The Eye of the Sixth Sun

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The path of darkness is my favorite one. It means the path of the inside, the path of the dreamer. The ancient dreaming practices and the path of the obsidian mirror show you how to be the seer and transform yourself in the obsidian mirror. These practices make up a very rich and complex tradition. What, if anything, happened on that day? I think the great problem in understanding the ancient wisdom of Mexico is the translations, both from the Mayan and from the Nahuatl.

For example, in the Nahuatl chronicles the Fifth Sun will end with earthquakes, there will be a lot of suffering and everyone will die. And the Mayan chronicle says something similar. It is one of the possibilities of dying, but death means changes.

For example, in our culture we consider that we die six main times during our lifetime. The conception was the first death because you stopped being dead to become alive. The birth was another death because you stopped being in the womb of your mother to start being in the outside world. Puberty was another death because you stopped being a child to become a grown one.

So for our tradition, death is change. Earthquakes, for us, mean change. The economics, the politics, everyone is shaking, the medicine. There will be a lot of suffering because people are not comfortable with change.

The Sixth Sun

This is not like a collective cataclysm, but people are facing their personal cataclysms and are forced to change. Yet a lot of people are facing their best part. According to the Aztec calendar, also called the Toltec-Mexica calendar, a Sun is an astronomical period lasting 6, years. Currently we are in a period of transition between the previous Fifth Sun, and the Sixth.

See a Problem?

What I think happened that day was an alignment of eight seconds between the sun, the center of the galaxy, the Pleiades and the Earth. It was like an acceleration forcing us to change more quickly. All the tools are available and everything is possible. The book mentions widespread famine.

The Sixth Sun: A Prehistory of Man's Next 4300 Years

Would that also be a metaphorical sense or would that be in a real sense as food is a serious issue that we face today with GMO food, food scarcity, drought, famine. According to tradition things are going to become extreme. So I think all the extreme things that are happening, like the Marathon bombing, all this violence, all this economic crisis in Europe, all this problem with food, are forcing us to change. A lot of people will suffer and some of them, of course, will die. What does that mean?

Light is the tonal, and in the tonal how are your eyes? Opened, when you are awake. So where do you see?

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Where is the medicine? The Sixth Sun into which we are entering is the sun of the inside. Like open and close, like dreaming. So God goes inside again. The medicine goes inside. Satisfaction and the conquest will be from your inside. We see a lot of things are changing, religions are falling, a lot of things are moving from the sun of light to the sun of darkness.

But all these external things are the first stage of the change because the change for us started in and got to the climax in The first stage was twenty years of external change where a lot of our environment modified. But now comes the nine years until we finish the transition to , where our own consciousness — the inner part humankind — will change. They are quite exact; for example, the 31st of December is and the first of January is The Mayan count is like that.

Time of the sixth sun

The Nahuatl and the Aztec calendar count is not like that. There is a transition. So for this transition, it started in the full eclipse that happened in Mexico in and will finish with another eclipse in For us now, they are in coexistence. We are like in the part of the sun rise where is there is still night but also appearing is the light. It is not exactly that it all will happen in one day; that is more like the Mayan count. I think we are lucky to be able to see and to experience the transition from a sun of light to a sun of darkness because the next period will be thousands of years in the other order — interest about dreaming, interest about the unconscious, underworlds, and what cannot be seen.

The term Five Suns in the context of creation myths , describes the doctrine of the Aztec and other Nahua peoples in which the present world was preceded by four other cycles of creation and destruction. It is primarily derived from the mythological, cosmological and eschatological beliefs and traditions of earlier cultures from central Mexico and the Mesoamerican region in general.

The Late Postclassic Aztec society inherited many traditions concerning Mesoamerican creation accounts , while however modifying some aspects and supplying novel interpretations of their own. In the creation myths which were known to the Aztec and other Nahua peoples of the Late Postclassic era, the central tenet was that there had been four worlds, or "Suns", before the present universe. These earlier worlds and their inhabitants had been created, then destroyed by the catastrophic action of leading deity figures. The present world is the fifth sun, and the Aztec saw themselves as "the People of the Sun," whose divine duty was to wage cosmic war in order to provide the sun with his tlaxcaltiliztli "nourishment".

