Tex Meets Furry (Wild and Crazy Dinosaurs)

Furry fandom

Furry Reminder

Why are paleontologists so committed to destroying the fantastic imagery Jurassic Park embedded in our cultural landscape? Across the web, tyrannosaur traditionalists registered their displeasure. A restoration of Yutyrannus, with the therizinosaurs Beipiaosaurus in the foreground, by Brian Choo.

Caption added by the author. Citing the awesomeness of Tyrannosaurus in Dinosaur Revolution , and how silly the feathery Gigantoraptor looked, Wildman challenged readers: And none of this is to say that Wildman objects to the evidence of feathered dinosaurs. All the same, his post and other comments about how Yutyrannus has somehow ruined tyrannosaurs made me wonder about why it is so fashionable to register cranky displeasure with the way dinosaurs have changed.

Before I knew the extent of the evidence, even I felt a little sad that so many of the scabrous, ugly dinosaurs I met as a kid were turned into pretty peacocks. In the days that followed, I would hear from many people who were sad about Pluto. Pluto was part of their mental landscape, the one they had constructed to organize their thinking about the solar system and their own place within it. Pluto seemed like the edge of existence. Ripping Pluto out of that landscape caused what felt like an inconceivably empty hole. Its title simply changed. Might the same be true for dinosaurs? For those of us who grew up with scaly, swamp-dwelling dinosaurs, the new images of fuzzy dinosaurs are conflicting with the Mesozoic world as we think it should be.

This tension is inevitable. There is so much that remains unknown that any vision of the past is certainly going to change.

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I have no doubt that, a few decades from now, children who grew up with feathery dinosaurs will lament how future generations of paleontologists are altering the picture of dinosaur lives. Subscribe or Give a Gift. Sawyer's ear twitches when she's annoyed, she yowls realistically when her tail is caught in a door, and when a fire escape ladder hits the ground with her on it, she jumps off with fur bristled, claws out, and eyes darting about neurotically, before immediately composing herself and acting like nothing happened.

Chicken Little shows various animals dropping furry reminders from time to time. For example, a father and son pair of dogs playing frisbee with the son catching the disc in his mouth. The animals in Fantastic Mr. Fox do various animal-ish things throughout the film, but the real kicker is how they eat at the dinner table. Puss in Boots is full of it, usually in relation to Puss himself, who acts like a Zorro Expy , until we see him drink milk by rapidly lapping from the shot glass , purr, lick himself, make big kitty eyes usually intentional , make cat noises when someone hits him with an object, chase a sunbeam, or bring an apparently dead animal to his adopted mother.

Several in the Kung Fu Panda films. It usually manifests as characters using their animal traits in combat, making realistic animal sounds, Running on All Fours , etc. Kung Fu Panda 2: Master Mantis references the fact that the female mantis bites the head off of the male in mating. The Soothsayer is a goat, and like all goats is an Extreme Omnivore.

In Secrets of the Furious Five , it's shown that Tigress was feared as a terrifying monster at her orphanage and she didn't now her own strength as a cub. She may be a Funny Animal Vegetarian Carnivore , but she's still a tiger mostly surrounded by prey animals. Europe's Most Wanted in the scene where Vitaly the tiger and Alex the lion are arguing about the former's leaving, Alex tries to tear out some of Vitaly's things, he drops a ball of yarn and they both spontaneously start to throw it up like regular cats.

It's brought up a few times in the movies that the characters still age at the same rate as their real-life counterparts. In the first film, Marty the zebra reaches his 10th birthday and claims that his life is already half over. In Europe's Most Wanted , Alex asks if Gia the jaguar is five during their banter, to which she replies that she is. Eeyore's tail is also attached with a tack. At one point, Donkey believes that he is dying, noticing that he can't feel his toes.

