Health Hints for Four-Fold health 2nd Edition

China’s Healthcare Reforms Underscore Market Growth

This is not a large elaborate volume filled with dry statistics and long-winded discussions and theories about health, but a vitally interesting and practical summary of our teachings on the importance of health of body, mind and spirit, and how to retain or regain it. It contains the essence of my many years of medical experience, together with our highest mystical teachings as to the health of the inner as well as the outer man.

It therefore deals with the effect upon your health of the thoughts, emotions and psychic influences to which you respond, as well as the physical factors. It contains the essence of the most advanced metaphysical teaching on bathing, breathing, exercise, thought-control, and physical, mental, psychic, prayer, faith and spiritual healing. All boiled down into twelve chapters packed with definite laws, rules and directions.

All expressed in simple, non-technical language. In addition, a rare disease catalogue will be set up and new products that can treat these rare diseases will be eligible for fast tracked trials. Previous requirements that imported drugs used in the clinical trials must be registered abroad or have been used in the phase II or III trials have now been scrapped. More measures on drug and medical device registration reform are coming out, including: While the evolving regulatory environment may result in increased compliance cost in the short term, the reforms are designed to cut red tape in the long run to help drugs and medical device sectors grow domestically and become more competitive internationally.

In , the government said the policy was a main goal for its plans to develop the healthcare sector. The Opinions stated that eligible private healthcare institutions will be treated equally to public institutions and enjoy the same benefits in areas such as patient referral, charges and payments, performance assessment, as well as incentives. Foreign investors with advanced medical technology, notable management experience, and best-in-industry operation models are encouraged to set up medical institutions through joint ventures. Foreign investors are granted pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list market-entry treatment; items subject to examination and approval are simplified and optimized.

Notably, institutions that can provide specialized services — such as rehabilitation, nursing, physical examination, pathological diagnosis, medical imaging, disinfection supply, blood purification, and hospice care — will receive more preferential policies. Following this Opinions, the government issued more supportive measures.

There are other policies that may have important implications in the healthcare sector. For example, the latest Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment adds intelligent medical rescue devices to the encouraged category, meaning that they benefit from special government incentives. In addition, the revised Medicine List for National Basic Medical Insurance, Work-Related Injury Insurance, and Maternity Insurance adds more than new drugs into the insurance funded medicine list, which means more demand for these drugs.

In addition, the government endeavors to expand the hierarchical diagnosis system to 85 percent of all its cities, which should substantially increase demand from primary medical institutions for diagnosis equipment, household equipment for chronic diseases, medical rehabilitation apparatus, portable medical equipment, as well as medical imaging equipment. Five minutes is sufficient if the vegetables have been ground. Eight to ten minutes if cut or shredded. This applies to squints, divergent vision and crossed eyes, as well as to accommodation.

Since perfect darkness re- laxes the tension, his remedy, which he calls "palm- ing," is to place the crossed palms of the hands gently over the eyes in such a way as to exclude all light, but without touching the eyeballs. Since we see or interpret our vision with our minds and not with the eyes, thought and memory play an important part in correcting our vision.. Remember how intensely black an automobile is or black doth, espe- cially black velvet, and mentally shift from one black object to another.

Then try "palming" and "thinking black" a minute or two and then see how much better you can read the finer print. Then look away at some distant object, but without strain. This also relaxes the eyes. These are very simple exercises, but are of the utmost im- portance, and if persisted in will cure almost all eye defects.

But palming and ''thinking black" and testing your eyes with an advertisement or chart is the most' important factor. Practice reading without glasses for a few min- utes. Do the best you can without strain. When the letters blur, rest the eyes by palming, and repeat many times during the day. Palm and blink and focus on distant objects, especially green fields or trees, many times during the day.

Do not read in a waning light or in the bright sunlight, or with lamplight directly in front of you. Detosdcation and correct diet will also help the eyes. This we bring back with us to recharge our physical body. During sleep is when we assimilate most of our food, grow and make repairs. Some who are psychic sometimes return quite tired or depleted.

This is because they have indulged in too. Make up your mind mat, as a rule, you go to sleep to rest and recuperate, and not to work in the astral; your real work and lessons are here on the physical plane. That is why you incarnated here. Five or six hours sleep should be enough when properly detoxicated, although some mental workers need seven or eight. Then drop off to sleep in calm confidence in His lore.

