Origine du prénom Ella (Oeuvres courtes) (French Edition)

Ella D'Arcy

Does the Commission intend to make renewed representations following the suspension of float glass production in Lysychansk? Since these measures were unsuccessful, their continued application appears to be unwarranted. The Commission has indeed been recently informed of the fact that the sole Ukrainian producer of float glass closed its third and last line of production.

Anti-dumping duties aim at removing injury to a domestic producer and, if it is confirmed that the sole domestic producer ceased operations in this case, there would be no reason to maintain the duties in place. The fact that the producer ceased operation is indeed a crucial change of circumstances as anti-dumping duties would no longer serve their very purpose and would thus not be legitimate anymore.

Acesta va putea fi consultat pe site-ul internet al Comisiei. Can the Commission indicate if and when it has published the above report and where it can be accessed by interested members of the public? What measures are being envisaged by the Commission for inclusion in the action plan to increase the number of nearly zero-energy buildings? When will this action plan be published? The Commission has analysed the plans received and will publish its report in due course.

It will be accessible on the website of the Commission. The Commission will now request further, more detailed information from the Member States based on a specifically developed template. After receiving this information the Commission will undertake a detailed evaluation and develop an action plan. If necessary, the action plan will include proposals to increase the number of nearly zero-energy buildings and encourage best practices as regards existing buildings.

Ingen af medlemsstaterne oplyste om dette i deres svar. No Member State included such information in their reply. Giorgio ad Montes, di epoca medievale, ha rappresentato uno dei punti nodali della fitta rete di siti dell'eremitaggio e del monachesimo che ancora oggi costellano il territorio laziale. Durante il periodo di esecuzione dei lavori, i siti interessati potranno essere terreno di sperimentazione sui quali i ricercatori di diversi ambiti specialistici potranno convalidare un certo numero di ipotesi sulle tecniche costruttive e sui diversi aspetti della vita dell'epoca.

Il progetto cui fa riferimento l'onorevole parlamentare potrebbe beneficiare del sostegno finanziario dei Fondi strutturali, nel rispetto delle disposizioni specifiche del Programma Operativo Regione Lazio Tale programma definisce le varie tipologie di finanziamento che il Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale ha destinato alla regione in questione nel periodo di programmazione sopra menzionato. Il programma prevede anche un cofinanziamento a favore di iniziative imprenditoriali legate a cultura e turismo. The town of Anagni Frosinone has many particularly valuable archaeological sites, but they are currently in a state of total disrepair; in particular, the medieval abbey of San Giorgio ad Montes was one of the focal points of the dense network of hermetic and monastic sites that are still scattered throughout the Lazio region today.

The primary objective is to recreate the entire operational sequence of a medieval building site and to apply high-level scientific and specialist guidelines. This would provide, both during the restoration phase and once the works are complete, an opportunity to arrange short courses in local medieval history and in specific restoration-related disciplines, with the creation of new job opportunities, including in the tourism sector.

Another aim of the project is to create craft shops within the abbey complex and hence an actual medieval village that recreates everyday life in an abbey of the period. In view of the above, can the Commission provide details of the funding that the town of Anagni could access in order to:. The project referred to by the Honourable Member could be eligible for financial support from the Structural Funds, subject to compliance with the specific provisions of the programme for Lazio. This programme defines the types of support provided by the European Regional Development Fund to the region under the current period.

The programme also foresees co-financing in favour of business initiatives linked to culture and tourism. In line with the shared management principle used for the administration of cohesion policy, project selection and implementation is the responsibility of national authorities. For more information, the Commission therefore suggests that the Honourable Member contact directly the managing authority of the programme:.

Is the Commission aware of allegations that by disclosing confidential information, President Anastasiades of Cyprus helped his relatives to avoid losses thereby increasing the losses of other account holders, and increasing risks borne by EU taxpayers in financing the bailout by withdrawing millions of euro from bank accounts in Cyprus days before capital controls were introduced?

Is the Commission also aware that there are widely held suspicions of inappropriate disclosure of confidential information relating to discussions of and decisions reached by the eurozone? In light of such concerns, does the Commission intend:. Examining and investigating the use of insider information to gain a financial advantage remains a national competence. Questions related to the use of insider information within Cyprus to gain a financial advantage should, therefore, be directed to the relevant Cypriot authorities.

Restrizioni alla libera circolazione dei cittadini dell'UE in Svizzera. Tale accordo e il suo protocollo hanno introdotto alcune restrizioni per i cittadini dell'UE che desiderano vivere o lavorare in Svizzera. Cosa consiglierebbe la Commissione a un paese non membro al fine di garantire la sicurezza e l'occupazione interne nell'attuale periodo di crisi? Sotto il profilo giuridico la Commissione si aspetta che i paesi terzi rispettino le disposizioni degli accordi sottoscritti con l'UE.

The recalled Agreement and its protocol have brought about some restrictions on EU citizens wishing to live or work in Switzerland. Does the Commission think that Switzerland still holds authority over its territorial limits? What advice would the Commission give to a non-member country in order to ensure internal security and employment in the current period of crisis?

Politically, the Commission would like to count in the current period of crisis with an equivalent level of solidarity which it usually shows to third countries. Regarding internal security, the Commission is not aware of any ground of public order, public security or public health in Switzerland which would require its Government to introduce restrictive measures. Regarding employment, taking into account the fact that the unemployment rate in Switzerland remained stable at an average of 4.

