String Quartet No. 8 in B-flat Major, Op. posth. 168 - Violin 2

List of works by Jan Ladislav Dussek

However, he had better luck with his first complete Mass, in F major, finished during the summer of that year, and performed twice that October. Although he was quite occupied with these vocal works, Schubert did find the time—and he needed little of it—to compose his Quartet in B flat , D. In the short development section of this Allegro ma non troppo, there is a striking example of that which was mentioned above, where each phrase in the major is immediately repeated in the minor. Written from the 6th to the 10th of September, the Andante sostenuto, in G minor, permeates the air with a clouded serenity that a few happy moments cannot dissipate.

The Menuetto that follows was completed in one day, on September 11; its Trio, in recalling the first movement and somewhat announcing the last, makes for a valuable unifying element. The final Presto, finished on September 13, tries as best it can to shed that heavy cloak by its spirited and brisk composure. This quartet was published only in Everything that was germinating in the Quartet, D. The theme as used in the quartet movement is a kind of moderate funeral march, devoid of pathos; it is in G minor, yet ends consolingly in G major.

String Quartet No. 8 in B flat major, D. 112 (Op. posth. 168)

In the five variations that follow, as well as in the coda, the key remains unchanged, and the theme is always recognizable in passing from one instrument to another. If this Andante con moto is truly the core of the work, the movements that surround it are no less splendid. A rather sad account of this reading has come down to us, as told in by an eyewitness, the composer and conductor Franz Lachner: Verdi Quartet Number of Discs: This title is currently unavailable. Be the first to review this title.

String Quintet in C. I Googled to get the following information.

Chamber music with other instruments

It was founded in by Juilliard laureate Rabenschlag. All members of the quartet have distinguished musical backgrounds. Martin Lovett formerly of the Amadeus Quartet joins them as second cello in the quintet.

  1. Conspiracy;
  2. Schubert: Complete String Quartets / Auryn Quartet?
  3. Zemlinsky Quartet - Repertoire;
  4. Schubert: String Quartet No. 8 in B flat major, D (page 1 of 1) | Presto Sheet Music;
  5. Schubert: The Complete String Quartets / Verdi Quartet.
  6. Rift Weavers, A Novel in Parts, Part One - Finn Stockton.
  7. Best Friendship Beacons.

In order to assure that the particular quartet I am addressing is the one that the reader may be assuming, I provide the following list the String Quintet is included for perspective purposes: Part-writing is clearly discernable. For the most part, nothing objectionable can be found in tempos or dynamics.

  • List of works by Jan Ladislav Dussek - IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library: Free Public Domain Sheet Music.
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Interpretively, this is excellent Schubert. There are some differences from my interpretive preferences, which I will discuss. Other movements in these early quartets also make rewarding listening.

They spoke about it

Four later quartets, before the final four quartets, are outstanding in their invention and musical line: I reserve a special place for the B? The performance here is excellent except for one serious interpretive blunder. The remarkable Andante sostenuto G-Minor second movement is played with a tempo too fast to feel its intensity and to explore its profundity.

University of Huddersfield

The result is a glib, superficial account of remarkable music. The seven tutti fortissimo A?

Too fast an Andante sostenuto also plagues many otherwise distinguished performances of the second movement of the D B? Quartet, with the shellac-disc transfer of the Busch Quartet version as an older-style favorite.

Notes and Editorial Reviews

Andante molto - Allegro String Quartet in D major D 74 No. The A-Minor Quartet is performed with relaxed tempos in all movements, but it never drags. Die Freunde von Salamanka, D. Realised by Brian Newbould. This was to no avail, as the work was to remain unperformed. String Quartets, D, D46, D

It does, however, omit the opportunity for interpretive variation in the repeat, especially important for the G-Major Quartet. As Schubert progressed from the C-Minor to the A-Minor to the D-Minor to the G-Major, each was a step further into harmonic complexity and into departure from conventional tonal expectation. The Verdi Quartet performs these works in a manner that reveals their full complexity. Inner part-writing is clearly exposed, and interpretive choices offer new insights into the musical message. The A-Minor Quartet is performed with relaxed tempos in all movements, but it never drags.

This is a remarkable achievement because it enables the listener at least this listener the opportunity to absorb the inner part-writing complexity more patiently, but without loss of musical line. In the D-Minor Quartet, the merely modest initial attack and the relaxed tempo and insufficient crispness throughout the first movement detract from an otherwise excellent performance.

The final movement could use a crisper treatment throughout, but the closing bars are forcefully articulated to bring this great Quartet to a powerful conclusion. The Lindsays observe first-movement repeats. In fact, their first movement is outstanding. This referential opening bar is also found at the start of the third movement of the A-Minor Quartet and at the start of the last movement of the Octet.

String Quartet No. 8 in B-Flat Major, Op. 168, D. 112: IV. Presto

The fortissimo that begins at bar 44 at 3: This section is in two equivalent, approximately bar images, the second a semi-tone lower than the first.