Mes petits plats pour enfants (French Edition)

Très bonnes feuilles

Great recipes and pictures! What is the name of the camera that is being used to take these pictures? Bugnes with Orange Flower Water sound very appealing because of the orange flower, but I miss where the orange flower water comes in: Can you please clarify? On the original recipe list these were called Bugnes with Orange Flower Water.

In the later stages I reverted to a slightly different version with no Orange Flower Water, but rum instead. I guess the title accidentally stayed the same. I make these all the time, they are wonderful and taste equally nice with rum or Orange Flower Water. Sorry for this confusion which I hope is the only one in the book and thanks for letting me know.

Thank you for such a swift reply! I will try the orange flower water. This is my absolutely favourite flavour, which we discovered on our visit to Morocco. I just wanted to thank you, i enjoy your blog so much! I cooked about 10 recepies for now, both from the website and the book, and I loved them all! Plus emailing to friends and daughters, to tell them what they are missing!

Your truly are a priceless jewel. And now I want to start, and do cooking classes, and look at your dogs. Your Jack Russells are the most beautiful I have ever seen, and I have been around them for years, horse people adore them. Yours are special looking! Thank you for enlightening my life and many others. I saw one in a flight AirFrance, where can i find them?? But good news, I am planning to have a youtube channel this year, so there will be lots to see!

I have just now discovered your Blog as well as your Website. Several weeks ago I read about you in the WSJ and immediately ordered your book.

Laurent Mariotte

Over the holidays I have made several of your recipes including one in the pot today Ox Tails. My husband and I have determined your book is in our all time top 5 for beautiful, delicious and all round best cookbooks and I being a voracious cook for many years have quite a large library of cook books. I sincerely hope I can schedule one of your cooking workshops soon. We do visit France about every other year. I will be looking forward to cooking with you. Very pretty, and enticing blog.

I would like to subscribe, please.

I made your recipe for stuffed savoy cabbage and it came out beautiful and delicious. Your blog is a delight and inspiration and I love vicariously living the country life of France through it. Thanks Mimi and Happy New Year to you and your family. Your cookbook is fantastic. I received it for Christmas and already tried out two recipes one twice because it is so delicious.

I now finally know how to treat the vegetables from our garden the way they deserve.

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I just discovered your book in a Montreal bookstore. I write to thank you for sharing your recipes. At this moment I am buying your book: A Kitchen in France but I would like to know if My cookbook: Manger is a different book and where can I get it. Once more thank you very much. Best personal regards, Victoria. I recently ordered your cookbook and now I am a fan. I truly like your style of writing as you make following a recipe easy.

I also appreciate that many of your recipes contain many ingredients already in my pantry. Keep up the good work! Hi mimi, First of all bravo for this beautiful blog and ur instagram page. Au final lorsque je superpose les deux genoises la creme coule. Avez vous une astuce pour moi? Mimi, je vous suis depuis Londres. Vos recettes donne vraiment envie. Merci beaucoup, have a lovely day! Et merci de partager tout cela dans votre blog….

Just discovered your site and I must say that I love everything. From the recipes to the ambiance, the beautiful photographs. Hi Mimi, I just bought your book and am wondering if you have a recipe for the vinegarette you dip artichokes in? Your book is amazing! I love the pictures and stories and inspiring recipes. Tout parait si simple et facile et surtout si delicieux. Et me voila sur votre site! Malheureusement votre page est en erreur not found. Hello, I love your website. I know all countries are guilty of not caring for animals as they should, but foie gras is just sad.

Reading your lovely new book, French country Cooking, page After I clear the tears of joy, I will devour the rest, as I did with your first book. This blog and your two cookbooks are so beautiful and inspiring!


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I have enjoyed all of them so much! I saw the last part of your show today in Ontario, Canada.

My friend, Peter Sarstedt wrote the song and, sadly, died one week ago. I had not heard an instrumental of the song before but did release my cover of the song in and Peter sang on my album Taking a Dive. Anyway, I found it to be an interesting coincidence that you would feature the song at this time. There is no fluid mentioned to pour over the potatoes.

Notify me of new posts by email. Powered by WordPress and Manifest. Carciofi alla Giudia artichokes Jewish style. Gazpacho with garlic cream. Mint and tuna salad. Chestnut soup with tapioca pearls. Jerusalem artichoke soup topinambours. Caramelized beetroot tarte tatin. Snails with garlic cream. Oyster fritters with wasabi cream. Eggs in cocotte with foie gras. Soupe aux primeurs sprng soup. Trout and asparagus rolls. Squid grilled with red peppers. Butternut pancakes with sage beurre noisette. Chicken bouillon with tapioca and mint.

