper-feed button allows for line feeds, or if pressed in conjunction witli the online button, produces forward micro- feed and page feed. A print-pitch button lets you cycle through a selection of character widths. These pitches include pica 10 charac- ters per inch , elite 1 2 cpi , condensed pica 17 cpi , condensed ehte 20 cpi , proportional pica and proportional ehte.

The NLQ type-style button controls near-letter-quahty printing. Courier is the most attrac- tive, with finely detailed characters in every pitch. Sanserif is the least attrac- tive, with rather bland characters that lack the detail of Courier. Orator is the most interesting, because it can print large and small uppercase characters, Italic is available in e.

Powerittg up with various combina- tions of tfie control panel buttons de- pressed results in the performance of different functions— fong and short test patterns, a hexadecimal lump and stay- in-panel options which prevent soft- ware codes from altering the print pitch 60 RUN' APRIL and NLQ print you have selected. Compiementing the control panel buttons are ten LED lights that indicate functions such as online status, Italic mode, specific fonts, NLQ mode and prim pitch.

These tights thai lot yoti see at a glance what Print niodes art; active constitute another feature more com- monly found on printers furdier up the price scale. Graphics Options The various models of the NX- don't share the same high-resolution, bit-image graphics capabilities. That's not sin] rising, because most Commo- dore-dedicated printers equipped with G-pin serial interfaces lack the ability to print graphics utilizing ail nine of the printhead's pins. Not hindered by a serial Interface, the NX- Multi-Font and the NX- Rainbow both have seven 8-pin, bit-iniagf graphics densities, ranging from 30 dots per inch to dpi, as well as two 9-pin densities of 60 and i 20 dpi.

More importantly, the Commodore-dedicated models lack the 72 and 90 dpi modes that the other two possess. Ail four printers offer varj'ing levels of compatibility with graphics software, although the non-Commodore-dedi- cated models have a distinct advantage when prindng hit- mapped graphics. Miscellaneous Print Options Like most good printers, the four NX- units offer a wide range of Print options not found on the control panel. This list isn't conclusive; many of tiie options can be mixed for dynamic results!

This wide range of line spacing is espe- cially valuable when prindng graphics. At the same time, unfortunately, it's the least versatile. One of the most confusing of these, esjiecially to new- comers entering the world of. Using seven of the nine pins on the print head. Commodore mode prints graphics.

ASCII uses a different character set, provides for a backspace and allows for the programming of hor- izontal tabs. For the benefit of new printer users, having a small print buffer basically means that you can't use the computer for anything else while printing is in progress. NX Multi-Font The NX- Multi-Font is probably the most popular member of this printer family, mainly because it offers a ratio of price to print options that few- other low-end machines can match.

But 1 know a number of Commodore enthusiasts who are also NX- Multi-Font owners mainly be- cause they're aware that the presence of the serial interface in the Coni mo- do re -compatible. Theie seems to be no limit to the number of prindng features available with ifie NX Mulu-Font. Another difference is that, when chang- ing from printing in one color to an- oihef, the Rainbow is noisy. It sounds as if a small electric motor kicks in, and ihe riblxHi cartridge shifts position a few draes whenever the print color changes.

Using the ribbon provided with the printer, you can print in black, red, blue, violet, yellow, orange and green. For improved ]uality ami darker color conifasi, it's essential lo use NLQ combined with Emphasized or Double-Strike mode. This brings up another point: Be- cause colors are selected using software commands, after you once choose a color, any combination of text and graphics commands can be activated witlioui affecting the color selection.

However, be- cause it d. Summary If you ask me what I like the most about these primers. IW be quick to say the numerous fonts, italics and print piicfies available at the press of a button. The paper handling is also first-rate. All represent technology that was previ- ously absent from any printer in the same price range. This is es- pecially noticeable when comparing any NX- unit's hardcopy with that of other printers in the same general price range.