Has this assessment now been completed and has the Commission subsequently taken the necessary decision? The Commission has completed its assessment of the Spanish application for EU Solidarity Fund assistance relating to the forest fires in Valencia. Total damage caused by the disaster represented only 4. There was no evidence of serious and lasting repercussions on living conditions or on the economic stability of the region that could have allowed activating the Fund exceptionally. The Spanish authorities were informed accordingly.

Rechte Gewalt und fehlende polizeiliche Kontrolle in Griechenland. Violence prompted by extreme right-wing views and xenophobia seems to be increasing to an alarming extent in Greece. There is growing evidence of a prevailing attitude among the police which ranges from tolerance of these crimes to open sympathy for them.

Are there EU programmes in existence to curb these trends, e. The Commission is concerned by the growing of extremism movements across Europe. The Commission continues to work on ways to assist Member States in addressing prevention of such a phenomenon, regardless of motivation and methods. One of its working groups, RAN POL, exchanges on practices related to prevention and detection of violent extremism by law enforcement, through community and local policing. In a meeting of this group, Greece highlighted the creation of a new service, the General Office for the Confrontation of Racist Violence, which edits a special guide for police and includes a violent crimes division.

The project will include a policy recommendations report, best practices and a training for practitioners in countering far-right extremism. The EU Fundamental Rights agency work includes the issue of acceptance of cultural diversity. Finally, the Council of Europe has established the European Code of Police Ethics in and runs human rights training programmes for inter alia prosecutors, police and bailiffs. However, there now seem to be fundamental problems the concept of commercial availability and the cross-border mail order of books holding up such a treaty.

Why is the concept of commercial availability being insisted on, even though this makes access for blind people to books substantially more difficult? What opportunities does the Commission see for guaranteeing equal rights and treatment for blind and visually impaired persons? What opportunities does the Commission see for ensuring equal access to education and knowledge for all? Certain EU MSs have interpreted the lack of commercial availability of accessible format copies as a condition for this exception and they have a preference for such a condition in the negotiations.

Many EU MSs consider that the requirement on the cross-border exchange of accessible format copies could put pressure on publishers to make such copies available in the relevant markets at the same time as the mainstream copy. Several EU MSs consider that blind organisations have better means to check the eligibility of beneficiaries in their own country than in foreign countries.

Thus, MSs have a preference in the negotiations for channeling the cross-border exchange of accessible format copies through blind organisations established in the respective countries. In this scenario, visually impaired persons would not receive the imported special formats directly from foreign blind organisations but via their local organisation. The Commission cannot determine alone the outcome of the international negotiations but will continue to deploy great effort at the June Diplomatic Conference to reach agreement on a simple and workable treaty that improves access to books to visually impaired persons.

Et dansk tv-program berettede den Kender Kommissionen til problemstillingen? The same programme showed that there are large quantities of plastic microparticles in soap, shampoo and other cosmetics. These end up in the oceans and pollute the environment. It is also unclear what effect these plastic particles have on the human hormonal system. These particles have no business being there. The EU must take action as quickly as possible.

My question to the Commission is therefore:. Is the Commission aware of this problem? And will the Commission take the initiative as soon as possible to call for the phasing out of plastic microparticles in cosmetics? The Commission is aware that microplastics, including those from cosmetics, are a potential threat to the environment. The Commission is aware of the calls in some EU Member States for an EU-wide ban on use of microplastics in cosmetics, as well as the ongoing voluntary actions of several EU companies to eliminate or phase-out the use of microplastics in their cosmetic products.

Per il periodo la Commissione ha proposto di introdurre un criterio di crisi tra quelli applicati per ricevere un sostegno dal Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione. Valbelluna is home to a cluster of leading air conditioning and refrigeration companies, which possess a significant industrial heritage in terms of know-how. Does the Commission think it can strengthen future EU legislation on state aid, with specific reference to aid for rescuing companies, by introducing tools to make it easier for entrepreneurs to form consortia which, by taking over local companies, can rescue companies in crisis and thus support jobs and the industrial policy of the internal market?

How will the Commission strengthen the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund to make it a more effective tool for supporting Member States and regions in their ability to limit the effects of the crisis and to help them take proactive measures for workers affected by restructuring and relocation?

The Commission notes that the Community guidelines on state aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty. For the period, the Commission has proposed introducing a crisis criterion as one of the criteria for receiving support from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund. Sie ist eine freiwillige Vorleistung der Wirtschaftsbeteiligten. Diese Durchleuchtung bewirkt, dass die zertifizierten Unternehmen und deren Verfahrensweisen dem Zoll bestens bekannt sind.

Dies sollte seinen Niederschlag in den Zollverfahren finden. Under the Modernised Customs Code, customs procedures must take account of, inter alia , safety and security aspects. The purpose of safety and security certification as authorised economic operators AEO , provided for in the Customs Code, is to make economic operators more transparent for customs authorities. This is a voluntary upfront concession on the part of economic operators.

Firms which have themselves certified are subject to onerous checks on their organisational and operating structures. As a result, customs authorities are very familiar with certified firms and with how they operate. That should be reflected in customs procedures themselves.