He then remembers that as a donkey he does not have toes. In the middle of a song, Monsieur Hood puts an apple in Donkey's mouth. Puss in Boots occasionally gets a hairball. And does the big kitty eyes thing when attempting a surprise attack. In one scene, he starts swatting at butterflies. In Storks , we are reminded that birds can't see glass when Hunter reveals he had his office built entirely out of glass despite knowing this.

Some other storks then smack into the office. Junior, the focus stork, runs into trouble when he tries to lose a wolf pack in a warehouse full of glass sheets. Doppler from Treasure Planet is an anthropomorphic dog-like alien who for some reason actually eats out of a dog dish. Done in Up , in which the dogs are distracted by squirrels or the fact that Dug likes chewing on the tennis balls that Carl uses as part of his cane. This proves handy on a number of occasions. Rare Live Action ish example: Last Action Hero features a minor character named Whiskers, a cartoon cat on the police force with Jack Slater, who acts entirely like a human throughout the film.

However he was delayed coming to the rescue of Jack and Danny because of a hairball problem. In the climax of Ted , the eponymous teddy bear gets ripped in half. Rocket from the Guardians of the Galaxy movies is a raccoon who's been genetically and cybernetically enhanced and is now capable of functioning almost as a human.

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However, he's still very much a raccoon and it shows, in both obvious ways such as Running on All Fours and in more subtle ways like his tendency to want to steal stuff. Night at the Museum: When Teddy Roosevelt gets hit by a carriage, his injuries are treated by melting wax over the wounds, reminding the viewers that "Teddy Roosevelt" is actually a wax mannequin.

Likewise, Lancelot's nose melting and deforming in Secret of the Tomb after he's spent too long holding the torch too close to his face is a reminder that "Lancelot" is also a wax mannequin. In the Discworld , Gaspode the Wonder Dog is a normal backstreet mongrel living on his wits until one day he is cursed with human-level sentience. Every so often he reverts to canine nature, such as his ill-fated courtship of werewolf Angua. I don't suppose there's a chance of a little sniff The Cat of Red Dwarf may be humanoid, but don't get him wet or put him near a dog.

  • Why Is It Cool To Hate On Dinosaur Discoveries? | Science | Smithsonian.
  • Furry Reminder - TV Tropes.
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  • Beyond All Reason.
  • Der Rausschmiss: Wirtschaftsroman (German Edition).

In the first season, his behaviour is very reminiscent of a cat's; for instance, his tendency to spray everything and claim it as his own, his love of raw fish, and his Blue and Orange Morality. He becomes gradually less cat-like as the seasons go on. The one thing he doesn't do is eat off the floor, because he's got "style and sophistication".

He eats off the table Technically it's for an anthropomorphic book and not an anthropomorphic animal, but there are numerous reminders in the albums that Psalty and his family are books, e. Meet the Feebles , another film with anthropomorphic animal characters, has several: Bletch, a Wily Walrus , devours a fish character in one scene and later vomits him back up. Trevor, a rat, feasts on a corpse in another scene. Heidi, a hippo, is a Big Eater. Harry also assaults him with a flyswatter and bug spray.

Harry himself is a hare who catches a bad case of bunny pox after having too much sex. And lastly, Robert, a hedgehog, is known to roll into a ball when he's nervous. The anthropomorphic animal characters in The Muppets are mostly treated as people, but Kermit occasionally refers to eating insects, Miss Piggy takes offence at references to pork products, and Rowlf frequently makes jokes about being a dog. In The Muppets , Miss Piggy mentions that her anxiety about her broken leg stems from the fact she grew on a farm where when someone broke a leg they were taken away and killed.

In another episode, Rowlf mentions he had to undergo surgery, and wear the Cone of Shame because he kept biting the stitches. Hobbes often likes to hide and then pounce on Calvin. He also subscribes to National Geographic Every once in a while, there's a Stuffed Animal Reminder when Hobbes is seen from the perspective of an adult. And occasionally, he has to get stitches if he pops a seam, or has to go through the washer and dryer when he gets dirty. Garfield likes to try to eat birds. He'll also occasionally shed and hack up hairballs, much to Jon's disgust.

