Lemon-Aid Used Cars and Trucks 2009-2010 (Lemon Aid Used Cars and Trucks)

Books by Phil Edmonston
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Between and , Mercedes GL is not the nameplate to buy used. At Mercedes-Benz prices , you would not expect your car to be plagued with issues from the start. Unfortunately, GL utility models had so many problems between to they were lumped in with the least reliable of the bunch.

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Few auto brands come close to the bad reliability ratings across the board for Fiat Chrysler. In the case of Grand Cherokee, the model year along with every model from to and were far below the average. If you must buy one, pick one of the years not listed here. Transmissions problems factored heavily here. In the ratings, Consumer Reports named 20 vehicles from these brands to avoid — many for multiple years.

Used Car Buying Guide

Dodge Charger got the thumbs-down for and , while previous models did not get any recommendation, either. The Expedition, Escape, and Taurus scored well below the average in Consumer Reports rankings over the years. Fuel system, transmission, powertrain, and brake troubles particularly plagued models from and They should be avoided on the used market. GTI models from through received terrible reliability ratings. Hot hatch shoppers might look at new-car prices and think used is the best call. Specifically, GTIs from and rated much, much worse than the average car in reliability.

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Problems with engine cooling, GTI brakes, and suspension were noteworthy. Pathfinders from and had the worst reliability ratings. Nissan sold over , Pathfinders in the U. This group ranks among the worst in reliability and should be avoided by used car shoppers.

Pathfinders from alone racked up nine separate recalls ranging from brake issues to airbag failure. Meanwhile, models made the 10 worst list.

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Over the three years between to , a PT Cruiser was a terrible choice if you wanted a reliable car. As a rule, Chrysler Group vehicles of the pre-recession era should be carefully inspected before you buy one. In total, six BMW models were called out for very poor reliability. In November , 5 Series models from and were recalled for potential fuel leaks and stalling issues.

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Lemon-Aid Used Cars and Trucks 2009-2010 (Electronic book text)

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Buying and Choosing a Used Car

Best-sellers for over thirty years, Lemon-Aid guides are unlike any other auto books on the market. Their main objective is to inform and protect consumers in an. Find great deals for Lemon-Aid Used Cars and Trucks by Phil Edmonston (, Paperback). Shop with confidence on eBay!.

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Visit the following links where the blow-by-blow fight is detailed: Fuel Consumption Fantasies The U.