So far, accordingly, it is largely customs service providers such as hauliers, plus a number of large firms, which have had themselves certified; but a host of small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular in manufacturing, have so far not acquired AEO status because it is insufficiently attractive. Such special procedural simplifications are of considerable practical and economic significance — not only where customs arrangements involving Switzerland are concerned.

Why, to date, has the Commission not submitted a proposal for substantial procedural simplifications for firms with AEO status, such as waiving pre-departure declarations for exports or entry summary declarations for imports? What arguments are there against waiving individual notifications for local clearance procedures, for economic operators recognised as AEOs by customs authorities, and deeming an entry in company records to be equivalent to a declaration and, at the same time, automatic release too including in connection with prohibitions and restrictions when use of a general licence is possible or the products concerned are known to the customs authorities?

The Commission fully shares the view that the very purpose of setting up the AEO status in was, and will remain in the future Union Customs Code, to grant holders of that status, including SMEs, facilitations relating to security and safety, maximum advantage of widespread use of customs simplifications and more favourable treatment than other operators in respect of customs controls.

The entry summary declaration ENS and the pre-departure declarations are platforms for the implementation of the security policy and measures with regard to goods to be brought into or taken out of the customs territory of the Union. These are not measures related to trade facilitation and as such, even in the existing international framework, the provision of information to customs for the purpose of security and safety cannot be waived simply with regard to the status of the person being responsible for the goods. In the majority of cases the ENS is submitted by the carriers and not by the importers.

Furthermore, in the majority of cases, the pre-departure declaration is the export declaration and cannot be considered as an extra burden. Regional cooperation can play a key role in fostering the integration of the outermost regions into their regional environments. Has the Commission carried out an in-depth analysis of the existing scope for synergies between the structural funds and the EDF with a view to facilitating regional cooperation involving the outermost regions? When will it publish a strategy designed to exploit the full scope for synergies between cohesion policy funding and development policy funding?

Cooperation programmes should set out coordination mechanisms at the appropriate territorial level, where Member States and third countries or territories participate in cooperation programmes that include the use of ERDF appropriations for outermost regions ORs and resources from the EDF, to effectively coordinate the use of these resources. For cooperation programmes involving ORs and third countries, Member States are required to consult the respective third country before submitting the programme to the Commission and the third country has to confirm its agreement to it.

The Commission is not planning to publish the strategy referred to by the Honourable Member. However, the Commission has asked the ORs to establish action plans to identify their priorities in line with the EU's objectives, which will include, among other things, a section on regional integration neighbourhood plan , in order to supplement the strategies developed in the territorial cooperation programmes for and those in the EDF regional indicative programmes. Queste misure scadono rispettivamente alla fine di aprile e alla fine di maggio La Commissione ha ritenuto che l'applicazione separata di restrizioni a 8 Stati membri e, successivamente, agli altri 17 non fosse conforme all'accordo.

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Nel e nel il Consiglio federale non aveva invocato la clausola di salvaguardia sebbene fossero state raggiunte le soglie. Secondo la Commissione, le condizioni economiche generali della Svizzera e la situazione del mercato del lavoro non sono mutate in misura tale da giustificare un allontanamento da questa prassi. La Commissione sostiene l'attenzione specifica prestata dal governo svizzero agli aspetti che preoccupano maggiormente i cittadini.

In and the Federal Council did not invoke the safeguard clause despite the fact that the thresholds were reached. In the view of the Commission the overall Swiss economic conditions and the labour market situation have not changed to justify departing from that practice.

The unemployment rate in Switzerland remains stable at average of 2. The Commission supports the Swiss Government efforts to focus specifically to the causes of popular concern. De asemenea, conform articolului 17 din Regulamentul CE nr. Member States informed the Commission that they issued 27, driver attestations during The total number of driver attestations in circulation at the end of was 44, The breakdown by Member State is provided in an Annex to the reply. As there are some 4. The Commission has raised this topic with social partners and Member States.

Does it not feel that offering financial incentives for gambling contradicts the principles it has itself set out in its communications in this field? The Commission is aware of the measure referred to by the Honourable Member. The Finance Ministry has recently clarified that, while gambling losses may be used to lower capital gains derived from gambling activities, the losses do not give rise to tax credits that can be deducted from income tax.

The Commission recalls that EU Member States are free to design their tax systems as long as there are no harmonising measures at EU level and as long as the national measures are not discriminatory or otherwise contrary to the Treaties. The assessment of the potential for addiction of different games of chance or of incentives offered is therefore primarily the responsibility of national authorities. The Commission, in its communication.

A negative ESF balance for Poland, for instance, is the result of such changes in status. How does the Commission see the role of NGOs, both locally and internationally, in the monitoring of the implementation of those conventions? At what stage of the process will NGOs be consulted? The information must be adequate and accurate. Genaue Zahlen liegen indes nicht vor. Die neue Verordnung EU Nr. Millions of people in Europe prefer to adhere to a vegetarian or vegan diet. Far more Europeans choose to eat only a little meat or, for any number of different reasons, consume vegetarian products.

As people become more aware of dietary and environmental issues, further growth is likely. However, no precise figures are available. While the Commission intends within the foreseeable future to issue an implementing act concerning information about the suitability of food products for vegetarians, there is a lack of reliable statistics on:. Will the Commission, without undue delay, ask Eurostat and Eurobarometer to survey the social and economic aspects of vegetarian diets and the market for vegetarian products? The Commission will tackle these actions as a priority.

