Hero Dog (Beef Casserole for the Dogs Soul Book 1)

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This best seller is full of laughs, heartwarming moments, and the essence of the bond between dogs and humans. Texts from Dog by October Jones. This chuckle worthy book is sure to resonate with dogs and their humans as it highlights common situations and provides a peek into what your dog really might be thinking. Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. Problems become apparent when Marty discovers Shiloh belongs to a drunk and abusive neighbor, who wants his dog back. Marty fights to keep Shiloh safe, at great risk to himself and his family. Where the Red Fern Grows: Billy works and saves for two years to get enough money to purchase his very own hunting dogs.

Little Ann and Old Dan enter his life and change it forever, as he grows into a young man and learns valuable lessons about life, people, and losing what you love. But when they were found in the spring, an angel had planted a rare red fern between the two bodies, marking the spot as sacred as the fern is said to never die.

This legend plays an integral part in the book no spoilers!


Where the Red Fern Grows is classic and a tear-jerker; well worth a read. Old Yeller by Fred Gipson. Old Yeller is a classic novel, often found on required reading lists for young adults. The Call of the Wild by Jack London. The precursor to White Fang, this classic novel by Jack Frost is a favorite for good reason. Buck learns from the other sled dogs and wins the right to become lead dog.

While you follow a pup through his many dog lives, you gain insight into the bond between dogs and humans. His next life is that of Ellie, a search and rescue dog. The Other End of the Leash: This book focuses on the behavior of humans compared to dogs. The author talks about how our behaviors are perceived by our dogs, and how we can fine-tune our own behaviors to affect our dogs in positive ways.

Inside of a Dog: The book also explores the science behind how dogs sense and smell disease, and how little we actually understand about the amazing abilities of dogs. Take a walk with best-selling author Danielle Steel as she recalls the dogs who have touched her life. From the dogs of her childhood to her current dogs, learn about her joys, struggles, and humorous encounters over the years while sharing her life with dogs. The author combines behavioral science along with anecdotes and observations to give you a sneak peak into the the minds of dogs.

The Autobiography of a Stray by Ann M. Follow their story as they lose their mother and learn to live on the streets. Follow along from their birth to the end of their lives as Bone and Squirrel make their way in life. This thrilling first hand account is a must read for all snow dog lovers. The book takes you on a trip between Anchorage and Nome during this famous competition. Chaser has inspired countless dog lovers with her vast vocabulary and magnetic personality. Pilley takes a closer look at this amazing dog who wowed us all with her amazing ability to recognize over a thousand words.

The Life and the Legend by Susan Orlean. Rin Tin Tin began life as abandoned puppy and grew into a movie star and canine icon. Rin TIn Tin became a silent movie star in the s, and Susan Orlean captures his lifelong story in a heartfelt and inspiring way. For the Love of a Dog: Maria Goodavage takes you inside the world of soldier dogs, the unsung hero dogs who help our military complete their missions every day. Get a front row seat to experience the deep bonds that form between soldier dogs and their handlers. Throughout the trip she was indifferent about her meals, and it was difficult to get her to eat as much as she needed.

She continued on a vegetarian diet. At first I included eggs, but ultimately eliminated those as well. Her meals are home-prepared, with lots of fresh and raw vegetables and fruits, and most important lots of variety. Her dinners include some form of carbohydrate brown rice, barley, quinoa, polenta, sweet potatoes, winter squash, etc. If we have lunch it might include whole grain bread with soy milk and fruit or vegetable or spirulina. As a side note, Tila does best on less protein than most dogs require.

It appears she gets the protein she needs from the abundant amino acids in her varied diet. I supplement her meals with a variety of oils flax, olive, canola, coconut every day. From time to time she gets probiotics; 3 to 5 times a week she gets carnitine and taurine. In tick season she gets nutritional yeast and garlic to help discourage ticks from biting. We never, ever have a problem with fleas. She considers most any kind of fruit a treat.

When I unpack groceries she waits for her apple or carrot or a few strawberries. When we have broccoli for dinner she loves to have the stalks as an appetizer, or maybe a few raw kale leaves. She even loves raw sauer kraut…just plain in her bowl! Tila quickly transformed from a skin-and-bones, sick, unhealthy-looking waif to a stunningly gorgeous, glossy, happy, vibrant girl.

