Hungry Ghost (Tales of the Pack Book 2)

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Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Hungry Ghost by Allison Moon. Strange is the new normal for college freshman Lexie Clarion. She could be writing papers and going to frat parties like a normal girl, but Lexie is no normal girl. She spends each full moon fighting against the beast that threatens to escape her body, and the rest of the time mooning over her alpha ex-girlfriend.

When Lexie discovers the eviscerated body of a fellow stude Strange is the new normal for college freshman Lexie Clarion. When Lexie discovers the eviscerated body of a fellow student, she knows the violent full-blood Rare wolves are back on the prowl. But with no proof, no plan, and no allies, Lexie and the Pack have to decide how to fight back. And they have to do so fast, before all the women of Milton become prey.

Paperback , pages. Published April 9th by Lunatic Ink first published April 7th Tales of the Pack 2. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Hungry Ghost , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Apr 25, Eva Folsom rated it really liked it Shelves: I have this inner seventeen year old who is girlcrazy and wild I've nicknamed her Baby Dyke whom I try to make a little room for here and there.

There's not a lot I can give her right now, given my other life choices, but reading Moon's work gives her a little room to breathe and exist at least in my head. And that means a lot to me. I don't think that it would be true if Moon hadn't poured your heart into her work and hadn't sweated blood on the keyboard to make it true and real. This book was not as fun as the first one, with fewer sex scenes and more sexual angst on the part of the protagonist.

It was still a fun read--I think I read it in maybe three days?


The things that really worked in it: She ties together some neat stuff from academia with transgender issues and the whole werewolf thing. Interesting ideas and fun literary play. Smart, but whiny and easily distracted and completely unappreciative about the opportunity for education. Having gone to school with a bunch of wealthy, privileged kids who partied and had fun while I financed my half of the tuition my scholarship didn't cover, it just kind of hits a nerve.

I get that Moon is probably making the character annoying so that there can be dynamic character growth, which leads me to my second pet-peeve point. You know, the whole "Lexie felt like she would never be able to have conviction about anything" type of writing. Which seems pretty common in brain-candy type books and doesn't bother a lot of people. But it really ticks me off because I never let myself do that in my writing but I haven't yet mastered how to pull off showing character growth in a smooth and natural way.

Hungry ghost (Book, ) []

So I think I get pissy that someone else gets to write it the easy way and still gets to have people read her stuff and like it. The things that I think are more objectively places where the book is weak: For someone so important to the protagonist and to her character arc, I think he deserves more depth.

The character growth is shown in sort of jagged spurts and all the plot and action sort of stop dead while that happens. Or should I say, too many abortive sex scenes that could be great but stop in the middle because of the character having issues. But like, since the character arc isn't smooth or compelling, it doesn't seem fair to have that ruin the sex scenes.

I know I seem to be obsessing about the sex! But since this book is a brain-candy book to me I mean that in the good sense!

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I feel like it should have fun-to-read scenes. And, seriously, one of Moon's greatest strengths as a writer are her awesome sex scenes. I see that I've sort of ended on a downer here. So I'm just going to re-state my overall take, which is that this book was enjoyable to read and does things right like trans stuff that you don't often see done well.

Apr 08, Tom rated it it was amazing Shelves: It all just gets in the way. I have tons of Lesbian friends. If any of them start dating werewolves, at "Plus, Lesbian werewolf sex is kinda weird," she said with a laugh. If any of them start dating werewolves, at least I'll know how to advise them. If you haven't yet read "Lunatic Fringe," book one in Allison Moon's excellent "Tales of the Pack" series, I would recommend you do so before starting "Hungry Ghost," just to get you up to speed.

As a pack, they protect their area, finding werewolves who seek out and kill women, and exacting their revenge. Lexie Clarion is the newest member of The Pack, and she's finding it difficult to fit in. She has a wolf inside her, and she has transformed before, but she doesn't do so at the full moon like her Pack sistren.

This could be that Lexie has a very rare gift: It's a rare gift from her mother's side, and her mother died before teaching her anything. Plus, having had a rough break-up at the end of the last term, Lexie has neglected school stuff, like signing up for classes. One of the scanty few choices she ends up with is "Indiginous Linguistics. She also sees things at a BDSM club that prove to be similarly useful. More girls are dying around Milton College, and The Pack is angry. They are finally coalescing under their new Alpha, Renee.

