Chasing Joy

Introducing: The Chasing Joy Podcast

A Taylored Adventure to Happiness https: Chris founded the company two years ago after growing a beard and wanting a beard serum that actually smelled good. Since then the brand has expanded into natural skin, body and hair care. Chris founded the company with the social mission at the core and 5 percent of sales go to dog rescue.

Braving the Wilderness Brene Brown: After nearly 5 years as a corporate attorney, Sam chose to leave it all behind to chase more joy and fulfillment in life. Sam's passionate about travel, coffee, cooking and learning more about how we can all live a more authentic life. This episode is all about uncertainty especially around career, making big life changes, handling anxiety, why mindset is so important for fulfillment, social media boundaries and more!

Through her writing and photos, she hopes to empower people to tackle their uncomfortable truths and take their health into their own hands. You'll find Minna running around NYC, adopting too many plant babies, and trying not to steal other peoples dogs. I had so much fun talking about all these topics.

Reader Interactions

If so how long did it take you to transition it? Where do you get work inspiration. Please talk about how you started your blog and generally about tips to be successful and get discovered. We talk about the why behind meditation and the how to get you started. She is also the author of Unplug: Once she discovered meditation, she was determined to keep doing it but she could not find a place to easily learn and practice. Suze's mission is to make meditation simple, accessible, powerful and interesting enough so that everyone will want to practice it and experience the benefits for themselves.

On this episode, I discuss what it means to live a conscious lifestyle with Valeria Hinojosa. We discuss conscious travel, humility, positivity, and reducing waste. Valeria Hinojosa is a sustainable and conscious lifestyle influencer. She shares tools, tips, brands and experiences that help inspire her audience to live more consciously. Lemon Press Nantucket http: The universe has no fixed agenda. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision.

Take your podcasts on-the-go!

There are few lovely moments to lean into during the irregularity of a tradition-less holiday. Links Podcast Website Report a Concern. How do you manage to eat intuitively while also following specific guidelines for an illness? It is cold but not like NYC with 6 inches of snow. How does one find an effective theme for blogging podcasting etc.? What are your favorite self-care practices of late?

There is no right or wrong, only a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action that you experience. If this sounds too mystical, refer again to the body.

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Every significant vital sign- body temperature, heart rate, oxygen consumption, hormone level, brain activity, and so on- alters the moment you decide to do anything… decisions are signals telling your body, mind, and environment to move in a certain direction. We talk about being more present in your daily life, creating healthy boundaries with social media and so much more. Eloquent Rage - Britany Cooper https: Jeannie and I first connected when she was working at Follain on Nantucket.

Now Jeannie is working independently as a makeup artist and esthetician. I wanted to have Jeannie on the show because of both her knowledge in the natural beauty space and her calming and joyful presence. Jeannie Vincent has been a makeup artist for 15 years. She recently completed her esthetics program and she specializes in clean beauty.

Jeannie believes self-love is the key to glow through what you go through. Madelyn Moon is a coach, retreat leader and speaker teaching women how to slow down and step fully into their feminine power and energy. Today on the podcast we dive DEEP into what that really means and looks like.

After years of building armor through disordered eating and control, Maddy realized she was ready to change. Maddy is fully present, powerful and herself. This episode is so full of information and inspiration. Definitely, one you want to have your pen and paper out for. My guest is Maria Failla who started Bloom and Grow Radio after falling in love with house plant care. Maria was a former plant killer turned crazy plant lady and the podcast grew from a place of joy and a desire to help plant killers become house plant nurturers.

The big answer to this question: I want to connect with you on a bigger level.

iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media collection.

I also feel more connected to people when I can hear them. So I want that for this space.

Another piece of me is excited for this challenge. The Chasing Joy Podcast shares meaningful conversations about wellness that will bring energy and joy into your life. Every week Chasing Joy dives into a topic related to wellness and brings on new guests with expertise in that area. That is Julia in all her classes. She has probably drawn more pictures and made more clay figures than any ten kids put together. That counts for something, right? Boston , education , family , home , politics. State of my world:. She is losing hair and areas without hair are increasingly visible to the casual observer.

I think she is doing most of her scratching at night before she goes to sleep and when she is alone in the bathroom. Anxiety, habit, stimming or something else? Years ago, the way she finally stopped scratching her skin was on a three-strike-and-she-was-sent-home-from-school program. It was radical and it worked.

I am in full worry mode. We will visit our doctor next Tuesday and her shrink on Thursday. OT is working on it as well.

The Chasing Joy Podcast

Needless to say, I am without control. I spoke with a local reporter yesterday about Shabazz High School and my experience last spring when Julia applied for admission and was first asked for an interview and then rejected before the interview took place. I talked about inconsistent messages and requirements, and apparent exclusion of kids with IEPs.

  1. Final Dawn: Episode 5 (The Thrilling Post-Apocalyptic Series).
  2. Wanted Cultured Ladies Only!: Female Stardom and Cinema in India, 1930s-1950s.
  3. LOuest barbare (Spécial suspense) (French Edition).
  4. Widerstand zwecklos - Episode 5 (Herrschaft der Alten - Die Science Fiction Thriller Serie) (German Edition)!

I told him that just before school closed for the summer and we were about to travel, how I got a call that they were reconsidering everyone who had applied and was rejected. Julia had been summarily rejected for not doing grade level math.

Chasing Joy and Finding Minimalism

Neither the requirement for doing grade level math nor her math skills had changed. I decided not to put her through an interview. And yet, what of kids like Julia? Estonia , music , politics , travel. Can we all vote now or on November 6? We need to break the choke hold that the current administration has on the rhetoric of our nation. But really, is it your party? I find it hard to believe that the Republican judges I worked for and those I knew in the legal Indy community approve of what the Executive and Legislative branches of out federal government are doing.

He must know that. It is, however, a great way to rally the racists. And when it proves not possible, he will lie and say he never said it and those same racists will believe him.

By Georgie Morley

How can you stand his lies? Tags cheer , high school , moving. Tags Australia , high school , theater.