Beyond Basic Stained Glass Making: Techniques and Tools to Expand Your Abilities (How To Basics)

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トミーバハマビーチサンダルAnchorsAshoreLeatherFlip-FlopsDarkBrown 靴 Beyond Basic Stained Glass Making: Techniques and Tools to Expand Your Abilities (How To Basics) (): Sandy Allison, Alan. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Sandy Allison is a writer and editor who lives in New Beyond Basic Stained Glass Making: Techniques and Tools to Expand Your Abilities (How To Basics) Kindle Edition. by Basic Stained Glass Making: All the Skills and Tools You Need to Get Started . Basic Stained Glass Making.

Please try again later. But still very nicely done book.


Outside of class, studio hours will be offered for independent working time. Lays flat, great pictures. However, I'd hoped for more general advanced instruction techniques rather than projects. By the end of this class you will be familiar with a variety of ways to use pastels that will spark your creativity! Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg's conversion rates. Withoutabox Submit to Film Festivals.

Lays flat, great pictures. However, I'd hoped for more general advanced instruction techniques rather than projects. The book has some beginner information at the front which I dont think is needed in an advanced book and then it goes into three different types of projects, a lamp, a box and a mosaic. Unfortunately, none of which I want to make. I was hoping for more information on soldering tricks, choosing colors, working with different types of glass, etc. Its a good book and I did learn a trick or two but it is mostly going to sit on my shelf.

Beyond Basic Stained Glass Making: Techniques and Tools to Expand Your Abilities

I admit I purchased this book simply based on the title. This was a mistake. The price was cheap enough and I was shipped it on time and it arrived in excellent condition.

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As for the book itself, I was hoping to find some advanced projects and stained glass cutting and assembly technique information. The information seemed to me to be a bit dated and the project and examples used uninteresting. While the book did offer a few things beyond the basis, there was nothing here that would cause me to recommend it for someone looking beyond the basis.

General Stained Glsss Instruction Books at Sunshine Glassworks

A 3 stars rating here is generous. I'm pretty new to stained glass, but I have now bought quite a few books. This and the "Basic" book by the same author are two of my favorites. The step-by-step color pictures are great, and I like how they have not only overview instructions, but also more in-depth for the different projects.

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The variety of projects are also nice. A bit too basic still for me. This is a very good book with outstanding photography and functional book binding. The basic skills reviewed are a bit redundant and don't advance the readers knowledge very far but it is a good review for beginner stained glass artists. The author should consider writing another book which assumes basic skill sets and focus on taking the reader further into advanced techniques and project design.

Customer who cares for other customers. If stain glass is your thang but you want to improve your basic skills. Opened my eyes to so many ideas and re-taught me some basics I had or gotten.

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