Do I have a favorite? Look at ALL ot Wese features: No olher lottery Miltwarc packaQC iitovides a!! When wc say comptetE. Place your Order Now! TM Vbu wwrt believe it untt you see it. Call or write or Your Copy Nowl cniy: Gel to know our great prod- uct! OOO toftwara pr qgiams. Features indude front panel controls and mjltpio tJLO fonts.

Friaioo and tracer teed, plus oonveniBnt single sheet lead mode. Witii kayboard, mouse, ioysllcK.

Wah Lum's Library - The Alternate World of Twisted Dreams Magazine - Kindle edition by Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc. Download it once and read it on your. An interesting twist in time or time warp that literature will also make use of. the experience of repressed horror and the ensuing haunting dream-images Robert Ross, a Canadian soldier who held a crucial role in the first World War, the to analyse pilgrimage in the non-religious context of alternative touristic trends.

Includes both friction toed and fiitod tractor for standard wkJth partoraiod edge. Both Commodore and standard parallel Input. Due to publishing lead-thwi. NY A The drive is still very much alive and well, but it lias gone through several revisions over he years. As for servicing of your original , it shouldn't be a problem.

However, there's a chance that some needed com- ponent such as an original ROM won't be around when you need it. I'd like to get a copy of the program, but I can't fhid one anywhere. Do you know of a source? The number is Q What's the best high-resolution graph- ics program for Ike C? I'm inter- ested in drawing hi-res screeru for game programs, such as the backdrops in the 3-D advtnture game. Il supports both hi-res and multicolor modes, has a large selection of drawing t X ls and is an all-around excellent piece of software.

For some reason, however, it's not being mar- keted much any more in the U. My next favorite is our own RUN Paint. This is another powerful and easy-to-use hi-res and multicolor paint system. It was featured in the March issue. There are some program lines miss- ing, so the program ivon't run. Is there souu- thing wrong with this program or am I crazy?

How- ever, there are a lot of lines missing from the listing as published. An error in printing out the listing truncated it far before the end was reached, but the editors had no way of knowing this had happened, so the omission went un- detected. Where can 1 buy a Koala Pad? I haven ' seen any advertisements for it in your magazine for a long lime.

Also, do you know of any software that supports the Touch Point graphics tablet? I bought one and now can't find programs for il. Your only hope is to find a used one for sale. As for the Touch Point tablet, there doesn't seem to be much software support for it. At least, I wasn't able to find a single program. Or you could try the M-3 Mouse Contriver Co. They contain every program for the two issues cov- ered and always include one or more bonus programs.

For more informa- tion, call Ql recently upgraded from a Cf to a new CD and started program- ming sprites using the new Basic 7 language. In many ways I'm impressed, but there is one problem. On the 64, I could have many sprites in memory at once and change a sprite's definition with a simple Poke to its pointer register. On the , all 1 can have is a measly eight sprites in memory at once! Now, I know more can be BLoaded into memory, but still, I only get eight at one time.

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Some of them do it behind the scenes, enabling others to enjoy celebrity and accolades while they work quietly, keeping schedules organized and giving encouragement and counsel. Others are in the forefront in their chosen area of service, carving out paths for others to follow. They fight their battles with special powers from laser vision to a lasso of truth.

But the real heroes are never quite so flashy. Shelly Anand, of the Georgia Legal Services Program, does her fighting against social injustice armed with a brief case, a conviction to battle wrong, and a mighty pen or laptop in hand. My grandparents were refugees from the Partition of India and Pakistan in My paternal grandfather became a lawyer in India, and one of his cases involved securing housing for the refugees, including his own family.

In turn, my parents worked hard at their studies, my mother became a doctor and my father an engineer. They immigrated to the United States in their 20s and created a wonderful life for our family. Her work ranges from helping victims of domestic violence obtain protective orders against their abusers, pulling students out of the schoolto-prison pipeline by representing kids who are wrongfully expelled from school, and advocating for language access from public institutions for Spanish and other non-English speaking communities.