Her obvious vitality and energy are a testament to the benefits of a home-prepared vegan diet. Best of all, I have the peace of mind that comes with maintaining a vegan household, and knowing Tila does not need to consume other animals to be vibrant and healthy and happy…and that even the local jackrabbits feel safe enough to play in front of her on the deck while she peacefully watches.

She is half Border Collie and half Aussie Shepherd. We got her from the barn that she was born in and took her home. We took the kibble that she was eating, and gradually mixed it with a vegan Vegedog recipe garbanzo. Soon she was eating just the Vegedog recipes. She always loved her food and had no problem making the transition. I share my frozen banana, almond or soy milk, and berry smoothies with her. I always hope she doesn't get "brain freeze" but so far it seems okay.

I don't give her a lot at one time, but she loves them as much as I do. The berries are usually blueberries frozen in the winter time and fresh in autumn. We have 6 blueberry bushes. The other berries that she gets are blackberries frozen.

When I lived in Oregon I must have ate hundreds of pounds of blackberries since they were everywhere. Not so, here in Montana, so I get them frozen. If I didn't have a VitaMix blender I wouldn't have these smoothies just about every day. I used to burn out a lot of blenders before getting the Vitamix. When it comes to juice I don't share with her. She seems to know and doesn't really care much for carrot juice. Her favorite chew is dried sweet potato slices. They are organic grown and very healthy. They really satisfy her chewing urge and last a long time.

Our company makers of Vegedog , Harbingers of a New Age, just made them available to order. Jasmine Rose was born in the winter, and she loves to run in the snow. Sometimes she will just tear around in big circles, stirring up the snow, just for pure joy. She chews sticks and loves to play Frisbee. Sometimes one of the cats sits inside looking out, wanting to go out. Jazz will see that and open the door just for the cat, without being told. She is very caring and protective. When it's dinner time she will run and get Ziggy our 14 year old Yorkie and bring him downstairs for meal time.

Jazz is never far away, usually at my feet. She has a chair in my bedroom that is hers, but in the morning she'll jump on the bed with me. We look forward to many more happy years together". James was a forerunner of feeding dogs and cats a plant-based supplemented diet. We began the transition from complete chicken-based food in July when I fed her V-Dog crunchy nuggets, complete dog food U. This was done very slowly over about 8 weeks, rather than days, to give her body a good chance to become accustomed to the new food. I gradually reduced the meat-based food by approximately one ounce each week and added one ounce of V-Dog, so increasing the new food and decreasing the old.

During this time I added a gravy low salt or water and some basic foods for variety eg. Any additional food was, and still is, introduced slowly in very small amounts. Adding a small amount of new food also gave me the chance to see if it was digested, ie. She had very occasional soft stools but, in my opinion, nothing to worry about as it wasn't ongoing. During these transition weeks, I continued my research into making homemade vegan dog food and came across ' Vegan Dogs Compassionate Nutrition' by James O Heare , amongst a lot of other information, which is in Vegan Dog Nutrition Facebook Group files.

I then made up my own recipe and asked Butterflies Katz what she thought of it. When she positively liked it, we opened the Facebook group after seeing that there were no other suitable groups. I now feed Millie on a combination of complete nuggets, homemade food and some fruit, including apple - no pips, banana, and raw vegetables recipe link.

She gets a greater variety of food than before and seems to be very healthy, full of energy and her weight is constant. I regularly give hemp protein powder, chia seeds milled if possible, otherwise I crush them , milled flaxseed and hemp seed oil or coconut oil; all bought from the local health shop. Millie's teeth are brushed regularly with a neem toothpaste or powder fluoride-free and she also has regular chews eg, carrot, vegetable stalks, Denes wholemeal dog biscuits and homemade ones.

We should be aware that there are some human foods which should not be given to dogs as they could be toxic to them if ingested, these include some nuts, grapes, chocolate, fruit pips.

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For a list, see Facebook Group. Vegan dog food supplier. Please email if you have any questions or need more info" says Sarah. She was found discarded in a cardboard box as a puppy and shows obvious signs of being abused but has adjusted well to her new family. She is a sweet and sensitive dog who loves doggy play dates, swimming, hiking, and sailing. Annie thrives on a plant- based diet and has been eating this way for about a year.

