Small Changes for a Better Life

10 Small Changes for a Healthier Life

Small Changes for a Better Life : Daily Steps to Living God's Plan for You

First I placed fruits and veggies inside clear containers and put them, along with yogurt and salad fixings, on a shelf at eye level. Now when I open the door, those options grab my attention. I also threw out any takeout containers, because they only encouraged me to eat more takeout. As a result of this new system, I unconsciously make healthier choices, and it has helped to lower my blood pressure.

About a year ago, instead of reading during my minute break at work, I started taking brisk walks around my office-building complex.

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After a couple of months, I was so surprised at how my body shape had changed with that small amount of exercise. My midsection had slimmed down, and my legs were more toned. Now I feel more energetic throughout the day and sleep better at night. My therapist suggested deep breathing as a tool to manage stress. I teach eighth-grade math, and my stress level is pretty high on some days.

I breathe in to a slow count of five, hold for a slow count of five, then slowly release to a count of five. This instantly calms me down and keeps me centered. Think of it as a three-minute break that you can take anytime, anywhere.

Small Changes for a Better Life: Daily Steps to Living God's Plan for You

There are tons of sweets and fatty snacks within arm's reach at my office, so I fell into the habit of grabbing a bag of chips or cookies in the late morning and afternoon. Early this year, I began bringing healthy bites like mandarin oranges, nuts, and granola to work. Since I've cut all those refined sugars and empty calories out of my diet, I no longer experience a late-afternoon slump.

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Small Changes for a Better Life: Daily Steps to Living Gods Plan for You [ Elizabeth George] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. What is God's. Real talk: You want to be happier, but you don't want to do anything dramatic, like working out twice a day or making five new friends. Instead.

Weight lifting has improved my flexibility and made the aches and pains in my back, neck, and shoulders subside. I spent most of my life believing that cardio was the key to a lean, healthy body and that lifting would only make me appear bulkier. Yet now, at age 41, I look and feel better than ever. My family and I order all our groceries online.

13 Ridiculously Easy Changes for Weight Loss + Healthier Life - StyleByNap85

When shopping in the supermarket, I'm more likely to make impulse purchases. Who can say no to "buy one, get one free" boxes of cookies?

It's much easier for me to resist temptations online. We eat healthier and spend less money to boot. I've struggled with weight issues my whole life, so a few months ago I adopted my year-old daughter's daily exercise routine: While she does it at night for her gymnastics class, I do it within the first 10 minutes of waking up.

Not only do I feel stronger but the activity also puts me in a better mood and encourages me to make good choices throughout the day. In the past, I would drink coffee while getting ready for work, yet I still felt tired. So my fitness instructor advised me to drink water in the morning before my usual cup of joe. He said that this would get my metabolism going and wake me up. Since I've begun guzzling water and waiting until the midmorning slump to drink coffee, I've felt refreshed and energized.

When I gobbled down decadent breakfasts in the morning, like an egg and cheese on a bagel, I felt lethargic at work. Daily tasks, like sending e-mails and preparing for meetings, required more effort. By eating lighter morning meals , like a dairy-free smoothie or oatmeal with fruit, I have more energy in the morning and that lasts all day. Establishing a sleep schedule and sticking to it has cured my bouts of insomnia. I go to bed and get up at the same time every day, and I sprinkle my bed with lavender and play soothing music to help me fall asleep. With a full night's rest, I have fewer mood swings and my mind stays sharp.

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As part of my goal of getting fit for my wedding, over two years ago I started tracking what I eat on an app called MyFitnessPal. A popular axiom says that babies laugh an average of 50 times a day, and while it fails to mention that they also cry 50 times a day, it's worth noting that we seem to lose some of our good humor with age. A good belly laugh releases a flood of feel-good endorphins, and all that fuzziness counteracts the bad effects of the stress hormone cortisol.

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What was YouTube invented for if not to make you giggle? A fast connection and plenty of bandwidth and the world is your oyster! Extensive research has proven that it can lower risk of depression, beat anxiety, and improve mental health. If sitting and staring at your eyelids isn't for you, try moving through a couple of gentle yoga postures while you focus on your breathing.

Hold your toothbrush with your left hand tonight. Research shows that doing small tasks like eating or writing with your non-dominant hand or tying your shoelaces backwards is like steroids for your willpower muscle. How often do we rush through our days without really seeing what's around us? Being aware of your surroundings will not only help you avoid tripping over that tree root on your trail run, but it will also help you be grateful for the little wonders in your life.

So whether you're noticing the happy baby on the subway or the way the light shines off the lake, taking note of the novelty around you will sharpen your senses, keep you safe, and brighten your day. Nothing will make you feel better faster than doing something kind for somebody else. And it does more than just make your heart feel warm and fuzzy. A study found that people who volunteer are less likely to have heart disease than those who don't.

Little acts of kindness count too—take a neighbor's garbage cans back in or stick a Post-It note with a compliment on it on a coworker's computer. You're probably sitting down as you read this, aren't you?

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A recent study says that people who sit less than three hours a day live, on average, two years longer! Try standing during meetings or phone calls, catching your favorite TV shows on the treadmill, or even just setting a timer to remind you to get up and walk around during the day. Missing your favorite spinning class or finding all the treadmills taken are no excuse for skipping your workout! Keep a deck of workout cards handy—you can make your own on 3x5 cards or use pre-made ones like these illustrated and laminated workout cards by My Trainer Fitness.