The implementing acts to ensure that information related to the suitability of foods to vegetarians or vegans is not misleading, ambiguous or confusing for the consumer, are not subject to a deadline and therefore they were not considered by the co-legislator as a priority. Consequently, the Commission cannot commit at this stage to undertake the activities requested by the Honourable Member.

According to the same sources, this reduction in the number of inspections is due both to staff cuts and to the refusal of the Ministry of Labour to pay inspectors travelling expenses. As a result, the scale of undeclared work and the loss in contributions to insurance funds are huge and, of course, impossible to determine. Does it intend to take effective measures forthwith to combat undeclared work?

If so, what measures? If not, why not? In this framework an Action Plan consisting of 13 actions, was agreed between the Commission services and the Greek authorities and is currently being implemented. At European level, the Commission is currently working to establish a European platform to step up cooperation, in particular by pooling information and best practice at EU level between Member State enforcement bodies, such as labour inspectorates, tax and social security authorities and other stakeholders, with a view to a more effective and efficient approach to preventing and deterring undeclared work.

Globally, infectious diseases account for almost two-thirds of under-five deaths. Many of these deaths occur in children already weakened by undernutrition.

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Worldwide, more than one-third of all under-five deaths are attributable to malnutrition. Children who are malnourished are nine times more likely to die from infectious diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria or measles. Immunisation is one of the most cost-effective public health interventions that can dramatically reduce child mortality rates.

Two-thirds of unimmunised children live in just 10 of the poorest countries. Life-changing vaccines not only provide protection against the leading causes of death in children under five, but also contribute to decreasing vulnerability to malnutrition. How will the Commission increase its focus on routine immunisation programmes in coordination with efforts to combat malnutrition in its development policy as part of its commitment to child survival?

How will the Commission ensure that funding to improve child survival, including combating malnutrition and protecting children from vaccine-preventable deaths, is allocated where it will have the greatest impact and will be most effective? For countries in which health or nutrition have been identified as priority sectors, the Commission helps countries to develop, implement and coordinate sound and evidence-based national policies through strengthening health systems and supporting improvements in immunisation and nutrition.

While it is evident that some countries have a number of common concerns, it must be acknowledged that they have individual characteristics and contexts which necessitate specific analysis and policies that are most successfully developed and coordinated at country level through policy dialogue.

Non ritiene la Commissione che un documento di tale importanza dovrebbe essere messo a disposizione di tutti gli interessati? La direttiva non contempla l'obbligo di fornire l'accesso alle informazioni richieste nelle lingue dei paesi limitrofi. The conclusions of this study appeared in the press in late March. In my opinion, basic transparency requires the study to be made public and translated into the languages of those countries that would potentially be affected by an accident at the power plant, so that those responsible and interested in doing so can have their say on it.

Does the Commission not think that such an important document should be made available to all interested parties? Does it plan to take action to ensure that the law enshrined in EU rules on information and environmental information is respected? The same deadline applies if the authorities decide to refuse access relying on one of the exceptions in Art. As regards the obligation to give access to information upon request in languages of the neighbouring countries, the directive does not contain any such obligation. Condiciones de seguridad en el metro de Valencia durante el accidente de Forty-three people died and 47 were injured in the crash, making it Europe's worst ever metro accident.

The judge closed the case and the official inquiry concluded that the cause of the accident was excessive speed, placing full responsibility on the driver, who died in the crash. However, opposition parties picked up on various statements made by rail experts and unions denouncing serious shortcomings in the metro infrastructure and the maintenance of rolling stock.

These shortcomings were widely reported by the Spanish media, which in recent years has also uncovered evidence suggesting that the Valencia regional government influenced experts appearing before the committee of inquiry set up by the regional parliament to investigate the accident, supposedly in an effort to conceal serious maintenance and safety failures which had arisen as a result of a lack of investment and which may have been a factor in the severity of the accident.

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  2. The Enlargement of the European Union: Issues and Strategies (Routledge Studies in the European Economy).
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Does the Commission have information about the alleged safety shortcomings in the Valencia metro prior to the accident? Does the Commission see a need to draw up a legislative proposal to harmonise public transport safety compliance checks in the Member States in order to prevent such accidents from happening again?

EU action seeks to promote actively a high degree of safety in transport and to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries in traffic accidents. The Commission does not envisage submitting a legislative proposal aimed at harmonising safety compliance checks in the public transport sector. However, these proposals explicitly exclude metros, trams and light rail systems from their scope of application for reasons of subsidiarity. The EEAS presents its organisational structure by means of the following organogram: What do the colour codings of the boxes specifically mean?

Could a legend be provided? The colour coding provides an indicative distinction between posts of different levels and functions. The EEAS aims to make the presentation of the organisational chart comprehensible and accessible to the general public through its publication on the Internet. It correctly represents the structure of the organisation as it is today, but will naturally be updated in line with the evolution of the service over time. Juni angenommen wurde. As a result of the planned introduction of eCall systems, it is expected that, from , cars will effectively become mobile phones.