At first we were nervous about transitioning her diet but after doing a bunch of research we felt comfortable that she could live a healthy life eating in a way that aligned with our morals and reduced unnecessary suffering. Her wet food is a blend of brown rice, lentils, green peas, pumpkin, broccoli very good; but too much is reportedly toxic , sweet potatoes, nutritional yeast, flax oil, and VegeDog supplement.

Her eyes are always sparkly; tail is wagging to beat the band. We love her so for her affectionate nature. Belle's favorite treat is a raw carrot; which she very delicately holds between her paws, and nibbles tiny bites from the end. Cassie - is the canine companion of Sherry Martin.

She eats V-Dog dog food with a little wet Natural Balance vegan formula mixed in. Wiggy - became vegan shortly after I did in , shares Nicole Graziano. Wiggy is an 8 year old rescue dog from Kentucky; who I adopted when she was a year and a half old. In Wiggy's former life, she and her buddy Rocky were abandoned and left tied to a tree in their caretaker's I'll use that term very loosely backyard. In Wiggy's current life, she enjoys the following: Together, they romp in the open fields of the local dog park and attract attention on their walks on Main Street.

Both Wiggy and Oscar also welcome foster dogs into their home about three times yearly. Mom and dad have fostered 13 dogs in 4 years and enjoy doing this work very much. She's 50 pounds, long and tall, and very springy and athletic. She has been vegan since I got her at 6 weeks old. She looks, has the energy of, and plays like a 2 or 3 year old. She has never had any kind of weight problems, always lean and very healthy. I used to feed her Natural Balance , but I don't like supporting non vegan-companies if it's not necessary, so I switched to V-Dog when they changed over to their new formula.

I feed her that once a day and I feed her homemade food once a day. She really enjoys both types of food. Silvio - "Silvio is a pure bred silver poodle I bought from a breeder 7. He has been on a vegan diet for about 2. I don't remember having too much trouble transitioning him. He has always had an "I'll have what mommy's having" kind of attitude. I feed him and his sister, Zelda half Natural Balance kibble and half homemade. I blend various veggies, yams, whole grains, molasses, oil, flax meal and nutritional yeast. I do not use supplements.

His favorite activities are lap, snuggling, gourmet eating, running and playing with his sister in the park. He loves to spin around balletically and also do strange tango moves with his sister Zelda. He must have been a dancer in his last life. In the morning when he gets up he likes to wrestle and romp and lick me all over my face. Even though he is only 11 pounds, he is unbelievably strong, and it is actually kind of hard to get the rowdy little masher off me. As far as energy I notice very little difference since he was a year or two. He can still outrun a typical four year old fan.

Also he used to have very itchy skin and runny eyes but his skin and eyes have gotten much clearer since I switched him to a vegan diet" shares Quincy Kirsch. Zelda - just turned 6 and has been on a vegan diet about 2. Quincy Kirsch continues "Since she switched, her eyes have become much clearer and she used to get terrible hot spots, but they are now history.

Her favorite activities are SQUEAKY, ball, fetch, shredding tissues, stealing and hiding or burying women's underwear, high fives, walks and running like a maniac. I adopted her when she was 9 weeks old. She came from a backyard breeder in Georgia U. Her mother died when she was a few days old and then the breeder took the puppies to a high kill shelter. She was raised by humans so she is a little screwy. She is very emotional and will throw a welcome party for someone she hasn't seen in a week, a month, a year or a day, complete with vocalizing, sobbing, shrieking and lots of full facial wet kisses.

She is supposed to be a purebred poodle but is definitely a Cockapoo with maybe a dash of terrier. Recently she was at the vet and he got oddly excited, almost giddy, and exclaimed 'I can not believe this dog is six years old and she has muscles like this! He didn't know about her diet. She can still outrun nearly all the dogs at the park, including puppies and racing type dogs. She has so much energy that honestly I almost wish she was a little less robust. I am waiting for her to mellow with age, but no such signs yet. I named him Henry Bo, then my daughter decided to call him Bobo.

He has many other nicknames. He was in a shelter in a neighboring county about 6 years ago when he was transported to our local SPCA. Most likely he was nearing the end of his time at the first shelter. At the time, I was a volunteer dog walker at the shelter and met Henry there. We already had 3 dogs at home, but I fell in love with this big guy. My husband, of course, said no when I asked to bring him home.

