I Capture the Castle (Vintage Childrens Classics)

I Capture the Castle (Vintage Childrens Classics)
  1. Bestselling Series.
  2. Baby Ava: An Irish Surrogacy Story;
  3. Editions of I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith.
  4. I Capture the Castle : Dodie Smith : .

Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Back cover copy "I write this sitting in the kitchen sink Review Text "A book for anyone who is young, poor, fed up and yearning for something exciting to happen" show more. K Rowling "Unputdownable and loved by teenagers and adults everywhere.

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Aged 17 she set off for London, determined to become an actress, but she struggled to find work, living off baked beans in freezing hostels. While working at the famous Heals department store, Dodie turned to writing plays instead, and her first was an overnight sensation - the newspapers excitedly declared 'Shopgirl Turns Playwright!

During the war she moved to Hollywood with her husband, and it was there, spurned on by regret and homesickness for the English countryside she'd left behind, that Dodie began writing I Capture the Castle. When a friend gave Dodie a dalmatian puppy presented in a hat box! Dodie's well-loved novel Dalmatians was inspired by her experiences of raising fifteen puppies.

She lived in a ramshackle cottage with her husband and many other animals until her death in , aged Book ratings by Goodreads.

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www.farmersmarketmusic.com: I Capture the Castle (Vintage Children's Classics) eBook: Dodie Smith: Kindle Store. Editions. I Capture the Castle Children's Open Children's Close Children's Children's . Imprint: Vintage Children's Classics. Published.

Cassandra, the younger daughter and the first-person narrator of the novel, has literary ambitions and spends a lot of time developing her writing talent by "capturing" everything around her in her journal. Stephen, the handsome, loyal, live-in son of the Mortmain's late maid, and Thomas, the youngest Mortmain child, round out the cast of household characters.

Stephen, a "noble soul," is in love with Cassandra, which she finds touching but a bit awkward.

I Capture the Castle (Vintage Childrens Classics), Smith, Dodie, Used; Good Book | eBay

Thomas, a schoolboy, is, like Cassandra, considered "tolerably bright". Things begin to happen when the Cottons, a wealthy American family, inherit nearby Scoatney Hall and become the Mortmains' new landlords. Cassandra and Rose soon become intrigued by the unmarried brothers Simon and Neil Cotton. Neil, who was raised in California by their English father, is a carefree young man who wants to become a rancher in the United States. Simon, who grew up in New England with his mother, is scholarly and serious, and loves the English countryside.

Simon is the elder brother and therefore the heir, and is already much wealthier than Neil, so, although Rose is not attracted to him, she decides to marry him if she can, declaring that she would marry the Devil himself to escape poverty. At their first meeting the Cottons are amused and interested by the Mortmains. When they pay a call the very next day, however, the inexperienced Rose flirts openly with Simon and makes herself look ridiculous. Both brothers are repelled by this display and, as they walk away, Cassandra overhears them resolving to drop all acquaintance with the Mortmains.

After an amusing episode involving a fur coat, however, all is forgiven and the two families become good friends.

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International postage paid to Pitney Bowes Inc. She lived in a ramshackle cottage with her husband and many other animals until her death in , aged Book ratings by Goodreads. See other items More Cassandra also mentions Chaucer and William Langland and the round Sumer is icumen in when, during an impromptu luncheon in the village with Simon, Neil and Rose, school children begin singing it. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. We take pride in serving you.

Rose decides that she really is taken with Simon, and Cassandra and Topaz scheme to get Simon to propose to her. Simon falls in love with Rose and proposes to her.

I Capture the Castle

While everyone else is away Cassandra and Simon spend the evening together, which leads to their kissing. Cassandra concludes that she must tactfully deflect Stephen's offer of love, and encourage him in his emerging career as a model and a film actor; join forces with Thomas to help their father overcome his writer's block by the drastic expedient of imprisoning him in a medieval tower; cope with her own increasing attraction to Simon; and record everything in her journal.

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Meanwhile, unnoticed by anyone but Stephen, Rose and Neil have been falling in love. To conceal their budding romance they pretend to hate each other. When they eventually elope together Simon is left heartbroken, but Cassandra becomes hopeful.

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Before Simon leaves to go back to the United States he comes to see Cassandra. In spite of her feelings for him, Cassandra deflects the conversation at a moment when she thinks he may be about to propose to her, in the belief that he is still in love with Rose. The book closes on an ambiguous note, with Cassandra reminding herself that Simon has promised to return and closing her journal for good by reasserting her love for him.

Also Cassandra mentions having read What Maisie Knew , thinking it to be a children's book. Simon compares Cassandra to Portia, a character in Shakespeare 's The Merchant of Venice when he quotes the line, "Oh, wise, young judge. Biblical episodes, mainly Jacob's Ladder and Jacob Wrestling , are apparently referred to in Mr Mortmain's successful novel Jacob Wrestling , though the content of that novel is never clearly represented to the reader. Cassandra calls it "a mixture of fiction, philosophy and poetry".

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When he starts to try to write a new book Mr Mortmain considers the theme of Noah's Ark , but finally decides not to use a biblical theme again. Also cited are the " Sleeping Beauty " and " Hansel and Gretel ".

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Stephen plagiarises from numerous poets in an attempt to impress Cassandra, including Algernon Charles Swinburne , then tries to imitate Robert Herrick in his first attempts at original verse. John Keats , G. Chesterton , Thomas Nashe and Percy Shelley are also quoted.