This time, the battle will be more ferocious, as they fight the ancient, powerful, full-blood werewolves known as the Rare wolves. And few who go up against the Rares live to tell the tale. Maybe it's because I've figured out what Allison Moon does better than other writers of werewolf lore.

She truly delves into the lupine mind that coexists inside each Pack-member, giving us a look at these creatures from the inside. The Pack only transform into wolves on the full moon, but that wolf-mind is always there, always working beneath the human mind. Also, as new as she is to the werewolf world, Lexie is also a relative cub in the lesbian world. Until she lost her virginity last year, she hadn't really considered her sexuality much. She'd, er, satisfied her physical cravings, but there was no strong lust after either males or females.

In the first book, she found that she was definitely into women. One thing I like about "Hungry Ghost" is that Lexie's biggest physical craving--despite her fun at the aforementioned club--was non-sexual, rather the supple, gentle back-scratching and hair-stroking the other pack members performed. Yeah, a toe-curling orgasm is a good thing, Lexie reasons, but after a shite day, it's nice just to have somebody to hold you.

We follow the Pack as they learn the tactics and skills they'll need to survive their forthcoming battle. Lexie has discovered something within herself that she teaches the Pack. When the time comes, the battle scene is one of the most exciting I've read in awhile. The Pack find the going tough, fighting hard for every victory, and suffering with every defeat.

Hungry ghost

In the end, they find help from some unlikely allies. With "Hungry Ghost," Allison Moon deftly avoids the many pitfalls second novels face. So often, the writer uses all of his or her creative ammunition in book one. By book two, we already know the main characters; we're already aware of our surroundings, and steeped in the series' mythology. So many second novels are comparably weak, because their characters don't wash well, and there's nothing new for them to do. They serve their purpose in book one, and they just get in the story's way in book two.

Not so in "Hungry Ghost. In "Lunatic Fringe," Lexie was welcomed into the pack, but she remained an outsider, choosing her lover over the pack. In this book, she now lives in the house. Since the story is told from Lexie's point of view, we get to meet Renee, Hazel, Jenna, Mitch, and the rest, as if for the first time. The girls of the pack have changed, just as Lexie has. We are there as they learn one another's habits and oddities, and as a new type of sisterhood descends upon the Pack.

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There are parts of "Hungry Ghost" that had me cracking up; others had me tearing-up. It is a beautiful emotional melange, as we follow Lexie and her friends preparing to face some of the most dangerous creatures on earth. Best of all--notwithstanding studded outfits at the BDSM club--nobody freakin' sparkles. Awesome It's so refreshing to read a work of fiction that I actually relate to. So many romps into fantasy out there are straight white and boring. May 01, Amy rated it really liked it Shelves: Lunatic Fringe was a novel I struggled with and I had to take a break for a few months to finish it.

It focused to heavily on the relationship and there wasn't enough about the werewolves for me to enjoy.

Despite this I picked up Hungry Ghost with some trepidation and haven't regretted that from page one. The lore in this series is original and intriguing. The strong feminist voice is refreshing and something that I love so much about this series as it's so rare to find.

The characters and their Lunatic Fringe was a novel I struggled with and I had to take a break for a few months to finish it. The characters and their growth is so believable and satisfying that I want to read the rest of their story right now to see where they go from here. But most of all this book has finally made me fall in love with Lexie. In Lunatic Fringe I found her frustrating and kept hoping that the next chapter would bring a fresh POV to give a change of pace.

In Hungry Ghost I enjoyed seeing the story from her perspective and seeing her growth directly.

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I wish there had been more character development of the three male werewolves and Lexie's dad, especially as without them the fight with the Rare's would have turned out quite differently. With such little appearance in the narrative I didn't feel emotionally invested and the moments that should have been so emotional and meaningful felt flat and out of place. There were also characters that really played no role at all and could have been left out, such as Lexie's aunt whose impact on the story is so little she could have been replaced with a journal or proper father development.

Overall this is an enjoyable story that is well written, thought out and ultimately satisfying. Allison Moon's story-telling is the best! This is the sequel to Lunatic Fringe. Protector of the Realm. The High Priest and the Idol. The Exile and the Sorcerer. Sword of the Guardian. Red in Tooth and Claw. Hunter's Pursuit, Author's Edition.

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And I oddly can't think of how to explain that, haha, except that it took a little while after finishing it for me to realize I really enjoyed it. Return to Book Page. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Apr 04, Harper Jean rated it it was amazing. Back then this information was hushed.

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