Chicken and ham pie. Roast chicken with rosemary, lemon and thyme. Steak, mushroom and Guinness pie. Magrets de canard with peaches and potato cake. Veal liver with caramelized shallots and balsamic vinegar. Red cabbage, onion and walnut tart. Pastilla with chicken and almonds. Black pig flank and apple sauce.


Ravioles de Langoustines et sauce vierge. Oxtail macaroni and cheese. Poulet au vinaigre vinegar chicken and braised butter endives. Tomato tart with tarragon mustard. Pumpkin gnocchi with Saint-Nectaire sauce. Pan-fried foie-gras with figs and Chasselas grapes. Roasted foie gras with Chasselas grapes and cognac. Roast quails with vine leaves. Roast lamb with thyme cream. Buckwheat galette with squash and roquefort. Roast guinea fowl with chestnuts. Roast sausages with fennel. Black pepper steak and cognac cream sauce. Beef stew daube de boeuf.

Pan-fried veal with sweet potatoes wedges. Yellow chicken with Jura wine and girolles. Pauillac lamb with flageolets beans. Mussels with sausage meat. Filet mignon with chasselas grapes. Roast duck with port gravy. Lobster with e-fu noodles. Potatoe parcels with veal. Se connecter avec Facebook Twitter. Connexion Login via Facebook Twitter. Je valide, c'est bien une VDM Voir toutes les VDM People.

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Les supporters se bousculent au portillon pour obtenir des billets pour la finale. Si on se tutoyait? Cette campagne sensibilise les jeunes envers les dangers de la drogue. Il y avait des hordes de jeunes dans les rues. Ce nouveau scandale va faire la une de la presse. Les enfants adorent se cacher lorsqu'ils jouent entre eux. Les pertes humaines font partie des maux de la guerre. Il semblerait que la situation s'aggrave en Syrie. Nous avons suffisamment de carburant pour rentrer. J'ai appris que ton usine licenciait du personnel; qu'en est-il pour toi?

17 Activités intérieures pour les jours gris

What are your thoughts on the Facebook flotation? La vue du haut de la Tour Eiffel a de quoi vous couper le souffle. Ce truc, comment il fonctionne? Ils ne s'en sont pas remis avant un mois. Ils les ont eus sur Internet. Il essaie de me faire maigrir. Pendant que tu y es, pourrais-tu me prendre quelque chose? Ils tout ont bu! Mes parents me soutiennent toujours dans mes choix. Pourquoi se comporte-t-elle ainsi? Jacques carbure au vin rouge!

Tourne-toi que je voie ta coupe de cheveux! Il ne s'est jamais remis de la mort de sa femme. Il est dans les embouteillages.

Bien plus que des recettes

Il arrivera d'ici une heure. Leclerc sont toujours en rendez-vous. Voulez-vous que je leur laisse un message? Cette robe violette te met vraiment en valeur! Pourquoi est-elle si critique envers eux? Je m'en fiche de ce qu'il pense de moi! Comment ont-ils fait pour accumuler autant de dettes?

Recipes : Manger

Mes devoirs n'ont rien de brillant, je t'assure! Cette semaine, je me suis senti e mal. Demain je vais rester au lit. Elle a trois mois de moins que ma fille. On aurait dit qu'elle avait peur de quelque chose. Ses romans font un tabac au Japon. Elle nous a appris tant de choses. Il vient de se faire tailler un costard par son patron. Je ne me permettrais pas de te juger. Toujours est-il qu'il n'est plus capable de diriger l'entreprise.

C'est le cas avec toute la gent masculine. Tu vas te [faire] stresser inutilement! J'ai fait pas mal de choses ce matin. Il envisage d'y rester [pendant] trois ans.

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A partir de la semaine prochaine, tout devrait aller mieux. Quelqu'un devrait les ramener chez eux. Let's call a taxi! Nous serons quatre… moi et mes trois amis. Je n'ai pas le temps de finir ce travail. Go and tidy your room! Dis-lui de nous ficher la paix! Ne sois pas triste. Tom a un grand bureau mais il n'est pas aussi confortable que le mien. Il n'a pas l'habitude de nous rendre visite le week-end.

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