Living Divine Relationships

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However, I would never choose to do my journey in that particular way again either. You cannot stick to a resolution while you are blocked by the pain of the past. As a result, I grew up with deep core wounds of unworthiness and feelings of being unloved and unwanted. Org Ventura Blvd. We are surrounded by news of obsessive behaviors:

No matter what circumstances we might have been conceived under, we were created out of the infinite love of Spirit. The feelings of profound disappointment can leave you with deep scars. Once the excitement of a new romance wears off — and there will always be an ebb and flow of excitement — the core of what we really believe about ourselves, and what the other person believes about him or herself because we are always attracting our mirrors will manifest. So, what part of you is doing the choosing when it comes to the intimate partnerships in your life?

Is it the inner wounded child who can only attract another wounded child or the emotionally balanced, spiritually connected adult? In this past year and a half, I have had the opportunity to heal the deepest pain I've ever experienced in my life with the exception of my father's passing when I was 16 years old.

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The gifts I've received from asking myself the hard questions, meditating, tapping and being willing to totally surrender my will and life over to the care of God when it comes to relationships have been priceless — and because of those gifts, I wouldn't change my journey for anything in the world. However, I would never choose to do my journey in that particular way again either. Here is how I stepped into the consciousness of choosing my life from a higher place.

First of all, I had to come to the very uncomfortable realization that I didn't end up on my knees in pain after a sudden breakup; rather, I had a life-long pattern of actually entering relationships on my knees from a place of "please love me, please don't ever leave me, please keep me safe and please validate me. After that excruciatingly painful experience, I said a prayer I had never uttered before. Surprisingly, it wasn't "please God, don't ever let anyone hurt me that way again.

Thank you God for never allowing my inner child the wounded, traumatized little girl who felt unworthy and unlovable to choose my relationships ever again. I want to share with you how you can start the process of choosing love from your own embodiment of self-worth and self-love. First of all, you need to understand that you were not created out of unworthiness, shame, brokenness or any other definition of dysfunction. You were created out of, and in the image and likeness of God!

You embodied the lie that you were incomplete, imperfect, unworthy and less than absolutely beautiful.

Living Divine Relationships

Yes, your body grew into adulthood, but your core dominant beliefs remained in undeveloped adolescent hell. So here you are, walking around with your adult body, perhaps having had children of your own, at the top of your game in your chosen profession. You might even be very spiritual. Yet, you find yourself in the fetal position from the illusion of betrayal, abandonment and rejection over and over again when it comes to intimate relationships. If the same old pattern is unfolding in different relationships time after time, guess where the problem lies?

And the end game is always the same: You will never get what you truly desire from that place — or that person.

2. A sacred relationship is not always what you want.

Living Divine Relationships Hardcover – December 4, In Living Divine Relationships, Master Zhi Gang Sha, world-renowned physician, teacher, and author, gives you the keys to Living Divine Relationships with God, with your spiritual teachers and masters, and with your own. Offers the keys to Living Divine Relationships with God, with spiritual teachers and masters, and with your own soul. This book provides techniques for building .

What you truly desire is YOU! Glorious, whole, complete, amazing, brilliant YOU! Here are a few keys to support you in healing the inner child who was disappointed and hurt long ago so that you can instead embody your own sense of wholeness and fulfillment. Then ask your inner child, how did that make you feel? Abandoned, betrayed, dismissed, outraged, resentful, lost, broken, rejected?

You get the picture.

Wayne Dyer: Where Might You Meet The Love of Your Life ( Wayne Dyer Relationship )

Fill yourself up first with self-love, self-appreciation, living your purpose and creating fulfilling relationships with friends, family and community. You don't need to try to make anything happen. Instead, you can allow it to happen. Remember, what you focus on, you will bring into manifestation. Be in the process of true forgiveness of yourself and past partners.

Be willing to grant a full pardon to those with whom you have experienced deep pain. Have mercy on them and yourself. If a sacred relationship is anything, it's everything! It doesn't look a certain way—it looks like what's showing up in front of you right now. It doesn't get more sacred than that! Nothing will take the sacredness out of a relationship faster than definitions and concepts. They send you into an ego state, blinding you from the divinity of the present moment.

Sacredness can only be found when we step out of the theoretical and into the now. If you're not experiencing sacredness, connection, or fulfillment in your life, the place to look is not in another person; it's within yourself. We can sometimes confuse "spiritual" or "sacred" with "exactly what I want. Of course we want it to be exactly what we want. But that's not what sacredness is…. Sacredness is the experience of no division. No resistance to what is. The peace that surpasses all understanding appears when we stop fighting against what is.

In a sacred relationship "being with what is" is something you get to practice. This means dropping your resistance to whatever comes up in the relationship. You don't have to like it and you don't have to be on board with it.

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But if you truly understand sacredness, you know that nothing can appear in your reality without you inviting it in. Sacredness arises when you get curious about the patterns, energies, emotions, thoughts, and experiences that show up when you bond to another person. This leads you to understanding yourself in a deeper way. Remember that sacredness in a relationship doesn't come from feeling good.

What Is A Sacred Relationship? - mindbodygreen

It comes from the fact that a relationship is a reflection of you. We see sacredness when we're embodying sacredness. We see wholeness, love, fulfillment, and completion when we're embodying these qualities ourselves. And we see separation limitation, competition, and contempt when we're embodying separation. The more committed you are to sustaining your inner connection to sacredness, the more you'll attract sacredness in your relationships.


As your love grows, so will the love that appears in your life. It's a very simple equation. People who are looking for a sacred relationship but "can't find one" are looking through the eyes of separation.

Once you realize that sacredness, first, is within you, deep, loving relationships start to come in. By living from the sacredness that you are, it becomes easy to see that everything is a perfect reflection of you. OK, we've all heard this spiritual jargon before—all relationships are sacred. But as I said in the first point, this isn't a concept or theory. It's a truth we can understand using our deeper knowing. Here's what it means:. Everything in existence is an expression—a dance, a movement—of Life itself. This is the same as saying everything is an expression of Source of God, of Spirit.

We all come from the same Source of energy.

1. A sacred relationship is not what you think it is.

All are expressions of the same Source, each doing its own unique dance. A mistake we can make when it comes to sacredness is to think it only ever feels good. But this isn't the case. Yes, some expressions of sacredness are more conscious than others; some are more aware, loving, and caring. But that doesn't make them more sacred. Because of this, there could never be a relationship that isn't sacred, one that's a mistake, or one that shouldn't have happened.

A relationship is a unique opportunity to see yourself through a person you love.

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