Even now, there is, understandably, intensive interest in the possibility of gathering other telemetric data about driving behaviour as well: Corresponding conflicts of interest arise, as the insurance industry fears that it may lose market share because vehicle manufacturers may extend their services to include insurance. Whichever party has control over these data also has in his hands the future of vehicle insurance. This also explains the pilot project recently launched by insurers in Spain, promising reduced premiums if vehicle owners allow a telemetric black box provided by the insurer!

Is the Commission prepared for the avalanche of positive and negative developments in the insurance industry and data protection due to the introduction of the eCall system and the associated redefinition of cars as data sources? How will the Commission reliably prevent vehicle manufacturers from installing concealed, unlawful or wrongly directed data transmission devices? How will the Commission ensure that the owner of the vehicle has the sole and unconditional right to determine who receives the data transmitted?

Does the Commission intend to intervene in the race between vehicle manufacturers and insurers in order to define clearly who has the sole right to the future gathering of data on vehicle use? In other words, will vehicle manufacturers be banned from entering the insurance industry? Given that road safety is a priority, the Commission is fully committed to reducing the number of road accidents, as well as to mitigating the consequences of accidents when they occur.

In this context, the Commission analysed the possibility of introducing the eCall system on a mandatory basis in the framework of the vehicle type-approval legislation as well as the consequences of this introduction, namely as regards competition and data protection issues. The aim is to prevent the installation of concealed, unlawful or wrongly directed data transmission devices as well as ensuring that the owner of the vehicle has the sole and unconditional right to determine who receives the data transmitted.

Tra i reati puniti con la pena di morte in Iran vi sono il traffico di stupefacenti, gli abusi sui minori, gli stupri, i sequestri, il tradimento e le rapine a mano armata. Secondo dati recenti, nel sono state eseguite condanne alla pena capitale e l'anno scorso, durante la prima settimana di gennaio, ne sono state eseguite almeno altre Ad ogni modo, il continuo aumento delle condanne a morte ha l'obiettivo di intensificare l'atmosfera di intimidazione sociale.

Le organizzazioni di tutto il mondo, che considerano la pena capitale una violazione dei diritti umani, chiedono ora all'Iran di commutare le pene di tutti i detenuti condannati a morte. L'Unione europea ha una posizione di principio forte contro la pena di morte. Crimes punished by death in Iran include drug trafficking, child abuse, rape, kidnapping, treason and armed robbery. According to recent data, executions occurred in , and last year, there were at least 41 executions during the first week of January.

Despite the official announcements, as the Iranian government does not make information on executions publicly available it is difficult to know the exact numbers. At all events, the continuous increase in death penalty cases is aimed at heightening the atmosphere of social intimidation. Organisations worldwide are now calling on Iran to commute the death sentences of all prisoners on death row, considering them to be a violation of human rights. The European Union has a strong and principled position against the death penalty. The EU regards abolition as essential for the protection of human dignity, as well as for the progressive development of human rights.

Thousands of individuals in Iran remain at risk of execution, even for acts which are not considered as among the most serious crimes according to international standards. The EU will continue to call on Iran, as it does on all states which insist on maintaining capital punishment, to respect its international obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The Commission reaffirms that significant progress was made in improving the implementation of Commission's rules on expert groups, including on composition of these groups, as recognised by the Parliament. In certain cases, applications were not deemed suitable in relation to the work to be performed. However, the Commission confirms that relevant services are prepared to examine possible additional applications from interested NGOs or civil society groups.

Schema di decreto interministeriale Atto No. Da allora, l'Italia ha notificato il decreto-legge n. Nel febbraio , il governo italiano ha trasmesso al Senato e alla Camera dei Deputati uno schema di decreto interministeriale Atto n. Le restrizioni previste nel decreto non sembrano raggiungere gli scopi e obiettivi dell'iniziativa italiana. Occorre tenere presente che le disposizioni proposte sembrano essere sproporzionate ed eccedono gli scopi preposti, in quanto pongono limiti alla libera circolazione dei beni. Ha raggiunto una decisione finale sulla procedura d'infrazione suindicata?

The decree sets out the conditions for and imposes limitations on the marketing of non-biodegradable plastic bags, which could potentially distort the internal market. The restrictions laid down in the decree do not appear to achieve the aims and objectives of the Italian initiative. There is not enough information for consumers on the disposal of bioplastic bags, or reliable data to show that biodegradable bags are better for the environment thus making them preferable than normal polymer bags.

It should be remembered that the proposed provisions appear to be disproportionate and go beyond the stated aims, since they restrict the free movement of goods. Has the Commission reached a final decision on the abovementioned infringement proceedings? Will it ensure that the decree does not hinder the free movement of goods on the market? Will it address the above points of contention with the Italian Government? Concerie italiane e protezionismo sulla materia prima grezza: Tali risultati sono il frutto dell'opera di concerie che danno lavoro a circa La lavorazione del cuoio e delle pelli genera altri sottoprodotti che trovano sbocco in diversi settori industriali come la produzione di alimenti per animali domestici, prodotti della chimica fine tra cui la fotografia e i cosmetici, e l'ammendamento del terreno e i fertilizzanti.

La mancanza di rifornimento primario costringe le concerie italiane a rifiutare delle ordinazioni da parte di brand e multinazionali. The processing of hides and skins also generates other by-products which find outlets in several industry sectors such as pet food production, fine chemicals for photography and cosmetics, and soil conditioning and fertilisers.