I made Henry's photo the screensaver on our computer and after weeks of harassment my husband gave in, and we brought Henry home. He didn't have many teeth when we brought him home and he only has a few left. He is on a variety of medications and is getting old. We guess he is probably about 10 years old.

But he has been a joy to have in our family. We love him and he is enjoying his V-Dog! She eats Natural Balance Vegetarian formula which is actually vegan. The puppy on the right is Jubilee, who is a Wire Hair Fox Terrier, 9 months old and I moved her to vegan food when I got her at around 9 weeks old. She eats Evolution Diet because it has the higher amounts of protein. When she turns one, I will move her over to the Natural Balance. They all eat Natural Balance Vegan Formula combined with a homemade "wet mix" that varies from week to week.

It typically always includes sweet potatoes, rice, beans, pureed greens I get scared of my Chihuahua choking so I blend them! For treats they typically get dehydrated sweet potato chews, dried pineapple rings, or homemade vegan dog bones. Gizmo is my little princess. She is a year old Chihuahua mutt who came into my life 2. She couldn't find her parent, had no microchip and after a few months could no longer keep her. As soon as I saw her amazing under-bite, I knew she was going to be my daughter.

I started her on a vegan diet about a week or two into her living with me, and she took pretty quickly to it; her favorite vegetables are beets and sweet potatoes. She literally goes nuts when she smells either of them cooking! She is a total momma's girl and has been since the day I adopted her. I taught her how to give hugs and commands in both English and Spanish!

He has been our family dog for his entire life but this past spring when my parents were getting ready to sell their house, dealing with some medical issues, etc, he and their other dog his own son! The last fight put my poor Daineypie in the doggy hospital. There was talk of trying to put him in a shelter but with his age, medical and physical history, we knew it would ultimately lead to him being euthanized. He was considered "unadoptable. After seeing him and knowing he still had a few good years left, I couldn't let him go anywhere.

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He came to live with me a few days later and was transitioned to a vegan diet. He used to have constant oily skin with dandruff combined with old joints and a bad case of pancreatitis a few years prior. That combined with all of the times he has been attacked by other dogs, he should be an absolute mess, or dead. Other than the occasional stiff joints on cold days, his skin looks so much better and people constantly compliment me on how much energy he has! Nobody believes he is Hero - is about 1 or 2 and came to me from Thailand this past August.

She was destined to become dinner in Vietnam or Cambodia, before she was saved from the Dog Meat Trade. I initially decided to adopt a 3rd dog for Gizmo to have a playmate and while she and Daine adore each other, he prefers playing with people than other dogs. A friend of mine was adopting a dog who was saved from the DMT and posted pictures of Hero on her facebook page, saying that Hero was ready to come to the U.

The second I saw the photos and videos of this little ragamuffin, I knew I needed to adopt her. Not just for Gizmo, but for myself. After everything she has been through she is the most gentle, loving and playful dog. She and Giz quickly became inseparable. Getting Hero interested in vegetables wasn't quite as easy as it was with the other two. She used to eat the kibble around the veggies until she realized if she didn't eat what was given to her, the other two would eat it.

Now she goes just as crazy as Gizmo when she sees me bust out the bag of sweet potato chews! Jingles — is introduced to us by Stephanie Pollice: Both of my dogs have been vegan since June I believe it is because he is vegan. I've read and seen way too many things that are more disturbing than I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams about dog food.

Carnivorous dog food is about times worse. Just check out this article written by Dr. Andrew Knight , a practicing vegan veterinarian. He is such a champion and a true inspiration. This is what I feed them every day. But this is the basic idea. These amounts are for BOTH of my dogs together daily. For example, if you have one 60 pound basset hound then you would want to feed your dog about half these amounts daily. Every day, I cook the veggies below to make a red-green mush. I cover and bring to a boil, and then keep covered and simmer for about 20 minutes. After the mix is done cooking, I dump it into a colander in the sink and rinse thoroughly with cold water.

I used to skip this step, but I have learned that rinsing helps get rid of some oxalates in the leafy greens that dogs have a little trouble digesting. Also, I have noticed that they tend not get as much gas when I rinse the cooked veggies so it seems to be settling better with them. Next, I add approximately 0. Then, I puree it in a food processor, until it is mush. Once I have the red-green mush, I separate it in half and put each half of the mixture in to separate airtight containers and refrigerate both halves.

