Lost in a Stallions Arms (Mills & Boon Kimani) (The Stallion Brothers, Book 3)

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Lorenzo, did you say hello to Auntie Marla? Travis joined the conversation as he took his own seat. He's not speaking to anyone this morning. Usually, we can't shut him up! He glanced around the table. Mason Boudreaux extended his hand in the woman's direction.

The last time you were here I think I was out of the country. Travis shook his head. His wife Joanne eyed him curiously. His wife Michelle passed him their daughter, Irene, who eyed her father with large, dark eyes and a bright smile. Luke shrugged, pointing an index finger toward Travis. The former staff sergeant shrugged his broad shoulders.

She's actually the oldest out of the Stallion siblings. He leaned back in his chair, his arms folded over his broad chest. There was some kind of falling out and our grandparents disowned her. She moved to Utah and never kept in contact with anyone. No one knows why, though.

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If you keep this up we might find out I'm related to you by blood! It seems she kept a diary. Her oldest son, Noah, contacted me, looking for my father," Travis said. John Stallion glanced around the table as the family continued talking, everyone shooting questions in Travis's direction. Excitement fueled the air, energy like a firestorm through the space.

It hadn't been too long ago that their requisite family breakfasts included only him and his three brothers. He'd married first, his wife Marah and her family adding to the mix. In a short period of time he'd seen his brothers and his cousin Travis marry, their small clan growing with wives, babies and extended family. Last year they'd discovered they had a biological sister named Phaedra, the news completely throwing all the brothers for a loop, and now the Stallion family tree had suddenly sprouted a whole new branch.

John's head moved slowly from side to side as he pondered the implications. Minutes passed before he refocused on the conversation. Everyone at the table was suddenly staring at John, awaiting his opinion. He met the looks they were giving him and nodded. I think we should. The miniature hurricane tore around the table, her deep laughter moving them all to smile.

Matthew and Katrina's teenage son Collin raced behind her. She tossed her nephew a questioning stare. I had to chase her and then she kicked me! She rolled her eyes at Collin and licked her tongue out at him. John grinned as he pressed a damp kiss to her rosy cheek. The little girl's eyes widened. She shook her head. She thinks she's being cute. When Luke was her age he used to tell lies, too.

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Gabi better straighten up! First, I have to say that I love the Stallion Family. From the 1 st book To Love a Stallion, I have read the entertaining stories of this family. This story presents, not only another Stallion love connection, but it also shows how the Stallion family has grown and expanded the family tree.

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They are both brought back to America because of family matters. Natalie, along with her 4 siblings, represents a branch of the Stallion family that was unknown until the death of their estranged mother, a Stallion by birth. Anyone who knows the Stallion family knows it's all about family and friends.

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Once you are in, there is a bond formed that can't be broken. My Stallion Heart chronicles the encompassing of another branch of the family, and the love relationship between Natalie and Tinjin. There's drama, conflict, sexual chemistry and the HAE ending-everything that makes this a good romance novel.

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Deborah Fletcher Mello has done it again! If you are unfamiliar with the Stallion family, I strongly recommend that you get to know them. My Stallion a Heart is Book 7, so you need to catch up. You will not be disappointed.

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You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Giving My All to You. His wife Joanne eyed him curiously. Would you like us to take another look at this review? Across town she drove past the entrance of the Trafalgar Tavern. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews.

My Stallion Heart is another excellent story about a great romance genre family. Tinjin and Natalie was a couple as soon as meeting and didn't even no it. Deborah Mello is an awesome author that i love all of her work it's good to always here about the other Stallions that Natalie and her sister and brothers didn't no about after there mother passing.

Tinjin is a successful designer when he and Natalie start dating her secret admirer didn't take to kindly about there relationship the best way to get the enjoyment out of this awesome book is to buy it i love all the Stallion books oh yes you will see what ms. Gabi Stallion and ms Irene Stallion is getting into what a treat and that fine Tinjin Braddy this book is about love trust and faith. Just when we thought there wasn't anymore Stallions, they find their long lost cousins.

The Stallion clan learn that their Dads had an older sister who moved away and nobody heard from again.

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  • Deborah Fletcher Mello · OverDrive (Rakuten OverDrive): eBooks, audiobooks and videos for libraries.

When she passes away, the families find each other. The first cousin up is Natalia. On her way back to the states she meets Tinjin when they get stranded at the airport during a storm that grounded all flights. Deborah Mello keeps the awesome Stallion books coming and I can't wait for the next one! Reshemah Wright of Cilla's Book Maniacs. I loved their story. They complemented each other perfectly. Their sense of humor was refreshing. I love the fact that it was set primarily in London and Paris. I love Mama Dee!!

She is something to behold as a matriarch. To revisit the Stallion family is always a joy, but to now have more members of the Stallion family to look forward is great. I've already preordered book 8. I loved the chemistry between Tinjin and Natalie. At times they were comical, other times so in tune with each other. I was able to learn about places in London that I will probably never see, but could visualize in my head. But the best part was when the Stallion boys stepped in and wrecked the place, nice an calmly.

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