From the Journals of Autumn Sky: A Tale of Two Continents


However, every card in the Action Deck is a bit of your life force, so when the Action Deck is exhausted, so are you. From now on, every action could be your last! Thankfully, the Skill cards that you may add to your hand when performing actions, your Bonus and Item cards, and the help from your companions will make things easier for you. This is especially true when it comes to decreasing the number of cards you must draw to perform an action or by increasing your chances of success.

The 7th Continent is a strange land with many paranormal events, hostile creatures and inhospitable locations.

Sky Blue Water

You will have to use your best survival skills to overcome the varied threats you will face in this land, so that you can eventually lift your curses:. You can download the rules. All the expansions and optional purchases from the original Kickstarter will be available during the course of the second campaign. After 4 years of work, The 7th Continent became a reality thanks to the support of over 12, backers. The cost of making this game is high, notably due to the quality of its components. Due to this a retail version of the game is almost unfeasible. This campaign is no doubt one of your last chances to take part in The 7th Continent adventure This new campaign will allow you to expand upon the adventure we all began back in With new curses and mechanics, a whole new experience awaits you!

It will also allow you to acquire any elements you may have missed from the first campaign. This pack contains cards that will allow those of you possessing the first edition of the game to upgrade it to the second edition and 4 additional dividers to help you search for cards more easily Characters' Skills, "", "", "". It includes any cards that may have been changed or corrected after the first campaign. This pack is included in the Veteran pledge which is specifically for those with a copy of The 7th Continent from the first Kickstarter campaign.

This means that backers from these countries will not incur any import taxes. After our experience with the first campaign, we are planning on two waves of shipping for this new project. This wave is slated for March Below, you will find an estimation of shipping costs per shipping area. Despite this, we are committed to these prices being the maximum amount you will have to pay.

Also, South Korea is in Area 4 — lower part of the estimate. Each copy purchased includes all unlocked Stretch Goals. For areas 1, 2 and 3 , shipping costs after the first pledge up to a maximum of 7 are halved! We are still looking for solutions to get some discount for multiple copies for areas 4 and 5 as well hopefully by the end of the campaign.

Also, one of us is pretty handy with a pencil. It was created in to help us develop our business in North America. The first Kickstarter campaign for The 7th Continent was successfully funded back in October thanks to the support of 12, daring explorers! Two friends passionate about all things gaming! Role-playing games and gamebooks played a significant part in both our childhoods. Ludovic was 11 and already had a few prototypes on the go one of which would eventually become The 7th Continent!

We've been inspired by many great works during our lives, whether from board games, role-playing games or video games. When we started out in the board gaming industry, we naturally brought all of these elements with us. We are not only the designers of the 7th Continent - Ludovic also creates all of the illustrations and visual elements for our games and Bruno, apart from writing cards and rulebooks, supervises production.

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Zigel's research uncovered two close encounters of the third kind. it unusual are the claims of rapid motion across the sky- especially rapid given the high altitude." His story, based on a personal trip to the USSR and meetings with ufologists there, . Oswalt himself described the UFO from detailed entries in his journal. Multiple extinctions of birds in Hawaii are predicted as the cattle into North Africa, and in the virus took off across the continent, killing a.

Jamie is the Community Manager for The 7th Continent and the scourge of small draconic beings. Rolling dice, pushing toy soldiers and trading sheep for many a moon now, Jamie is, just like you guys, a gamer at heart. Some of you may recognize him from the first Kickstarter campaign. To our families and friends for their incredible support and patience as we created the cursed land of the 7th Continent.

Work on the new expansion has already begun and we are confident in our ability to meet the announced deadlines. We will, of course, be keeping you updated about the state of the project through each and every stage. By pledging to this Kickstarter, you acknowledge that the final appearance, materials and content of the rewards and the Kickstarter are subject to change and may differ substantially from what is presented while the Kickstarter project is active. You agree that our responsibility to you is to ship your order as entered into our pledge manager system, that title and risk passes to you upon delivery to a common carrier for such shipment, and you are responsible for import duties or any other duties that may be payable to the relevant tax authorities, providing correct address information, and ensuring this address is deliverable by normal methods.