However, the Italian sector today finds itself in extreme difficulty for two reasons: The lack of fresh supplies of raw material is forcing Italian tanneries to turn down orders from various brands and multinationals. Ogni anno in Europa nascono mila bambini prematuri, di cui 40mila solo in Italia.

Sono a chiedere alla Commissione se ritenga di dover appoggiare nuovi studi sui bambini nati prematuramente, onde prevenire problemi fisici e cognitivi nel loro futuro che non solo li riguardano direttamente ma coinvolgono anche i genitori. La Commissione riconosce che, nonostante i significativi miglioramenti degli ultimi decenni, le mamme e i loro bambini sono tuttora a rischio nel periodo perinatale, che comprende la gravidanza, il parto e il periodo post-parto.

I risultati della ricerca dei progetti summenzionati dovranno probabilmente essere presi in considerazione durante l'attuazione del programma Orizzonte , il prossimo Programma quadro dell'Unione europea per la ricerca e l'innovazione. These newborns are not fully developed when they are born, and must therefore complete their development in an incubator and adapt to life outside the womb. They are also more likely to suffer from sudden episodes of apnoea.

This reduced oxygenation may cause problems when they reach school age, such as difficulties with concentration and learning difficulties. For the above reasons it is necessary to provide specific hospital services to meet their needs, and those of their parents. In particular, it is frustrating for parents to have to accept that an incubator is keeping their child alive: Certain experiments in Europe have shown just how vital it is for a premature baby to be given breast milk and to have constant contact with his parents, who transmit a sense of protection and calm to him, in order to ensure his physical and mental wellbeing.

Studies on breast milk have helped confirm its nutritional and therapeutic effects for the physical and immunological development of premature babies. However, more precise criteria for the administration of milk still need to be defined. These should take into account the needs of individual babies, since breast milk alone does not appear to suffice. A 17 ans,je passais des armes pour le Fln".

M'sieur moi j'y suis pour rien! Qu'est ce que vous voulez "Ils" s'en foutent!! C'est un effet naturel. Nul besoin de passer des heures sur internet. C'est vrai, c'est un peu plus long que d'aller dans ses liens favoris qui renvoient aux sites Dreuz ou fdesouches. Moi, je veux bien. Il y a des franco-suisses, etc etc. On pourrait alors compter ceux qui font le choix de la France Il n'y avait rien. Il ne la souhaitait pas il me semble. Je ne pense pas qu'il la souhaitait lui aussi.

Chrétien de Troyes

Cela arrangeait ses petites affaires. Un jour il se prendra les pieds dans le tapis. Ce sont ces images, connues de tous les Pieds Noirs qui expliquent l'exode de , car les Pieds Noirs savaient ce qui les attendait. Pourrait on voir de telles images dans le futur en France? Je viens d'en lire une nouvelle biographie par Max Gallo. Vous aviez raison d'avance, c'est triste.

Et, Hollande veut encore demander pardon! Si vous voulez savoir ce qu'est une foule qui acclame regardez les films sur les discours d'Hitler d'avant-guerre. On dirait que vous ne les avez jamais vus. Certes en juin en pouvait titrer Comment pouvait-on croire le contraire? Vous dites vrai, sauf sur un seul petit point: Programme de 5e en histoire: La question comprend deux aspects.

Sources et pour en savoir plus: Et toujours de nous ramener la colonisation! A chacun sa marotte. Tiens, tiens, qui l'aurait cru: Silence radio dans la rue musulmane. A vomir et maintenant on doit faire repentance pour la colonisation a dit ramadan ce soir!

550 commentaires

D'ailleurs, ceux qui sont morts, comme Hernu, sont hors d'atteinte de la justice. Moi, je le suis beaucoup moins. Mais ne craignons rien et laissons couler: Il suffit de voir qui agresse qui dans les faits divers. Il suffit de voir qui emmerde dans les cantines avec le halal, les interdits. Et ceux qui s'y collent le font avec parcimonie et modestie. Ce n'est pas bien de lire en diagonale. Ce n'etait et ce n'est pas un espace ou tout peut etre reecrit, ou rien ne peut etre superpose, c'est ainsi, que vous le vouliez ou non!

De plus, jamais je n'accepterais vos us et coutumes barbares, la plus ignomineuse etant pour moi l'abattage rituel des animaux de boucherie casher inclus , votre haine des chiens etc Je ne veux pas que le martyr de ces animaux ait lieu sur le sol de mon pays, je m'opposerai egalement a ce que ce genre de viande soit importee en France, car l'accepter serait un compromis malhonnete.

Retournez dans le pays de vos aieux, comme les pieds-noirs l'ont fait, et les recriminations cesseront. Vous avez le vent en poupe a present, mais pour encore combien de temps? Que tout le monde voit ces photos, elles expliquent beaucoup de choses. Vous voulez croire en l'Islam c'est votre droit le plus strict. Vous n'avez pas, et je ne vous donne pas, le droit de me l'imposer.

Mais je peux, il est vrai, me tromper. Chez les "radicaux" le voile et la pudeur: Il ne faut pas se voiler la face,il ne faut pas oublier. Il y a des choses qu'on ne peut ni oublier,ni pardonner. Boudarel, Minne, et tant d'autres Douteux,le cas de Hernu? Et il FAUT savoir. Cette histoire me rend malade. Car ce ne sont pas les historiens, ni les journalistes qui en feront des tartines dessus. Je ne tire pas, comme vous, mes informations d'internet, parce que j'en ai d'autres bien plus fiables.