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They very rarely actually exhibited animal-like behaviour, until The Devil's Playhouse , where Sam's doglike qualities were suddenly constantly exaggerated for comic effect. Archived from the original on April 14, Blake angrily slaps the whistle out of Ruby's hand before storming off, still visibly irritated with Ruby at the noise. Fantasy fandom Furry fandom Science fiction fandom Yaoi fandom. Occasionally it is acknowledged that she would act fox-like, on example of this being that she would consume rodents on occasion, which foxes actually do.

Poncho and all of the other dogs in the strip can talk and think like humans, but their instincts will sometimes get the better of them and they'll do things like chase cars or eat garbage. In Peanuts , Snoopy, despite a gradual Anthropomorphic Shift over the first couple of decades, still lives in a dog house and eats from his dog bowl. Occasionally, the punch line to a Shoe will rely on the fact that the characters are all birds albeit anthropomorphic ones who generally act very humanoid otherwise. Very rarely, you might even see them flying.

In Beetle Bailey , Otto bites people whenever he gets angry. Animal Crossing has this from time to time. For example Joey's house in the original titles is just a pool in the center; most of his houses in fact involve bodies of water. Joey is a duck. Aviary Attorney is set in a world populated mostly by human-shaped people with animal heads, though there are more animallike people around. Largely they act human and it's easy to assume the animal traits are irrelevant or only cosmetic, but apparently cat people still have killer claws, and predators are believed to have a degree of bloodthirsty ambition.

In Guild Wars 2 the Charr large bipedal catfolk drop to all fours for their out-of-combat running animation. The secondary protagonist of the Jak and Daxter series, Daxter, actually began the series as a human. However, after his transformation into an ottsel , he's picked up more animal-like habits. While he normally uses his hind legs for walking and running, he will occasionally drop to all fours, has been seen using one of his hind legs to scratch behind his ears, and likes to be petted and scratched.

Sam and Max are a dog and a rabbit. They very rarely actually exhibited animal-like behaviour, until The Devil's Playhouse , where Sam's doglike qualities were suddenly constantly exaggerated for comic effect. More specifically, he's shown to pant with his tongue out in hot places, growl and bark when angry, have trouble eating peanut butter which is actually the solution to a puzzle , and wear a plastic cone when he gets injured.

At one point, Max claims that one of Sam's worst fears is 'being put in a carrier to go to the vet's'. Max's rabbity qualities are underplayed compared to Sam's other than his bounciness and fondness of gnawing on things, but there's still a few references in Season 3 - at one point, he mentions to Sam that he's constantly chased around by beautiful women. Sam promptly replies that they've been through this already and the women only want to test cosmetics on him. From the comic book: Tried and failed in Dusk's Dawn. So either De Noir is an incredibly slow bloomer, or he's kidding himself about being an adult.

In Fall of the Crystal Empire , Princess Luna gives a decidedly horse-like snort in contempt of King Sombra's attempt to turn her to his side. Cut to a shot of Disco Bear getting sprayed while Petunia is off screen.

  1. Operation World Peace.
  2. Truth or Dare.
  3. Why Is It Cool To Hate On Dinosaur Discoveries?.
  4. Furry fandom - Wikipedia;
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  7. Soforthilfe bei Stress und Burn-out – Das Praxisbuch (German Edition).

Since she's a skunk, that probably wasn't mace When Blake inadvertently reveals herself to be a cat Faunus , a shocked Ruby remarks, "She does like tuna a lot. More hints at her nature as a Cat Girl turn up from that point forward, including her cat ears twitching when listening to distant noises, and being the only member of the team to dislike the Precious Puppy , Zwei, that Ruby and Yang's father sends to them in Volume 2. Yang also invokes this trope at one point, by shining a laser pointer at her to get her close enough to have a private conversation, though it only works because she was irritated by it shining while she was working, not mesmerized.