If these psychic disturbances occur frequently, it sometimes helps to crush some gum camphor and cloves together and keep them in a closed jar during the day, but open it in your bedroom during the night Undeveloped entities do not like these odors. Some sensitive persons sleep better with the head toward the North, but this is not important Alcohol. Hence the frequent use of alcoholic beverages should be posi- tively refused by those who seriously desire spiritual advancement and mastery. Al- cohol, numbs the sense of fatigue and so deceives the user.

People who indulge in alcohol show less resistance to infectious diseases than abstemious in- dividuals. It does, however, inju- riously affect the heart and nervous system. From an occult standpoint one of the greatest objections to its use is its tendency to form a habit It goes without saying that the aspirant for the spiritual life must be master of all conditions and functions and. Pack, of the Uni- versity of Utah, finds that tobacco-using athletes are distinctly inferior to those who abstain. There is also much experimental evidence to show that to- bacco induces arterial changes.

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Their nervous and excit- able conditions usually have a basis of acidosis and toxemia, hence should be soothed by detoxication instead of by tobacco. If vac- cination prevents smallpox, then those nations en- forcing, vaccination should be free from the plague. Yet the opposite is true, as anyone can prove by consulting the vital statistics of every civilized country keeping health records. With detoxi- cation and proper diet their uncertain aid will not be needed. Charles Mayo of the great Mayo surgical clinic said a few years ago that nine-tenths of.

Far from it We recognize that thousands of noble men are devoting their whole lives to reliev- ing suffering humanity. To teach you how to eliminate these causes is the object of this volume. The in- struments using such radio tubes are able to diag- nose the condition by its vibratory wave-length, and to charge the patient's body with the wave-length which will neutralize the diseased condition and cause complete recovery in an amazingly short time. But to remain relieved or cured, the patient must, of course, change his habits of life, as herein out- lined, which caused the condition.

Wherever such radionic instruments can be found in the hands of competent practitioners, such as our own staff, we recommend that you be treated by them for serious ailments. The one known as the "Radio- clast" is the most specific in diagnosis and treatment of all we have seen. It is not necessary for the pa- tient to be present to receive an accurate diagnosis, for with this instrument a. As the body clears of waste material with which it was formerly loaded, the mind soars to heights not formerly glimpsed by toxic minds, and new worlds seem to open.

And this expression de- pends upon the condition of the body as an instru- ment. Slow thinking, poor reasoning power, loss of memory, lack of the power to concentrate are all evidence, not of a defective brain, but of toxemia. Usually nothing is wrong with the brain, but its functioning is interfered with by the toxic character of the blood supplied to it.

Registration for drugs and medical devices

A mental shock may cause fainting. Worry interferes with both digestion and sleep, etc Mental Healths — As we have already said: There- fore, we must learn so to order our thoughts that they shall be constructive and helpful. We must train our minds to work in har- mony with our ideals and principles of life, and it will then radiate harmony and health. This, of course, is obviously untrue, for all physical injuries, external and internal poisonings, psychic disorders, and all disorders resulting from improper diet, are not caused by the mind; they come from without.

But all the sensations and symptoms of illness are experienced through the reaction of the mind to the inharmonious cause of the sensation. A brain so nourished cannot act normally. A thorough cleansing of the body will not only change the chemical condition of your blood and tissues, but will also change your mental reactions and. Yet it controls the body's desires without over-indulging them. When inharmonious, both body and mind derange each other by confusion of elements, which wastes the force of each.

Subconscious MiruL — Especially do your emo- tions have an enormous effect. All negative "emo- tions have a most devitalizing and disintegrating, in some cases an actually poisonous, effect upon the body. In addition to this, under normal conditions it suggests or gives us a craving for what we should eat, what we should wear and how we should protect and take care of our body through diet; exercise, recreation, etc, even -if these suggestions are overruled by our preconceived, environmental and family ideas; by our vanity, our indolence, or the ideas of others which we impose upon it If we learned to follow the guidance of the subconscious as to the welfare of the body, we would seldom be sick or get rundown and stagnant.

