Vegetable Recipes for Coumadin Users

Taking warfarin (Coumadin®) doesn’t mean you should avoid green vegetables

Milk, cheese, cream, yogurt and ice cream are examples of dairy products you may consume.

Meat, poultry and fish such as chicken, turkey, duck, beef, steak, veal, ham and pork are acceptable when taking Coumadin, except for beef and chicken livers, which are rich in vitamin K. Avoid high-fat selections such as sausage, bacon and bologna when possible. Fish such as haddock, salmon, trout, mackerel and tuna and shellfish including clams, oysters and shrimp are also good choices. Most breads, cereals and grains are low in vitamin K. Good examples of acceptable foods from the starch group include oatmeal, wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, quinoa, millet, couscous, cream of wheat, cereal grains, rye and granola among others.

Talk to your doctor before making any major changes in your diet and before starting any over-the-counter medications, vitamins or herbal supplements. If you or a loved one has any concerns about Coumadin, please contact us today at to schedule a consultation. While eating small amounts of foods that are rich in vitamin K should not cause a problem, avoid eating or drinking large amounts of: Arugula one-half cup , beets, carrots, celery one stalk , corn, eggplant, sweet red or green peppers, peas one-half cup , turnips, tomatoes and zucchini.

Other foods that are naturally low in vitamin K include most fruits, cereals, grains, beans, seeds and tubers such as white potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams. A good rule of thumb: Stick to side dishes with 20 mcg to 25 mcg of vitamin K per serving and main courses with 35 mcg to 40 mcg per serving. That should keep you at a safe level.

How warfarin works

Vegetable Recipes for Coumadin Users Heart Healthy Recipes, Healthy Foods To Your free source for healthy, Coumadin (warfarin) safe recipes from Dr. Diet . Vegetable Recipes for Coumadin Users [Timothy S. Harlan M.D.] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Yes, you can eat vegetables while.

You can still enjoy these foods…as long as your intake of vitamin K is consistent. This means that you can exceed 75 mcg of vitamin K per day—but you must consume the same amount of the vitamin every day. So you can have a spinach salad, but you need to eat the same-sized salad or another dish with an equivalent amount of vitamin K every single day.

Acceptable Foods for Patients Taking Coumadin

Be sure to first tell your doctor if you plan to increase your intake of vitamin K so that you can be closely monitored and, if needed, your dose of warfarin adjusted. I was diagnosed with A-Fib a couple of months ago. Have been a nutritarian for almost 5 yrs. All my blood tests lipids included are low normal range except platelets that are way below normal. My regular doc put me on a tiny dose of a beta blocker. Some side effects but my heart has stopped pounding when fatigued.

She sent me to a Cardiologist who was neither impressed with my diet, my blood results, my weight within normal range or anything else She just wanted to force me to take a blood thinner. I declined after pointing out the risks I worried about. Have you considered ablation of the heart? My wife was in full time afib and ablation delivered her from the malady.

The Dr. Gourmet Diet for Coumadin Users

Fuhrman "Ablation is an option, but it does not slow the damage from improper diet, which continues degrading the heart. A nutritarian diet is the most effective way to extend lifespan, and in the process it often resolves atrial fibrillation. I was so glad to read the article. I'my going to be consistent and continue my nutrient rich life style. I passed out from afib attack 1. Doc switched me to Flecianide mg 2xday.

Coumadin (warfarin) Safe Recipes

Not one attack since, but it could happen. Been on warf for 10 years for afib. I monitor my own INR at home. This is a wonderful, comprehensive evaluation that should give a lot of hope to patients. I have been on warfarin for many years and can't safely go off due to having two pulmonary embolii with no diagnosis as to the cause.

I am 80 now. I taking a baby aspirin everyday which is 80mg.

Coumadin (warfarin) Safe Recipes from Dr. Gourmet

Thank you for this interesting post. My son has been on daily warfarin for 20 years, but it is due to heriditary protein C deficiency that runs in his dad's family.

Side effects

They also carry a lesser risk of serious bleeding events. She sent me to a Cardiologist who was neither impressed with my diet, my blood results, my weight within normal range or anything else However, in many cases, warfarin is still the recommended blood thinner for patients who have atrial fibrillation and are at high risk of stroke. The easy, healthy recipes on the Dr. Some foods are absolute vitamin K powerhouses—one cup of raw parsley, for example, has a whopping mcg…one cup of cooked spinach contains mcg…and one cup of raw kale, mcg.

Other newer drugs do not seem to be tested on persons with this heriditary blood disorder. He has been hospitalized twice. He wishes he could use the nutrarian diet becaused he loves to cook, but has run into problems because his INR will get too low or sometimes too high.

How to safely enjoy all the healthful foods you’ve been warned about…

We were in the emergency room just yesterday with an INR of 6. No doc seems to be interested in helping him eat better. However, the advice to avoid kale, spinach and collards is very helpful. What about long term warfarin treatment for Wegeners disease.? It seems to be an autoimmune condition. Could this be treated with a nutritarian diet?

Since this disease is potentially fatal, the drug management still needs to be done by a rheumatologist specializing in this disorder. The medications used for the disease can cause other secondary problems, and that is another reason why it is critical to combine medical treatment with a strict nutritarian diet to lessen the side effects and morbidity of treatment and to lessen the amount of treatment required.

Over time, if improvement is evident, medication can be reduced.

Get the Coumadin Cookbook and Diet Planner!

This information has thrown me for a loop. My daughter has just been taken off warfrin and put on Eliquis. She has had other medicines as well. I think her doctors are just experimenting with different kinds of blood thinners. She has had blood clots twice, transfusions twice and one infusion. This article is both alarming and informative, however we don't know where or how to get help.