Each half of the mixture approximately two cups per half and approximately four cups total is for one meal for both of my dogs, and they eat twice daily. For each meal twice daily , I do the following steps: Finally, to each of the dog bowls, I add one cup of V-Dog dog food to the red-green mixture and once again mix thoroughly. Then, I individually wrap 0. When I want to use them, I simply take one of the individually wrapped servings out of the freezer, put in a colander and run it under hot water.

Then they are ready to be ground up with the freshly cooked veggies. On occasion, I like to get. Armaiti May, via email or telephone. Usagi - "is about , though she could be older" shares Veronica Noechel. She was our inspiration to veganize the dogs' diet. When we adopted her about a year after Revco; see below the foster family warned us that she was prone to incredibly smelly gas. Being vegans, ourselves, I had been reading book after book after book on canine nutrition and feeding options and I'd already been considering starting a home cooked vegan diet for Revco, but hadn't yet taken the jump.

One thing I had read was that dogs prone to gas and similar digestion problems sometimes have issues with meat, since it's such a heavy, rich food and that they may do better on a fish or plant-based diet. That was the push I needed to get started. I switched them to a diet of half vegan kibble, half home cooked vegan food. I've had some health problems due to a genetic spine disease, so sometimes I rely on vegan canned food in place of the home cooked, but I try to do fresh cooked as much as possible.

Harvey's that can be prepared with a veg protein source usually lentils are recommended, though I've also used tofu, tvp, mung beans, and the like have been helpful when I don't feel well enough to go all out. Usagi's digestion improved greatly. About 10 years ago, we were visiting my dad and he let her eat some of his dog's meat-based kibble while my back was turned. I warned him that that was a bad idea, but he didn't listen.

Well, my husband and I went out for a few hours and when we came back, my dad told us he was going to have to move out of the house, the smell was so bad, and promised that he'd never give her animal products again. I've had the vet do a double take when she saw the age on his records because she couldn't believe it was right. He had an injury lately that he's recovering from, but he's healing well and making great progress.

I wasn't sure how he was going to react, but it was pretty darn humorous. He's a funny little dog.

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Yulin No.1 Crispy Dog Meat Restaurant claims to sell 'big pot' dog . serve 'big pot dog stew' and 'crispy dog meat' made with 'healthy' dogs which .. been doing some soul searching as he shares snap of religious book after through the snow in Lake Tahoe for intense Top Gun 2 scenes Action hero. Dog meat is the flesh and other edible parts derived from dogs. Historically, human .. Obama wrote about his experience of eating dog in his book Dreams of My .. One of Ireland's mythological heroes, Cuchulainn, had two geasa, or vows, one Calvin Schwabe described a Swiss dog meat recipe gedörrtes Hundefleisch.

I hope my dog friends live to a healthy 25! That would be wonderful! Bobby and Daisy — are our two vegan dogs, shares Penny Veitch: In the photo they are jammed together onto a chair, so that a ray of sunshine can hit them! They eat Benevo Vegan Dog food and, when they come back from a walk, and last thing at night, they get a treat of a piece of chewy strip. I buy their food from Veggiepets. Bobby and Daisy love raw vegetables, especially carrots. As soon as Daisy hears me preparing them and she always knows when I start on the carrots! When she heads back through to the sitting room with it, Bobby will notice and then HE'll come through for a chunk.

And then Daisy comes back for another one They also enjoy Brussels sprouts. Bobby and Daisy aren't too keen on any other cats coming into 'their' garden, but they love our own four cats and will happily sleep beside them on the couch or our bed. They're both VERY loving dogs and very obedient. I clicker trained them as pups, using vegan dog treats!

Usually has Weet Bix with ground flax seeds and fortified soy milk for breakfast and commercial dry vegan dog food Biopet for dinner. He has a raw carrot most days and cooked vegetables peas, pumpkin a couple of times a week. Also likes rice and lentils with nutritional yeast mixed in. Sheba - is a 10 year old Border Collie X?

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She has been on a vegan diet since she was about 6 months old. If it's a new food she looks at Red first and if Red eats it she will too. Both Red and Sheba were abused by their previous owners, and witnessing this, I offered to adopt them.