Je sors, je questionne les gens, je ne vis pas comme vous dans un cocon rose bonbon. Parce que c'est bien l'impression que j'ai quand je vous lis. C'est ainsi que j'ai fini par aller voir ce que disait une certaine Bat Ye'or, je n'ai retenu de ce qu'elle disait qu'un salmigondis. Marlan plus fort que les rav ,pour interpreter les textes!

Essayons de les oublier. Tandis qu'en France, c'est franchement le bordel C'est pourquoi il fait bon vivre en Suisse Dans "Nouvelles de France", Christian Vanneste: Non, je ne peux pas le croire. Les politiciens changent mais n'y changent rien. Pour les "souchiens", les carottes seront cuites. Cette perspective de croissance du nombre de musulmans est fort probable. Je vois mal le rapport avec les catholiques? Ce sont eux qui-un jour- se feront respecter. Non seulement la France mais l'Europe sera musulmane. Il suffit de saisir "exmusulman" sur internet pour comprendre le danger.

Le nombre d intervenants sur ce blog des que l on parle de l islam temoigne de l acuite de ce probleme et du desarroi d une majorite de francais qui se sentent en desaccord avec leurs dirigeants. A l inverse la majorite des musulmans trouvent normal de vivre, voire d imposer leur culture au pays qui les accueille et qui leur a accorde la nationalte.

Ils oublient que c est une faveur qui leur est accordee, imposant des droits mais aussi des devoirs.

Ils font etat de leur nationalite mais ne renoncent pas a leur identite qui restera eternellement etrangere a celle du pays d accueil; Alors que les immigrands des pays europeens se sont integres dans la culture francaise, une grande partie des immigrants musulmans, non seulement refusent l assimilation mais pretendent imposer leur culture.

Alors aue lesdirigeants musulmans connaissent parfaitement la culture europeene les occidentaux connaissent tres mal la doctrine de l islam.

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Comme les grands silences annonciateurs de chaos, je ne sais pas ce qui se trame en coulisse dans ce pays, mais je sais que nous allons droit vers un inconnu dont personne ne devine les contours. Es ist unklar, wie viele Waffen sich in privater Hand befinden. Con deliberazione del Consiglio Provinciale n. They are currently under examination. The discussions focused on the planning mandatory of the exits and mobility of employees, the finalisation of the staffing plans and the planning of the evaluation of the employees.

Cette meconnaissance souvent au plus haut niveau de l Etat explique les confusions et les erreurs de ces dirigeants et le desarroi de citoyens. Avec juste raison, Ivan Rioufol parle du cinquieme pouvoir que vous representez en vous exprimant librement sur ce blog et sur internet en general. Il ne faut jamais desesperer et s avouer vaincu avant d avoir livrer bataille.

Le seul enseignement que voudrais vous apporter depuis Israel ou j habite depuis 24 ans, ce petit pays qui ose affirmer son identite et ses valeurs alors qu il est entoure de 25 pays ennemis est le suivant: L islam est une foi, une loi et un droit. Il ne faut surtout pas s opposer a la foi des musulmans, il faut la respecter comme toutes les autres fois.

Par contre concernant la loi la sharia, elle s applique certes aux musulmans mais elle pretend aussi s appliquer aux Chretiens et aux Juifs et c est la que le bat blesse. Mon conseil est d apprendre a connaitre l islam avec des islamologues non musulmans, ne pas tomber dans le piege du blaspheme mais lutter avec la plus grande energie contre doctrine religieuse qui voudrait s imposer a la Rapublique Francaise L Occident toutes les forces pour repousser victorieusement le defi que lui lance l islam fondamentaliste.

L Islam raconte a l occident Editions Persse Vous ne savez pas ce que vous dites, on vous pardonne. Je vais vous dire: Ou nos dirigeants sont des incapables ou ils sont des vendus. Nous sommes dans un pays libre, les musulmans, les juifs ont le droit de croire. La protection des faibles est un devoir absolu des chevaliers de Dieu.

Combattre directement causera leur perte ex: En fait ils ne font que suivre ce que le Coran dit. Il faut foutre tous ces gens dans des vols charters et les renvoyer en France. Il ne faut pas chercher bien loin les responsables de l'islamisation de la France: Les 17 ans de pouvoir des Chirac et Sarkosy. Tenez nous au courant de cette manifestation importante: Lulu, quand on a mal aux dents, on va chez le dentiste, pas chez un occuliste ou un pneumologue, OK? Jamais on ne leur pardonnera cette alliance.

Ce n'est pas pour rien que commentaires suivent son intervention.

La France deviendra-t-elle une République islamique ?

Pourquoi pas ajouter "thoraphobie" et cathophobie, surtout au regard des prises de position sur des sujets politiques dans l'espace public! Tiens encore une notion fourre-tout dans l'arsenal juridique. Quand je trie mes pommes de terre, je fais de la discrimination. Il ne fait pour moi aucun doute qu'il a fait l'objet de pressions, si ce n'est de menaces. En outre, beaucoup de migrants ne sont pas musulmans. Ce qui se passe en France est un scandale.

