Integrales inmediatas (Fichas de matemáticas) (Spanish Edition)

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His father, Pavel — , was able to get higher education, graduating in at Vilensky institute; Pavel Demidovich was a teacher throughout his life, first teaching in different towns in the Minsk and Vilnius provinces, and then in Minsk; he was very attached to his family, and to Belorussian beliefs and rituals. He also recorded some anonymous literary works of the Belorussian tradition. Demidovich's mother, Olympia Platonovna Demidovich — , the daughter of a priest, had been a teacher too before her marriage, when she chose to retire, in order to raise their children.

After graduating in Demidovich attended the physical-mathematical branch of the teaching faculty, that had been established in , at the Belorussian State University. He obtained his degree in and was recommended to the graduate school faculty of higher mathematics, but Demidovich did not consider that a possibility and went to work in Russia instead.

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For four years, Demidovich served as professor of mathematics in secondary schools throughout the Smolensk and Bryansk regions. After casually reading an advertisement in a local newspaper, he moved to Moscow and in , taught in a graduate school of the Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics at Moscow State University. At the end of this short term, he obtained the teaching chair in the Transportation and Economic Institute NKPS, and taught there at the Department of Mathematics in — In , while retaining his teaching office at T.

At the same time, in , Demidovich became a post-graduate student at the Mathematical Institute, Moscow State University, after succeeding a competition. As a postgraduate, Demidovich began to work under the guidance of Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov on the theory of functions of a real variable.

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Kolmogorov saw that Demidovich was interested in the problems of differential equations, invited him to join him in studying the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations under the direction of Vyacheslav Stepanov. Supervising his activities, Stepanov identified himself as the scientific advisor of his younger colleague.

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After his graduation, in , Demidovich worked for one semester at the Department of Mathematics at the Institute for the leather industry. Until his death he remained a permanent staff member. In at the Moscow University, Demidovich discussed his PhD thesis, "On the existence of the integral invariant on a system of periodic orbits" and the following year, he was awarded the degree of Ph. In , Demidovich was granted the rank of assistant professor of mathematical analysis at Mehmata MSU.

In , VAK awarded him the degree of Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, and in , Demidovich was granted the rank of professor in the department of mathematical analysis at Mehmata MSU.

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