Tetras Temper

Serpae tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques)

A tropical sinking pellet is ideal, as most brands of these include natural color enhancers that bring out the color in neon tetras. Some frozen foods, including frozen blood worms, add variety to their diets. The male is slender, and the blue line is straighter. The female is rounder, producing a bent blue line.

Some aquarists say the females look plumper when viewed from above. However, the straightness of the line and the plumpness of the female might occasionally be due to the eggs she is carrying. A neon tetra can appear slightly plump in the belly due to having overeaten.


To breed neon tetras, hobbyists place a pair of the species in a breeding tank without any light, and gradually increase the lighting until reproduction occurs. Other inducers include mosquito larvae and a hardness of less than 4 dGH. Everything placed in the aquarium is sterilized, as is the aquarium top.

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Because the adults, and other fishes if a breeding tank is not used, will often eat newly hatched fry , it is common to remove the eggs as soon as they have been laid. The eggs are especially sensitive to light, and hatch within 24 hours of the laying.


*FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Tetra is a twelve year old boy who has an uncontrollable temper. He lives in a world of violence and crime. His father. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. TL White lives and writes in the rolling hills of Eastern Tetra's Temper - Kindle edition by TL White. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks , note taking.

Fry can be fed infusoria , especially rotifers and egg yolk for one to four weeks, followed by nauplii of brine shrimp , shaved cattle liver, and formulated diets. Fry achieve their adult coloration at about one month of age. Adults can spawn every two weeks. Neon tetras are occasionally afflicted by the so-called "neon tetra disease" NTD or pleistophora disease, a sporozoan disease caused by Pleistophora hyphessobryconis.

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Fry can be fed infusoria , especially rotifers and egg yolk for one to four weeks, followed by nauplii of brine shrimp , shaved cattle liver, and formulated diets. The juveniles are fed with very small sized feed — infusorian and egg yolk. Optimal water parameters for keeping are the following: This is an overwhelmingly beautiful fish that looks like a small moving flame in a tank. Serpae tetra Hyphessobrycon eques.

Despite being a well-known condition, it is generally incurable and often fatal to the fish. However this disease is also generally preventable.

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The disease is most likely passed by newly acquired fish, which have not been quarantined. Symptoms include restlessness, loss of coloration, lumps on the body as cysts develop, difficulty swimming, curved spines as the disease progresses, and secondary infections, such as fin rot and bloating. A so-called " false neon disease ", which is bacterial, shows very similar symptoms. It is impossible for the home aquarist to determine for certain the difference between NTD and false NTD on the basis of visible symptoms alone, without laboratory backup.

This disease has also been confused with columnaris mouth rot, mouth fungus, 'flex'.

Neon tetra: care, size, lifespan, tankmates, breeding

Generally the best 'treatment' is the immediate removal of diseased fish to preserve the remaining fish, although some occasional successful treatments have been performed that include fish baths and a "medication cocktail". Put a sprayer that creates minimal flow in the spawning pond and cover it, since during their spawning period the fishes may jump out of the tank. Cover the tank side walls with paper to lessen the amount of light that gets inside. Water temperature should be 25C.

Male will haunt the female that will lay about eggs on the tank plants. Right after the spawning the fish couple is removed from the tank, since they may eat the eggs. The water level in the tank is decreased up to cm high and the tank gets shaded completely — you can put it into a closet for example, because larva is very sensitive to light. The larva appear from the eggs in days and 3 days later the fry will start to swim.

Neon tetra

The juveniles are fed with very small sized feed — infusorian and egg yolk. Gradually you should add some water into the tank to make the water harder. This is an infectious disease. Plistiphora hyphessobryconis fungus which infects the fish muscles is an etiologic agent of this disease.

Neon Tetra Complete Care Guide

This infection can get into the tank by different ways: Sadly, there is no cure for this disease. The deplorable result is, that if pleistophora disease was found in your tank all fishes must be destroyed, no matter how sorry you feel for them. Last update on at Neon Tetra Complete Care Guide. Pick a spot away from direct sunlight, windows, heating or air vents, and high-traffic areas.

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Fish Start with one, preferably inexpensive. When setting up an aquarium for the first time, you want to make sure your tank is cycled properly and the equipment is working. Not all fish play well together. Different fish have different personalities. Community Fish are good tank mates, while Aggressive Fish need special mates, or none at all.

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