En revanche, la religion musulmane est en expansion exponentielle, c'est aussi vrai. Je pense qu'il a raison. Quel en est l'objectif? Comment les faire rester? L'Eglise, complice, ne s'est pas battue. Pasqua reconnait l'Islam comme religion d'Etat. La politique qui s'empare le plus de cela est la politique de gauche. La raison est simple, elle favorise cette immigration afin de recueillir un jour le vote de ces personnes.

Les medias en France sont acquis a la cause de cette gauche laxiste et destructrice. La solution se passera dans la douleur. Pour pouvoir faire du social il faut en avoir les moyens. La France ne peut plus se permettre ce luxe. Il y en a ras le bol de cette attitude du politiquement correct. Essayez de faire cela en Arabie Saoudite La religion n'est elle pas l'opium du peuple?

Vous vous appuyez sur des caricatures de l'islam et des musulmans. Ce ne sont pas de vrais musulmans. Au lieu de fantasmer une pseudo invasion musulmane, demandez vous comment vous pouvez aider votre patrie. Dans ce cas on peut dire que: Disons que vous faites fort. Ceux ci sont bien des produits de vos terroirs.

L'islam c'est pour la France ce que le cancer est pour l'intestin. Eliminons les tumeurs tant qu'elles ne sont pas trop nombreuses, sinon, un jour il faudra la grosse intervention chirurgicale comme le 6 juin Ce jour n'en doutez pas, il est ineluctable Le patriotisme ne s'installera jamais chez eux, ils n'en veulent pas de notre patriotisme, ils ne veulent que le patriotisme des allocations et de la charia. Descartes, Pascal, Ampere, Voltaire, Moliere, Pasteur, les Freres Lumiere, Hugo, Berlioz, Piaf et bien d'autres geants du savoir international qui ont fait connaitre la France auront-ils le status du dhimmis du passe.

Maintenant ils tournent leur veste,parceque c est Hollande qui a pris le pouvoir La France n est plus la France!!! Mais comme on a de moins en moins de fric et de plus en plus d'envahisseurs Ceci dit, je vais nuancer le tableau: C est pour faire joli?? Le pays est plus corrompu que jamais: D'autres collaborent, et vous disent: Je ne sais pas aller leurs demander Economiquement la france a tout a perdre de son islamisation car une majorite de ces dites personnes ne travaille pas et profite du systeme que toi ' petit' francais tu t acharne a faire foncionner Donc mathematiquement s ils n ont plus rien a gratter ils iront vour ailleur.

Moi je suis pret a combattre pour defendre mon pays j ai 23 ans et deux beaux enfants de 3 ans et 18 mois je fais ce que je peux pour repeupler!. Il faudra aussi combatre sans pitie ni scrupules les francais et francaises qui les defendent. Ceux en rouge Halals http: Mais le risque des groupes minoritaires et radicaux souhaitant que la France devienne un pays islamique est grande, et dangereuse. L'islam n'est pas une religion.

Pas d'autre solution puisque 'il ne peut pas y avoir de dialogues avec des fous meurtriers. Et que de haine dans vos messages A quand nos guerres de religions? Nos messages de terreur, notre inquisition? Aux yeux de l'Histoire, pas si loin Aujourd'hui, en janvier , il y a en France au moins 5 millions de musulmans. Le calcul est le suivant: Je ne fais que suivre votre raisonnement. Bezirke, , 60 p. Fromme , , p. Noble et Linda M.

Paterson, Cambridge, St Catharine's College, , p. Saggi, 14 , , p. Essays in Honor of Rupert T. Frappier, Jean, Le roman breton. Cormier, Athens, Ohio University Press, , p. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature , 4: Rizzo Nervo, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, , p. Clamote Carreto, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, , p. Lacy, Cambridge, Brewer Arthurian Studies, 64 , , p. Krause, Gainesville, University Press of Florida, , p. Stramignoni, dans Studi francesi , 53, , p.

Jacques Berlioz, dans Romania , , , p. Generations and Intergeneric Play , Ph. Keith Busby et Norris J. Lacy, Amsterdam, Rodopi Faux Titre, 83 , , p. Jerome Mandel et Bruce A. Februar , Halle a. Armstrong Monographs on Medieval Literature, 3 , , p. Lacy, New York, Garland, , p. Monograph, 1 , , p. Pickens, Lexington, French Forum, , p. Sciences religieuses, 64 , , p. Annual Report for the Year , , I, p. Essays in Honor of Norris J. Keith Busby et Catherine M. Troyes , Halle a. Catharine's College, , p. Epic, Romance, Fantasy , Ph. A Jungian Viewpoint , Ph. Lepage, Incidences , 5: Essays by his Students in Honor of Karl D.

Virdis, Maurizio, Intreccio, strutture, narrazione e discorso nel romanzo: Bart Besamusca, Willem P. Afdeling Letterkunde, nieuwe reeks, , , p. Lacy et Rupert T. Pickens, Amsterdam, Rodopi Faux Titre, , , p. Li romans d'Erec et d'Enyde ms. Li romans de Cliges ms. S ; Li remans de Cliges ms. Cil qui fist d'Erec et d'Enide et les comandemanz d'Ovide et l'art d'amors an romans mist, et le mors de l'espaule fist….

Li romans de Lancelot de la Charrete ms. C ; Li romanz dou chevalier de la charete ms.