The Canwell Files: Murder, Arson and Intrigue in the Evergreen State

Canwell, Albert

He also provided in depth analysis of the laws passed during this time including the Ives Loyalty Oath, the outrageous Feinberg Law which New York enacted in A now anonymous staff writer from the Harvard Crimson, wrote a scathing editorial shortly after the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the measure in the spring of However, as Richard Polenberg asserts in the subtitle of his well-researched thesis in Fighting Faiths, it was the case of Abrams v. United States, which set the stage for, and justified, the subsequent, recurring spouts of heightened oppression, of the radical left in the United States.

Cornell University Press, He provides voice to all parties, including not only that of the defendants, lawyers on both sides, and judges as expected. But quite importantly as well that the immigrant communities where the four accused lived; of the government agents, who spied on their activities there; and the New York City policemen, who brutally extracted confessions, with questioning techniques, not so far removed from those used to extract confessions from suspected witches in early modern Europe. United States, U.

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The Witch-hunt in Early Modern Europe. For a vivid account of torture of suspected witches from in Europe.

The Canwell Files: Murder, Arson and Intrigue in the Evergreen State - M. Kienholz - Google Книги

A great many of these were specifically targeted at academics, especially those whose politics or ideologies were seen as too far to the left. Two of the best early works on these episodes were companion efforts of Dr. Canwell sought to find and weed out communist professors at the University of Washington in Seattle from The committee was privately funded by a wealthy, and politically conservative, lumber tycoon named Fritz Jewitt according to the author.

It successfully brought contempt actions against only five witnesses for refusing to answer questions concerning their political affiliation, before Canwell and three of the four other members were defeated in the elections. Here again the author recounts wide spread contempt among the population for the committees activities, which produced five official reports, consisting of more than 2, pages, derived from the fifty volumes of transcripts from its hearings. The committee recommended the enactment of some twenty bills, aimed at ridding communist infiltration of the schools.

One of these specified that the study of the United States Constitution or even American history, ought to be kept separated from those covering social studies. Still another banned the teaching any politically controversial topics in elementary schools, however neither of these 9 Healey, Thomas. Un-American activities in the State of Washington: Another work which shortly followed on this topic was Robert Iverson's, The Communists and the Schools, in Quite predictably from this vantage point in time, there was it appears a sizeable gap in the scholarship on this topic.

Maybe there was a sort of unconscientious effort perhaps, on the part of the country to distance itself from the rhetoric of the past, and the corruption of the present. Given the remaining uncertainty over the Cold War, mixed with the anti-war, and civil rights protests of the 60's, and punctuated, as it was by assassinations of its guiding lights, its little wonder the recent past seemed like yesterday's news. One can clearly see how such events, seemed to pale, compared to the daily headlines.

Additionally two other insightful volumes come to mind, the first would be The Struggle for Academic Democracy by Abraham Edel and the second is Andrew Hartman's Education and the Cold War, used in this course.

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Perhaps too enough time had passed to allow the open wounds of recently past decade began to heal, allowing for the objective critique of relatively recent events. Or 11 Barrett, Edward L. The Communists and the Schools.

Raw Video: Vacant house fire in P.A.

The Communists and the Schools, The Struggle for Academic Democracy. Temple Univ Press, Education and the Cold War.

Legal career

Given the remaining uncertainty over the Cold War, mixed with the anti-war, and civil rights protests of the 60's, and punctuated, as it was by assassinations of its guiding lights, its little wonder the recent past seemed like yesterday's news. Elected Washington State representative, Canwell was aptly chosen to investigate the notorious Democratic Capitol Club, and served as appointed chairman of the states un-American activities committee. Current Problems of Administration: A Few Small Candles. Douglas October 16, — January 19, of the U. Times , May 17, The Struggle for Academic Democracy.

Either way there was a renewed interest in this topic, with a new twist as well. Lewis' account in Reds at the Blackboard, released in Shrecker's voice again, as well as Stephen Leberstein's in the acclaimed volume edited by Michael E. Communism, which was published in The ties between the union and the Communist Party of America, were the principle target of the Rapp-Coudert investigations.

Taylor provides an objective overview of how the union leadership's support behind controversial policies and rights movements. Heins like so many others relies both upon the early scholarship of Chamberlain, Countryman, Barrett, and others, combined with both personal perspective brought about by the passing of time and generations to provide a most definitive account of the events discussed this far. Heins has also published a number of articles and essays related to the topic as will, including a telling piece titled, Naming Names in New York City: Teachers, Ethics, and the Anti-Communist Purge, which reveals that again like the witch trials in early modern Europe, these persecutions 16 Schrecker, Ellen.

McCarthyism and the Universities. Oxford University Press, Cold War on Campus: A Study of the Politics of Organizational Control. New Studies in the Politics and Cultureof U. Monthly Review Press, Reds at the Blackboard: Columbia University Press, Priests of Our Democracy: NY Univ Press, Which lends an opportunity for observation. Flipping through almost any current textbook on American history, one will likely find a couple of pages, maybe a little more, on that great indecency of the 's, McCarthyism.

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This disgusting blotch on America's honor, replete with its inquisitorial investigative techniques, made a mockery of the most sacred of American liberties and ideals. Yet, the latest edition of The American Promise: A History of the United States, widely used in freshman level survey courses, and favored by some members of this faculty, mentions McCarthy or McCarthyism, briefly, on only a couple of pages. Eric Foner comes from a particularly intellectual family, one brimming with historians, including his quite famous, or infamous, Uncle Philip, whose writing and editing credits include over a hundred volumes on labor and social history.

However far lesser known is his own father, Jack Foner, who was an accomplished scholar and author in his own right. Although far less prolific then Philip, he published several excellent works focusing on Social and Black history, including a well-respected volume on the history of Blacks in the military.

He was also a specialist in commercial law, secured transactions law and civil liberties. In , he became a professor emeritus. He was a founding trustee of the National Consumer Law Center , which annually presents the "Vern Countryman Award" to honor lawyers who have contributed to the rights and welfare of low-income consumers. Un-American Activities in the State of Washington: The Work of the Canwell Committee. The Lawyer in Modern Society.

Books by M. Kienholz

Cases and Materials Law School Casebook series. Williams and Frank R. Current Problems of Administration: Part II, 14 Rutgers L. Part I," 57 Minn. Legal career William O. Times , May 17, Entry by David K. In firing professors, it became the first university in the United States to assert that membership in the Communist Party, in and of itself, made someone unfit to serve as a professor.

Murder, Arson and Intrigue in the Evergreen State. The Tercentennial Lectures , Anthony T.

Early Years and Education

God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of 'Academic Freedom. Vern Countryman's review in the Yale Law Journal a close runner up to "the most acidulous review of the lot. Review of "William F. Buckley, God and Man at Yale. Although he was a very little boy, he was much too big for his britches.