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I don't really support the idea of going out and acquiring a pet. Both Red and Sheba are healthy active dogs and the only time either has been sick was Red got pancreatitis after a neighbour fed her eggs, and once after she ate a pair of undies. At their yearly checkup the vet is always impressed by their good health and good teeth and how fit and healthy they are for their age.

I am a nutritionist so do plan their diet to meet their nutritional needs. Red loves to chase balls and Sheba loves to chase Red when Red has the ball. They both love swimming and Sheba likes to take an early morning dip in the dam, even in winter. Both doggies sleep on my bed at night and love to snuggle. Her diet consists of VeganPet dry food, as well as a mix I make myself that contains brown rice, red lentils, mixed vegetables, crushed garlic and nutritional yeast flakes.

She also likes raw vegetables such as cauliflower and some broccoli. She is perfectly healthy and rarely sees a vet. I treat her for worms with an herbal solution and remove fleas when they appear manually or by bathing. Lucy , on the left , is a foster dog waiting for a new home. She is 2 yrs. She does catch birds occasionally, so she's not completely vegan, and less than once a year someone will give them bones or meat, but the rest of the time she and Dapper , my other dog, are completely vegan.

Dapper on the right is 9 or He has been with me since about the age of 2 and came to me as a skeletal, abused street dog. He has been vegetarian ever since he's been with me, and vegan for 6 years. He is fit and healthy and a very happy vegan dog. He doesn't chase or hunt anyone, and is calm, confident and loving to all. I generally feed them a blend of lentils, barley, quinoa, and buckwheat, mixed with fresh chopped celery, carrot, leafy greens, sometimes chopped up bread, spirulina, chia seeds, savoury yeast flakes and whatever left overs are ready to leave the fridge.

I also feed them VeganPet dried food regularly, though not every day, and the veggie pigs ears. They love fried faux meat of all sorts, veggie sausages and veggie hamburgers. They also love green smoothy ice cream. Ace is around 2 years old and I'm not exactly positive about what breeds he is. My guess would be Pomeranian x Border Collie? When we first got him he had been mistreated and neglected, but he was still a very loving playful puppy. Ace came to us with absolutely no training, it's amazing how much he has learned and changed just through our love and attention!

He loves chewing things, he loves fetch, he loves cuddles and kisses and he acts like a cat! I don't know how he picked up the habit, but he's always kicked his back legs after going to the toilet and he loves to get up really high and jump on things! The novel follows Lobey, who as Orpheus embarks on a quest to bring his lover back from the dead. With lush, poetic imagery and the innovative use of mythic archetypes, Delaney brilliantly delineates the human condition. Dick's novel became the basis for the film Blade Runner, which prompted a resurgence of interest in the man and his works, but similarities film and novel are slight.

Here California is under-populated and most animals are extinct; citizens keep electric pets instead. In order to afford a real sheep and so affirm his empathy as a human being, Deckard hunts rogue androids, who lack empathy. As ever with Dick, pathos abounds and with it the inquiry into what is human and what is fake. Much imitated "alternative universe" novel by the wayward genius of the genre. The Axis has won the second world war. Imperial Japan occupies the west coast of America; more tyrannically, Nazi Germany under Martin Bormann, Hitler having died of syphilis takes over the east coast.

The Californian lifestyle adapts well to its oriental master. Germany, although on the brink of space travel and the possessor of vast tracts of Russia, is teetering on collapse. The novel is multi-plotted, its random progression determined, Dick tells us, by consultation with the Chinese I Ching.

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Foucault's Pendulum followed the massive success of Eco's The Name of the Rose, and in complexity, intrigue, labyrinthine plotting and historical scope it is every bit as extravagant. Eco's tale of three Milanese publishers, who feed occult and mystic knowledge into a computer to see what invented connections are created, tapped into the worldwide love of conspiracy theories, particularly those steeped in historical confusion. As "The Plan" takes over their lives and becomes reality, the novel turns into a brilliant historical thriller of its own that inspired a similar level of obsession among fans.