Yet this instinctive mind must not be given full and unlimited sway, for it also ex- presses the passions, desires and appetites of the animal body which must be checked, governed and directed by the two higher aspects of the mind which are above it and which are responsible for the de- gree to which it is indulged. Every thought tends to express itself in action unless counteracted or neutralized by an opposite thought of greater power. Therefore, we must refuse to think the kind of thoughts that we do not wish expressed through us. But never fight them ; for to do so we are concentrating upon them and giving them greater power.

Instead of resisting or fight- ing them, we must simply turn our minds away from them by concentrating on and filling our minds with the opposite kind of thoughts, ones which we do wish to have expressed through us. Power Over Yotti — ''Another fundamental law is: Every thought that we admit into our minds and contemplate we give a power over us. But we do not have to admit into our minds, contemplate and go over and over every thought that may arise in or be presented to our consciousness. We can turn away from and refuse to dwell upon those thoughts which do not measure up to the ideals of our lives.

Therefore, remember that we do not have to admit or contemplate thoughts of evil or ill health unless we choose to do so. The supreme importance of carefully choosing and controlling our thoughts as the basis of our lives lies in the fact that every word and act is but the ultimate expres- sion of a thoughtor instinct Good thoughts beget 82 HEALTH HINTS good words and acts, and vice versa, and all have their reflex action in the body. It is possible to be made ac- tually ill by being continually told how ill you look. And you can greatly encourage and help others by telling them how much better and happier they are looking today.

Do Not Accept — "You do not have to respond to suggestions, unless you deliberately choose to do so, if you keep your mind poised, discriminating and positive. RepercussioiL — "If the power of the mind to ac- tually alter the structure of the body is so great that by the continued morbid conce n tration on the five wounds of Jesus, the stigmata: Some tissues are replaced more rapidly than other more dense ones, such as the bones, but science estimates that at the end of.

And it is upon these sensitive new cells thus constantly formed that the subcon- scious mind impresses the characteristics of the thoughts we habitually hold or hold temporarily but, under great emotional stress or concentration. Thus we are constantlychanging the make-up of our body by the character of the thoughts we hold.

We, therefore, have to withdraw from the physical world because the functions of our instrument of mani- festation have become so stagnant that the life-force. We must keep returning again and again until we learn to live in and be dominated, not by the subconscious mind of the body which is mortal, nor by the consciousness of the rational mind which is limited in expression, btitby the Super-conscious Mind of the Higher Self or Divine Indweller who is immortal.

We must reincarnate until we can build up and perfect a body that will express the Real or Spiritual Self instead of merely that manifested fragment of that Self which we call the human per- sonality or personal self. But, as the Lord said to Job: A mere weak wish to be relieved of suffering is not enough.

There must be a positive desire, a burning resolution that is not only willing to "take the trouble" to change your habits of life, in spite of the opinions of those who do not under- stand your reasons. And there must be a determined will to carry it through to success, to joyous radiant health. Then you should be Irish in this sense. Never give up, but always be looking for a better hold. But astrology teaches you to "Rule your stars" and not give way to their forces as though they were fate. If the body is kept detoxicated and alkaline, and the mind kept positive and responsive to constructive forces only, any ad- verse astrological conditions can be neutralized or turned into constructive channels, just as the sailor adjusts his sails to make adverse winds push him onward to his port.

Love suffuses the body with a warm constructive glow, while prayer and spiritual aspiration tune your mind into the uplifting -vibrations of the spiritual world, and your body responds in harmony and health. Also see Psalms, acd, 5 and 7. Fear is bred of ignorance or misunderstanding, and causes worry over health or other conditions, thus depleting the vitality.

Hay it is evidence of devitalization due to toxemia. If so, that fear paralyzes your natural immunity, lowers your vitality and aids in bringing the disease upon you.

The two invoices system for pharmaceutical distribution

For fear causes weakness, disintegration and hence weak spots, and the weak spots ultimately break down and make gaps which let the evil forces enter. The debilitating effects, of fear also cause sluggish functioning of your organs and inability to produce their normal secretions. Such fear generates the negative thought-pictures of old age, and you natu- rally begin to react to them, whereas had you re- alized that old age can be mellow, gracious, wise, beloved and beautiful, you would be reacting to those constructive thought-pictures instead of to the negative, and would forget the years.