We regret that we are unable to ship to PO Boxes in most countries. Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ.

Sep 26, - Oct 19, 23 days. Share this project Done. Get ready for brand new adventures in the first ever board game where YOU are the hero! One of the explorers available to you with an example of her Skill cards. A Curse that you can attempt to lift and its clue. Get 1 or more achievements to succeed. Redfern says to think of it like cheese fondue. Splattering bubbles of sticky cheese is rather messy, but bubbles from boiling water escape much more easily".

This low viscosity also meant that gases easily came off the lava, including huge amounts of acidic sulphur dioxide.

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There was much more than anticipated, says Redfern. People were advised to stay indoors, though scientists still aren't sure why the gases were so sulphuric. Researchers will now try to figure that out. This may also help us understand more about the chemistry inside deep Earth, as knowing the chemistry of the gases that come out of volcanoes can provide clues to what is deep underground.

THE 7th CONTINENT – What Goes Up, Must Come Down. by Serious Poulp — Kickstarter

The scientists working at the site also want to figure out why the lava from Bardarbunga was erupting so far away from the magma chamber itself. Somehow, it came to be transported through a 45km-long dyke to the eruption site at Holuhraun. It was only three months after the eruption began that Sigmundsson, with many co-authors, published some initial observations in the journal Nature. The team concluded that Bardarbunga's travelling magma chambers could be attributed in part to the intense energy stored in the very rocks beneath our feet. The movement of the tectonic plates beneath us releases this energy, which has been building up for hundreds of thousands of years.

That means the dykes transporting the magma far from the volcano could already have been present under the crust. The magma was able to exploit existing weaknesses, created by a previous eruption. It is almost as if the magma was breaking through scar tissue that had almost healed. With enough pressure these dykes became open wounds once again, transporting red-hot runny magma. Taking samples of this molten rock can also help reveal where it came from. Rocks have chemical signatures, which provide insights into their ages and origins.

Redfern says the lava from Bardarbunga came from quite deep. That means it potentially represents a direct route to the very mantle of Earth. Either that, or it was simply reheated by other hot rocks. Beyond the pure science, scientists are studying Iceland for a more pressing reason: To do so, researchers look for signs that magma is accumulating inside the crust.

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A volcano site can expand like a balloon if there is new magma flowing into it, says Sigmundsson. His team monitors known volcanic sites for earthquakes and ground deformation, both of which are signs that something is bubbling away close to Earth's surface. They are looking for "small tiny changes, maybe a millimetre or centimetre displacement As for Bardarbunga, it is too early for now to tell when it might wake up.

At the time of writing, there were no signs of new magma flow. Bardarbunga may stay asleep for several centuries. Only if it remains inactive for more than 10, years can it be said to have "died". Regardless, it has already created an entirely different landscape: Standing here at Thingvellir, I may be looking at something quite new: Sigmundsson tells me that a new "micro plate" is forming beneath our feet.

This "special Icelandic plate" is continually expanding as new crust forms on either side of it. The consensus is that this marks a passing separation from the rest of the rift zone. It may never quite grow into a new continent. But for now, before it attaches to another plate, it really is a sort of miniature Icelandic continent. Furthermore, the whole of Iceland is made up of relatively new crust. Its oldest rocks are only about 16 million years old, making it very young in geological terms. This young island gives us a view, which we can occasionally observe in real-time, of how Earth's crust has been forming throughout history.

Iceland is being stretched and torn, but from the resulting cracks, new crust forms. It is an almost poetic example of constant renewal. We cannot normally see that the ground beneath our feet is ever-changing. Here, though, it is hard to ignore. These create strange flows of magma that scientists are still trying to understand. They do so at a speed of about 2cm per year.

That is roughly how fast our own fingernails grow. It is an impressive sight: We know that Bardarbunga has been active at least 26 times in the last 11 centuries. Share this article Facebook Twitter.