praise be to God

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The Bible is full of praise of our God. Here are a couple of verses from the Bible gathered to remind you of praising God. Praise To God - How is praising Him accomplished? Why is it important to me? Discover why the Heavenly Father is worthy of worship.

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What the Power of Praise Can Do: 8 Reminders from His Word

Praise is also our ultimate destiny. When the Lord Jesus Christ returns again to earth, all creation -- including prideful mankind -- will recognize His glory and praise Him Phil. Failure to praise God, however, leaves us out of fellowship with God and out of His divine protection 1 Samuel 2: Our praise can also serve as a powerful witness to those who do not know the Lord 1 Peter 2: Also, God can work miraculously through our praises.

The ancient walls of Jericho came crashing down, giving victory to God's people, as a result of shouts of praise Joshua 6: The prison doors shook open when Paul and Silas praised God Acts So why is it so difficult at times to praise God? The Bible explains that, even with the power of the indwelling Jesus, our hearts are still "more deceitful that all else" Jer. We sometimes forget that we are always dependent on God to live victoriously in this life.

Satan therefore tries to persuade us that we will eventually reach a point where we can "do it ourselves.

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Disguised as an "angel of light," the devil and his host seek subtly to subvert the praises the children of God owe to their heavenly Father. God, however, has given us grace in times of need, provided we humble ourselves Matt. Praising God allows us to defeat the strategies of the enemy.

As God's adopted children, we no longer have to remain slaves to sin Gal.

Praise To God

We have a powerful spiritual weapon in praise, and it is guaranteed to be effective II Cor. But what can you do if you are having difficulty maintaining a life filled with praise? Commit your life to Christ. First, be absolutely sure that you have placed your complete faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life.

  • The Praise of God by David Hocking.
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  • The Christmas Dragon.

The Bible says that "if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved" Rom. The life of praise begins here, with the confession of your mouth that "Jesus is Lord.

God does not need our praise, but certainly, He desires it. He knows when life takes an unexpected turn toward sorrow or when a serious illness lingers for months and even years, praise has the ability to lighten our hearts and fill us with a sense of love and security that can only come from one place — heaven's throne. Praise teaches us to be joyful and thankful regardless of our circumstances.

It prepares us for God's service and helps us to see beyond our present circumstances to the immense possibilities that are ours through faith in Jesus Christ. No matter how deep our sorrow or how grave our circumstances may seem, we can learn to praise God while acknowledging His sovereignty over our lives. Simpson wrote, "Lift up the hands that hang down. March straight through the flood, and lo, the waters will divide, the Red Sea will open, the Jordan will part, and the Lord will lead you through to victory. This sounds like good advice, but what do you do when life becomes so dark that it seems impossible to praise God?

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How do you lift your voice to the Lord in praise when your husband has left you or your daughter has terminal cancer? How do you praise God when you have just received word that your loved one has met a sudden death? You begin by realizing that praise is a sacrifice — an offering to the Lord. It does not lesson our sorrow or, in many cases, change our immediate circumstances. It will, however, bring light to our darkness — a light that Satan cannot extinguish.

Praise teaches us to turn our eyes away from circumstances to the One who has the ability to heal, save, renew, and mend every broken heart. There is a difference between happiness and joy.

Happiness is something we experience for a moment and is often short lived. It comes only as a result of living a life of praise.

Praise comes as a result of a heart that is overflowing with joy that may even come in lonely moments. Suddenly, you find yourself being comforted by the One who created you and who understands your grief and sorrow.