Wisdom Poetry for the Practical

Visions and Poems

Short, inspirational, often unexpected messages on a variety of human interests, including Life, Death, Love, Sex and Friendship.

The 100 Poems of Chanoyu

The Friend in the Universe. Messages From the Friend in the Universe contains the first poetic visions Keyserling received after listening to PrimaSounds in Many consider this his greatest work. Relax, space out and open yourself to Higher Being contact.

List of Practical Wisdom Poems

To quote the final words: So remain in your being, do your duty, and pursue further contact with Me so that your energy becomes strength, which will guide not only you, but also others, into true life. From the Depths of the Universe.


Imagery may be defined as the expression of thoughts in ways that evokes mental experiences of the senses. Commitment to Transparency Recognzied by Intelligent Philanthropy. In the second place, reflective wisdom appears in Job and Ecclesiastes. Biblical poetry can be distinguished from prose in at least four important ways: The congregation had recently sustained a number of deaths, and the minister wanted to facilitate a dialogue among the congregants who were having difficulty talking about the losses. Can I refuse this role of superwoman? The reader will be directed to the scientific evidence of the efficacy of utilizing expressive writing.

From the Depths of the Universe: Revelations of Native Americans. In the sixteenth century, there were no organised schools of chanoyu like there are today. Practitioners would gather around a respected master who was deeply versed in the teachings of chanoyu. This person acted more like a curator of an esoteric tradition rather than a teacher. When one wanted to enter a chanoyu study environment, they would seek and introduction to a senior practitioner and ask for acceptance into their group.

Wisdom poetry

In the case of powerful feudal lords, they often requested guidance from a tea master via written correspondence. Feudal lords were commonly avid students of chanoyu, but as their status and duties prevented them from attending group practices, they would receive guidance through letters and transcriptions of core teachings. Once accepted into a group, the student would simply observe for many months, most often for years, before physically preparing tea before another person. Learning was by observation until the novice was finally invited to practice a tea rite in front of the group. Around the time of this initial step of maturity, the master would copy out a version of the Poems of Chanoyu and give it to the student to commit to memory.

The student would then perform tea rites at practice with the hundred poems as their compass. The master continued critiquing the student in their practice until eventually giving them permission to perform chanoyu outside of practice and before real guests.

Practical Wisdom Poems

The prophesies can be slowly digested and referred to time and again over a lifetime. With each reading a new meaning may be discovered, or the significance which was only faintly glimmered in a prior reading may grow and deepen. Passages which first appear enigmatic, will become clear as daily life itself illustrates their meaning.

Some of the passages which seem plain and simple at first reading, will later reveal new depths of meaning. Many passages offer practical advice in dealing with universal problems and concerns, and in that sense this web is a guide for a more fulfilling life.

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The poetry found here, coupled with the other material in the School of Wisdom webs can be used as a vehicle to begin or advance on a Path of personal discovery. The messages in this web can be an inspiration and source of strength to us all. It is truly sacred poetry which heralds the dawn of a New Age, an age where we discover our true home in the Universe, in friendly contact with all levels of Being.

Skip to content Home Visions and Poems Man is never helped in his suffering by what he thinks for himself, but only by revelation of a wisdom greater than his own. New Age Visions is comprised of three related works: