A Gift of My Own: A Journey Into the Spiritual Realm of Reality

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jun 09, Marialyce rated it did not like it Shelves: Let me preface my review by saying that I do believe that our souls live forever and our lives here are just a journey to someplace better. That being said, the author has the same feelings especially after her beloved husband dies. In the novel, Lori Morrison describes in great detail her journey into the realm of the spirit world.

She travels extensively from America to South America searching for answers while being infected with evil spirits. She visits shamans herself claiming eventually to Let me preface my review by saying that I do believe that our souls live forever and our lives here are just a journey to someplace better. She visits shamans herself claiming eventually to be one, as she tries to rid herself of evil and even eventually finds herself in a mental facility in America, which some will definitely think is warranted.

She traces herself back to the Mayan culture and believes she has a jaguar protecting her and goes through many ritualistic occasions with those who claim they can heal. Within that mental health facility, she claims to heal others and then takes the reader forward in her life.

It is not that I do not sympathize Lori and understand Lori's intense grief. It is the giant leaps she asks the reader to make that define what one commonly feel is reality. In reading the synopsis of her life, she has done some really good things for others, particularly those who lived in El Salvador where she and her husband resided. It is in the intense retelling of her experiences with some might label the occult that her story often falls flat for it unbelievably and improbable issues.

I am happy that she found solace but have to question her ways of finding it. This ebook was provided by NetGalley for review. This is a wonderful book describing a woman's soul searching in the wake of her husband's death, her blissful and terrifying descent into what is seen by society as mental illness, and her ultimate triumph when she comes into her own power. View all 3 comments. Author Lori Morrison writes about the process of losing herself after the loss of her beloved husband and the complete spiritual breakdown which eventually lands her in a life she could have never imagined.

The challenging adventure she takes to wellness is all-encompassing and I'm not sure I could have had her strength, but the journey is a testament to the profound reality that we are so much more than most of us believe. There were many moments in this book I know I will remember and some won Author Lori Morrison writes about the process of losing herself after the loss of her beloved husband and the complete spiritual breakdown which eventually lands her in a life she could have never imagined.

There were many moments in this book I know I will remember and some wonderful quotes from her spirit guides and her departed but not dead husband Tino, including this: Aug 12, Marilyn Donkersley rated it it was amazing. Thank you for sharing your spiritual experiences of growth and transformation with us through your book.

Insight Into The Spiritual Realm From An Ex Witch

You are articulate, easy to read, and your book was to the point of your Spiritual Awakening. And then Thank you for sharing your spiritual experiences of growth and transformation with us through your book. And then you were spiritually awakened through this emotional experience this would be the part that most people could not imaging going through, but you allowed us to share your long and arduous journey to who you are now and why you have the gifts that you now share.

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Your intelligence and perseverance also guided your transformation. It was fascinating to delve into the world of the Shaman. I knew a little about how they worked, but this gave me much more understanding and insight. Again, this helps to understand the work that you do now. It does matter, where your information comes from. Jul 19, Audrey Adamson rated it it was ok. In this memoir Lori Morrison tells about her spiritual journey and finding her place in this world.

I enjoy books about the spiritual ; I especially like learning bout religious and spiritual beliefs that are different from my own.

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I sat down with my copy of this book excited to learn about a new set of beliefs. Unfortunately, I became bored very quickly. Morrison wasn't able to make me connect to her on a personal level. The book is rife with mundane matters and spends more time telling me about In this memoir Lori Morrison tells about her spiritual journey and finding her place in this world.

The book is rife with mundane matters and spends more time telling me about who her husband was as a person that anything about herself.

Lori: The Disintegration of My Ordinary Reality

Sure I knew her accomplishments and love for husband, but id didn't know her so I wasn't as invested when she began her journey. I was so interested in everything she was learning but the writing did nothing to capture her true feelings and how the events affected her. She describes everything n a very clinical matter and by the time she goes to the mental institution, I have trouble defending her absolute distrust of medicine and her idea that she could cure everyone when doctors could not.

The one thing the book did do was make me curious about her clinic and her profession as someone who deals with mental problem using complimentary aspects of spiritual and medicine. As some one with a psychology background, I can truly get behind this and as I delved further into the book I could see Morrison start s to understand how the two work together. I am interested in finding out more about her actually philosophical ideas about treatment and how all sides can used to together to create a harmonious human being.

I received an ARC for review purposes and all opinions are my own. I received a free copy of this book as a Goodreads Giveaway I enjoyed this book because of the interesting and insightful way the author recounted the story. It really helped to draw me in and somehow involve me in some small way with what she was going through. Well-written in the main and thoroughly credible, it was one of those books that just wanted me to pick it up and read some more. A book that kept me awake at night rather then sending me to sleep.

Jun 07, Susann E. At times I had to put the book down and simply allow my mind to absorb what I was reading. This is an amazing story of one woman's spiritual awakening. It has made me want to know more about the author, her journey and her gifts to the world, which include this memoir. The Soul's Awakening I couldn't put it down, read in just a couple of days! Exhilarating and beautifully written with infinite passion.

Lori: The Disintegration of My Ordinary Reality by Lori Morrison

The vegetation was lush. There were masses of bluebells and yellow broom everywhere.

Dr. Nanci's Books

There is a distinct voice that wants to be heard in A Gift of My Own. Whether this story is familiar or foreign territory it is intriguing and personal to the reader. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Josie Giuseppa Basile lives in Oneonta, New York. A Gift of My Own: A Journey into the Spiritual Realm of Reality: A Journey into the Spiritual Realm of Reality - Kindle edition by Josie Giuseppa Basile.

When we entered the copse that surrounded the circle, we silently began exploring each stone, particularly the one in the middle, which was a tall, narrow one, leaning toward the sea. I sensed it had been placed in its tipped position for a purpose.

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We are proud to announce that LORI: Lists with This Book. Lessons From Death And Beyond. Kindle Edition , pages. I was so interested in everything she was learning but the writing did nothing to capture her true feelings and how the events affected her. I began to sense this was the first time, after years of Shamanic journey work, that I'd ever traveled physically into an alternate reality.

I pressed myself up against it and began listening. I quickly entered a deep state of consciousness and the stone told me of how it served as a symbol of the Whale, which was a sacred being to the ancient people, who revered it as a Shaman. They were guided by the Spirit of the Whale in their needs for sustenance from the sea, as well as for spiritual inspiration and learning.

I was drawn to another stone, which was unusual because it was made of quartz rather than granite. It was quite beautiful and I began running my hands over it to feel and memorize its energies and physical qualities for future use. When I stood up again, everything was bathed in light, even though the physical area was still shrouded in fog. The lights began taking the forms of Celtic Knots, which I deeply sensed were symbols of how light energy configures through and around everything. I sensed that the ancient people could naturally see these light patterns and learned much about the natural world.

The knots were representations of the energy patterns and were used in ceremonies as well as in everyday life. As the lovely stone revealed important information about my life, I was touched to my core by the profound communion between us. I began to think of it as my Sister Stone whose energies I could call upon for healing or divination anytime, anywhere. Wiping tears of gratitude, I rose and realized everyone had left me alone to complete my experience in privacy.

I thanked all the stones and left.

But outside the circle of bushes around the stones, everything looked completely different from what I remembered on the way in. I tried two different paths, but nothing was familiar and I returned to the circle entrance, knowing by then I was lost in an entirely new reality. The lush vegetation was gone and I could see only a vast expanse of flat, plantless moor. No bluebells, no bushes.

Nothing recognizable except the stones. Because of my disorientation, I didn't fully comprehend how dramatic a shift this was until later reflection.

While I was trying to find my way back to my group, I experienced a wide range of feelings, from euphoria to panic. Thoughts of old movies in which people became lost and died on the moors kept intruding in my mind.