The desire to bring equality within communities led her to Wellesley College, where she majored in History and Spanish and graduated cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. While at Chapel Hill, Shelly quickly realized that many citizens in the United States live in third world conditions. The degree of violence and turmoil experienced by these women was shocking to me. During my second year of law school, I traveled with other law students and lawyers to rural parts of North Carolina and drafted wills and health care directives for the indigent elderly. Seeing the poverty that exists in this country convinced me that I should dedicate myself to human and civil rights work in the U.

She now trains other attorneys and advocates on cultural competency in working with people of color as well as LGBTQ individuals. She has trained them within the Georgia Legal Services Program and will give a presentation this fall in Los Angeles at the National Legal Aid and Defender Association conference to social justice attorneys and advocates from all over the country. There she serves as chair of the Corporate Giving Committee and sits on the board of directors for Southern States and its sister companies, Egic and Coelme, in France and Italy respectively.

But even super heroes have to step into the phone booth from time to time, change into their regular clothes and rest up for the next epic battle. How does Shelly Anand, every-day hero, unwind? I had a passion for helping kids who had gone through the same experience that I did. She is known throughout Atlanta and nationally as a creator of community. Her gift to make connections and bring people and causes together was born out of a loss she experienced at an early age.

When Atwood was 12 years old, her mother passed away. This experience was the genesis of how Atwood began creating community to support others. The community she created for herself supported her through her young teen years and throughout high school. Her community consisted of people like her older brother and her father, whom Atwood says is a believer in even her wildest dreams. When Atwood attended the University of Virginia for college, she had the opportunity to create and be a part of a community of friends who would support one another.

While in college, she volunteered at a camp just outside of Richmond, Virginia. The camp was established to help support kids whose parents or siblings passed away. After graduating college and working in the sports marketing industry for a few years, Kate knew it was time for her to create another community. Atwood built a successful nonprofit organization that created community for this special group of young people. She began speaking to groups, had her first book published and started consulting with corporations that were seeking to make a difference.

What a great honor to bestow this on influential brands that touch millions of people every day. Who better to lead this effort than a proven creator of impact? Every day she gets to help employees and franchisees play a role in ending childhood hunger.

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Atwood is a generational leader who aims to lead her peers and the next generation to understand that the best way to live is to give. She shares with others that making a change begins with just getting started. This vision would prove to be a foreshadowing of things to come. Khalilah began her quest to work in the entertainment industry in high school as an intern at LaFace Records in her native Atlanta and continued working in various facets of the industry throughout college.

Following graduation, Birdsong joined a Fortune company as an assistant brand manager. After three years in her position, Khalilah knew something was missing and began to reassess her career path. You bet, but I trusted my gut and followed. After four years working at the agency with A-list actors, directors and writers, Birdsong knew that she needed a change in the entertainment landscape in order to continue to grow.

Even though I had a wonderful job at a stellar company doing what I loved, I now understood what that voice was, so following it this time around was less confounding. I just flowed with it. Through a series of serendipitous events, Khalilah was headed back to Atlanta to be an assistant for Tyler Perry.

Birdsong has also been able to grow professionally with the company over the past five years. In her current role as director of corporate relations and development, Birdsong has the responsibility to be the pulse on the corporate community and philanthropic landscape in Atlanta.

She receives inspiration from the man behind the company. The way he balances his business and creative mind, while staying true to his personal brand, is simply remarkable. Birdsong has become an accomplished painter in her own right. Currently favoring large-scale canvases five to six feet tall, her paintings are tapestries of color.

The only thoughts in my head are of how the paint moves across the canvas. Khalilah allows whatever is in her to flow out onto the canvas and is often intrigued by what appears. Stay Informed wIth outage alertS Reliability is our top priority, but sometimes outages happen. When an outage occurs, you want to know as soon as possible when your power will be back on so you can be prepared. With this new service, you can: To choose how you would like to receive alerts, sign in to your account at georgiapower. A computer or tablet is required. In fact, if the first lady is participating in an event, it is most likely because Ember has arranged every detail necessary ahead of time.

