Upside Living in A Downside Economy

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On the back of the book Pastor Slaughter tells us the idea behind the book:. If we truly desire to build sound financial health, we must begin by building a foundation grounded in God's perspective on wealth and finances. The first chapter starts out with the main idea of the book, building a foundation grounded in God's perspective of money.

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We go to God's word to seek out God's character and his perspective. The author talks about God's fatherly nature, and how he wants all the best for us. He then goes on to pull out key verses like Proverbs We need to make sure we aren't becoming Christian Hedonists, proclaiming that we are Christians, but still seeking after the values of our materialistic culture.

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Finally he talks about how we need to constantly need to make sure we're plugged into the true source of life, Jesus Christ, and that we are getting our motivation and strength from him. If we aren't, it can be so easy to become unmotivated, fall back into old bad money habits, and in the end fail at what we're trying to accomplish.

The book goes on to talk about how if you have the right priorities, and the right actions, you will get results. He goes on to talk about 7 right actions that we need to perform in our lives:. The book goes on to talk about the things you need to do in order to create a sound financial plan. Since I'm a fan of those plans, I also like this one.

The basics of his plan are:. Upside Living in a Downside Economy was a quick read, but it is full of good information.

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During difficult economic times, it's tough not to focus on getting by with less and waiting for the next bit of bad news. But, as Christians, how do we to respond to. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Mike Slaughter is the lead pastor at Ginghamsburg Church Upside Living in A Downside Economy by [Slaughter, Mike].

It talks about how we can make sure we're aligning our goals with God's plan for our life. It concludes by talking about giving, and how by giving to others we become more like Christ. While the book isn't very long, and doesn't go in depth into topics of creating a budget, setting up a financial plan and other things, I still think it is a worthwhile read. If you're looking for a detailed planning resource, this probably isn't it. I think what it does well is to get you thinking about what you need to do to succeed, about how we need to keep God at the center of our finances.

It is more the catalyst towards living well with your finances. To take the next step you may need to get into a deeper program, or get some more in depth reading about the topics. Now that I've finished reading the book, it's time to pass it on. I'm going to give the book away to one lucky Bible Money Matters reader on Monday morning at 8am Central!

What do you have to do to win? That's it, just leave a comment! If you aren't already subscribed, I'd appreciate if you sign up for free daily updates via RSS or via email , but it isn't required. Also, if you're interested in reading the book, you can find it for sale here! I have another copy of the book and I'll be giving it away tomorrow morning at 10am!

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After doing a drawing using Random. Thanks everyone for entering! This past week while I was on vacation I finally had the chance to read a book that I've been meaning to read for a….

Judy Lawrence, in her book, The Budget Kit, seeks to demystify the budget process and help readers make a budget that works. The review is now up! I was recently contacted by author Cameron C.

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Taylor, because he wanted to send me a complimentary copy…. Peter Anderson is a Christian, husband to his beautiful wife Maria, and father to his 2 children. He loves reading and writing about personal finance, and also enjoys a good board game every now and again. You can find out more about him on the about page. Don't forget to say hi on Pinterest , Twitter or Facebook!

I would love to win a copy of the book. We are succeeding in this economy by strictly monitoring what we spend money on. We give as much as we ever have and are nearly debt free. Rays last blog post.. To ask other readers questions about Upside Living in a Downside Economy , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Upside Living in a Downside Economy. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Oct 06, Ron rated it really liked it Shelves: Well-written guide to living rightside up in an upside down world. It's not just about economics.

This is a good book, but it's really intended for young people and others who don't already have some experience with personal finance. There are no advanced topics here. It's very good information about budgeting and debt reduction, but all very basic.

Jul 30, Marcus Lynn added it Shelves: This extremely short book 96 pages is on target biblically but in a downside economy I want more book for my money! Benjamin Stilwell-hernandez rated it it was amazing Jan 19, Dennis Ticen rated it liked it Jun 14, Steven Bullmer rated it really liked it Jul 02, Monica Christian rated it liked it Jan 07, Grace rated it liked it Jan 15, Derek rated it liked it Feb 25, Kristen Stieffel rated it really liked it Jun 29, Jon added it Oct 11, Sandra marked it as to-read Oct 29, Timothy Holton marked it as to-read Jul 18,