Nicola Barr Buy this book at the Guardian bookshop. A woman drives around the Scottish highlands, all cleavage and lipstick, picking up well-built male hitchhikers - but there's something odd behind her thick pebble glasses Faber's first novel refreshes the elements of horror and SF in luminous, unearthly prose, building with masterly control into a page-turning existential thriller that can also be read as an allegory of animal rights. And in the character of Isserley - her curiosity, resignation, wonderment and pain - he paints an immensely affecting portrait of how it feels to be irreparably damaged and immeasurably far from home.

Determined to extricate himself from an increasingly serious relationship, graduate Nicholas Urfe takes a job as an English teacher on a small Greek island.

Walking alone one day, he runs into a wealthy eccentric, Maurice Conchis, who draws him into a succession of elaborate psychological games that involve two beautiful young sisters in reenactments of Greek myths and the Nazi occupation. Appearing after The Collector, this was actually the first novel that Fowles wrote, and although it quickly became required reading for a generation, he continued to rework it for a decade after publication. David Newnham Buy this book at the Guardian bookshop.

Before long, he is embroiled in a battle between ancient and modern deities: A road trip through America's sacred places is spiced up by some troublesome encounters with Shadow's unfaithful wife, Laura. She's dead, which always makes for awkward silences. The author of such outstanding mythical fantasies as Elidor and The Owl Service, Garner has been called "too good for grown-ups"; but the preoccupations of this young adult novel love and violence, madness and possession, the pain of relationships outgrown and the awkwardness of the outsider are not only adolescent.

The three narrative strands - young lovers in the s, the chaos of thebetweenalcoholics, English civil war and soldiers going native in a Vietnam-tinged Roman Britain - circle around Mow Cop in Cheshire and an ancient axehead found there. Dipping in and out of time, in blunt, raw dialogue, Garner creates a moving and singular novel.

This classic of cyberpunk won Nebula, Hugo and Philip K Dick awards, and popularised the term "cyberspace", which the author described as "a consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions". A fast-paced thriller starring a washed-up hacker, a cybernetically enhanced mercenary and an almost omnipotent artificial intelligence, it inspired and informed a slew of films and novels, not least the Matrix trilogy. When three explorers learn of a country inhabited only by females, Terry, the lady's man, looks forward to Glorious Girls, Van, the scientist, expects them to be uncivilised, and Jeff, the Southern gallant, hopes for clinging vines in need of rescue.

The process by which their assumptions are overturned and their own beliefs challenged is told with humour and a light touch in Gilman's brilliantly realised vision of a female Utopia where Mother Love is raised to its highest power. Many of Herland's insights are as relevant today as when it was first published a hundred years ago. Joanna Hines Buy this book at the Guardian bookshop. The shadow of the second world war looms over Golding's debut, the classic tale of a group of English schoolboys struggling to recreate their society after surviving a plane crash and descending to murderous savagery.

Fat, bespectacled Piggy is sacrificed; handsome, morally upstanding Ralph is victimised; and dangerous, bloodthirsty Jack is lionised, as the boys become "the Beast" they fear. When the adults finally arrive, childish tears on the beach hint less at relief than fear for the future. NB Buy this book at the Guardian bookshop. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Originating as a BBC radio series in , Douglas Adams's inspired melding of hippy-trail guidebook and sci-fi comedy turned its novelisations into a publishing phenomenon.

Non-Stop Aldiss's first novel is a tour-de-force of adventure, wonder and conceptual breakthrough. Foundation One of the first attempts to write a comprehensive "future history", the trilogy - which also includes Foundation and Empire and Second Foundation - is Asimov's version of Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, set on a galactic scale. The Blind Assassin On planet Zycron, tyrannical Snilfards subjugate poor Ygnirods, providing intercoital entertainment for a radical socialist and his lover. The Wasp Factory A modern-gothic tale of mutilation, murder and medical experimentation, Banks's first novel - described by the Irish Times as "a work of unparalleled depravity"- is set on a Scottish island inhabited by the ultimate dysfunctional family: Frank's victims are mostly animals - but he has found time to kill a few children … Phil Daoust Buy this book at the Guardian bookshop Iain M Banks: Consider Phlebas Space opera is unfashionable, but Banks couldn't care less.

Weaveworld Life's rich tapestry is just that in Clive Barker's fantasy. Darkmans Nicola Barker has been accused of obscurity, but this Booker-shortlisted comic epic has a new lightness of touch and an almost soapy compulsiveness. Darwin's Radio Bear combines intelligence, humour and the wonder of scientific discovery in a techno-thriller about a threat to the future of humanity.

