M. de Lamennais et ses Œuvres posthumes (French Edition)

Lamennais, Félicité Robert de

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Lagier added it Aug 19, Karimou marked it as to-read Mar 21, Cercamon added it Jul 15, Caroline Pipier marked it as to-read Sep 22, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

M. de Lamennais et ses œuvres posthumes

Joseph Ernest Renan French: French publicist and philosopher. One of the forefathers of Christian socialism. Quickly overcoming his passion for the ideas of Rousseau, even in his youth Lamennais was a convinced monarchist and a faithful Catholic. During this period his political ideal was a Christian monarchy. The publication advocated the separation of church and state, universal suffrage, and a number of other liberal reforms. In , Lamennais published Words of a Believer Russian translation, , in which he castigated capitalism from the standpoint of feudal socialism. Toward the end of his life Lamennais presented his own philosophical system Outline of Philosophy, vols.

In it he departed from orthodox Catholic doctrine on a number of issues, attempting to combine religion and philosophy and basing his ideas on neo-Platonism and the work of G. He was largely self-educated by wide, indiscriminate reading. The documentation for that is at mw: If you have any questions you will find help at d: Wikisource and its talk page.

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Lamennais, Félicité Robert de

M. de Lamennais et ses œuvres posthumes (French Edition) - Kindle edition by Ernest Renan. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones. See details and download book: Download Google Books Free Online M De Lamennais Et Ses œuvres Posthumes French Edition Pdf.

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Index in: Lamennais: A Believer's Revolutionary Politics

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Resources for Félicité Robert de Lamennais

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