Second shortcut

How to use the shortcut for solving elastic collisions

So instead of writing one, I'm gonna get confused which one was number one, so I'll write a Vt.

That way I get to know which object's velocity I'm talking about. So Vt final, that's what Vt final's gonna mean, final velocity of the tennis ball. And that should equal the initial velocity of the second object, our second object is the golf ball. The initial velocity of the second object, of our golf ball, is not It's negative 50, you've gotta be careful.

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But I figured it'd be helpful for some of you prospective college students to know why exactly you shouldn't be buying this, and why no one I know, aside from those shills who sold their credibility for a free book, owns it. While dragging shot or trimming, press and hold Alt to temporarily suspend snapping. It was heading leftward, So let's do that. That is the most common behavior that I remember experiencing, in the admittedly-unusual case of running across this scenario.

These are velocities in this formula. So if you've got a velocity, that's directed in the negative direction, you better make it negative. And if you solve in here, you might get a negative, so these are vector values up here.

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You gotta plug them in with the proper sign. So this initial velocity of the golf ball would be negative 50 meters per second, 'cause we're gonna assume leftward is negative, and rightward is positive. Plus the final velocity of the second object, second object is our golf ball. I'll call this Vg instead of V2. Vg will be V of the golf ball and then f for final, i. So we can solve this for Vt final. I can subtract 40 meters per second from both sides and I get that the final velocity of the tennis ball is gonna equal, I'll have this Vg final just sittin' over here, final velocity of the golf ball after the collision.

And then negative 50 minus a 40 is gonna be negative 90 meters per second.

Using keyboard shortcuts on Netflix

So this formula alone was not enough, 'cause I've still got two unknowns. I can't solve for either. I've gotta use another equation, and the other equation we're gonna use is conservation of momentum. So we can say that the total initial momentum is equal to the total final momentum.

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We basically do this for every single collision because we make that assumption, that the net external impulse during this collision is gonna be small. That means the momentum should be conserved. So the formula for momentum is mass times velocity. So the momentum of this tennis ball initially is the mass of the tennis ball,.

Positive because it's directed to the right, and I'm gonna consider rightwards positive. Plus the initial momentum of the golf ball would be. Again, you have to be careful with the negative signs. Momentum is also a vector, so if these velocities are ever negative, you've got to plug them in with their negative sign. And that initial momentum should equal the final momentum. So the final momentum of the tennis ball is gonna be 0. And I'm gonna use the same nomenclature. I'm gonna use the same symbol over here that I used over here. This Vt final, final velocity of the tennis ball is the same as this Vt final, final velocity of the tennis ball, plus.

I'll use the same symbol which is gonna be Vg final.

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I could multiply out this entire left hand side, and what I get is 0. And that equals on the right hand side, this entire expression right here. I'll just copy that. So we've got two unknowns in this equation as well, so we can't solve this directly or either of the final velocities.

But we do have two equations and two unknowns now. And whenever you have that situation, you can solve one of the equations for one of the variables and plug that expression into the other equation. In other words, I know that the final velocity of the tennis ball is equal to the final velocity of the golf ball minus 90, so I can take this entire term right here, since it's equal to Vt final, and just plug that in for Vt final. And what that would do for me is give me one expression, all in terms of the final velocity of the golf ball.

So let's do that. We've still got 0. And that's gonna equal 0. I'm plugging in this entire expression for Vt final. So that gets multiplied by Vg final, the final velocity of the golf ball, minus 90 meters per second. That was the term I plugged in for Vt final, and it got multiplied by this mass here, so I can't forget about that mass. And then I still have to add this final momentum of the golf ball,.

Keyboard Shortcuts

So at this point you might be feeling ripped off. You might be like, easy way to do this? This isn't easy, this is hard. I've gotta plug one equation into another, and then solve? Well, this easy approach does not avoid having to plug one equation into the other, that's true.

But the reason that it's easy is because the equations that we're plugging into each other are a whole lot simpler than the kinetic energy formula that you would have to use if you didn't know this expression here. Because we have this one, we do not have to plug conservation of momentum into conservation of energy. That would square the term we put in, that would get nasty, the algebra would be a lot worse. These formulas that we're dealing with in this process only have velocity.

None of these velocities are squared, so the algebra doesn't get nearly as bad. And we're actually almost done over here. Then, if you press a letter that corresponds to exactly one menu option, then that option is chosen. I'm making up this word chosen , and refer to the behavior that happens as if you clicked on it with a mouse. If you press a letter that corresponds to more than one menu option, then the "first" menu option that uses that letter will be selected.

Again, I'm just choosing a term I came up with. By "selected", I do mean something different than what I meant when I said "chosen". For a button, the effect of selecting it may involve a dotted box appearing over a button, similar to getting it selected with the Tab key. For a menu option, the effect of selecting it may involve highlighting the menu option, similar to if you managed to get the option highlighted by using arrow keys.

Once you have the desired option selected , you can press Enter to actually choose the option, similar to if a mouse cursor clicked on the option. Note that the order that the access keys get cycled through can be inconsistent. When I mentioned the "first" option earlier in my text , that refers to the order in which the program keeps track of the available shortcut keys, which usually involves the upper-most or left-most option being first. However, when programmers create programs that use this less-intuitive approach, they might also have been a bit sloppy when it comes to the order in which these options appear, so prepare for the possibly-unexpected.

That is the most common behavior that I remember experiencing, in the admittedly-unusual case of running across this scenario. In most cases, programmers who support underlined letters have taken the care to avoid such re-use by choosing non-conflicting letters. A notable exception is that I've noticed Microsoft Outlook can have a letter repeated.

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In that case, the access keys are not shown as underlined letters, but little boxes, and the little box for the repeated letter will actually have two keys for you to press, e. That might only happen if add-ons are added?

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By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Alt key and second underlined shortcut Ask Question. Alt just switches to the menu. You could also just switch to the menu using Alt and use the arrow keys to navigate.

Having the same assignment multiple times sounds like bad design. Using the arrow keys should work. Alt also binds to various buttons in this application. I agree that it's a bad design choice, but I didn't make the product, so I'm stuck with it. Yes, it certainly can I don't want to disregard that. It's just that usually on Windows just pressing Alt will switch you to the menu. Afterwards you can still press the appropriate highlighted letters for a quick change.

Your problems means you can't just press that button so maybe consider using the arrow keys instead. That would make it a tad slower but also more precise in your case. That's what I was getting at. I added a picture to give a better idea of what the situation is. Depending on the actual application you might be able to use Tab to navigate to the actual options and the arrow keys alternatively you could use the mouse and you probably should try to talk to the developer and mention it as an error. If you can't customize it yourself, you won't really be able to do anything about it. There are multiple such bindings see also V for Privileges and Room Move.

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Now that I've tried to provide direct answers quickly, here is my lengthier explanation of the behavior, starting with a counter to a statement made in the original question: Most anyone who's used a computer for more than a month knows Nope. However, if the multi-underlined letter is usable somewhat sensibly, this is how I've seen it work: Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

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