As the special assistant to the first lady, she comes with work and life experiences that taught her if a job is well done, promotion and position follow closely behind. Raised in White and Hall counties, Ember became enamored with politics at a young age — though that career would have to wait for a while. Her path to higher education began when she received a golf scholarship to Shorter College. During one summer break, she was interviewed by Chris Riley, chief of staff to then-Congressman Nathan Deal. Following this experience, Ember easily transitioned into political talk radio.

She worked for two years as a producer at Jacobs Media and for the Martha Zoller Show, serving as the liaison between the Gainesvillebased radio cluster and the national media networks. Ember participated in radio days at the Pentagon, U. These experiences helped define me, kept me focused on a path and opened my eyes to amazing possibilities.

I gained confidence; I learned to trust my instincts. Having tasted just a modicum of the success that she could experience, she returned to Shorter and obtained her. Her determination to finish her education has paid dividends. As a newly minted college grad, she became the director of marketing and promotions for Rome Radio Partners.

Ember developed unique community partnerships and used creative and compelling on-air strategies to increase audience size, advertiser participation and revenue streams. Ember worked to accomplish two goals simultaneously: But there was another big opportunity awaiting Ember. During the transition, Ember followed her instincts and accepted the honor of serving the first lady and once again becoming a part of the Deal team.

She truly leads by example and embodies all that is the best of Georgia. Her compassion and selfless servant leadership are her gifts to all whom she meets. I am awed by her strength each day to leave a lasting footprint all across the state. She makes my job easy. Her integrity, passion, loyalty, vision, experience and work ethic command my respect. We strive together as partners to serve the people of Georgia. Some of them will remember you when opportunities arise. It is imperative to be kind and good to others; you never know when those people will weave into your life in the future.

Above all, be true to yourself. My brother and I were raised by a single mom who was a school teacher in Clayton County What is unusual is that his approach to law goes against all negative stereotypes of lawyers. In a small town, that means everything from just sitting down and listening to folks who have something they need to get off their chests, to trying cases up the street in Superior Court. I think most of the time my job is just to help folks clean up the messes in their lives, whether it involves giving legal advice or just listening.

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I kind of always had it in my heart that I might want to be a lawyer. Some of the best folks I ever knew were lawyers, and they had a big influence in my life. I was studying choral conducting at Georgia State University my undergraduate degree was in music , and I kept walking by the law school. One day I just decided that I thought I could do it.

I had considered ministry and had actually driven out to visit a seminary in Texas. Ultimately, this was my calling…and the great thing is, in so many ways, I still get to do everything I set out to do back then. This is a ministry. He then moved on to practice civil litigation and criminal defense in Atlanta. In , he was invited to speak at the State Bar. In addition to serving clients in the courtroom, Matthew McCord is a strong proponent of getting involved in his community in every aspect.

His love for music is still fulfilled by teaching as a volunteer on the staff of the Fayette County High School marching band for almost 20 years. This busy young lawyer also started a foundation, the Matthew Arts Foundation, to help provide music lessons, uniforms and instruments for youth who could not otherwise afford them. In his spare time, he is a member of the local Kiwanis club and a trout fisherman.

In addition to his faith, his family is a strong influence in his life. He and his wife, Alley, are newlyweds — having tied the knot in March of this year. She worked three jobs and went back to school to take care of us. She is a remarkable lady. Just one simple but profound sentence: All youth should be afforded a quality education, exposure to rich experiences and the opportunity to succeed.

She developed her passion and realized her calling to empower youth when she worked as an elementary school teacher. I realized then that all youth should be afforded a quality education, exposure to rich experiences and the opportunity to succeed. She followed this course for several years; but, last year she took a bold step and walked away from the practice of law to pursue her calling and passion: In addition to her work for UNL, Careshia continues her role as an education advocate and mentor for youth through other avenues.

