Mars the Avenger

Mars the Avenger

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Category:Temple of Mars the Avenger, Rome

Historical Crime Historical Crime. A Mystery in Ancient Rome.

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Description "Mars the Avenger" is an historical mystery set in the year CE, during the reign of Antoninus Pius, a period often called the height of the Roman Empire. It is also a daily life in ancient Rome and a sojourn into the world of Roman life, criminal law, police and courts. Marcus Flavius Severus, a judge in the court of the Prefect of the City of Rome, investigates the disappearance of a senator's wife and the finding of the body of a murdered man thrown on the steps of the Temple of Mars the Avenger.

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As the investigation unfolds, the two cases become connected to a love affair seventeen years before in the Roman orient. The investigation leads Judge Severus and his court and police aids through the City and the society of ancient Rome, into a slave market, wealthy villas, taverns, tenement apartment houses and the Circus Maximus. There are also scenes in Roman courts and the book is accurate as to the criminal laws of the time, including the use of judicial torture. All laws, rescripts and legal procedures are from Roman law sources.

Mars the Avenger by Alan Scribner book review

The novel also introduces a perspicacious new detective in the person of Roman judge Marcus Flavius Severus. The Best Books of Marcus Flavius Severus, a judge in the court of the Prefect of the City of Rome, investigates the disappearance of a senator's wife and the finding of the body of a mur The philosopher emperor Marcus Aurelius has been emperor for only a few months and Persia has invaded the Roman Empire.

All reviews for: A Judge Marcus Flavius Severus Mystery in Ancient Rome

We've found that while readers like to know what we think of a book they find additional reader reviews a massive help in deciding if it is the right book for them. So if you have a spare moment, please tell us your thoughts by writing a reader's review.

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Thank you for taking the time to write a review on this book, it really makes a difference and helps readers to find their perfect book. Azazeel Youssef Ziedan 9.

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Interesting characters and plot. It is distinguished from symbolic behaviour cult, ritual and symbolic places or objects temples, icons. These don't overly matter now, but will if they are consistently used in later books. It is also a daily life in ancient Rome and a sojourn into the world of Roman life, criminal law, police and courts. Thankfully, I don't have to make those decisions.

Set in the 5th century AD, Azazeel is the tale of a Coptic monk's journey from Upper Egypt to Alexandria and then Syria during a time of massive upheaval in the early C Lion of Macedon David Gemmell 8. Over and again, the aged seeress Tamis scried all the possible tomorrows. In every one, dark forces threatened Greece; terrible evil was poised to reenter the world.

Mars the Avenger by Alan Scribner

Romulus and Fabiola are twins, born into slavery after their mother is raped by a drunken nobleman on his way home from a good night out. At 13 years old, they and their mo Caligula Douglas Jackson 7.

Caligula, a name synonymous with decadence, cruelty and madness. The Ides of April Lindsey Davis 4.

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In ancient Roman religion and myth, Mars (Latin: Mārs, [maːrs]) was the god of war and also .. Augustus created the cult of "Mars the Avenger" to mark two occasions: his defeat of the assassins of Caesar at Philippi in 42 BC, and the. "Mars the Avenger" is an historical mystery set in the year CE, during the reign of Antoninus Pius, a period often called the height of the Roman Empire.

First of a new series of crime novels set in Ancient Rome and featuring Flavia Albia, the adopted daughter of much-loved Marcus Didius Falco. Based on real historical event I quite liked it and I will be reading the next one. Write a reader review Thank you for taking the time to write a review on this book, it really makes a difference and helps readers to find their perfect book.

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