Lost Souls Brite's first novel, a lush, decadent and refreshingly provocative take on vampirism told in rich, stylish prose, put her at the forefront of the s horror scene. Rogue Moon Al Barker is a thrillseeking adventurer recruited to investigate an alien labyrinth on the moon. The Master and Margarita When the Devil comes to s Moscow, his victims are pillars of the Soviet establishment: The Coming Race In this pioneering work of British science fiction, the hero is a bumptious American mining engineer who stumbles on a subterranean civilisation.

A Clockwork Orange One of a flurry of novels written by Burgess when he was under the mistaken belief that he had only a short time to live.

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  • novels everyone must read: Science Fiction & Fantasy (part one) | Books | The Guardian.

The End of the World News In one of the first split-screen narratives, Burgess juxtaposes three key 20th-century themes: A Princess of Mars John Carter, a Confederate veteran turned gold prospector, is hiding from Indians in an Arizona cave when he is mysteriously transported to Mars, known to the locals as Barsoom. Naked Lunch Disjointed, hallucinatory cut-ups form a collage of, as Burroughs explained of the title, "a frozen moment when everyone sees what is on the end of every fork". Kindred Butler's fourth novel throws African American Dana Franklin back in time to the early s, where she is pitched into the reality of slavery and the individual struggle to survive its horrors.

Erewhon The wittiest of Victorian dystopias by the period's arch anti-Victorian. The Baron in the Trees It is The Influence Campbell has long been one of the masters of psychological horror, proving again and again that what's in our heads is far scarier than any monster lurking in the shadows. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland The intellectuals' favourite children's story began as an improvised tale told by an Oxford mathematics don to a colleague's daughters; later readers have found absurdism, political satire and linguistic philosophy in a work that, years on, remains fertile and fresh, crisp yet mysterious, and endlessly open to intepretation.

Nights at the Circus The year is - and other times. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay The golden age of the American comic book coincided with the outbreak of the second world war and was spearheaded by first- and second-generation Jewish immigrants who installed square-jawed supermen as bulwarks against the forces of evil. Childhood's End Clarke's third novel fuses science and mysticism in an optimistic treatise describing the transcendence of humankind from petty, warring beings to the guardians of utopia, and beyond.

Humanity ultimately transcends the physical and joins a cosmic overmind, so ushering in the childhood's end of the title EB Buy this book at the Guardian bookshop GK Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday Chesterton's "nightmare", as he subtitled it, combines Edwardian delicacy with wonderfully melodramatic tub-thumping - beautiful sunsets and Armageddon - to create an Earth as strange as any far-distant planet. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell Clarke's first novel is a vast, hugely satisfying alternative history, a decade in the writing, about the revival of magic - which had fallen into dusty, theoretical scholarship - in the early 19th century.

Hello Summer, Goodbye This classic by an unjustly neglected writer tells the story of Drove and Pallahaxi-Browneyes on a far-flung alien world which undergoes long periods of summer and gruelling winters lasting some 40 years. Girlfriend in a Coma Coupland began Girlfriend in a Coma in "probably the darkest period of my life", and it shows.

House of Leaves It's not often you get to read a book vertically as well as horizontally, but there is much that is uncommon about House of Leaves. Pig Tales It wasn't a problem at first: The Einstein Intersection The setting is a post-apocalyptic future, long past the age of humans.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The Man in the High Castle Much imitated "alternative universe" novel by the wayward genius of the genre. Foucault's Pendulum Foucault's Pendulum followed the massive success of Eco's The Name of the Rose, and in complexity, intrigue, labyrinthine plotting and historical scope it is every bit as extravagant.

Under the Skin A woman drives around the Scottish highlands, all cleavage and lipstick, picking up well-built male hitchhikers - but there's something odd behind her thick pebble glasses The Magus Determined to extricate himself from an increasingly serious relationship, graduate Nicholas Urfe takes a job as an English teacher on a small Greek island. American Gods "Nourishing to the soul" was Michael Chabon's verdict on Gaiman's novel, in which ex-con Shadow gets a job driving for a conman who turns out to be a Norse god.