Her successful blog, Compete to Succeed www. She has also spearheaded a program for eighth grade girls called Girls of Ithaca. She felt so strongly about this that seven years ago, she began to journal ideas about a program to help this particular group of youth find success.

She discussed it with a friend, who put Careshia in touch with a guidance counselor at a Stockbridge middle school. Speakers were brought in to address such topics as self esteem, having a vision for the future, the importance of reputation and other issues relevant to these students.

Currently, Girls of Ithaca is in its third year and continues to impact the lives of young girls. Careshia Moore and her vision have been wonderful assets to the social well being of our 8th grade girls for the past two years. When I became an educator, I made sure I did everything I could to help children succeed in the classroom. We have to take this same approach with our own children.

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In her insightful conclusion of her story, she made a profound discovery. That road is best paved with your own ideals of success. Careshia Moore is doing her best to see that the children she influences — whether at work, in her own home or in a classroom — discover for themselves what those ideals are and how to achieve them.

Come visit our beautiful 7 acre landscaped and recently renovated community Nutritious home cooked meals Stimulating, specialized daily activities Daycare and short term stay programs. Call about our Move-in Special! Faith, Family, Foundation and Football. One of three children born to Nigerian parents who moved to America to pursue higher education, he grew up in a home where education and faith were priorities. Providing service to the community was also instilled in Mughelli from an early age.

NFL gave Mughelli just the opportunity he needed to make an impact on youth. The idea to choose environmental education as a focus for his foundation was born out of their conversation about protecting the environment. The foundation formulates and provides quality programs to creatively educate youth on environmental stewardship. The foundation hosts a free camp annually, where youth have the opportunity to meet NFL players, become better at sports and learn to keep the earth safe.

Additionally, in , Mughelli addressed an audience of representatives from various sports leagues and government officials at the White House Event on Sports and Sustainability. At the event, he explained the power of sports and the impact it can have on educating youth on the environment. The significance of the impact is a direct reflection of his sincere desire to educate youth and to do his part in helping to sustain our planet.

His wife, Masika, the executive director of the foundation and also an advocate for sustainability, joins Mughelli in the mission to educate youth on protecting the environment. Mughelli views his role as a parent to provide his two daughters with the best environment possible. Even though Mughelli has found a new passion, his love for sports remains. He still gets to immerse himself in the world of sports when he serves as a sports commentator and color analyst for both college and professional football games.

Mughelli enjoys sharing his insights and opinion on the game just as he loves sharing the message of the importance of protecting the environment. He is a master at creating inroads, interacting with diverse groups and making introductions for those that need to be connected. Success did not happen overnight; for over a decade, Roy has honed his unique skillset with a blended career in the corporate and political settings. While matriculating at Florida State University, he was easy to spot but maybe not as easy to catch as he darted from one activity to the next.

Nervous to delay graduation, Roy saw this as the perfect opportunity to test how well his campus leadership skills and knowledge gained in the classroom would translate into real world politics. Following a successful campaign and another feather in his cap, Roy returned to campus to finish his degree and graduate with honors. With his diploma in hand, Roy was on the move once again. In what he would categorize as a blink of an eye, Roy completed a United States Senate bid, managed another successful race for the Florida House of Representatives and spent time at a boutique lobbying firm in Tallahassee rounding out his work at the Florida Capitol.

For Roy, risk is nothing new. After building a strong reputation as a rising leader in Florida politics, Roy put it all on the shelf to pursue a graduate degree in sports business. Staying true to form, Roy continued to impress his senior colleagues by developing an impressive book of business, immersing himself in virtually every facet of the agency. Maintaining a three-year relationship with potential opportunities for the state of Georgia, Cagle, like so many other political figures before, asked Roy to join his staff.

