Primavera araba (Italian Edition)

"primavera araba" in English

As any public policy it requires to be matched against the symmetric risk of government failure, which may arise if its practical implementation is not properly evaluated. The AGCOM decision, imposing a generalized numbering blocks for contents requested from fixed lines coped with a tight and unreasonable price cap restriction for contents requested from mobile networks , severely affected the market for digital contents.

La primavera araba

Particularly detrimental seems to be the absence of selective blocking mechanisms, which has de facto increased the already unbalanced market power of fixed and mobile Telecom operators hereinafter Electronic Communication Service Providers or ECSP toward Content Service Providers hereinafter CSP. Coase observed that the main goal of economists willing to use public policy measures dealing with market failures is to analyse how alternative arrangements actually work in practice.

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Archived from the original on 25 July Retrieved 5 June Retrieved 26 March Social media in Arab Spring" Online video clip. EU crisis management missions and the role of Italy The objective of this research project is to assess the evolution of EU crisis management missions and the participation of Italy. Archived from the original on 25 June

The concept has been framed by Williamson in the so called remediableness criterion. This is not to say that opportunisms and fraud should not be punished and the market let alone, but that government actions if not correctly evaluated, particularly in multi stage markets where downstream telcos are able to restrict competition in upstream markets, may turn in an inferior solution, where both consumers and suppliers are worse off.

This paper analyzes the effects of regulation adopted by the Regulator AGCOM in October for protecting consumers on the market for VAS on fixed and mobile networks in Italy that created a serious distortion to the market, unintentionally de facto enlarging the bargaining power of ECSPs.

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Buy IL FUTURO DELLA PRIMAVERA ARABA (MY COLLECTION) (Italian Edition ): Read Kindle Store Reviews - Geopolitica - La Primavera Araba - Un Anno Dopo: Vol. I, No. 2 (Italian Edition) on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

The second paragraph describes the main characteristics and regulations of this market, while the third investigate bargaining powers of the actors working in different stage of the VAS value chain. Undertakings operating in the value added services market are regulated by the Ministerial Decree no. They appear as clients of ECSPs using their resources to support content and deliver products and services on the market.

From the demand side, services and contents are provided on premium numbering in Italy, 89x numbering for voice delivery and 4xxxx numbering for SMS delivery of the service.

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Customers may buy contents and services from either fixed and mobile networks. From the supply side, undertakings providing value added services may operate in either of the following two ways: However, this scheme is not valid or enforceable on fixed networks where unbundling and tariff regulation would not allow it.

On fixed networks, CSPs buy what may be regarded as a premium termination service for their calls on value added service numbering, which is also leased. Providers of fixed premium services, instead, tend to function in a business model where the CSP acquires traffic from the fixed ECSP and returns premium telecommunication services on fixed lines in a revenue sharing model.

A service provided on mobile provides a reduced revenue sharing to the CSP, if compared to the same service on the fixed market.

La resistenza silenziosa

However, while ECSPs are usually large Telco companies with a significant market share and strong cash generating flow arising from their core business, CSPs are small firms instead often with week financial background. It is worth to note that the regulator plays a critical role in this game, because any regulation inevitably affects the bargaining power of the parties.

Usually, regulation on VAS services consists in imposing either a maximum margin to the communication network owner, a price cap on items bought by the final consumer or a block for certain numbering.

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Per assurdo la nuova rivoluzione telematica ha di fatto ridotto il gap tra i dominanti e i dominati. Forse troppo vecchio per capire cosa sta succedendo.

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E poi i Miserabili si sono organizzati e hanno esportato il loro pensiero e la loro azione in tutto il mondo, come lo conoscevamo, fino ad oggi. Fino a quando i nuovi rivoluzionari ci hanno portato la rete. Avete compassione per vostro padre e vostra madre che, non avendo mai usato un computer, vi richiamano alla prudenza: I mezzi di comunicazione tradizionali sono stati sconfitti e mentre i feudatari si accapigliano per capire dove le loro strategie non hanno funzionato, i Miserabili sono pronti a mandarli tutti in pensione passandoli per la ghigliottina della rete!

La primavera araba : Jean-Pierre Filiu :

Ed ecco la nostra speranza: Ce lo ricorda Steve Jobs: Let me start by establishing that Italy cannot meet the same end as Greece because many more billions of Euro would be required than those hundreds invested by China to purchase Piraeus. This is of course, assuming that someone might still want to purchase something in Italy. Morsi is challenged for two main reasons: Second is the challenge in searching for a new foreign policy posture and seeking a reinvigorated regional role.

Notwithstanding repeated cuts to the military budget, international peace-keeping operations have become a central element in Italian foreign and security policy. Contrarily to what many people believe, it is wrong to assume that a given ethnic group or a certain religion lean towards terrorism just because it is in their nature to do so.

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The recent growing of terrorist attacks in Muslim world must not lead to the wrong conclusion that Islam is an intrinsically violent religion. A more equal and balanced man-agement of international tensions is required if we want to take the support of frustrated masses away from small but dangerous groups of fanatics.

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