Without it, the sun would disappear from the heavens. Thus the welfare and the very survival of the universe depended upon the offerings of blood and hearts to the sun. From the void that was the rest of the universe, the first god, Ometeotl , created itself. Over the South presides the Blue Tezcatlipoca, Huitzilopochtli , the god of war.

And over the North presides the Black Tezcatlipoca, also called simply Tezcatlipoca , the god of judgment, night, deceit, sorcery and the Earth. It was these four gods who eventually created all the other gods and the world we know today, but before they could create they had to destroy, for every time they attempted to create something, it would fall into the water beneath them and be eaten by Cipactli , the giant earth crocodile, who swam through the water with mouths at every one of her joints. The four Tezcatlipocas descended the first people who were giants.

They created the other gods, the most important of whom were the water gods: Tlaloc , the god of rain and fertility and Chalchiuhtlicue , the goddess of lakes, rivers and oceans, also the goddess of beauty. To give light, they needed a god to become the sun and the Black Tezcatlipoca was chosen, but either because he had lost a leg or because he was god of the night, he only managed to become half a sun.

The world continued on in this way for some time, but a sibling rivalry grew between Quetzalcoatl and his brother the mighty sun, who Quetzalcoatl knocked from the sky with a stone club.

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With no sun, the world was totally black and in his anger, Tezcatlipoca commanded his jaguars to eat all the people. The gods created a new group of people to inhabit the Earth, this time they were of normal size.

The Sixth Sun

Quetzalcoatl became the new sun and as the years passed, the people of the Earth grew less and less civilized and stopped showing proper honor to the gods. As a result, Tezcatlipoca demonstrated his power and authority as god of sorcery and judgment by turning the animalistic people into monkeys. Quetzalcoatl, who had loved the flawed people as they were, became upset and blew all of the monkeys from the face of the Earth with a mighty hurricane.

He then stepped down as the sun to create a new people. Tlaloc became the next sun, but Tezcatlipoca seduced and stole his wife Xochiquetzal , the goddess of sex, flowers and corn. Tlaloc then refused to do anything other than wallow in his own grief, so a great drought swept the world. The people's prayers for rain annoyed the grieving sun and he refused to allow it to rain, but the people continued to beg him.

Then, in a fit of rage he answered their prayers with a great downpour of fire. It continued to rain fire until the entire Earth had burned away. The gods then had to construct a whole new Earth from the ashes. She was very loving towards the people, but Tezcatlipoca was not.


A montage of sound and visuals create a sonic tapestry, inviting the viewer into an intimate and authentic experience of a world in transition. A meditation for the soul. Hardcover , pages. Stacia Chappell marked it as to-read Jun 10, Mysteries of African Shamanism: On a cellular level, the intensity of the light and the vibrational frequencies will continue to increase to a transformational level With no sun, the world was totally black and in his anger, Tezcatlipoca commanded his jaguars to eat all the people.

Chalchiuhtlicue was so crushed by these words that she cried blood for the next fifty-two years, causing a horrific flood that drowned everyone on Earth. Humans became fish in order to survive. Quetzalcoatl would not accept the destruction of his people and went to the underworld where he stole their bones from the god Mictlantecuhtli. He dipped these bones in his own blood to resurrect his people, who reopened their eyes to a sky illuminated by the current sun, Huitzilopochtli. The Tzitzimimeh , or stars, became jealous of their brighter, more important brother Huitzilopochtli.

Their leader, Coyolxauhqui , goddess of the moon, lead them in an assault on the sun and every night they come close to victory when they shine throughout the sky, but are beaten back by the mighty Huitzilopochtli who rules the daytime sky. To aid this all-important god in his continuing war, the Aztecs offer him the nourishment of human sacrifices.