And you do not have to respond. This can be overcome by taking a positive stand for the truths and laws you have learned — the laws of health for instance — and prove your sincerity by following them out. It raises the blood pressure and literally makes you "hot under the collar. If this liquid is placed on the tongue of. Irritableness usually has its basis in toxemia and should at once suggest a purge.

Even resentment is disintegrating. Also I hold resentment against one who should be my support and help but who has held me back every step of the way. And since you receive back the return current from everything you send out, you have been devitalising yourself by every wave of resentment you have sent out, as it returns to the sender. No wonder you feel the possibility of sudden illness or death; for you have been generat- ing the forces which produce just such conditions, and are being warned against them from within.

Therefore, you cannot expect full freedom from nervousness, fear of death or from your physical illness as long as you continue to send out the dis- integrating forces of resentment and the paralyzing force of fear. It is holding on to it that holds you back. Remember that you must forget as well as forgive; for as long as you are holding on to the memory of the condition and your resentment, you have not really forgiven. The Real Self of us is never critical, is never envious of the pos- sessions- of others; for we have incarnated with possessions of our own.

The things in our environ- ment are just those needed for our training and un- foldmenL. For all the con- structive emotions relax nervous tension and "Send for free copy of lesson Judgt Not, Gurtiss. For die same reason controversial subjects and arguments are banned, for any inharmony or mental clashing will ruin the di- gestion of the most compatible foods, while jokes, laughter and merriment will help digest even the most incompatible combination — but it will not neutralize their harmful end-products.

And that reaction you can controfhy a positive attitude of mind, and a reali- zation that through the power of the I Am Presence within, you are the master of them. The little joys of life are just as satisfying as the little cares are annoying. If you dwell in the little joys, they run together and soon break out into a mighty soul- satisfying happiness which will be like a strong, deep undercurrent of joy bearing you through all the cares and sorrows of life.

Change is essential to all growth and progress, even the change of disintegration — whether of old forms, customs, habits or thoughts — that new and better types may manifest" You also -need a change of environment A va- cation or frequent little outings, even a walk through the park, change the vibrations of your aura and your attitude of mind. They enable you to make new contacts and arouse new interests in life, thus contributing constructive ideas, sensations, as well as exercise, to the benefit of your health.

If so, they are recreating. But they must he wisely planned to in- clude ample rest and relaxation. Many plan so many activities on their vacations that they come home all tired out Make your re-creation the dominant factor in all your changes. EMOTIONS 93 has so-called neurasthenia, in middle life, and die college student who thinks he has ruined his health by "over study" and who are benefited by a vacation, are both suffering from bad habits of life.

Chief of these is acidosis and toxemia from wrong diet. A course of acid and toxic elimination, with its attend- ant relief of mental strain, will usually cure such breakdowns in a few days. This also applies to disorders of the climateric period. Keeping the body free from abnormal products and accumulations will make your body so healthy that, you will natu- rally be happy.

But you should also keep a positive and harmonious attitude toward life. Realize that seldom is anything so bad that it couldn't be worse I Give thanks then that things are no worse than they are, and go resolutely, positively and cheerfully about remedying them. DeterminatiorL — The sun will rise every day, whether you see it or not, and it will continue to rise every day until the end of time.

Each day is a new day, a neWincarnation. Smiles — Therefore, make a practice of greeting every person and also every condition with a smile, and radiate your positive determination to conquer harmoniously. They well up from the subconscious mind, and if you allow them to express they make you react like an animal instead of like a spiritual being.

And you must pay the penalty for giving them expression by reaping the results of their effects upon your body, mind and spirit. Remember also that you do not have to respond to and give them expression. All the harmonious and constructive emotions — snchas joy, happiness, love, compassion, pity, unselfishness, self-sacrifice etc. Hence these emotions should be deliberately cultivated and given constant expression until their expression becomes in- stinctive and habitual. See the next chapter for directions.

M y Cnrtiss, 6. While in this short treatise we cannot go into detail, we may say that healing from the higher realms falls into three general groups: Psychic healing or that performed by the aid of discarnate doctors and groups of specially trained helpers in the astral world; Faith healing, or that performed by prayer and faith; Spiritual healing, or that; per- formed by direct invocation of angelic and cosmic forces.

