Daily Meditation Of Scripture To Bring Faith, Hope, Love, Peace, Forgiveness, and Encouragment

71 Faith Quotes

Do you have any favorite bible verses about strength , and where you can find it? Did one of the verses above stick out more than the others for you? Tell us your thoughts in the comments! Want to find more verses on Strength in the Bible and don't have your own? Get a free Bible. We all need hope in turbulent times. This post looks at Bible verses about hope, and examines why we as Christians should have hope in…. This post gives 15 bible verses of thanksgiving and appreciation to God. Giving thanks even in the midst of hard times helps us to truly…. We all have times in our lives when we need encouragement.

The Bible has a lot of encouraging verses to help us find strength, comfort…. Peter Anderson is a Christian, husband to his beautiful wife Maria, and father to his 2 children. He loves reading and writing about personal finance, and also enjoys a good board game every now and again.

Comforting Bible Verses about Love

Im going through some tough times right now I just lost my husband back in April 14, and three weeks before I lost my dad! But my Mum always says to me, The Lord hires and fires, blesses and rewards, and holds you in the palm of His hands. Thank you very much all the scriptures were very very helpful to me I really needed them. It is a responsible trust in God, who knows the desires of your hearts, the dreams you are given, and the goals you have set. Our God is the Lord of Lords,why should we worry?

You can find out more about him on the about page. Don't forget to say hi on Pinterest , Twitter or Facebook! Thanks for compiling this list. Sometimes a quick word of encouragement is all it takes to set your day right again: Thank you so much for this. My husband is facing his second surgery and third hospital stay of the year with no sick time left at his work. So, these verses really speak to me right now. Saying a prayer for you..

Today,I gave my life to Christ after reading this. I lost my dad ,and I lost my business. I was in huge debt since then. I live all sorts of immoral life. This words helped and make me look into my life. I want to melt in Gods words. I found peace in them. I will like to hear them everyday of my life. Since you have a healer, his name Jesus, Isaiah Like wise me who lost mine two months ago, but he console my heart.

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all live battling sin. Now, with Christ you will have His strength and victory over your struggles because He is with you. I pray you can remember that salvation has brought you into His Holy presence where we can turn to receive His mercy for all of our shortcomings and the gift of grace to stand.

As we continually acknowledge His presence to enjoy Him, meditate on His Word that reveals Him we have everything we need. I am rejoicing with you! Good words Peter, I always love reading your blog. I am 51 years old. I am in the age range where I spend significant time thinking and reading about and planning for retirement.

I would like to write a blog about retirement and even that is a very broad subject when you stop to think that it affects every area of life. But, sometimes I think that there are already too many blogs already. What do you think? Thank you so much sharing your wisdom of the scriptures, this is one I live by: I hope you will consider adding it to you list.

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus Philippians 4: Many a times we may think we are left alone to live on our own but the fact is that the more we feel the pain and agony in our lives.. This is a great list. Thanks for sharing it. Personally this is my favorite verse when I need to find strength.

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For when I am weak, then I am strong. Thanks so much for the list! So much to be thankful for but sometimes life gets us down. Hopefully this will give hope to those of us to need a lift! Psalms 91 helps me through also.

Healing with Scriptures and Soaking

Thank you for the following scriptures that helps to strength my Faith. Jesus I trust in you. This says a strong profession in faith. I find it hard to memorize scripture when in trouble. I have been through series of turbulent times and what keeps me going are wholesome stories in the bible demonstrating God at work.

Galatians 5:22

Christians need to visualize the personality of God in situations. Although I love the verses and I feel like printing them off for display at the dressing mirror. I will be bookmarking as well, i currently going through a tough time the past three month from accident, transmission went out, another accident, and IRS. I am trying not to have a break down but keeping myself being positive without thinking negative on why i am going through this storm.

This is helping me out alot thank you. I feel your pain Annette. Having a savior that we can rely on really helps to weather the storm — or storms — as the case may be. Thank you for your words of encouragement and the verses that strengthen me through my life, I was so darken by tragedy and disappointments, the spirit certainly lead me to this page, please pray for me that I will continue to be strengthen in Jesus Christ my Lord.

I so love this…So encouraging…indeed, there is power in the Word of God!!! Thank you for this post. The verses that stood out for me the most are the ones about praising God. The bank is auctioning our home on November 3rd unless we can come up with what we owe. Prayers for us please. Thank you, God Bless you. Thanks for sharing this list.

Thank you very much!

Thank you so much for this list of wonderful scriptures! Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. I have just completed hi School but it looks like my dad has given up on me and am now struggling with life..

