The Aladdin Project

ALADDIN Project showcased in the SAFE workshop, France

The initiative was so named because Aladdin, both as a Middle Eastern folk tale and a name, is shared by different cultures and thus symbolizes an intercultural bridge, while the genie lamp, a symbol of light of knowledge against obscurantism and ignorance, reflects the hope that the magical power of knowledge will eventually destroy age-old myths and superstitions and break down seemingly insurmountable barriers.

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Our vision and strategy. Such changes will ultimately come about through a long-term strategy focusing on education and diffusion of knowledge.

To meet the challenges of overcoming deeply-imbedded misperceptions and mutual mistrust in a politically-charged environment, we have developed a strategy that combines concrete, measurable educational and cultural projects translations, syllabus development, distance-learning courses, educator training, summer school programs We are developing an international network of academics, civil society activists and educators that provides us with essential feedback on the impact of our projects on the ground. The founders of the Aladdin Project established one independent body in the summer of Each project, once approved by the Board, is led by a project director, who works under the supervision of the relevant committee of experts.

Progress and evaluation reports are periodically submitted to the committee and the Board.

The ALADDIN Project : Intelligent Agents for Disaster Management

Our sources of funding are grants from foundations, governments, international organizations, as well as corporate and individual donations. Funding for projects is based on the Board's considered review of the prospects and promise of the proposed programs for impacting the goals of the Aladdin Project.

Our supporters

The Aladdin Project is an independent, international non-governmental organization based in Paris. The thirty personalities on its Board are from different. Franco-German Seminar on Integration of Muslims in Germany and France. The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in cooperation with the Aladdin Project.

We will also consider the potential for replication of the programs by other interested organizations or persons. Donors and funders expect excellence in planning, management, and evaluation of our projects, which is why financial transparency and accountability are extremely important to us. The Board of Directors exercises fiduciary control over the use of all funds.

Aladdin Project

External financial audits are conducted annually. The diffusion of knowledge being the focus of the project, we began by launching a multilingual Web site that provided historically accurate information on Jewish religion, culture and history, particularly the Holocaust, in Arabic, Persian and Turkish, as well as English and French. In a special arrangement with the publishers, we set up an online library that allowed Internet users to download the books free of charge.

Can you tell us about your role as President of the Aladdin Project and the mission of the organization? The Aladdin Project works to combat anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, racism of all sorts and Islamist extremism through education, intercultural rapprochement and youth outreach. As the daughter of one of the youngest survivors of Auschwitz, I feel a very strong duty to transmit what my father, who was a great optimist despite all that he endured, taught me: How did this experience at such an early phase in your career influence the path you took afterward?

It was, of course, a life-shaping and thrilling adventure, that brought exposure to so many different things: First and foremost, the burning issues of the day.

ALADDIN – Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

But also the importance of working as a team, of being as precise and meticulous as possible, of learning when to be quiet but also when to speak up. At a time when political parties feel more divided now than they have been in decades, what is the role of a nonpartisan organization like the French-American Foundation whose goal is to encourage dialogue and cooperation between people with different opinions?

  • Project Aladdin.
  • The ALADDIN project: Intelligent Agents for Disaster Management - University of Bristol.
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  • ALADDIN Project to be included in the 2017 update of Horizon 2020 Secure Society Projects Catalogue;
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  • Prayers for Our Country;

This is all about building bridges, not walls. The French-American Foundation has played a vital role in the transatlantic dialogue ever since its creation, creating channels of exchange and dialogue even when diplomatic relations were not at their best.

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