This frequently ceases or is 'cured' when they recognize its source. If it is not, it should be stopped by repeatedly challenging the de- parted one and demanding that he withdraw from their aura and remain outside it in the future. The hundreds of seemingly miraculous cures accomplished by the celebrated deceased English physician, Dr. Beal, through the mediumship of Miss E. Many of these marvelous cures have been reported in our News Letters for over twenty years.

At that time, through the use of our Healing Prayer ritual, we invoke the spiritual forces from the higher spiritual realms and direct them to the students who have written in for various kinds of help, until their auras are filled to overflowing with the divine radi- ance of the spiritual power the service invokes. The names are also recorded by the Invisible Helpers, and special help of the kind best suited to the case is sent to each petitioning one often with marvelous results.

Prayer and Healings — True prayer is an aspira- tion of the Soul for union with the Divine.

But it has to reach up at least into the fourth sphere before it can contact the Higher Teachers, Masters, Devas and other angelic Beings. They will come down half way to meet you, but you must also reach up to meet them half way. This is why selfish and insincere prayers never reach higher-than the earth- bound realms, hence are unanswered. For the an- gelic helpers have no knowledge of you and your needs until you tune in to die high vibrations of Their consciousness. As your aspiration passes upward through the various realms, its line of light attracts the attention, first of your loved ones who are interested in your welfare, then die higher angelic beings and those Great Ones.

His incar- nations were only a part of His work. We, recognizing Thee, and realizing Thy divine presence with us, ask Thee to lay Thy hands upon us in healing love. Cleanse us " from all our sins, and by the divine power of Om- nipotent Life, drive out the atoms of inharmony and disease, and fill our bodies full to overflowing with Life, and Love, and Purity.

When you recite this prayer sincerely the angels crowd around you like flocks of doves, to ward off harmful forces and protect the germ of your physical, mental and spir- itual life. The repetition of this prayer is like a projectile fired through the earth's atmosphere creat- ing a passage through which the One-Life must necessarily flow to you. When this spiritual love — the Son of God — reaches the physical plane, it manifests in the body as the Life- force.

Thus the Christ manifests on the spiritual plane as the One-Life, on the soul plane as Love and on the physical plane as Life-force. It also harmonizes conditions in your environment. Condenses Aursu — "Negative emotions produce inharmony and sickness by condensing your aura and shutting out this force of life from you. If you send a thought of hatred toward a person you put a wall around yourself which only your own loving thoughts and prayers such as the above, can pierce and break down, and which shuts out the life- force from you and permits disease to flourish.

And it is only such a call that can pierce the clouds that hide the earthly from the Divine, and make a channel through which the divine healing forces can reach you. Help DesirecL — ''Whenever you desire help, phy- sical, mental or spiritual, either for yourself or others, repeat this prayer, meditating on each word and trying to realize its true meaning on all planes of your being. The greater this realization, the greater the demonstration.

Lack of faith makes the Soul anemic and lifeless. Have faith that that which has been planted within shall grow and bring forth abundantly day by day, so that the substance of things hoped for shall be- come the manifested evidence of wings not seen. For it is an engagement to meet and correlate with the indwelling presence of the Christ, claimin g His promise, "I am with you always," and relying on Him in absolute trust, and in obedience to His guidance, and believing in it Matt.

And it will be given in propor- tion to the intensity of your desire and your conse- cration to it But to attain it you must be willing to let go of and consciously give up every known sin or inconsistency. You must maintain right relation- ships with all men ; must willingly make amends for every unkind word and make restitution for every wrong done as soon as you are guided to do so. Only so can you be spiritually free, free from the overshadowing, hampering consciousness of inhar- mony not adjusted.

It is also a test of the sincerity of your desire for advance- ment It is a test in self-discipline to see if you will get up ten minutes earlier and take the extra time for mis communion and guidance. But to make it effective you must take the attiude of, "Speak Lord, for Thy servant heareth.

Test it by these standards. Does it go contrary to the highest standard or be- lief you already hold? Does it conflict with your rec- ognized duties and responsibilities to others? If uncertain, continue to pray silently during the day for light and guidance on that problem, or you may talk it over with some friend who also gets his guidance and can understand your need and give you corroboration.

Also write down the main ideas and impressions which arise during your meditation.

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You will also be given warnings what not to do, how the Inner Radiance will protect you from un- desirable influences, etc. Morning Prayer; — Remember the Morning Prayer: I am strong enough to bear every trial and accept every joy and to say 'Thy will be done. Will you go on living the same old thoughtless, selfish, aimless, unplanned life?