Recognizing the magnitude of the opportunity, Roy was back in the political saddle kind of. He understands the significance of his position and its ability to impact our state by shifting the focus from politics to people. Without a doubt, Roy is a bridge builder and provides organizations with a clear voice and sharp vision. He connects corporations and agencies with a cause or with initiatives that originate in the Lt. He has an amazing ability to create brand strategies that are socially responsible and respectful with an infectious enthusiasm.

It is without question why agencies, organizations and regional and global brands such as Coca-Cola, Dole Food Company, and the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation look to Roy as a leader in his own right. No is not an option and perspective is paramount. Everyone wins when we collaborate. He is driven every day to help companies integrate their communication platform to not only increase productivity but to also help build and enhance their existing infrastructure.

I want to help make my customers successful. I need them to be successful. I always put them first. And our success has been built on that platform. Brian acknowledges that both technology and business models have changed drastically since the company started a quarter of a century ago.

The one constant in the familyowned business is the desire to provide the best solutions at a cost savings to the customer. Communication technologies is no longer an industry of just products needed for your business to operate. Instead it has become an industry of integrated solutions to help your business operate better and more efficiently.

Our customers find value in our solutions because we show them cost savings. He explains that Com-Tech can provide basic PBX phone equipment or replace it with a cloud-based system that requires no onsite maintenance or backup — or a customized hybrid of the two. While many may experience a sense of burn out after being with a company for more than two decades, Brian still remains passionate about his work with Com-Tech. He is quick to tell you that he is not selling products.

A push of buttons on a smart phone or tablet can remotely turn lights on and off; lock and unlock doors; provide a camera view of employees accessing doors within a business and sound alarms. Computerized systems in call centers can provide detailed information on length and number of calls made and provide valuable input on results of those calls. Cameras are used for more than just security — they may be used by service providers to monitor employee performance so that feedback and appropriate training can be implemented. Hotels can view the number of guests that come in and go out in any given evening — so that the proper amount of food can be prepared for breakfast the next morning.

On the 64, I could have many sprites in memory at once and change a sprite's definition with a simple Poke to its pointer register. It's a wel- come change to hear from someone who is not having trouble. The least expensive resembles a black silk stocking stretched on a plastic frame that you can easily attach to the monitor with Velcro strips so the shield can be removed for cleaning. No matter where I parted it, my scalp showed. The 2K RAM chip, to the left of the 1. Press the control and shifi keys at the same time to toggle Insert mode on and off, and press run-stop to turn off the normal C- vl Quote mode and the Insert mode. Are you tired of never-ending adven- ture games full of treacherous dungeons i Everyday People on CompuServe Communicate.

When not trouble-shooting for his customers, Brian spends time with his two wonderful sons, Jackson 13 and Colin In addition, he might be found hiking, paddle boarding, and even enjoying a little relaxation in a casino from time to time. As a lifelong Henry County resident, Trea was raised similarly to others who lived in this middle-Georgia community.

Like a lot of other children in the county, Trea grew up on a small family farm where he was taught the value of hard work and learned the importance of personal responsibility. When asked how he is able to keep perspective on life and yet remain effective as a criminal prosecutor, his response is sobering: I have seen forgiveness and compassion at all levels of the criminal justice system and that is an inspiring thing. We wanted to know if the work of a prosecutor has changed over the years; Pipkin responds: There is a growing trend all over the country that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker.

If we accomplish nothing else in the moments ahead, it is time to restore the American principle that each individual is accountable for his actions. Most violent attacks are perpetrated by people we know. He bred into me the belief that I do not lead a life of privilege, but that good things will come to those willing to work for it.

When he headed off to Valdosta State University the following fall, he may not have known he would end up with a degree in Economics by and then head to Florida Coastal School of Law to achieve the degree of Juris Doctor in , but he did know he would do something to help people. I watched my mom and dad serve in many areas of church ministry through the years. And my dad coached team sports as well as helped in my Boy Scout endeavors. He poured into my sister Ashley and me the importance of always having the willingness to serve.