Ripper: A Love Story

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Many researchers have tried over the decades to discover Mary Jane Kelly's true identity.

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She was the final and most brutally murdered victim of Jack the Ripper, but almost nothing is known about her family or her earlier life. Paperback , Reprint edition , pages.

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Published October 1st by Blink Publishing first published August 3rd The Real Mary Kelly: To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Jack The Ripper , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jul 28, Michael Davies rated it liked it.

Another day and another candidate to add to the ever - growing list of those who may or may not have been Jack the Ripper.

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This time it's the estranged husband of Mary Kelly, the final and most mutilated of the unfortunate victims. This individual, a journalist by trade, son of a well known radical and newspaper editor, eventually became so psychotically disturbed by his wife's desertion that he tracked her to the East End and murdered four other women in a bizarre yet successful attempt to di Another day and another candidate to add to the ever - growing list of those who may or may not have been Jack the Ripper.

This individual, a journalist by trade, son of a well known radical and newspaper editor, eventually became so psychotically disturbed by his wife's desertion that he tracked her to the East End and murdered four other women in a bizarre yet successful attempt to disquise the motive for the only killing he actually wished to commit. This theory, or one very like it, has cropped up before, only involving the Queen's surgeon Sir William Gull and a plot to cover up an affair and the birth of a baby between Mary and the Prince of Wales.

One theory seems as implausible as the other to be honest, but the author, a qualified surgeon and the great - nephew of Mary Kelly who, it appears was actually Elizabeth Weston-Davies, from Montgomeryshire has clearly done an enormous amount of research and presents a very strongly argued case, albeit with a large sprinkling of speculation as is the case in all Ripper theories.

It's undoubtedly an interesting addition to the oeuvre and a compelling , if somewhat gory read. Whether it's the definitive answer we will probably never know since every other candidate has his supporters who can make an apparently plausible case for their man. The one thing with which I would quibble is the title - it seems to be me to be about as far from "a true love story" as it is possible to get! Author posits two theories.

Ripper: A Love Story

She came to a 'bad end' and her family didn't want to know. Her estranged husband was the killer. He murdered the others as a warning to his wife. When she didn't listen he killed her too.

The first might be possible. Mary Kelly was someone, but who that someone was remains a mystery. The second seems very unlikely. It is a similar supposition to the Barnett theory, the early murders as a warning, Kelly as the fo Author posits two theories.

Jack The Ripper: A True Love Story

It is a similar supposition to the Barnett theory, the early murders as a warning, Kelly as the focus of the whole shebang. This second point relies entirely upon the acceptance of the first. There is talk of exhumation in order to prove this theory. Lady Patience's Christmas Kitten. The Baron and The Mistress. The Woman Next Door. The Bride of the Unicorn. A Romance in Cornwall. The Texan's Engagement Agreement.

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Ripper has 42 ratings and 7 reviews. Jaime said: Romance, history, and one of the most enduring legends of all time a combination you can't beat! In Ri. "Lance Taubold's and Rich Devin's Ripper; A Love Story is a fantastic read! A wonderful and intriguing take on a story that has fascinated us for years. Wonderful.

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Who Was Jack The Ripper?

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Jack The Ripper: A True Love Story by Wynne Weston-Davies (3 star ratings)

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