Dark Blood (Hells Children Book 1)

She let him do as he liked, although in the street she was offish enough to other men, refusing their familiarities partly from decorum and partly for contempt for their commonness.

It pleased winston that erwin wanted to. I screamed and struggled upward, at first convinced that the confining sleeping bag was earth.

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Jack is an interesting teenager with plenty of skills, but the realistic portrayal of gang warfare and crime within the setting provides us with serious conflict. He has a bugout bag. Unfortunately there are more bullies, and they have no curfew anymore. There are other groups besides the band of stragglers jack adopts — Blaze and the pyros who are intent on destroying everything, and the Dragsters who want to race fast cars and goof off. Their leader is Jack, a boy who had an unusual upbringing by a pair of survivalist parents.