Or will you profit by the help offered you by this book and henceforth live a changed life, not only physically, but mentally, morally, socially and spiritually? If they are of any importance to you, then you will put them into practice. That means a changed mode of life for you, changed habits, changed mode of thought, motives, actions. For no matter how good they are, they will do you no good unless you apply them.

Therefore, make them a definite part of your daily routine, more im- portant than your meals. And the rewards which Nature and the Great Law will give you will be beyond price. Why not do it now and save the unnecessary, suffering you will otherwise have to pass through? Never mind how others react to a knowledge of the Law. Your reaction is the im- portant wing. Therefore, determine that you will live up to the knowledge you have gained and hence- forth will work with the Law, or let the Law work through and for you. You have been entrusted with all the information con- tained herein, and you will be held responsible for the use or lack of use you make of it.

By deciding favorably you can look forward to a prolonged, useful and happy life, free from bodily ills and mental worries and other hand- icaps to the manifestation of your Real Self and living your real life.

Health Hints for Four-Fold health 2nd Edition

It is through this intimate relationship between the Spiritual Self and its animal instrument of expression that the animal becomes the earthly dwelling place of that Divine Self. And within this instrument the Christ-consciousness must dwell, even though at first it must rest almost dormant, like a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, waiting until the spiritual radio-activity of His presence can grad- ually uplift our consciousness and our thoughts and aspirations into a great longing for Divinity, and finally into a great realization of His actual pres- ence within us. And through these powers that Higher Self must learn to control the animal organism and lift it up until it is an efficient and obedient servant of the Christ within.

Then it will in truth be a temple of the living God. This is the great lesson for us to learn. All those emotions and inharmonious con- ditions arise within the body or the consciousness of the personal self. And when they arise, if we turn to the Christ within at once, He will give us the power to conquerand redeem them. We must eat and drink, not because we love to eat and drink — although we should enjoy doing so — but that our physical body may be a healthy, happy animal, a more nearly perfect instrument for our use.

We must protect it not only from physical harm, but also from the devastating storms of inharmony, antagonism, anger and other destructive emotions, and also from the poisonous effects of incorrect eating and of impure thoughts, so that our body shall be kept as a holy temple, so pure, clean, harmonious and holy that the Divine Self will have little diffi- culty in manifestating through it. Then His radiance will flow outward and pervade our whole nature, purifying, uplifting and blessing it and making our whole body in very truth a temple of the Living God wherein dwelleth righteousness.

But do NOT combine any food in column 1 with any food in column 3, with the exceptions that honey, being a natural sweet, may be combined with fruits, and that almonds may be combined with any other food, as they are alkaline-forming.


Any of the non-starch vegetables may be combined -with the proteins. Then it will in truth be a temple of the living God. The value lies not in the amount of water used, but in its cool tonic effect and in the rubbing, in its effect on the pores, nerves and circulation. Breathing can be used to correlate mind and body, because it alters the circulation and brings more oxygenated blood to the brain. Cooked string beans, green peppers and tomato, with French dressing Dessert: It is the sort of a book the student wants for rtference. Another source of great acid formation is the use of refined and bleached white flour products and white sugar.

Or Whole grain pancakes or waffles with maple syrup or honey and coffee, cream and sugar. Soaked figs or dates may be added to either of the above breakfasts. Romain lettuce Steamed carrots with French dressing 1 Steamed spinach Dessert: Tomato, cucum- grapef rait sections with ber, watercress with ripe whipped cream. Baked Potato, Crisp Fat Bacon. Tuesday Cream of onion Soup 1 Steamed spinach chopped fine Salad: Cooked string beans, green peppers and tomato, with French dressing Dessert: Baked apples with cream. Shredded cabbage, apple, chopped mush- rooms and celery or raw spinach leaves with mayonnaise.

Hard workers may add: Baked potato, sliced onions. Wednesday Tomato soup Steamed celery root Salad: Shredded carrot and parsnips with may- onnaise. Season with vegetable salt. Beet, bean, carrot, pea and celery with French dressing. Apple Sauce with whipped cream sweetened with honey or raisins.

