My Life: From Struggles to good Times

Struggle Quotes

It is better to have struggled and lost than never to have struggled at all. I'm thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn't have stumbled across my strength. All life demands struggle.

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  2. Good Times Quotes.
  3. When Life Seems Hard and Meaningless, Find Something To Struggle With;
  4. Lifters.
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Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today. Once all struggle is grasped, miracles are possible. The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization demands very great struggle.

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Believe me, the reward is not so great without the struggle. Struggle is the food from which change is made, and the best time to make the most of a struggle is when it's right in front of your face. I look at struggle as an opportunity to grow. True struggle happens when you can sense what is not working for you and you're willing to take the appropriate action to correct the situation. Those who accomplish change are willing to engage the struggle. There is no life without struggle.

We all struggle with something, and need help. Whatever it is that you can't conquer on your own, I encourage you to give it to the Lord; He can fix anything! The more you've struggled to heal and love yourself, the more inspiring your story will be to others when you come out the other side full of triumph, awareness, and honour.

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Your struggle today is the source of your wisdom tomorrow. In everyday struggle maintain your cool and emotion.

To heal a wound you need to stop touching it. Keeping yourself calm in times of stress will not only have immediate smoothing effects; it can also, over time, help you lead a healthier, happier life.

I did not try hard in school to set myself up for a great college or a great career. It took me three years to build up the courage to change myself. I am in a period now, when everything I have had in the recent past is falling apart. You must define and embrace the necessary changes that move you forward. I can be proud that I knew it was me who started the habit and decided to change the way I look. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life.

Dr Anil Kr Sinha. Unfortunately this earth is not.

Struggle Sayings and Quotes

The way I see things, the way I see life, I see it as a struggle. And there's a great deal of reward I have gained coming to that understanding -- that existence is a struggle. I lied to my friends and family for sport. I stole money from my family to fuel my addiction. I did not value money because I never worked hard to earn it myself. I always took my position in life for granted, babied by my parents and my sister. I did not know the concept of earning your keeps. And now, in the present day, the accumulation of my carelessness and reckless abandon has left me lost, undisciplined and immature.

Good Times Quotes - BrainyQuote

While everyone grew up and slowly became adults, I stayed in the past as an adolescent and refused to look forward. I lived for the moment, and could care less what would happen five, ten years from now. I wanted to have fun and that was the core of my existence. I have been unemployed ever since I graduated college. The pain of constant anxiety about the future, the realization of my complete and utterly embarrassing ignorance of the world, the sleepless nights where all my flaws exposed themselves without mercy.

There have been times where I felt physiological pain. I felt as if my heart physically ached. It got harder to breathe and even the thought of social interaction made me tired. I started becoming anti-social and always wanted to be alone. I dug further into the Internet, hoping to distract myself from these intruding thoughts.

But I found that no matter how much self-help content I consumed, I was not changing in any way. I only grew more arrogant and condescending, thinking I was enlightened because I knew random facts about productivity and names of philosophers who thought deep thoughts. I started to look down on my friends, because that was the only way I could lift myself up. I pushed down everyone to make myself look bigger. Outside, I tried to appear humble, confident and composed, but inside I was insecure, scared and lost. It took me three years to finally realize that my depression came from inaction.

It came from brooding on thoughts instead of moving my body and tackling the day. This explosion of productivity was only possible because I had accumulated three years of painful lessons and insights. I had to experience this pain before I could learn how to find the remedy. It took me three years to build up the courage to change myself. I want to help those who are struggling because I know how hard it was. The self-doubt, self-criticism, self-hate, self-judgment that overtakes your mind and does not let you escape.

I want you realize that it is almost impossible to eradicate these negative thoughts; it is a byproduct of being human. I want you to stop giving these harmful thoughts your attention. How can you do this? I have two strategies that help combat these hard times:.

I find that while both activities are effective, the second seems to be way easier to do. Your mind is complex and every time you challenge it, it can fight back. I recently started practicing meditation with Headspace, an app that guides you in meditation. Meditation helps you realize that you have millions of thoughts going on inside your mind, and how difficult it is to actively focus on one thought for even two seconds.

I try to tackle this every morning right after I wake up, and I feel much better and awake to tackle the day. It also helps that I get to start the the day with a win, that I was not losing to the person I was yesterday. But back to the strategy that worked for me. Taking action helps me erase all my anxieties and worries. Every second you wait and think about doing something, the less likely you are to actually do it.

You overcomplicate the process and end up exhausting your willpower and ultimately you quit before you started because it becomes so overwhelming. Make it easier for yourself to start. Take away the technicalities of everything. Do what feels right at the beginning and start adjusting. Everyone sucks when they start. I also thought I might get lazy and not want to walk to the gym when I felt lazy or when the weather was bad.

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So I started doing pushups and sit-ups. I never gave myself a choice. I just told myself I had to do it and practiced discipline. Sooner or later, it became a non-negotiable 30 minutes of my day. I no longer feel resistance when I have to work out. I feel pumped, knowing that when I am finished and I look at the mirror, I can be proud of the growth, progression and change. I can be proud that I knew it was me who started the habit and decided to change the way I look.

It gave me a newfound confidence to start other habits, and the discipline I had built from working out everyday trickled into those other habits. The best part is, in those 30 minutes, your body and your mind is so focused on completing the goal at hand that it has no way of feeling depressed. It focuses its energy on making sure you reach your goal. I have no time or energy to think about my flaws, my insecurities or my uncertain future.

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My only priority is to finish the workout. Even when I fail and struggle to meet the quota I set for myself, I take time to rest and breathe, knowing that I need to push just a little bit past my comfort zone to reach my goal. I never give the mind an inch to creep in with the self-doubt. If you allow yourself to give up one time, you might be susceptible to the next time your mind wants to give up.

Whoever told you that life and success comes easy is either pleasing you, or talk nonsense. Life is a balance of good and bad times along with picking out the. 9 Power Quotes for Times of Struggle . But the good news is, if you follow your heart and intuition, the mistakes you make will be steps in the.

I give myself no exceptions and find that I feel way better after the workout, no matter how tired I am. I was listening to a Joe Rogan podcast with Jocko Willink, a former Navy Seal Commando, and they were talking about a person who had recently committed suicide. They were discussing how surprised they were at the news because this person had been at the top of the world. He had everything he could ever want. How does a man who has everything we could only dream of having still be unhappy?