The New Evangelization

New Evangelization

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When giving talks to groups, I regularly remind people that from the moment we are conceived, we are 2, years behind the curve when it comes to learning about the history, traditions, and sacramental life of the Catholic Church. We can and should spend our entire lives on an unending quest of knowing as much about our Faith as possible.

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The New Evangelization calls each of us to deepen our faith, believe in the Gospel message and go forth to proclaim the Gospel. The focus of the New. He would later bring this term to the attention of the entire Church. Perhaps, the most clear definition of the New Evangelization is in his encyclical, Redemptoris.

Our hunger for the truth should drive us to question our misunderstandings and incomplete knowledge and seek out answers that the Church readily provides. I know many people who can quote the Bible, chapter and verse, but do a miserable job actually acting in the way that Christ commands. Therefore, the second aspect of the new evangelization is living the Faith through regular reception of the sacraments especially the Eucharist and reconciliation , as well as striving to be Christ to others in this world. It is finding ways each day to actually implement the teachings of the Faith through our thoughts, words, and actions.

To truly be new evangelizers, it is not enough to just focus on one of these areas. It is absolutely mandatory that we strive to grow in all three.

Knowing that the new evangelization is something that applies to each and every Christian, how will you make it a part of your life? A year from now, what would it look like for you to more successfully share your Faith with others? Writing down realistic goals and action steps ultimately has a snowball effect on how we know, live, and share our Faith.

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Given how basic the new evangelization truly is, what steps will you take to become a new evangelizer? He is the co-founder of New Evangelizers, Rosary Army, That Catholic Show, and several other apostolates dedicated to helping people grow in their faith. Adventures in Imperfect Living and together they are the parents of four sons and a daughter.

You can visit him online at www. Walking the Walk of Faith.

What is the New Evangelization? The answer might surprise you.

Sadly, this seems to be the case even after three decades of discussion on the topic. This starts with knowing our Faith. Future thinking Knowing that the new evangelization is something that applies to each and every Christian, how will you make it a part of your life? I suggest taking small, incremental, ongoing steps combined with a concrete game plan.

A week from now, what realistic steps will you have taken to better know your Faith? A month from now, what are some tangible ways will you be more fully living out your Faith? Learn more about the Eucharist by reading, studying, and praying over John 6 especially the Bread of Life discourse. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom.

New evangelization

Brush up on the Ten Commandments. In Redemptoris missio , he wrote:.

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I sense that the moment has come to commit all of the Church's energies to a new evangelization and to the mission ad gentes. No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: The Joy of the Gospel on "the church's primary mission of evangelization in the modern world". In , the Augustine Institute in Denver was established to train lay Catholics for the new evangelization.

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Despite being located at a seminary, the program is designed for laity, deacons, and professed religious. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Retrieved January 25, The answer might surprise you". Evangelism for the Third Millennium. Retrieved March 2, Retrieved 11 April