Whole wheat macaroni, Lettuce and onion salad with oil, dates and cream. Combination vege- table Dessert: Shredded pears in whipped cream with nuts. Friday Cream of pea soup Broccoli with Hollandaise sauce Salad: Green pepper, to- mato and bermuda onion with French dressing Dessert: Cabbage, apple, celery and raisin with mayonnaise Dessert: Buttered whole wheat toast, Sour cream cookies.

Lettuce with pi- mento dressing Dessert: Baked custard with maple syrup, may add: Tomato with whipped cream Dessert: Lettuce with French dressing Dessert: Fresh fruit cup Demitasse. Menus from the Sun-Diet Health Service 1 Breakfast is preferably composed of fruit and milk or else some form of whole grain breadstuff with sweet fruit, or figs, dates or raisins.

Tuesday Carrot and onion soup Lamb chops Alsaker. Wednesday Cooked brown rice with cream Buttered beets Spinach Salad of asparagus tips on lettuce with whipped cream Sweet pears. Thursday Baked potato Steamed turnips Carrots Salad of lettuce, cucum- bers and radishes, oil dressing Date ice cream. Friday Broiled mushrooms on whole wheat toast Steamed broccoli Green 1 peas Cauliflower with butter sauce Peas Salad of lettuce, orange and pineapple with lemon mayonnaise Apricot whip, with honey. Thursday Cream of celery soup Cauliflower String beans Salad of raisins and grated carrots with dressing of lemon juice and oil Sweet pears.

Saturday Whole wheat raisin toast Cauliflower Buttered beets Salad of grated carrots on lettuce leaves with oil Malaga Grapes. Sunday Dinner Relish of ripe olives and celery hearts Vegetable soup Roast chicken Spinach String beans Salad of sliced tomatoes on lettuce leaves with lemon mayonnaise Peach ice cream.

Salad of orange and grapefruit on lettuce with lemon mayonnaise Baked. Saturday Cream of asparagus soup Parsley omelet Rutabagas Steamed onions Salad of lettuce with pi- mento dressing Stewed figs. Sunday Supper Whole wheat muffins Steamed carrots and peas Salad of lettuce and as- paragus tips with dress- ing of whipped cream and oil Raisins.

Advantages of Raw Food, Dr. Beal, or More About the Unseen, E. Perfect Sight Without Glasses, Dr. Add, boric, 70; lactic, 24; stimulated, Appendicitis, relieved, 6; treatment for, 38; Appetite, Arguments, no, 31, B Bathing, 11; sun-, Beyond Magatme, quoted, Children; feeding of, 47, Compatibility, of foods, Constipation, 23; of cells, Diet, reducing, 56; return to, Hay's, , , ; Diet and Sex, quoted, Disease, definition, 4; acute, E Eating, habits of, Endurance, tests of, Food, Chapt V, 40; combina- tions, Foods, classification of, 42; compatibility of, ; laxa- tive, ; processed, 65; ' raw, G Grace, at meals, H Habits, 13, Hindu Dietetics, quoted, 41, How to Live, quoted, 34, 44, K Knee-chest posture, Life, the One, Message of Aquaria, quoted, 21, Milk, goafs, 55; raw, Mind, attitude of, 85; in- fluences of, ; laws of, New Health Era, quoted, 32, 36, 39, 74, O Odor, body, Origin, of man, Orthodietetics, quoted, 12, 54, P Pack, hot or cold, Periods, women's, 45, Plan, the Hay, Prayer, effect of, 3, 97 ; Divine Mother, 21; Healing.

Proteins, 42; stimulate pas- sions, 44; vegetable, Q Quiet time, Realms of the Living- Dead, quoted, Self, the Real, Sub-consciouSj role of 79; train, T Tables, food, Voice of Isis, quoted, 17, The Fellowship of the Order of Christian Mystics A nan-sectarian spiritual movement for the promulgation of a Cosmic and all-inclusive spiritual philosophy which gives a satisfactory and scientific explanation of every phase and condition of life both here and hereafter.

Christian in ethics, yet non-sectarian and universal. Monthly lessons and personal correspondence on all vital problems sent on the free-will offering basis. There are perhaps no books on the market to-day which ao ful- fill the needs of the awakened Soul who it seeking to know and understand how to apply the uniTersal laws of the spiritual life under present and coming; world conditions.

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