Haunted Liverpool 11

Haunted Liverpool 11

The land is believed to be haunted by an Angel of Death who appears when war is in sight. Have you ever wandered down Bold Street and suddenly found yourself in a different time? The reports have come from seemingly sane people, who believe they have travelled back in time when walking down Bold Street or its surrounding streets.

Haunted Liverpool. 11

One of the most well-known stories is from about a man called Frank, a police officer, who claimed he was walking from James Street station to meet his wife on Bold Street. However, as soon as he reached the street, he realised something was not quite right, as the people appeared to be dressed in s or s clothing.

Upon entering the shop, Frank was relieved to find a modern-looking girl standing in the shop, carrying a Miss Selfridge bag. Bear in mind the tower was built in and the investigators could be onto something.

Haunted Liverpool 11

Just some of the UFO reports have included glowing spheres or light above The Ford Mushroom and even odd silver objects beaming light onto the tower at night. Are all these reports due to overactive imaginations or could the tower really be attracting aliens to Liverpool?


Heywood House Hotel Stars: TripAdvisor LLC is not responsible for content on external web sites. HMP Shrewsbury Part 1. As Mackenzie was an avid gambler, he reportedly made a deal with the devil that he would exchange his soul for life-long luck on the gambling tables. Since the work, the ghosts of a petite woman with a Regency bonnet and a little girl have been seen walking down the nearby Maryland Street. Thanks, are pricing is very competitive compared to other cocktail bars in the city. One of the most notable stories is about a female nurse who commonly reported peculiar sightings whilst working with patients at the hospital.

Ever wanted to see a vampire? Newsham Park Hospital originally served as a Victorian orphanage, which was later used as a medical hospital and mental asylum. However, the hospital closed its doors in , but there is reportedly some activity in the hospital.

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Some paranormal activity, that is. One of the most notable stories is about a female nurse who commonly reported peculiar sightings whilst working with patients at the hospital.

Book information

For the first time, Tom Slemen's Haunted Liverpool 11 is available in Kindle format, and this edition includes several tales that were not featured in the original. Haunted Liverpool 11 has 41 ratings and 0 reviews: Paperback.

Eerily, the nurse was found dead on one of the wards soon after. Published first published January 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

Ghoulies Haunted House, Liverpool: Address, Phone Number, Ghoulies Haunted House Reviews: 4.5/5

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They want to drive you to suicide because they want to try and get you to join them.

Mackenzie’s Tomb

But the new voice stuck with him. The voice spoke from his left side, saying: A bus on Lime Street sounded its horn and a woman screamed.

A man grabbed Simon by the arm and pulled him onto the pavement in the nick of time. He swore and cursed the new voice, but it somehow calmed him down and told him to go into a red telephone box, which Simon did. He wants you to be happy, go to David, he loves you so much.

The St Luke's Abduction - from Haunted Liverpool 4

Simon borrowed a pen and a piece of paper from a student and wrote down the words the spirit of Frank Hughes told him. And sure enough all the same old malevolent, evil, sinister voices came back with a vengeance. He looked at the paper, and tried to read the words, but the voices in his head sounded like the roaring crowd at a football match.

He cursed at them and read the scrap of paper, then started to follow the blonde woman. He hurried to her, and scanned the piece of paper, then said: He wants you to be happy, so go to David, he loves you so much.

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