I have tried to seek for God for my refuge but I think am not patient… please I need your prayers so that life can move on well to me…. The lord is my refuge and fortress and in my god I will trust. I am out of work he is all I have and I thank him and wait. Thank you do much for these awesome verses you selected.

A Prayer of Love from 1 Corinthians 13 - Your Daily Prayer - March 14, 2017

I meditated on them with tears in my eyes. The verse that really hit me is 1 Peter 5: Lies have been told and I am facing forced retirement. As one who has allowed my career to identify who I am, I am so very lost. I am so very afraid. I am having panic attacks. I know where I have fallen in my faith, in my church duties, in putting Him first. I have been ignoring his promptings to pursue my own desires, thinking there would always be time. Retirement would be a blessing, but then who am I? As all retirees, we will cut back on some things. But financially, we will be fine according to our investment guys.

But then the doubts…will we really? Are they being honest? I know this is a trial I need to endure in order to get myself straight with our Heavenly Father. I am past retirement age so who knows how long I have? And I knew retirement was inevitable. But how to stop the pain and fear….. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Thanks Peter… I have been feeling so down and depressed… decided to Google for some passages about strength in times if troubles and stumbled upon your page… Thanks a lot.

I came here tonight to find strength thru a financially hard several months. This evening, I felt my heart sink when my husband looked at me and asked me questions about my inability to contribute to our household in the way that I always been able to, due to being unemployed. I could so use a little uplifting right now.

I know resolution will come but days like this make it difficult to reflect on the bright side of things. I pray for continued strength for you and your family! I retired recently and know what you mean about that look. God has been showing me to seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things shall be added unto me!!

I pray this for you and your family. The evil one is getting us so focused on temporal things which are important , that we lose focus on who God is! God is our provider! Our ever present help in times of trouble! Our Rock and our strong tower! His seed does not beg for bread!

Bible Verses About Having Strength During Hard Times

This has really encourage me. After i have faced one of the most embarrassing day, God has led me here. This is a huge help for me and your readers as we walk through this life. No matter what our situations are. We should always cling to His words. I really appreciate your post. Thank you for posting this. It is a really good help to me. And when you are in a hard times, just read this and this can give you hope. Thanks for this post! I would like to say Thank You so much for your video!

Im going through some tough times right now I just lost my husband back in April 14, and three weeks before I lost my dad! This has been overwhelming for me cuz Im in the house alone and I have been trying my best!

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I had to quit my job to take care of my husband that passed away with cancer! His cancer went so fast and now Im looking for a job so I can start paying the bills by myself and it has been so overwhelming! I pray each day and give the LORD thanks! I loved your video it gave me hope not to give up no matter how hard things should get! GOD Bless you and your family and I hope all goes well for yall! Thanks again for touching my life today! A definition of faith comes from the Bible, Hebrews This happened to Job.

Rick Warren Inspirational Sayings "So keep your faith in the God above, and faith in the righteous truth, it shall bring you back to the absent love, and the joys of a vanished youth.

Trusting God didn't diminish or vanquish the anguish, but it enabled me to endure it. And God will show the way, as faith is always there. If you're hurting, stay hopeful. When I believe in myself as a son of God, I attribute to all men the same quality. This goes for men of every class, creed and color. The proof that I believe this way will be measured by the way I act towards others.

Read Bible Verses By Topic

Wilfred Peterson Kindness Every day you need to get a full dose of the Word and mediate on scripture, and if you discipline yourself and remain consistent, your faith will grow and mature, and remember that God, the Word, and your faith, is a recipe for success. They never come to Him by faith in the right spirit and with the right attitude to be saved. Faith in God's love alone can salvage the hurt mind. God's Peace Peace Quotes Keep on speaking God's word over whatever it is that needs changing in your life and if you are faithful you will see God begin to work in your favor.

Grant Dean, Practical Step to an Awesome Life through changing your words Change It is true that a prayer that comes from the heart can move mountains, it increases your faith, and brings you closer to God. Austin-Sparks, Rivers of Living Water Inspirational Messages Faith is not the power of positive thinking; it is believing in God and trusting that His will is always best even when you cannot understand why.

Derek Polen, Next Level Dad Children If you will believe and stay in faith, and expect good things, you too can defy the odds. Joel Osteen Good Faith means to have trust or confidence in something, such as having faith that the sun will rise and set each day. We must invade enemy territory through prayer, and by exercising faith that manifests the peace of God in our lives. God uses it more than any other thing in your life to test your faith.

Because it's the thing we have the hardest time with. On one occasion, Jesus could not do many miracles in a certain place because of the unbelief of the people there. It means knowing something is real, this moment, all around you, even when you don't see it. It's all about faith. It is a responsible trust in God, who knows the desires of your hearts, the dreams you are given, and the goals you have set.

He will guide your paths right.