The Adventures of Flapjack: Finding Where I Belong

Kid reviews for The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack

The atmosphere and feel of sea adventure isn't necessarily bad - except that the animation is overly ugly.

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Most of the adult characters are extremely ugly, especially Captain K'Nuckles; he looks bad enough from far away, but sometimes when you see him up close, you see all his nose-warts and facial hair, which doesn't seem to belong in a cartoon aimed at ages Does it add anything to Flapjack?

The only relatable major characters are the naive Flapjack and the fiercely loving whale, Bubbie. All of the other characters, such as K'Nuckles, are selfish, greedy, mean, etc.

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The worst part is that the only child main character admires Captain K'Nuckles. The storylines totaly creeped me out sometimes.

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  • The Adventures of Flapjack.

For example, in one episode there were these read heart-shaped things that were coming from flapjack's head. Or something, I can't really remember. They discover that the weird hearts taste good, so they sell them at the bar. Meanwhile, flapjack is feeling faint. They start wondering, what are these hearts? Then, the hearts come alive with creepy bug faces and all! I was totally freaked out by this plot maybe because it was a cartoon rather than book? Maybe because I have a fear of finding bugs in my food? Who I recommend this to: While we shouldn't bombard kids with learning stuff, this show has little or no positive messages whatsoever.

I have no idea what idiot was in charge of the script, but the "adventures at sea" atmosphere while well-done was ruined by bizzare plotlines and unadmirable characters. Sure, have a naive protaganist, but at least have him grow as a character to learn not to trust everybody. This show is an opportunity missed. However, I do recommend this show to those who might be interested in watching part of one show because the animation, while purpously yet unnecesarily ugly at times, is quite nice. Kid, 11 years old June 6, Don't Bother Watching Terrible show. It's not really funny, just weird.

I like the guy who created it, but this show was a fail. Read my mind 1. Teen, 15 years old Written by Moshata February 7, I think it's quite dandy! For those of you saying this show was dark and disturbing, Her brain, intestine, heart s , ect. And I loved it! It's really not that bad at all. Honestly, kids need a little dark and creepy in their cartoons.

They need to know, that even in the cartoons they escape to, bad stuff and scary things can happen, and it's beyong their control, like life.

Book information

The Adventures of Flapjack - Finding Where I Belong is the first in a series. It is a heartfelt fully illustrated epic poem for children. It helps children more easily. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. The author, Dan Cohen, never expected to be an author of children's books. Instead, he's been a state park dog patrol.

As wierd as that sounds, it's yeah kinda true. Kids can handle a lot more than they are given, I'll tell you that much. But a couple negative points were a shaky plot, lack of interest, ect.

Finding Where I Belong

Teen, 14 years old Written by Spacething March 12, Read my mind 2. Teen, 16 years old Written by Troll B. The Love Child of Courage and Ren and Stimpy This personal childhood memory was creepy and disturbing, but in a way that was intriguing and memorable. While this show can get creepy at times especially the episode with the mermaid , the general atmosphere of the open ocean can be considered charming. The title character can also be charming - or annoying. If you like SpongeBob, you'll probably like Flapjack the characters. Overall, this cartoon was a great cartoon in a time when that was rare.

Flapjack remains to be one of my favorite cartoons of all time. It's dark and gross out humor fit amazingly in the world it was set in. No, it's not educational, but not all shows have to be. The characters are diverse, there's tons of family moments between Flapjack, K'nuckles and Bubbie, and it has a very unique plot.

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There are references to alcohol and abuse, but most kids wouldn't understand it nor care. But if you're overprotective, you can just watch it with them. I highly recommend this show to anyone who loves cartoons. You won't be disappointed. It is a heartfelt fully illustrated epic poem for children. It helps children more easily adapt from one situation to another by relating to the travails of an Australian Shepherd puppy lost in a forest.

His adventures with his wilderness friends end abruptly when a forest ranger captures him.

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He is adopted by a couple and must adapt to a new life. But one dear old friendship will follow him wherever he goes. Flapjack is loveable, keenly observant and engaging -- many times he will elicit feedback from his young reader by following an observation with, " Read on your iOS and Android devices Get more info. These are ratings and comments found on amazon. July 8, Great story with a rhythmic flow. Frequently requested by my boys!

Their grandfather also has an Aussie that they love and adore. Flapjack's joyous innocence and inherent curiosity reminds us why dogs and humans are best friends. We can't wait for Flapjacks's next adventure 5 Stars - Cute Book May 14, Nice gentle story about an adorable dog. The story is well written, easy and fun to read.

My famil These are ratings and comments found on amazon. My family loved it. It is a special author who can convey such a sweet and relatable message through rhythm and rhyme. This book is perfect for families and suitable for all ages. It is a well written, thoughtfully rhymed book that I could read over and over to my children. The book captures Flapjack's personality so well that I want to hear more! I look forward to more adventures had by this wonderful pup. This is a review received outside of amazon. I thoroughly enjoyed not only the story but the powerful messages contained within.

Bravo, Dan, for a beautifully written and illustrated book.

The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack - Skooled (Clip A)

Kim Cohen rated it it was amazing Apr 17, Kyla Daniels rated it it was amazing May 26, Lisa rated it it was amazing Apr 17, Fel marked it as to-read Apr 17,