The tuna remark is also given a Call-Back in Season 3: The spinoff series, RWBY Chibi , uses this for humor, depicting Blake as being afraid of vacuums and peeking out of a box after climbing into it, and her rivalry with Zwei is an occasional Running Gag. In one skit in Chibi , to reprimand Zwei, Ruby uses a dog whistle, which attracts the ire of Blake and Velvet, who both have animal ears with far more sensitive hearing than normal humans. Blake angrily slaps the whistle out of Ruby's hand before storming off, still visibly irritated with Ruby at the noise.

A somewhat bizarre example in RanZar's Tank Toons , where occasionally there will be nods to them being mechanical such as drinking fuel out of a jerry can, or they may react to something that displeases them by loading it into their mouth and firing it. Technically a scaly reminder in Cloudscratcher Ixia expresses her desire for pancakes by flicking her tongue.

Florence, the "Bowman's Wolf" engineer in Freefall , acts very human though she admits she has to fake some of her behavior for the benefit of the humans and human-programmed robots with which she interacts , but she'll run on all fours if she's in a hurry, and will happily chase a thrown ball. Her catching instinct has sometimes caused her serious trouble, for example while being in a moving car, or seeing a fast-moving object on screen.

When she's not forcibly reminding herself otherwise, she has a habit of interpreting other peoples' behavior as though they were wolves. Her captain, who comes from a species of scavengers, is constantly doing things like stealing her half-finished lunch while she's distracted, leading her to assume he's behaving like an omega wolf for her benefit, which clashes with her notion of him being higher up the chain of command. In the backstory of Girl Genius , Krosp is a genius-level somewhat anthropomorphic cat created via Mad Science to be ruler of all felines, but that didn't work out so well, his subjects being cats and all.

Although it turns out, unbeknownst even to him, that isn't the whole story. He manages to avoid being destroyed as a supposedly-failed experiment, and ends up joining up with the eponymous female genius, Agatha. As noted, he's highly intelligent and sophisticated, talks, and generally acts human The last one is particularly noticeable, since it is Agatha specifically demonstrating to him that despite his advanced intellect, he is still a slave to his feline impulses.

While Lunar Exalted technically start out human and only become animal-themed shapeshifters after exaltation, Marena still demonstrates the trope nicely in this Keychain of Creation strip. Sebastian, eloquent, sophisticated and sarcastic talking, magical housecat from Clan of the Cats is often foiled in his arguments when somebody teases him with a cat toy.

This became even more of an issue when he became a kitten for awhile. For Johns birthday Jaspersprite A cat meows the happy birthday song, and Jade half human girl, half First Guardian dog starts barking, and eventually chases after Jaspers. While the Petting Zoo People in the cast for the most part act entirely human, sometimes animal behaviors can be seen. Jake, a Petting Zoo Person skunk, turns into a spray grenade when surprised.

He's also used this as a threat. Don't make me angry Swamps. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Er, your safety's on, right? At this microscopic scale You knew what it was. You knew what these beings thrived on. It was all just too alien to come to grips with, for better or for worse.

Tex meets Furry. Geelong, Vic.: Walshe Publishing. price unknown A 3 ISBN 1 Hannes, Jo. Wild and crazy dinosaurs. Geelong, Vic. A newly discovered giant feathered dinosaur—a distant cousin of Tyrannosaurus Their feathers were simple filaments, more like the fuzzy down of a . Text. Copy. More on This Topic. This woman brings dinosaur fossils home Animals Weird & Wild Meet the bowhead whale hunters of northern Alaska.

You had long come to see these beings as only "people," however strangely they might be shaped. But right now, as you watch them strip the putrid flesh from a bloated mockery of your own face Black Betty, a superhero who possesses animalistic "skunk powers", including a fairly impressive set of claws, fangs, and a nicely heightened sense of smell in addition to the first thing you thought of when you read the phrase "skunk powers".