Saving Beauty from the Beast: How to Protect Your Daughter from an Unhealthy Relationship

Saving Beauty from the Beast: How to Protect Your Daughter from an Unhealthy Relationship

Saving Beauty from the Beast : How to Protect Your Daughter from an Unhealthy Relationship

If I had known what was in this book, I might have been able to recognize the warning signs from the very first date, when I could have more easily left. For full review, see here. Jun 29, Nicolettenat rated it really liked it. Friends, family, and young girls should read - it provides insight and shows the warning signs of an abusive relationship and the steps that people around a victim can take to help her safely get out.

The stories in these books are important, and should never be overlooked. I appreciate their bravery in sharing their stories, and their work to try and prevent teen dating violence by contributing their voices to this strong novel. Mar 05, Dana rated it really liked it. I had attended a conference with my daughter where the author was a guest speaker.

The book is great for anyone that has a teen daughter or even a son. It talks about all types of relationship abuse what to look for, what to say or do Aug 28, Kaitlin rated it did not like it.

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This book was really a disappointment for me. For our summer reading at my school, this was an option for our Law class. I was disappointed to find that the discussion of law was limited and that this book was more of a self help.

Although the stories were interesting and the advice was good, the overall review I would make of the book is disappointing. Jan 03, Sara rated it it was amazing. It is imperative that girls read this before they date. It doesn't sugar-coat anything, but that's what is necessary.

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Crompton encompasses all angles of bad relationships, in all levels of seriousness. Mar 01, Lynn rated it really liked it. I read this after going to a program at my daughters school which had Vicki Crompton as the guest speaker. Very powerful story that has helped my teen daughter make the right decisions. I would recommend reading it then having your teenager read it.

Jun 28, Tiffany rated it it was amazing. Anyone that has a teen daughter should read this book. It is extremely enlightening. Audrei Therese rated it really liked it Mar 14, H rated it liked it Apr 02, Nancy rated it really liked it Jul 13, Lynne rated it liked it Jul 06, Smashing many stereotypes, including the one that only girls with low self-esteem are likely to be attracted to abusers, they present multidimensional portraits of emotional, sexual, and physical abusers and victims. They also devote a significant portion of the book to outlining exactly what psychological, emotional, and social means parents can use to protect their daughters from forming unhealthy attachments and relationships.

Warning signs, intervention strategies, and tips for helping your daughter to break away safely and to cope with the aftermath of abuse are also provided. Interspersed with potent commentary from both parents and daughters, this is an eye-opening guide for adults attempting to safeguard their children from teen dating violence. After her teenage daughter was killed by a boyfriend in , Crompton set out to educate the public about teen dating violence.

Along the way, she met magazine writer Kessner, whose own daughter had been murdered as an adult. This earnest, impassioned book, a product of their friendship and collaboration, illuminates the problems of dangerous relationships by describing their characteristics, mapping out warning signs of abuse and offering sound advice for parents seeking to empower their daughters.

The authors interviewed psychologists, counselors and girls who have had violent boyfriends; the girls stories, as well as first-person accounts from parents and abusive boyfriends, are woven throughout the text. Many of the stories are heartbreaking: Vassos boyfriend put her in a coma for six months when he tried to strangle her; the father of Kaishas child beat her repeatedly and ultimately raped her. Crompton and Kessner are at their best when giving specific guidance to parents, such how to spot boyfriends who are too controlling and telltale changes in girls behavior, as well as how to help daughters plan safe breakups from violent boys.

As social science, the book is weaker. Some of the authors statementslike the claim that many girls are becoming victims of violence earlier and earlier in relationships, or that for most teens, abuse is a dating fact of lifebeg for supporting numbers. But whether or not the phenomenon is on the rise matters little when such abuse exists, and this book serves as both fervent friend and practical coach to parents whose daughters may be facing abuse.

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  2. De ma terre à la Terre (Chemin faisant) (French Edition).
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Far more than an academic study of abuse, this is an excellent guide for parents, as well as a memoir from the heart. When she was only 15, Crompton's daughter, Jennifer, was stabbed to death by her boyfriend. Seeking peace and understanding, the author earned a counseling degree, and here she seeks to explain why violence happens in teen dating. Mom, They're Teasing Me. Without Losing Your Mind. The Real Deal Friends. Raising Boys without Men. Good Girls Don't Get Fat.

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Mar 09, Raine. Rae Bass rated it it was amazing Sep 09, She points out the warning signs of teen dating violence. Denial can be the biggest obstacl As a direct service provider for those affected by violence in the home for over three years, there was little new information provided. We're featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book.

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